
"If it's an eye for an eye then I'll leave the rest of them blind."
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Last 3 Squads Rifle   RiP    Crash   
Medals None
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About Me

Age 37
Gender Male
More about me People talk a lot of shit, pay no mind cause I Don't Give a Fuck. I live for my daughter cause I Love her to death, Real Talk. This is the Only WARNING I'm giving you. Don't Touch my Fam cause I'll chop off your hands.

Things I Like 
Songs AIN'T NOBODY FUCKIN' WIT MY CLIQUE - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FOrLNHbEzMg


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Frogsk|n Sep 22, 2013

<3 crazy asians

LiL*PiGGy Sep 10, 2013

o__o wut LOL

danyell!! Sep 06, 2013

Awww. What a cute family. :)

Affliction Sep 03, 2013

haha let's go to the shooting range.

wicket666 Aug 31, 2013

I got guns for you to shoot them with ,got your back bro nice family :)

Affliction Aug 27, 2013

That's my daughter... Don't even think about it. I'll shoot your balls clean off if you go near her.

pee pee sock Aug 26, 2013

r u selling her? LOL JK JK JK fuk man jk. fuk

Affliction May 19, 2013

Lol Man it's been years since I've been on. I'M BACK FOCKER$$$$$!

pee pee sock May 02, 2013

Holy fuckin asian chain gang. Wouldnt fuck wit u irl bro. Respect

Exodia Aug 13, 2010

Sorry about what I said. You seem cool.

Affliction Apr 13, 2010

It's only the truth Oat.

Oat Apr 09, 2010

y u writing books on black people affl?

Display Apr 04, 2010

shuttup u gook be4 i slap ur baby

Display Mar 30, 2010


Exodia Feb 23, 2010

I've noticed a lot of you &quot;Azn Pride&quot; punks think you're tough when in reality you'd get stomped by a white man with even a little bit of training. Keep thinking you're some kind of bad*ss, you deformed yellow Chinaman.

Let Jan 13, 2010

why is ward virgin ass talking? stupid Arab.

NO <3 Jan 04, 2010

the secret is out, told your girl about your man crush on me :o

MoNocidelxMaNi4c Dec 31, 2009

Did you took my sn into a Squad??

AznBabiGurl Dec 24, 2009

ur at work right now!! hope ur havin fun :p lala!

AznBabiGurl Dec 24, 2009

noob ;]

Foul Dec 21, 2009

god your so fucking black wear a shirt perfect push ups my ass

wicket666 Dec 19, 2009

sup man

Squadless Dec 16, 2009

do u just wear the brand or u actually do something?

Affliction Dec 07, 2009

wadup hoe

Welfare Dec 07, 2009

waddup chink

Ward Dec 07, 2009

Asian kids are weak, no matter how badass they think they are. I'd probably stomp you by accident before I even see you. And I just noticed how much you look like Shin the Supreme Kai from DBZ loooooooool. Those ears gotta be air-dynamic bro! Not to be out-done by that deformed bird chest of yours. That's a totally different matter to laugh at

Ward Dec 06, 2009

Ahaha you're the one who started this shit, chinaman. Come find me if you wanna, but I'm definitely not gonna look around to pound some deformed asian kid. Besides, I'd feel sorry for your kid if he won't see his daddy again.

Ward Dec 06, 2009

Another word from you and I'll start being brutally honest about what I see you shitty asian faggot. For now you should seriously consider otoplasty, and I mean not whether you should do it or not, but where and when you should do it.

Affliction Dec 06, 2009

that's braces

Zazu Dec 06, 2009

Yo think your girl has got something on her teeth....

Guero Dec 06, 2009

good family dont hate asians ppl give them a break :P

Kid Kaos Dec 06, 2009

LOl I guess this is what Dumbo would look like if he was Asian? Bahahaha.

Ward Dec 06, 2009

What you fucking elephant? Did i hit your nerve? ahahaha Better shut the fuck up before i start trashing ur girlfriend and ur baby. I really dont wanna do that, yet

Ward Dec 05, 2009

Don't need to pose with chicks to show how cool i am, you fucking nerd LOL. Ugly ass deformed skinny asian thinking he's badass wearing affliction t-shirt. Besides, you look like you need some serious ear surgery

Foul Dec 05, 2009

u finally got some muscles to fill in those shirts now foo haha jk homie u fat as fuck hahahaa

Foul Dec 05, 2009

hahahaha u can go on the net n try to find those pics buddy gl tho lol :p ya i do wanna see that coca homie hook me up wit like 20 bricks

Foul Dec 03, 2009


Petal Dec 01, 2009

Lip. The girl that's in both pictures lol. And you did get to see your baby, don't fret!

Petal Nov 30, 2009

You got to see her.

Goddess Nov 30, 2009

you have a new baby stop hating so much little one... specially people who have no problem with u :/
