
"requiem> Its hard to meet girl irl."

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Squad dicE (since Jul 08, 2020)
Rank Assistant
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About Me

Age 36
Location New York/Connecticut
Gender Male
Where I can be found TWJD
More about me I probably dont like you, so try not to talk to me.

Things I Like 
Books Fight Club
Movies Interstellar


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soupero Dec 17, 2018

Yo what's your youtube

soupero Mar 04, 2018

bro link me to your renzi rage vid again, I love that

Dreamwin Apr 23, 2017

log into TW u fool

soupero Apr 23, 2017

I miss you

infrared Apr 21, 2017

do u play rocket leak?

Kado Apr 19, 2017

hmm i smell a turd

LiL*PiGGy Aug 17, 2015

Bae <3

Myollnir Jun 18, 2015

you have an impressively large head

LiL*PiGGy Aug 26, 2014

Fuck off.

Stylez Nov 16, 2013

You look like a young Adolph Hitler... At least you're smiling now, finally got laid, aye? ;)

Frightful Nov 15, 2013

Nicky, do it for the butterflies!

Tiny Nov 12, 2013

I like your miley cyrus hair cut bro. Looks good

pee pee sock Nov 12, 2013

nice comb over LOL

LiL*PiGGy Nov 12, 2013


LiL*PiGGy Nov 11, 2013

Samee... He's a fucking ratchet mofo. Worst mistake of my life ._.

Amnesti Feb 18, 2013

LOL i lost mah 10 $ :( u too good

Death Adder Jul 24, 2012

that is a lot of girls! pretty cute except the one on the bottom. it may be a guy!

pee pee sock Jul 13, 2012

u have very nice blue eyes, they light up the skies. i love u, ya homo

ZypheN Mar 05, 2011

I thought of you while playing gears2.

Sandie Mar 04, 2011

lol you crack me up :p

Mariposa Jan 23, 2011

y u have to make funny faces? lol well good picx!

LiL*PiGGy Jan 09, 2011

i would so do barney ......

Oranje Jan 08, 2011

fagg alert

Monkaria Jan 08, 2011

ONCE, just ONCE, I would love to see you pull a normal face :p

RJ Jan 08, 2011

LOL an emover????

LiL*PiGGy Jan 06, 2011

HAHAHAHAH i can honestly say Hav that you look like Barney from the Flinstones! hahahahahah that's cute .

megaman89 Jan 04, 2011

do you ever stop getting any hotter?

Kinky-Girl Dec 27, 2010

your ugly as fuck aswell

LiL*PiGGy Dec 26, 2010

Loooking ggoood

Monkaria Oct 06, 2010


absurd99 Oct 05, 2010

i had to lol irl at tagmor's mar 3rd 2010 comment :(

Fem. Oct 05, 2010


megaman89 Oct 05, 2010

how about you ride something else other than my moped?

megaman89 Oct 05, 2010

I get lost in your eyes



Channabis Mar 18, 2010

GOJO. i need some of that right now to get blue hair dye off my hands.

Spoiled Mar 14, 2010

Ur tits are almost as big as mine. what's up with that, bro?

TagMor Mar 04, 2010

well.. I could stand around in my underwear trying to take the perfect angle shot, but then I'm not a gigantic faggot.

TagMor Mar 03, 2010

self posing faggotry, ugly girls, video game tats, homoerotic pictures with black people... you sad little creature.

MoNo. Feb 26, 2010

Its a useless faucet. Rust adds character so No :D

Fitted Jan 27, 2010

Rofl what a loser why would u post a picture of u without a shirt on..lol only post pictures without your shirt on if u can pull it off lol And a mario tattoo? come on

Jrahen Jan 18, 2010

L&Yacute;K MUFF SQU&Yacute;RTY?

Tabo Jan 08, 2010

I swear to god you look like that guy who was on green mile, the wild bill guy.

lady starlight Dec 15, 2009

u suck!!! thx for making me miss my macro economics final! do the wave with floating &lt;3's ;-)

lady starlight Dec 06, 2009

starlightluvsu.. add me now!! ur soooo gunna get headshotted!

lady starlight Dec 04, 2009

LMAO, I'm a COD:MW2 addict!!! u play??? my next tat has to do with COD lol

RENZI Nov 29, 2009

you gained some weight since your last pic without a shirt. thats ok. more to love

lady starlight Nov 29, 2009

prove it!!!! lemme see ya face!

lady starlight Nov 26, 2009

I am in RI.. but i dont see u.. fix this pronto!

Havok Nov 25, 2009

renzi maybe ill start playing again when we axe some faggots &lt;3 not you.

elphaba Nov 23, 2009


Healt Nov 11, 2009

Matthewww... in the last pic.... is it your newest gf? :DDD

RENZI Nov 05, 2009

i miss you

lady starlight Oct 29, 2009

?go Rhode Island for me

Keith Oct 03, 2009

mb that was uncalled for

Keith Oct 03, 2009

Hair-cut is easy, but plastic surgery..

Keith Oct 02, 2009

you have a huge nose.

lady starlight Sep 20, 2009

nah, im actually from Rhode Island lol. u?

Sandie Sep 18, 2009

ROFL maybe i'll ask her for you :p

pappa Sep 03, 2009

what is that tat supposed to be

lady starlight Sep 02, 2009

haha i would but it looks like u have a gf... or several lol

lady starlight Aug 28, 2009

lol white guys is the only way I swing.

Jrahen Aug 20, 2009


Kid Kaos Aug 10, 2009

Guys spends money on tattoos of video games. Super Nerd emo fag.

Sandie Aug 06, 2009

your place or mine? lol

Weak Jul 31, 2009

yeh i love my gf :D

Weak Jul 27, 2009

wow hi cutie

t0ma Jul 14, 2009

Damn, you and no &lt;3? That's sick dude

Tabo Jul 03, 2009

Hellooo daddy...Hows the sexy beast man doing... :P was cracking up at the comments you left on Pretty madness haha goof... Bang..Bang..Ded

R.I.P Jun 29, 2009

Lol hi.

Exile- Jun 24, 2009

That Gears of War tattoo is badass!

R.I.P Jun 24, 2009

omg please get that spongebob tat. please! (:

TiGBEE Jun 17, 2009

lolllll, gears of war tattoo...doin horde is fun.

Kid Kaos Jun 11, 2009

Are you seirous with that mario tattoo bro? Thats the gayest most useless tattoo I have ever seen in my life. Wow. WHats next man? A Spongebob ancle tat? Faggot.

Dark*Star360 Jun 07, 2009


Schfifty-Five Jun 07, 2009

Damnit, I need a Bowser tattoo.

PWND Jun 07, 2009

Sorry lol...

PWND Jun 05, 2009

LOL@ the comment you left on PrettyMadness's page

PWND Jun 05, 2009

I don't.

Goddess Jun 04, 2009

you have nice eyes and a seriously hot gf :D

Havok Jun 04, 2009

shes not my little sis shes one of my best friends the girl with me in the prom pics is my gf and kid kaos ur an idiot mirror pics make it look like the tattoo shifts arms shows how much intelligence white trash has. Thanks about the bowser tattoo its real. That is not requiem it is what i picture him to look like.

t0ma Jun 04, 2009

Alec Baldwin comes to mind

L3MU3L Jun 04, 2009

Dude that is a badass king kupa tat.

Caracal Jun 04, 2009

wtf that is requiem? i thought he looked completely diff or is that a joke haha

a cute fuzzy kitten Jun 04, 2009

kickass tatt

Kid Kaos Jun 04, 2009

Is it just me or does his lil tatto shift from his right arm to his left arm in those pics?

danyell!! Jun 04, 2009

I think she is beautiful. =)

Ohmalee Jun 04, 2009

is that your lil sis in the 5th pic? shes totally asking for some Ohmalee!

PWND Jun 04, 2009

Ooohh no those new pics show me you are haha. I love that tat =D

soupero Jun 04, 2009

you remind of someone, the blonde dude in Veronica Mars (blonde rich kid)lol

NO <3 Jun 04, 2009

you look so smoothe with your tattoos but your plastic just like everyone

NO <3 Jun 04, 2009

temp tattoos are sweet

PWND Jun 01, 2009

Sorta cute.

Growing May 30, 2009

got a nice wanna be emo thing goin here

NO <3 May 23, 2009

i dont mind you taking out your nerd rage on me since it will save another school from another massacre, but get one thing straight you are still a fucking loser and a flaming homosexual. enjoy.

Exalt May 20, 2009

gears of war tattoo? wtf? LOL? LOL? LOL? LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL wow what a fucking loser

NO <3 May 18, 2009

aaron*/erin not aaorn. fuuuuuuuuuuuuu...

NO <3 May 18, 2009

agreed with everything primary said other than the zack part, he looks more like an aaorn or ashley (one of those he/she names) damnit. leave zack alone -_-

Havok May 18, 2009

lol who are these nobodies

Primary May 17, 2009

lol what a fuckin fag wit a big ass nose fugly gf, I wonder if this dude kissing motherfucker looks in the mirror and thinks he looks cool, this is a PRIME example why faggots need a reality check. are u fucking kidding me? and ur tattoo LOL could u suck anymore cock? I wish I was emo with a fucking gay ass haircut kissing dudes with a fucking GoW tat on my arm cause that's playa status, give me a fucking break Zack, cause someone as gay as u needs to be named Zack lawl

Ignite May 16, 2009

why you looking down so low, no &lt;3?

NO <3 May 15, 2009

you share a bed with your two sisters.. what a sick fuck you are. p.s your sheman friend with the blonde curls looks like she gave you a small bulge in your pants.

danyell!! May 14, 2009

&amp; you still look like a fag... so I guess you guys are about even steven.

a cute fuzzy kitten May 14, 2009

white hoodie girls lipstick would bring out the plumpness in your DSL... and your DSL would look really hot wrapped around my boyfriends weenor. gah, i'm obsessed with your DSL, suckafish.

Tabo May 13, 2009

haha I love the mean comments you give. they make me laugh... Ez PZ keep up the good work...

PrettyMadness May 13, 2009

what the fuck ever, you only felt the need to comment becuase you cant accept to yourself that you think a fat bitch is attractive. grow up,you muppet looking son of a bitch. WAIT barney rebel.. that was his name, thats you.

Havok May 12, 2009

Keep hating kids im still better. &lt;3 p.s. basically everyone who has said something to me is hideous try and get a gf before you come at me

SquallFF8 May 12, 2009

imagine's comment. Stephen Baldwin in pic 4. jokes

L3MU3L May 11, 2009

fucking fag

Ohmalee May 10, 2009

Sexy Bastard.

Kid Kaos May 06, 2009

Yea man why you got a pic of some guy kissing you thats really fucking gay.

megaman89 May 05, 2009

still waiting for my answer

Nixi May 03, 2009


Imagine May 02, 2009

Was wondering what you have been up to since Bio-dome..

Elven May 01, 2009

hahuahuahuahauahu emocore

Exalt May 01, 2009

Don't talk about my dog saying I'm gonna make out with it when you have some faggot kissing you in your bottem picture. I mean I can tell you are a homo with that haircut, and that you are like 12, but get over it.

Exalt Apr 30, 2009

lol ya ok buddy, you are like 14, I'm just giving you advice since I know you are a virgin with that haircut

Exalt Apr 30, 2009

emo is for homos dude, might wanna switch up that style if you ever dream of losing your virginity

Nixi Apr 30, 2009

&quot;she&quot; works fine

a cute fuzzy kitten Apr 29, 2009

nothing sexier than a guy with pouty DSL. i wish i had a phallus.

Kid Kaos Apr 28, 2009

Those girls only kick it with him because they think he's gay.

Nixi Apr 28, 2009

Why do you need to know so bad, so you can hit on me or feel oddly gay, accordingly?

Sakura Apr 27, 2009

thanks. i'm waiting for the hateful comments still :D hahaha

Tabo Apr 27, 2009

Ok So you Look like one of the baldwin brothers... and the guy from Green Mile.. had a baby... but you seem cool.. Ez Pz

NO <3 Apr 27, 2009

havent you heard? emo is the new brad pitt, emo girls makes my peepee swirl

Havok Apr 27, 2009

yeh cept there not my sister and dont have a penis so you wouldnt be interested &lt;3

Mhz Apr 26, 2009

you have some hot sisters

R.I.P Apr 26, 2009

come on im not even hot lol

R.I.P Apr 24, 2009

haha thats cute xP

Mobey Apr 23, 2009

Hey look its ChinChan... roflffllfflfl

R.I.P Apr 23, 2009

ohemgee! your hair is like the same as my brothers ! (: sorry means i cant call it hot but yeah :p not bad :)

Huge Eat Apr 22, 2009

your such an emo kid no wonder why girls wanna hang out with you hahahaha

Its-katness Apr 21, 2009

You need more pictures &lt;.&lt;

infrared Apr 18, 2009

i pop huge boners after toking up...

Ignite Apr 18, 2009

Look at that face.. And he wonders why the viagra doesn't work later that night on those girls after he's been toking up all day.

Funk E Apr 17, 2009

i wish my grass was emo so it would cut itself

Havok Apr 15, 2009

dont be haters i pwn all of joo.

SquallFF8 Apr 15, 2009

ever seen party monster? emo mcaulay culkin. looks like him

Lagua Apr 14, 2009


Lenny Apr 13, 2009

GoW tattoo Niice.

Kid Kaos Apr 10, 2009

can someone say.....EMO???

Everett Apr 09, 2009

LOL Havok, I have a similar hairstyle just like yours, twins?

Jrahen Apr 09, 2009


a cute fuzzy kitten Apr 09, 2009

rawr, grunge emo surfers are so effing HOT. bangbangbang.

Havok Apr 09, 2009

As long as you dont leave a condom in the toilet when you use it.

megaman89 Apr 09, 2009

can I get in on that orgy?

Skilder Apr 07, 2009

Havok lets cyber? &lt;3
