
The Next Thing
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Rapid    Mellow    Thunder   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (7)
Rapid (May 29, 2012 - May 31, 2012)
Mellow (May 28, 2012 - May 29, 2012)
Mellow (Apr 20, 2012 - May 15, 2012)
Thunder (Apr 19, 2012 - Apr 19, 2012)
Faun (Apr 09, 2012 - Apr 19, 2012)
Melee (Apr 08, 2012 - Apr 09, 2012)
Uzi (Mar 12, 2012 - Apr 08, 2012)
Has been on the same squad (212)
D Rek  42 days Uzi, Mellow
Indict  34 days Uzi, Faun
Pterodactyl  30 days Faun, Uzi
Alextron  26 days Uzi
Attacks  26 days Uzi
BLT  26 days Uzi
Clinic  26 days Uzi
John_Adams  26 days Uzi
Mine's Bigger  26 days Uzi
Nit3  26 days Uzi
olde  26 days Uzi
Pawn  26 days Uzi
Postman Pat!  26 days Uzi, Mellow
Product  26 days Uzi
ratty  26 days Uzi
Urn  26 days Uzi
Vue  26 days Uzi
WASTED!!  26 days Mellow, Uzi
ZapaTa  26 days Uzi
BOBFLOB  25 days Mellow
Broomstick <ZH>  25 days Mellow
Caja  25 days Mellow
coldturkey  25 days Mellow
draL <ER>  25 days Mellow
empion  25 days Uzi
Etrajb  25 days Mellow
fakiiri  25 days Mellow
fiS  25 days Mellow
Fuerza  25 days Uzi
Horatio  25 days Mellow
Kosmonaut  25 days Mellow
Kyle Hester  25 days Mellow
Mackazz  25 days Mellow
Matthias  25 days Mellow
Ridge Racer  25 days Mellow
RiiStar  25 days Mellow
s$niperKill  25 days Mellow
SilverBlue  25 days Mellow
Steep  25 days Mellow
TV <ER>  25 days Mellow
Wobbuffet  25 days Mellow
YojimbO^  25 days Mellow
zeallummox  25 days Uzi
B50 BOMBER  24 days Mellow
board  24 days Mellow
Brodie94  24 days Mellow
Flockaveli  24 days Mellow
hai  24 days Uzi
kuppo  24 days Mellow
NoLsKi  24 days Mellow
Pk3r  24 days Mellow
Slikiboy  24 days Mellow
Slugz  24 days Mellow
Sollos  24 days Mellow
Swiss Cheese  24 days Mellow
Unknown warrior~  24 days Mellow
Valate  24 days Uzi
amphetamin  23 days Uzi
bike  23 days Uzi
Catatstrophe  23 days Uzi
Darkstrom  23 days Mellow
DaTi  23 days Uzi
Linair  23 days Mellow
Mossad  23 days Mellow
Yami  23 days Uzi
PhyRe  22 days Uzi
Roxas  22 days Uzi
Shock Therapy  22 days Uzi
wiibimbo  22 days Mellow
bubblepirate21  21 days Uzi, Rapid
Affined  20 days Mellow
blueblood  20 days Mellow
Jizoint  20 days Mellow
mastersword  20 days Uzi
Ravage  20 days Uzi
Rubick  20 days Uzi
skycake  20 days Uzi
Antimatter  19 days Uzi
Guerrila  18 days Mellow
Quart  18 days Mellow
THE BANGA  18 days Mellow
vaped  18 days Mellow
WillBy <ER>  18 days Mellow
Beast  16 days Uzi, Melee
finiTe  16 days Mellow
someone bored  16 days Mellow
Zagstruk  16 days Mellow, Uzi
Hur  14 days Uzi
Phil Ivey  14 days Uzi
pussywhipped  14 days Mellow
Repent  14 days Uzi, Faun
1s  13 days Mellow
KATC <ZH>  13 days Mellow
Minuet  13 days Mellow
Mobey  13 days Melee, Uzi
NiMeSh  13 days Mellow
Concern  12 days Mellow
Upkeep  12 days Uzi
Cat-Penguin Hybrid  10 days Mellow
DaBigBomb  10 days Uzi
Spacepimp  10 days Uzi
the_paul  10 days Mellow
Corrupted  9 days Faun
Garl Vinland  9 days Mellow
Jab  9 days Faun
JabJabJab  9 days Faun
misanthrope  9 days Faun
Nanners  9 days Faun
nihilism  9 days Faun
Twitter  9 days Faun
Biet <ER>  8 days Mellow
bong  8 days Uzi, Melee
District  8 days Uzi
DVD  8 days Uzi
Killer Elite  8 days Uzi
Mighty  8 days Thunder, Uzi
Qrazy  8 days Uzi
Fulgrim  7 days Uzi
Mission X  7 days Uzi
oboepro  7 days Mellow
Carling  6 days Uzi
Collossus  6 days Mellow
field  6 days Mellow
Gimmick[MFS]  6 days Mellow
Scold  6 days Uzi
struck  6 days Mellow, Thunder
Ardour  5 days Rapid, Uzi, Melee
a trap  4 days Mellow
angry.chair  4 days Mellow
Ascian  4 days Mellow
babypanda  4 days Mellow
bugs  4 days Mellow
Burnt  4 days Mellow
Cigg4000  4 days Mellow
Cinq  4 days Mellow
Drakoon  4 days Mellow
Eria  4 days Uzi
fantamax  4 days Mellow
Hadouken!  4 days Mellow
JeezOutLaw  4 days Mellow
John Galt  4 days Mellow
Klumsy  4 days Mellow
Lorko  4 days Uzi, Melee
MARSP  4 days Mellow
Melody  4 days Mellow
misfire  4 days Mellow
Monkaria  4 days Mellow
NL>HUNT  4 days Mellow
SpinDash  4 days Uzi
VFX  4 days Faun
Waterseer  4 days Mellow
comfort  3 days Mellow
strillez  3 days Uzi
Valentino_Rossi  3 days Mellow
Ale8  2 days Mellow
GoT SkiLL???  2 days Uzi
Hellborn  2 days Uzi
Iron Survivor  2 days Mellow
Kontraband  2 days Uzi
Medic  2 days Uzi
Plank  2 days Uzi
Residue  2 days Uzi
Van jari  2 days Uzi
YazanGable  2 days Faun
00elo  1 days Mellow
a thing  1 days Mellow
adj.  1 days Mellow
AirFinland  1 days Mellow
Andy Steel  1 days Mellow
Archangel Tyreal  1 days Rapid
baem  1 days Rapid
beam  1 days Rapid, Thunder
beng  1 days Rapid
Burg  1 days Rapid
Caffe  1 days Rapid
Cape  1 days Mellow
Chuckle  1 days Rapid
Cloth  1 days Rapid
Collateral  1 days Mellow
CrimsonX  1 days Rapid, Thunder
Cross  1 days Thunder, Rapid
Cuji  1 days Thunder, Rapid
delta  1 days Rapid
desktop  1 days Rapid
Frank The Tank!  1 days Rapid
Fujiwara  1 days Rapid
golden duck  1 days Rapid
Hermit  1 days Rapid
ILYAX  1 days Rapid
Kentaro  1 days Rapid
Mechanoid  1 days Rapid
Money  1 days Rapid
oops  1 days Rapid
Overheat  1 days Rapid
Ownix  1 days Mellow
Piston  1 days Rapid
Poseidon  1 days Rapid
Pressure  1 days Mellow
Puzzlez  1 days Mellow
Rainbow Seeker  1 days Thunder, Rapid
Raples  1 days Thunder, Rapid
Ricko  1 days Rapid
RJ  1 days Rapid
saetep  1 days Rapid, Thunder
Sphinktor  1 days Rapid, Thunder
TpZ  1 days Rapid
Turban  1 days Rapid
Violence  1 days Rapid
wbm  1 days Mellow
whitebeard  1 days Rapid
yeh  1 days Rapid
Zagis  1 days Rapid