
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Precise    Mellow    sonate   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (11)
Precise (Jun 28, 2013 - Aug 06, 2013)
Mellow (May 24, 2013 - Jun 28, 2013)
Mellow (Sep 01, 2012 - Sep 21, 2012)
Mellow (Feb 10, 2012 - Jul 26, 2012)
sonate (Oct 14, 2011 - Feb 05, 2012)
Wolf (Oct 06, 2011 - Oct 10, 2011)
Anti-Scrub (May 13, 2011 - Sep 18, 2011)
Lamists (May 07, 2011 - May 13, 2011)
Anti-Scrub (Jan 03, 2011 - May 07, 2011)
LTKings (Nov 17, 2010 - Jan 03, 2011)
Da Newbs (Apr 12, 2010 - Nov 17, 2010)
Has been on the same squad (462)
fakiiri  343 days 4 squads
fiS  335 days 4 squads
Teh Super  248 days Anti-Scrub
Sulla  240 days Anti-Scrub
Epic Li  238 days Anti-Scrub
Nosey  238 days Anti-Scrub
Pearl Jam  238 days Anti-Scrub
ShadowDragons  238 days Anti-Scrub
Sprained  238 days Anti-Scrub
Windreaper  238 days Anti-Scrub
Za Gophar  238 days Anti-Scrub
Zogg  238 days Anti-Scrub
Kosmonaut  231 days Mellow, sonate, Precise
MARSP  220 days sonate, Mellow, LTKings
Lawlawl  218 days Anti-Scrub
NiteRida  218 days Da Newbs
OwW  218 days Da Newbs
ProxyMan  218 days Da Newbs
Raynefreeze  218 days Anti-Scrub
Scurvy  218 days Anti-Scrub
Spider  218 days Anti-Scrub
Sufficient  218 days Anti-Scrub
THE PUSHER  218 days Anti-Scrub
Slikiboy  215 days Mellow, sonate
Kyle Hester  214 days Mellow, sonate
Synicle  210 days Anti-Scrub
TheWadoRooster  208 days Wolf, Anti-Scrub
B50 BOMBER  207 days Mellow, sonate
SilverBlue  206 days Mellow, sonate
ropsa  201 days Anti-Scrub, Mellow
Pk3r  194 days sonate, Mellow
BurnZinger  179 days Anti-Scrub
Downfall  179 days Anti-Scrub
Omega Red  179 days Anti-Scrub
Broomstick  178 days 4 squads
YojimbO^  177 days sonate, Mellow
midoent  176 days Anti-Scrub
Melt Down  173 days Anti-Scrub
Horatio  167 days Mellow, sonate
TV <ER>  163 days Mellow
Armor Ply  162 days Anti-Scrub
board  159 days Mellow, Precise, sonate
marxharr  159 days Anti-Scrub, Wolf
WASTED!!  158 days Mellow
Postman Pat!  157 days Mellow, sonate
Brumal  155 days Anti-Scrub
Etrajb  152 days Mellow
Wobbuffet  152 days Mellow
Gimmick[MFS]  150 days Mellow, sonate
Unknown warrior~  147 days Mellow, LTKings
RiiStar  146 days Mellow
up in smoke  146 days Anti-Scrub
s$niperKill  143 days Mellow
Hadouken!  134 days Precise, Mellow, sonate
Renowned  134 days Anti-Scrub
Psyclone  133 days sonate, Mellow
1s  131 days Mellow, sonate
Drakoon  128 days Mellow, sonate, LTKings
Mossad  125 days Mellow
Steep  124 days Precise, Mellow, sonate
brookus  123 days Anti-Scrub
Exotic  123 days Anti-Scrub
Invincible  123 days Anti-Scrub
Jr5  123 days Anti-Scrub
Solacer  123 days Anti-Scrub
Ephemeral  122 days Anti-Scrub
fantamax  122 days Mellow, sonate
iyui  122 days sonate, Mellow, LTKings
angry.chair  120 days sonate, Mellow
Finalize  119 days Anti-Scrub
Rock'et  119 days Anti-Scrub, Mellow
D Rek  117 days Mellow
idk&idc  117 days Anti-Scrub
Golfer  116 days Anti-Scrub
Wazzaaa.NL  115 days sonate, Mellow, LTKings
Mackazz  113 days Mellow
BOBFLOB  112 days Mellow
Flockaveli  112 days Mellow
BongHits  111 days Anti-Scrub
Broomstick <ZH>  111 days Mellow
draL <ER>  109 days Mellow
Ridge Racer  108 days Mellow
NoLsKi  107 days Mellow, sonate
coldturkey  106 days Mellow
Sponger  106 days Anti-Scrub
H4B  103 days Anti-Scrub
wiibimbo  99 days sonate, Mellow, Precise
Sollos  97 days Mellow
Hur  96 days Anti-Scrub
Spartan  96 days Anti-Scrub
Klumsy  95 days sonate, Mellow
Monkaria  95 days Mellow, sonate
a trap  94 days Mellow
Brodie94  94 days Mellow
O'Really  94 days Anti-Scrub
Cops  92 days Anti-Scrub
LordGore  92 days 4 squads
lame bomber  91 days Anti-Scrub
Mr.Todolorosso  89 days Anti-Scrub, Mellow
Jeenyuss  86 days Anti-Scrub
Nethila  85 days Anti-Scrub
NL>HUNT  84 days sonate, Mellow
AirFinland  83 days Mellow
Ascian  82 days Mellow, sonate, LTKings
Darkstrom  82 days Mellow, LTKings
Guerrila  82 days Mellow
Nao  82 days Anti-Scrub
kazama  81 days sonate
Kuppaaja  81 days Anti-Scrub
Tesco  81 days sonate, Lamists
kuppo  80 days Mellow
kog5  77 days Mellow, Precise
WillBy <ER>  77 days Mellow
Burnt  76 days Mellow
Kangaskhan  76 days sonate
Cigg4000  75 days Mellow
Eurofighter Typhoon  75 days Anti-Scrub
oO.Oo  74 days sonate, Mellow
Fabregas  73 days Mellow
xWarGreenlotuss  73 days sonate
Cinq  71 days Mellow, sonate
NiMeSh  71 days Mellow
HATE@  68 days sonate
kerik  67 days sonate
RuBbEr BoMb  67 days sonate, LTKings
Slugz  67 days Mellow
Waterseer  67 days Mellow
Matthias  65 days Mellow
nmedipem  65 days Mellow, Precise
UltraFamicom  65 days Mellow, sonate
Viiru  65 days Wolf, sonate
BIET  63 days Precise, Mellow
0xDEAFBEEF  62 days Mellow, Precise
Affined  62 days Mellow
an angry koala  62 days Mellow, sonate
blueblood  62 days Mellow
Cundor  61 days Anti-Scrub
Gurliver  61 days Precise, Mellow
00elo  60 days Mellow
Subliminal  60 days Anti-Scrub
Swiss Cheese  60 days Mellow
Cape  59 days Mellow
kanucmee  59 days sonate, Mellow
Vicarious  58 days Precise, Mellow
WillBy  58 days Mellow, Precise
shaddowknight  57 days Precise, Mellow
VYLCON  57 days sonate
RuBbEr BoMb <ZH>  56 days sonate
thegreenebear  55 days Anti-Scrub
vaped  54 days Mellow
X-Demo  54 days Mellow, sonate
a thing  53 days Mellow
Pooter89  53 days Mellow
Stung  53 days Mellow
the_paul  52 days Anti-Scrub, Mellow
hellkite  51 days Anti-Scrub
Linair  51 days Mellow
b9b  50 days Mellow
JeezOutLaw  50 days Da Newbs, Mellow
misfire  50 days Mellow
Zunger  50 days Anti-Scrub
runyon  49 days Anti-Scrub
Rushi  49 days sonate
7<e$ha  48 days Precise, Mellow
Caffeine Overdose  47 days Mellow
Bosshawk <ZH>  46 days Precise, Mellow
C A P O N E [SAS]  46 days LTKings
Castigation  46 days LTKings
Dank Budz  46 days LTKings
Der Koenig  46 days LTKings
Destr0yer  46 days LTKings, sonate
DevilsAngel  46 days LTKings
hlc  46 days sonate
izo  46 days LTKings
Jerk-Off  46 days LTKings
LamedFighter  46 days Mellow
mozz  46 days LTKings
Pepperdepep  46 days Mellow
REAL*AIIDS  46 days LTKings
Red Desert  46 days LTKings
Saver1  46 days LTKings
sepetaiya  46 days LTKings
Sky Marshall Dienes  46 days LTKings
Solar Energy  46 days LTKings
XeeD  46 days LTKings
Xog  46 days Anti-Scrub
Last Laugh  44 days LTKings
The Ravangar  44 days LTKings
Valentino_Rossi  44 days Mellow
4 20  43 days sonate
SquallFF8  43 days Anti-Scrub
Feng  41 days Anti-Scrub, Wolf
Zagis  41 days sonate
rucci  40 days Anti-Scrub
Random_Bullet  39 days LTKings
TechN9ne11  39 days Da Newbs
TpZ  39 days Anti-Scrub, Mellow
Collossus  38 days Mellow
Delta Snow  38 days LTKings
Frogskin  38 days Mellow
Forsaked  37 days Precise
golden dragon.  37 days Anti-Scrub
Preci$e  37 days Precise
Love Machine  36 days Da Newbs
Nessy  36 days Mellow
Serrr  36 days Anti-Scrub
delicacy  35 days Mellow
Eat  35 days Mellow
Fruct <ER>  35 days Mellow
Gass  35 days sonate
Hertog  35 days Anti-Scrub
Major Crisis  35 days Precise, Mellow, sonate
Detector  33 days Anti-Scrub
Element GLT  33 days sonate
Geio  33 days Mellow
Jizoint  33 days Lamists, Mellow, Wolf
Jizzron Phillips  33 days Anti-Scrub
sDpZaP  33 days Mellow
chips. <ER>  32 days sonate
Solidify  32 days Anti-Scrub
the funky blue note  32 days LTKings
Andy Steel  31 days Mellow
pee pee sock  31 days LTKings
THE BANGA  31 days Mellow
Aquire  30 days Mellow
Reckful  30 days Mellow
true_vision  30 days sonate, Mellow
Vulcan  30 days sonate
4|20  28 days Precise
asd  28 days Precise, Mellow
Badussy  28 days Mellow
blizz^  28 days Mellow, Precise
hanz-poop  28 days Mellow
juvi  28 days Mellow
kami-kawasakE  28 days Mellow
Kowgan  28 days Mellow
Maddack  28 days Mellow
NoEx!T  28 days Anti-Scrub
NotSoSerious  28 days Precise
Okinoh  28 days Mellow
Ownix  28 days Mellow
Panda Express  28 days Anti-Scrub
SerenityJ  28 days Mellow
sjetil  28 days Mellow
Snake_eye  28 days Anti-Scrub
Spaceblade  28 days Mellow
Dolly Molly  26 days Da Newbs
EndlessMike  26 days Mellow
Heroical  26 days Mellow
Steep <ZH>  26 days Mellow
Aquatiq  25 days Anti-Scrub
comfort  25 days Mellow
Eeks  25 days Anti-Scrub
Good Lting.  25 days LTKings
H I M  25 days Anti-Scrub
Happiness^  25 days Anti-Scrub
HildoZ  25 days Anti-Scrub
Lea  25 days Anti-Scrub
Melo  25 days Anti-Scrub
Mr Magoo  25 days Anti-Scrub
Quart  25 days Mellow
The Next Thing  25 days Mellow
TopShotta  25 days Da Newbs
glowface  24 days Da Newbs
Proper  24 days LTKings
Taxi <ER>  24 days LTKings
JabJabJab  23 days sonate
BrickRed  22 days sonate
Garl Vinland  22 days Mellow
glavitik  22 days Anti-Scrub
Netherlands  22 days Mellow, sonate
Trillian  22 days sonate
field  21 days Mellow
pussywhipped  21 days Mellow
sewing machine  21 days sonate, Mellow
Skykid  21 days Mellow
V8  21 days Da Newbs
AnAccident  20 days sonate
bromigo  20 days Mellow
Dark Hell  20 days Anti-Scrub
F.B.I.  20 days LTKings
Ryuken.  20 days Mellow
Black Wolf <ZH>  19 days Mellow
Gorzonac  19 days Da Newbs
Logan-  19 days Mellow
Tiny Titan  19 days Mellow
va  19 days Mellow
beasti  18 days Anti-Scrub
Billy.  18 days Mellow
Casual Person  18 days sonate
chips.  18 days Mellow
Frogsk|n  18 days Mellow
Zagstruk  18 days Mellow
Antonio Cromartie  17 days sonate
Ayn  17 days Anti-Scrub
Diakka  17 days Anti-Scrub
Fork  17 days Mellow
Mattey  17 days Anti-Scrub
Saddo  17 days sonate
AnImoL  16 days Mellow
finiTe  16 days Mellow
Pardon  16 days Anti-Scrub
Sim+  16 days Mellow
someone bored  16 days Mellow
Toe Floss  16 days sonate
zihan  16 days Anti-Scrub
bellflowers  15 days Anti-Scrub, Mellow
Collateral  15 days Mellow
Concern  15 days Mellow
cremation  15 days Mellow
milpitas  15 days Anti-Scrub
Pascone  15 days Mellow
Pressure  15 days Mellow
ratty  15 days Mellow
Stayon  15 days Mellow
Blahhy.  14 days Anti-Scrub
Dral  14 days Mellow
duckrager  14 days Mellow
Kyler  14 days Precise, Mellow
oboepro  14 days Mellow
TABARNAK!!!  14 days Mellow
Baretta  13 days Anti-Scrub
c00l_b0y  13 days Mellow
KATC <ZH>  13 days Mellow
LevTerr  13 days LTKings
Liz  13 days Mellow
Minuet  13 days Mellow
Mooker  13 days Da Newbs
Shayde  13 days Mellow
Staedtler  13 days LTKings
uli  13 days sonate
upinsmoke  13 days LTKings
Caralho  12 days Mellow
Death Adder  12 days Mellow
flion  12 days Anti-Scrub
piNNoy  12 days Da Newbs
Sao  12 days sonate
Zintage  12 days Mellow
zxvf  12 days sonate
Defiler878  11 days sonate
Maggot Twat  11 days Mellow
PrettyMadness  11 days Mellow
struck  11 days Mellow
Willby'sStepBro  11 days Mellow
Cat-Penguin Hybrid  10 days Mellow
Dubstep<3  10 days sonate
Kidnapper  10 days Anti-Scrub
lopist  10 days Anti-Scrub
mesmerizing  10 days sonate
plasma  10 days Mellow
Reihyou  10 days sonate
Rule, Britannia!  10 days sonate
Slacker!  10 days Anti-Scrub
Bosshawk <ER>  9 days Precise
CRBL  9 days Mellow
Flowhand  9 days Mellow
griz <ZH>  9 days Mellow, Precise
Mite  9 days Mellow
Sub-Atomic  9 days sonate
Wrecker  9 days Precise, Anti-Scrub
Araujo  8 days sonate
Biet <ER>  8 days Mellow
Cres  8 days Mellow
Dibella  8 days Mellow
PJB  8 days Anti-Scrub, Lamists
Spinel  8 days Da Newbs
csdown  7 days Da Newbs
Drunk_Pilot  7 days Da Newbs
jello_shooter  7 days Da Newbs
OCB  7 days Anti-Scrub
resurrected  7 days Precise
ReUp  7 days Precise
Undercut  7 days Anti-Scrub
Victorious  7 days Precise
blitz_ace  6 days Precise
Boofcat  6 days Lamists
Chainsaw Maniac  6 days Lamists
Cojafoji  6 days Lamists
Dark_Slayer  6 days Lamists
Di Angelo  6 days sonate
fraxos  6 days Lamists
GET PSYCHO  6 days Lamists
hack  6 days Mellow
Jones  6 days Mellow
Lag_  6 days Lamists
Miku Hatsune  6 days Lamists
mirvrender  6 days Lamists
Mopphead  6 days Lamists
Mr THC  6 days Lamists
NCC-17O1  6 days Lamists
Nippon Kitty  6 days Lamists
No Aim  6 days Lamists
PIGSisPIGS  6 days Lamists
Producer  6 days Mellow
quackjob  6 days Lamists
Ruriko Ikusawa+  6 days Lamists
siciic  6 days Lamists
Tai Lung  6 days Mellow
utopistik  6 days Lamists
V O I D  6 days Lamists
Zaguri  6 days Lamists
Ale8  5 days Mellow
hungrywolf  5 days Da Newbs
pawner  5 days Da Newbs
Veneno  5 days Mellow
always  4 days sonate
babypanda  4 days Mellow
bugs  4 days Mellow
bumpa  4 days Anti-Scrub, Mellow
damaging  4 days sonate
Fructose  4 days Mellow
John Galt  4 days Mellow
LF  4 days Mellow
Mango.  4 days Lamists
Melody  4 days Mellow
Mighty <ZH>  4 days Mellow
Mikes  4 days Anti-Scrub
Mobey  4 days sonate, Mellow
nah  4 days Mellow
Project [V-irus]  4 days Anti-Scrub
Reckful <ER>  4 days sonate
VFX  4 days sonate
Weedle  4 days Mellow
yo im tarded  4 days Da Newbs
Claushouse  3 days Anti-Scrub
Cossack  3 days Mellow
Iory  3 days Anti-Scrub
MPL  3 days sonate
Peace_Maker  3 days Anti-Scrub
PrincessGirl  3 days Mellow
Spider Web  3 days Wolf, Precise
stainless steel rat  3 days Da Newbs
Struggle42  3 days Mellow
bong  2 days Anti-Scrub
DaBigBomb  2 days Mellow
GoT SkiLL???  2 days Mellow
Iron Survivor  2 days Mellow
kilo12  2 days Da Newbs
Lupin  2 days Mellow
MoNo.  2 days Lamists
puchun  2 days Da Newbs
sarger  2 days Anti-Scrub
Spectacular  2 days Wolf
WTF?  2 days Precise
Yawn  2 days Anti-Scrub
a floating castle  1 days Da Newbs
adj.  1 days Mellow
Affliction  1 days Da Newbs
Arky  1 days Mellow
Desk.  1 days Mellow
DF  1 days Mellow
Godzero  1 days Mellow
Holy_$hit  1 days Mellow
Inmate  1 days LTKings
Morph  1 days Anti-Scrub
multipass?  1 days Wolf
olde  1 days Precise
Puzzlez  1 days Mellow
Red'  1 days Mellow
S@$$Y<3  1 days Da Newbs
UglyShot  1 days Da Newbs
wbm  1 days Mellow