
For a list of TWD Operators please visit: http://trenchwars.org/index.php?v=staff

The following is a list of rules that you MUST follow. Breaking any of them may result in an immediate ban. If any rule is unclear to you, contact a TWD op for clarification. If a captain is found guilty of any of these offences it will may result in more extreme action which could include the dissolution of involved squads.

1. Roster and double squadding rules:

Make sure you read and understand this section! Ignorance is NOT an excuse!

1.1. TWD players are restricted to ONE registered name at any time, either on a roster or not. Siblings can apply for an exception to this rule at the discretion of a TWD Operator. Verification of a sibling relationship will be required each season.

1.2. You are not allowed to play TWD matches using any other player's registered TWD name/account, nor are you allowed to let someone play using your name/account. Remember if you share a name you also share ALL that names ban history.

1.3. If you trade or give away a name that is TWD registered you MUST reset it first.

1.4. If more than one person will be playing TWD from the same connection EVER, you must contact a TWD op beforehand to have this verified, and you will be added to a permission list. If any player registered on this list wishes to change their TWD name, they must reset their name as in rule 1 and MUST notify a TWD op of the name change. Failure to do any of this will be considered double squadding.

1.5. Porn, profanity, racism or anything else that would be illegal in-game is not allowed on TWD squad pages or squad names.

1.6. Do not knowingly help a player evading a TWD ban, nor recruit or offer assistance to a double squadder. Circumventing the squad joining or name reset waiting period, or otherwise break any other rule may lead to TWD sanctions against involved parties.

2. Lag and cheating rules:

2.1. You must not intentionally induce lag or lag spikes in any way. Doing so will result in not only a TWD ban, but likely a zone ban as well.

2.2. You must not cheat in any way, including hacking or any other method. This will likely result in a network ban.

2.3. If you are lagging enough to impact the game, even if beyond your control, you will be asked to reconnect or disallowed to play the current game.

If you find that a player is lagging excessively, whether or not it's intentional, use a ?cheater call to alert the moderators. Please give them time to respond and assess the situation. If you are asked by a moderator to reconnect or be subbed, you must comply or you'll be locked in spectator mode.

2.4. Intentionally or willingly allowing your squad to alter their TWD score in any fashion other than competitive TWD games (feeding) is illegal. If your squad is caught giving points to other squads purposely or willingly, the match(s) will be voided, and both squads will be barred from participating in TWD Matches for a certain amount of days.

2.5. Spamming of opposing squad members during blueout is not allowed.

3. Roster rules:

3.1. There is currently no limit on the number of players a squad can have, but please keep it reasonable for the sake of allowing competition to exist.

3.2. Squads may have a maximum of four captains. Captains can edit squad profiles, promote/demote players to assistant/captain positions, recruit/kick players from the roster, and accept/manage TWD games. Also, please keep in mind that captains can dissolve squads and may incur severe penalties toward the entire squad if caught cheating, so do not assign anyone as a captain if you do not completely trust them.

3.3. Squads can have a maximum of fifteen assistant captains. They are able to accept/manage TWD games as well as recruit players onto the TWD roster via the TWD website and the in-game !accept command.

4. Trench Wars Dueling Division:

4.1. When a game has been agreed to, both squads have a maximum of five minutes to add their players. Squad must have at least the minimum amount players in-game or the round will be counted as a forfeit. Should the match end with a forfeit, the forfeiting team will recieve a negative ladder rating change.

4.2. Captains/assistants may cancel a game by messaging !cancel to the MatchBot. Both squads activating the command is required for the game to be cancelled. You may also ask for a TWD op through ?help to manually cancel your game. Alternatively, if both teams can agree to remove all players and let the time expire, the game will be voided.

4.3. Captains/assistants may issue a challenge to play matches with 3-5 players per side. If a squad has enough players to start the match but less than the challenged team size, they will be disadvantaged with a 10 point death deficit per missing player. Squads that are playing down a player may add a player at any time during the round, in which the 10 deaths penalty will be removed.

4.4. Squads are allowed to substitute one player per round. There is a delay between the command being issued and the player being subbed to avoid cheating by avoiding an imminent death.

4.5. Games are played in a best of three rounds format. A player is eliminated when they reach a total of 10 deaths, or if they are substituted into the game, they have remaining deaths equal to the player they replaced. Each round has a limit of 20 minutes, and if scores are tied at the end of the 20 minutes, it will be extended by five minutes. The game will be declared a draw if scores are still tied at the end of this 5 minute extension. All games have a maximum of 3 rounds.

5. Trench Wars Javelin Division:

5.1. All of the above rules regarding the warbird division apply to the Javelin division as well, except that it is possible to kill your own teammates which will result in a valid death toward them.

5.2. Players have 30 seconds upon spawning to enter the base. If you do not enter the base within those 30 seconds, you will get +1 death. Also leaving the base and crossing the line gives you +1 death.

5.3. Once you are above the clearly marked boundary below the base you can not pass over it again or you will be given +1 death.

6. Trench Wars Basing Division:

6.1. See dueling rules where applicable.

6.2. Captains/assistants may issue a challenge to play anything from 5vs5 to 8vs8 games. It is possible to add another player to the game if a captain or assistant issues the !addplayer command to the MatchBot and the other team agrees.

6.3. Each team is limited to a maximum of one terrier and two sharks. Leviathans are not permitted, and all other ships have no limit.

6.4. Base games consist of one round, where one team must hold the in-base flag for a total of 15:00 minutes nonconsecutively.

6.5. During basing matches, squads are permitted a maximum of two ship changes, three ship switches and three substitutes. See the "How to use MatchBot" page for info on these commands.

7. Trench Wars Spider Division:

7.1. Captains/assistants may issue a challenge to play anything from 3vs3 to 5vs5 games.

7.2. Games follow a similar format to Dueling and Javelins of a best of three rounds, but rounds last 8 minutes each and the squad with the most points is the winner. There is a flag that, if held, gives 2x points per kill but slows the player in possession of it; this is to encourage teaming and protecting your flagger. If a player kills another who holds the flag, they become the new flagger. Ships can attach one at a time, but this gives a speed penalty to the player you're attached to. Finally, each player gets one brick per death.

8. Borrowing:

8.1. Player borrowing allows a non-rostered players to join a squad for a match.

To borrow:
  • Both sides must PM !borrow to MatchBot to enable borrowing.
  • The side that wishes to borrow should use !borrow to initiate a borrow request.
  • The player must !acceptborrow.
  • Once the borrow is accepted, the bot will inform you that the player has joined the squad for the duration of the game.
  • Then, !add them as normal.
To stop borrowing a player (such as if someone from your squad comes on and you want to give the other squad a player back), do !borrow

8.2. It is possible to borrow a maximum of 2 players for TWDD, TWJD, TWSD, TWFD and a maximum of 3 players for TWBD.

8.2. Games with borrowing enabled produce 66% ratings change compared to normal games.

8.3. Join ?chat=borrow to be alerted when borrowing is enabled in a game. (For example, if your squad is offline and you want to get a TWD game.)

8.4. To show you are interested in being borrowed:
  • PM TWDBot !borrowme JD to be borrowed in JD
  • PM TWDBot !borrowme DD to be borrowed in DD
  • PM TWDBot !borrowme BD to be borrowed in BD
  • PM TWDBot !borrowlist to see who has enabled !borrowme

9. Miscellaneous notes:

9.1. If the MatchBot dies while a game is taking place, the game will be declared void.

9.2. All TWD Matches are logged for review by TWD ops.

9.3. If you feel the MatchBot is malfunctioning or ended in a glitched game result, please contact a TWD op.

9.4. If you would like to discuss any TWD related topics with other players, there is a forum in which you can do so, located at: http://forums.trenchwars.org/forumdisplay.php?26

9.5. An explanation of the ELO rating system used in TWD can be found at: http://forums.trenchwars.org/showthread.php?15162

9.6. The rules listed here are subject to change at any time and discretion is left to TWD operators. Contact a TWD op before committing questionably illegal acts.

9.7. To be eligible for TWD Cup participation and medals a player has to be rostered on the squad atleast 10 full days before Regular Season close.

9.8. Reasonable squad switching is allowed however if a player is found to be abusing the lack of a cool-off period, the player may be banned from TWD participation.

Notes on TWD 2018 Spring Season

  1. Regular Season runs from 18th March 00:00 EST to 29th April 23:59 EST.
  2. Ladder points are awarded for each win and each game played. Matches can be played at any time. Squads are especially encouraged to be online on Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Sundays when TWD will benefit from increased activity and coexisting TSL hosted matches (~3-7 PM EST). Player borrowing is allowed during Regular Season.
  3. Players on squads winning each division are awarded respective medals to their TWD Player Profile. Their names are added to a Hall of Fame in the respective TWD(X) arenas. Rule 9.7. applies to eligibility.
  4. TWD Cup playoffs are held in divisions with sufficient activity during Regular Season as deemed by TWD operators. Expect an official announcement on Cup divisions, slots and schedule by midseason. Qualification to TWD Cup will depend on squad placement in the Regular Season ladders. Top seed plays bottom seed. Best of 3 elimination.
  5. Players on squads winning the TWD Cup are awarded respective medals to their TWD Player Profile. Their names are added to a Hall of Fame in the respective TWD Cup arenas.
  6. Captains of all active squads (as deemed by TWD operators) playing in TWD 2018 Spring Season will be awarded a captainship medal to their TWD Player Profile. Players must be captains atleast 10 full days before Regular Season close to be eligible.
NB: Make use of ?chat=borrow and TWDBot command !borrowme. This will allow you to find a game even if your squad is offline.
