
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  SyStole    Licence    Snake   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (4)
SyStole (Feb 16, 2011 - Feb 25, 2011)
Licence (Dec 08, 2010 - Feb 16, 2011)
Snake (Nov 22, 2010 - Dec 08, 2010)
paxIn (Nov 19, 2010 - Nov 22, 2010)
Has been on the same squad (120)
Rob D  75 days Licence, Snake
morin  69 days Licence
Van jari  69 days Licence
the grouch  49 days Licence
pawner  48 days Licence
Dabrovnik  45 days Licence
L3MU3L  44 days Licence
Bietje  43 days Snake, Licence, SyStole
resurrected  43 days Licence, SyStole, Snake
Lego  38 days SyStole, Licence
Esau  34 days Licence, SyStole
Dream Rise  33 days SyStole, Licence
uzi does it  28 days Licence
B1TCH SLAPPED  27 days Licence
Buried  25 days Licence
Kassius  24 days Licence
Dezmond  23 days Licence, Snake
Engineers  21 days Licence
Shaggy2Dope  21 days Licence
QUACK  20 days Licence
darza  18 days Snake, Licence
Pterodactyl  18 days paxIn, Licence
Phillie  16 days Licence, SyStole
Amnesti  15 days Snake
Angel lexi  15 days Snake
Caos  15 days Snake
duclover  15 days Snake
MITB  15 days Snake
brandi  13 days Licence
decept  13 days Snake
killah  13 days Snake
oe  12 days Licence
Shivah  12 days Snake
auger  11 days Snake
District  11 days Snake
Fire Blade  11 days Licence
Jimbei  11 days Snake
TNT  10 days Licence
Aide  8 days Licence, Snake
but...why...per...  8 days SyStole
Coroner  8 days SyStole, paxIn
empion  8 days SyStole
Enfer  8 days SyStole
FanaticX  8 days SyStole
Hs  8 days SyStole
Just Game  8 days SyStole
jwz  8 days SyStole
Killer Soldier  8 days Snake
Klean-X  8 days SyStole
Lucifer  8 days SyStole
MlTB  8 days SyStole
Mobey  8 days SyStole
nrg  8 days SyStole
num1killa  8 days SyStole
Pawn  8 days SyStole
PonZi  8 days SyStole
Reflex  8 days SyStole
reiser  8 days SyStole
Revered  8 days SyStole
soupero  8 days SyStole
UpSyndromE  8 days SyStole
Whinegum  8 days SyStole
Groin  7 days Licence
oran  7 days SyStole
Demonic  6 days SyStole
LaSenza  5 days SyStole
Nikolai  5 days Snake
Catatstrophe  4 days Snake
Flew  4 days Licence
Sphinktor  4 days Snake
verbal  4 days Licence
welt  4 days Licence
Angelika  3 days paxIn
Chompie  3 days paxIn
Communication  3 days paxIn
Contempt  3 days paxIn
Coupon  3 days paxIn
Cres  3 days paxIn
dare  3 days paxIn
Electron  3 days paxIn
ezkid  3 days paxIn
Gimmick[MFS]  3 days paxIn
Gorge  3 days paxIn
Hellborn  3 days paxIn
JoyRider  3 days paxIn
KuleniKs  3 days paxIn
Little Buddhist  3 days paxIn
NoNameBrand  3 days paxIn
Petal  3 days paxIn
Repent  3 days paxIn
Rondo  3 days paxIn
saber  3 days Licence
Schfifty-Five  3 days paxIn
Shock Therapy  3 days SyStole
Spinel  3 days paxIn
Widgeon  3 days paxIn
Zax  3 days paxIn
Zioxx  3 days paxIn
Condemned  2 days Snake
M  2 days Licence
40oz.  1 days paxIn
absurd99  1 days paxIn
Airship  1 days paxIn
AlphaSpec  1 days paxIn
Arcadias  1 days paxIn
BentEnt  1 days Snake
Devilish  1 days Licence
Faynt  1 days paxIn
Keno  1 days Snake
Ketchup  1 days paxIn
Legend+  1 days paxIn
Peety  1 days paxIn
Reckage  1 days paxIn
sssssss  1 days Snake
suissak  1 days Snake
Supreme Authority  1 days Snake
transitive  1 days paxIn
Waddle  1 days paxIn
Wage  1 days SyStole
yeh  1 days paxIn