
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Gun    Quicksand    DyNasty   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (11)
Gun (May 07, 2012 - May 10, 2012)
Quicksand (May 01, 2012 - May 07, 2012)
DyNasty (Apr 29, 2011 - Sep 26, 2011)
hit (Mar 25, 2011 - Apr 17, 2011)
Thunder (Mar 13, 2011 - Mar 25, 2011)
Mad (Mar 09, 2011 - Mar 09, 2011)
Freebie (Feb 22, 2011 - Mar 07, 2011)
Freebie (Dec 14, 2010 - Feb 22, 2011)
Nitrous (Dec 07, 2010 - Dec 14, 2010)
Freebie (Nov 28, 2010 - Dec 07, 2010)
Freebie (Aug 04, 2010 - Aug 04, 2010)
Has been on the same squad (336)
Funk E  234 days Freebie, DyNasty
ups  187 days DyNasty, Freebie
Sphinktor  175 days 4 squads
Cross  168 days Freebie, Quicksand, DyNasty
eazy  155 days DyNasty, Quicksand
Kthx  155 days Quicksand, DyNasty, Mad
buck  150 days DyNasty
epoch  150 days DyNasty
monkee  150 days DyNasty
Piston  150 days DyNasty, Freebie
Spacepimp  150 days DyNasty
Web  150 days DyNasty
Devilish  146 days DyNasty
exploid  145 days DyNasty
Revenge  143 days Freebie, DyNasty
Izor  136 days Mad, Quicksand, DyNasty
ZapaTa  134 days DyNasty
Little Slick  133 days DyNasty
Foreign  123 days DyNasty
Ravage  111 days hit, DyNasty
Cloth  103 days DyNasty, hit
SpaceHiker  102 days Freebie, Thunder, Gun
Kid  101 days Freebie, Thunder
saetep  101 days Freebie, Thunder
Wrath  100 days Gun, DyNasty
Abos  99 days DyNasty
Slaughter  98 days DyNasty
Violence  97 days Freebie, Thunder
Badjob  96 days hit, DyNasty, Freebie
Chuckle  94 days Freebie, Thunder
CrimsonX  91 days Freebie, Thunder
beng  90 days Freebie
Dr.Coiff  90 days Freebie
Frank The Tank!  90 days Freebie
Gran Guerrero  90 days Freebie
Ice>  90 days Freebie
Zagis  90 days Freebie
Let  89 days DyNasty, hit
TJ hazuki  89 days Freebie, Thunder, Gun
Downfall  88 days Freebie
Pure_Luck  88 days Freebie
thrill  87 days Freebie
TiduZ  86 days Thunder, Freebie
Arobas+  85 days Freebie, Thunder
Hermit  84 days Freebie, Thunder
Dutch Baser  83 days Freebie
i.d.  83 days Freebie, Thunder
Demonic  82 days Freebie, DyNasty
Dragonscale  82 days DyNasty
Johnie <ER>  82 days DyNasty
adam  81 days DyNasty, Freebie
Burg  81 days Freebie
Raspi  77 days Freebie
Hulk  75 days Freebie
Bolt  74 days Freebie
Keith  74 days DyNasty
Kentaro  74 days DyNasty
Refer  74 days Freebie
Myollnir  73 days DyNasty
Unexpected  73 days DyNasty
Eragon  72 days DyNasty
Jz  69 days Freebie
Ardour  67 days Freebie
Moltenrock  66 days Freebie
GRANDMASTAHS  65 days Freebie
Hunt  62 days Freebie
Max B  62 days Freebie
swimkid  62 days Freebie
chars!  61 days Freebie
oops  61 days Freebie, Thunder
gunit  60 days Freebie
Rainbow Seeker  60 days Freebie
Roiwerk  60 days DyNasty
Flew  59 days DyNasty
Ricko  59 days Freebie
beam  57 days Freebie, Mad
Heroin Bob  54 days DyNasty
Vamp  54 days DyNasty
Ease  53 days Freebie, Thunder
dust  52 days DyNasty
Pilot  50 days DyNasty
Casket  47 days Freebie, hit
killah  46 days DyNasty, Quicksand
Misled  46 days Freebie, Thunder
mastersword  44 days DyNasty
FrAm  41 days DyNasty
habit  41 days Nitrous, DyNasty
Exquisite  40 days Freebie, Thunder
Raizin  40 days Freebie, Nitrous
Turban  40 days Freebie
disown <ER>  39 days DyNasty
Orgazmo  39 days Freebie
TpZ  34 days Freebie
Velodyne  34 days Freebie
Austin  33 days DyNasty
crappy  32 days DyNasty
Fludd  31 days Freebie, Thunder
struck  29 days Thunder, Freebie
Beast  28 days DyNasty
Broly  28 days Freebie
Weak  28 days Gun, Freebie, Thunder
siaxis  27 days Quicksand, hit
Yakuza  27 days Freebie
Aerin  26 days DyNasty
Lifter  26 days Freebie
Mobey  26 days Freebie
Rogue  26 days DyNasty
Byakko  25 days Freebie
Kian  25 days Freebie
Money  25 days hit, Freebie
AnZu  24 days Freebie, Thunder
Dai Shan  24 days DyNasty
1.337  22 days hit
BrokenFist  22 days hit
cRaZyFuK  22 days hit
Disney  22 days hit
Fais  22 days hit
Halls  22 days hit
Heisman  22 days hit
Herbal Tea  22 days hit
Jae  22 days hit
Ksv  22 days hit
MythriL  22 days Freebie
Paradise  22 days hit
qwas  22 days hit
Skatarius  22 days hit
slum  22 days DyNasty, hit
Void Ray  22 days hit
Adam Sureshot  21 days DyNasty
Aegean  21 days hit
Cata  21 days Freebie
Necce  21 days DyNasty
Drawing  20 days hit, DyNasty
FST  19 days Quicksand, Thunder, Nitrous
ProPs  19 days Mad, Freebie, hit
11th Hour  18 days Freebie
Ceyve  18 days Freebie
flion  18 days DyNasty
Jalapeno  18 days hit
the_paul  18 days Freebie
Abducted  17 days hit
Elven  17 days hit
Machimos  17 days hit
Nilov  17 days Freebie
Pascone  17 days Freebie
Tsunami  17 days Thunder, Freebie
Dome  16 days DyNasty
Harder  16 days hit
wbm  16 days Freebie
Phillie  15 days DyNasty, Nitrous
Tankard  15 days Freebie
With Ease  15 days Freebie
Collected  14 days Thunder, Freebie
EvilDeed  14 days Thunder, Gun, Freebie
Sal  14 days Freebie
Unabled  14 days Thunder, Gun
Vys  14 days hit, Gun, Quicksand
cash.MONay  13 days hit
Erakoira  13 days DyNasty
gmail  13 days Freebie
Kassius  13 days Freebie
Peace_Maker  13 days hit
welt  13 days Freebie
Add  12 days Freebie
Kian Kahill <ZH>  12 days Thunder, Freebie
moth  12 days Freebie
Akali  11 days Thunder
Alistar  11 days Thunder
Amumu  11 days Thunder
Burnt  11 days Thunder
chars  11 days Freebie
Confluence  11 days Thunder
Daldur  11 days Thunder
Fujiwara  11 days Thunder
Guero  11 days hit
High Templar  11 days Thunder
hulk <ZH>  11 days Freebie, Thunder
Humid  11 days Freebie
Jack  11 days Thunder
NL>TERMINATOR  11 days Freebie
Obi  11 days Thunder
PaulOakenfold  11 days Thunder
Primordial  11 days Thunder
Raples  11 days Thunder
Ro  11 days Thunder
stuckup  11 days Thunder, Freebie
Sweater  11 days Freebie
Teemo  11 days Thunder
Tmac  11 days Thunder
Tohn  11 days Thunder
Underground  11 days Thunder
Zekrom  11 days Thunder
Zonda  11 days DyNasty, hit
Cyclone  10 days hit
HydroBuds  10 days Freebie
inaphyt  10 days DyNasty
Peru  10 days Gun, hit
scenic  10 days hit
AvenDragon  9 days DyNasty
BackUp  9 days Freebie
drunkun dragon  9 days Freebie
Oenomaus  9 days Freebie
Saetap  9 days Freebie
saetip  9 days Freebie
Tres  9 days Freebie
drunken dragun  8 days Freebie
drunkin dragin  8 days Freebie
JeBu  8 days Freebie
Repent  8 days DyNasty
djinni  7 days Freebie
Feng  7 days Nitrous
MEEEp  7 days Nitrous
Noctic  7 days Nitrous
oe  7 days Nitrous
Rondo  7 days Nitrous
Zax  7 days Nitrous
Adempt  6 days Freebie
Drunk Dragon  6 days Freebie
Fuerza  6 days Nitrous
Jaws  6 days Freebie
Jazzberry  6 days Freebie
Kim  6 days Thunder
Madara  6 days Freebie
megaman89  6 days Freebie, Gun
Morgana  6 days Thunder
TNT  6 days Nitrous
absurd99  5 days Quicksand
Acon  5 days Quicksand
AtWA  5 days Quicksand
Badass  5 days Nitrous
Barton  5 days Freebie
cowPope  5 days Quicksand
declension  5 days Quicksand
Exalt  5 days hit
Ghoul  5 days Quicksand
golden duck  5 days hit
Gripe  5 days Quicksand
GTA  5 days Quicksand
H.M.S. Stargazer  5 days Quicksand
infrared  5 days Freebie, Gun
Kapersky  5 days Quicksand
Neodymium  5 days Quicksand
Nugs  5 days Quicksand
Paky Dude  5 days Thunder
rly_dumb  5 days Quicksand
SouthernGal  5 days Quicksand
SpecialOlympics  5 days Quicksand
Spectacular  5 days Quicksand
StarWeaver  5 days Freebie, Thunder
TagMor  5 days Nitrous
ToK  5 days Quicksand
Vade  5 days Quicksand
Ward  5 days Quicksand
wicket666  5 days Quicksand
Zazu  5 days Freebie
Aquire  4 days hit
Erias  4 days hit
Frozen  4 days Nitrous
MoNo.  4 days hit
multipass?  4 days hit
Pakdip  4 days Freebie
Pavement  4 days hit
PitBoss  4 days hit
primetime  4 days hit
Producer  4 days hit
r3llik  4 days hit
ReBirth  4 days DyNasty
RedKnight  4 days hit
Royst  4 days hit
Ryuken7  4 days hit
V O I D  4 days hit
vaped <ZH>  4 days hit
Wage  4 days hit
Adversed  3 days Nitrous
Alokas Nakki  3 days Gun
BongHits  3 days Gun
Ciao  3 days Nitrous
Cichlid  3 days Nitrous
Coroner  3 days Freebie
dour  3 days Quicksand, Gun
Executed  3 days Gun
flared  3 days Gun
Forefall  3 days hit
Forsaked  3 days Gun
Havok  3 days Freebie, Thunder
Mattey  3 days hit
M_M God  3 days Gun
NiMeSh  3 days Gun
PonZi  3 days DyNasty
Puffin The Smoke  3 days DyNasty
Rabid  3 days DyNasty
RotatingPotato  3 days Gun
Saving  3 days Gun
Side Effects  3 days Gun
Torcher  3 days Gun
tower  3 days Gun
Usoi  3 days Gun
Versa  3 days Gun
Vue  3 days Gun
Bietje  2 days hit
bubble  2 days Gun
Delectable  2 days Mad, Gun
Engineers  2 days Gun
Jinx2You  2 days Nitrous
khadija  2 days Nitrous
Lavu  2 days Freebie
Masterful  2 days Freebie
Mess  2 days Gun
nede  2 days hit
Pier  2 days Nitrous
Pterodactyl  2 days hit
Rabid Rat Face  2 days Freebie
Shaggy2Dope  2 days Nitrous
Shigeno  2 days DyNasty
SLANGIN ROCK  2 days Nitrous
sphinx  2 days Gun
Spiderhate  2 days Gun
temporary  2 days Freebie
Trueshot  2 days Nitrous
Vatican Assassin  2 days Freebie
Zenlion  2 days Thunder
Chief Utsav  1 days Gun
CR3/-\T|_|R3  1 days Thunder
Cryope  1 days hit
Damnation  1 days Freebie
Eager  1 days DyNasty
Hess  1 days Nitrous
IPPO  1 days Gun
Mighty  1 days Gun
MITB  1 days Freebie
Petal  1 days Quicksand
Protean  1 days DyNasty
Reckful  1 days Gun
Shayde  1 days hit, Freebie
sludge  1 days DyNasty
SpookedOne  1 days hit