
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Hydra   Sixies    Paxin   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (16)
Hydra (Jun 15, 2009 - Nov 25, 2009)
Sixies (May 18, 2009 - May 24, 2009)
Paxin (Apr 23, 2009 - May 11, 2009)
N3wbc4k3s (Dec 26, 2008 - Jan 21, 2009)
GiantTiger (Jun 20, 2008 - Dec 26, 2008)
CHQ (May 11, 2008 - Jun 11, 2008)
Smash Bros (May 09, 2008 - May 09, 2008)
Blood Lotus (Feb 10, 2008 - Mar 04, 2008)
Destruya (Feb 05, 2008 - Feb 08, 2008)
WiNGMASTERS (Jan 28, 2008 - Feb 05, 2008)
Doujin (Jan 24, 2008 - Jan 25, 2008)
espirit (Jan 13, 2008 - Jan 22, 2008)
SpaceAces (Dec 30, 2007 - Jan 03, 2008)
paxIn (Dec 28, 2007 - Dec 28, 2007)
GiantTiger (Aug 29, 2007 - Dec 27, 2007)
Sourire (Aug 20, 2007 - Aug 29, 2007)
Has been on the same squad (548)
BangHead  309 days GiantTiger
LaMothe  282 days GiantTiger
Beltan  252 days GiantTiger
D=  241 days 4 squads
blackfly  187 days GiantTiger
No Justice  183 days GiantTiger
LivinDead  179 days GiantTiger
YATTA Crusader 001  163 days GiantTiger
Braille  157 days GiantTiger
Flec  157 days GiantTiger
LIght IT  156 days GiantTiger
24  145 days Hydra
Sword of the Ocean  145 days GiantTiger
Salomon  144 days Hydra
Anthraxx  143 days GiantTiger
Sonic11  143 days GiantTiger, Paxin
Bloody Wolf  140 days GiantTiger
Devil_Dog_666  137 days GiantTiger
Kin mon criss  137 days GiantTiger
ProtomanZX  137 days GiantTiger
Scorched  136 days Hydra
CriusVII  131 days GiantTiger
Buju Banton  128 days GiantTiger
Curse  126 days Hydra
REDLIGHTS  125 days Hydra
zazerick  123 days Hydra
Deathdemon  120 days GiantTiger
heavily  120 days Sourire, GiantTiger
id.  120 days GiantTiger
kcuf  120 days GiantTiger
Massacred  120 days GiantTiger
Mineralogy  120 days GiantTiger
MostValuablePlayer  120 days GiantTiger
Mowglie from NFLD I  120 days GiantTiger
Neurion  120 days GiantTiger
perfectstorm#2  120 days GiantTiger
scrapartist  120 days GiantTiger
The Beautiful  120 days GiantTiger
vk-aQuos  120 days GiantTiger
Adidas_  119 days GiantTiger
Marana  118 days GiantTiger
Idiot Pilot  117 days GiantTiger
BloodStriker  116 days GiantTiger
Nlie  116 days GiantTiger, Hydra
Emolution619  115 days GiantTiger, Sourire
Pollinator  115 days GiantTiger
siciic  115 days GiantTiger
Liquid Angell  114 days GiantTiger
Rand Da Guy  114 days GiantTiger
Roiwerk  114 days Hydra
StrEaKy  114 days GiantTiger
Ferguras  113 days GiantTiger, Sourire
Pholik  112 days GiantTiger
Laggo The Clown  111 days GiantTiger
Smitty215  111 days GiantTiger
LILwade  110 days Hydra
Barracuda123  109 days GiantTiger, Sourire
Whafrodamus  109 days GiantTiger
Outlaw?  108 days GiantTiger, Sourire
Joakka  106 days GiantTiger
william wallis  106 days Hydra
keLin  104 days CHQ, GiantTiger
Amnesti  103 days Hydra
Hellou.  103 days GiantTiger
Dracus  100 days GiantTiger
keyde  97 days GiantTiger
Nilek  96 days CHQ, GiantTiger
unusual  96 days GiantTiger
tawnt  93 days GiantTiger
Frightful  92 days Hydra
Polysonik  88 days Blood Lotus, GiantTiger
Dwodle  87 days Hydra
Windfall  85 days GiantTiger
some1  82 days GiantTiger
rainboy 123  81 days GiantTiger
okyo  80 days GiantTiger
Johnie  79 days Hydra
KuleniKs  77 days GiantTiger, Paxin, CHQ
Lucky_Charms  76 days GiantTiger
vice versa  76 days GiantTiger
Blob*  75 days GiantTiger
Natron  75 days GiantTiger
FZR 600  74 days GiantTiger, Blood Lotus, Paxin
kinale  74 days Sourire, GiantTiger
Playmaker1290  73 days GiantTiger
Via Dolorosa  73 days GiantTiger, Sourire
num1killa  71 days GiantTiger
Dingleberry  70 days GiantTiger
Fort Knox  68 days Sixies, Hydra
affliction+  67 days GiantTiger
Caligor  67 days GiantTiger
Dadarian11  67 days GiantTiger
Endless Rain  67 days GiantTiger
hotgal  67 days Hydra
JEBSTERS  67 days GiantTiger
obiquiet  67 days GiantTiger, CHQ
Starblazer424  67 days GiantTiger
steeff  67 days GiantTiger
z diddy2  65 days GiantTiger
Lord Envy  64 days GiantTiger
dotc  63 days GiantTiger
Setboy  63 days GiantTiger, espirit
Ezionbus  62 days GiantTiger
Farva  62 days GiantTiger
Lat|noXXX  62 days GiantTiger
CptOrange  61 days GiantTiger
Exio  61 days GiantTiger
Include  61 days GiantTiger
Necce  60 days Hydra
Lucar  59 days GiantTiger
crazykillah  58 days GiantTiger, Paxin
Big Smoke  57 days Hydra
delos  57 days Hydra, Destruya, Sixies
lucky  57 days Hydra
Ludicrous  57 days Hydra
matrix_  56 days GiantTiger
slickman  56 days GiantTiger
Divine Warrior  55 days GiantTiger
Dude Uh MAn  55 days GiantTiger
Essex Boy  53 days GiantTiger
Runt  53 days GiantTiger
airlynx99  52 days GiantTiger
Flawed Logic  51 days Hydra
N@N  51 days Hydra
AfterSin  50 days GiantTiger
Behr  50 days GiantTiger
Foutain Infinity  50 days GiantTiger
Ketchup  50 days GiantTiger
Lavish  50 days GiantTiger
Star_Girl  50 days GiantTiger
Casus Belli  49 days GiantTiger
Rondo  49 days GiantTiger
NIteTickler  48 days GiantTiger
cogu  47 days GiantTiger
ScreaMo  47 days Hydra
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee  47 days GiantTiger
finklestien  46 days GiantTiger
HaruHaru  46 days GiantTiger
Kingmush  46 days GiantTiger
pee pee sock  46 days GiantTiger
75thRanGerReg  45 days GiantTiger
Raining  45 days GiantTiger
Recruit  45 days Hydra
Saucon  45 days GiantTiger
Spec4Rec  45 days GiantTiger
fabric  44 days Hydra
piNNoy  44 days GiantTiger
Scarce  43 days Hydra, Blood Lotus
Shivah  43 days Hydra
SkullCrusher  43 days GiantTiger
TeK00  43 days GiantTiger
Sky is the limit  42 days GiantTiger, Paxin, CHQ
Canaglia  41 days GiantTiger, CHQ
G00L  41 days GiantTiger
ProPs  41 days Paxin, GiantTiger
Ties  41 days GiantTiger
Petal  40 days GiantTiger, Sourire, Blood Lotus
death6  39 days GiantTiger
Crystals  37 days N3wbc4k3s, Paxin
infrared  37 days Hydra
TwinTurbo  37 days GiantTiger
KAKAKAKAKA  36 days GiantTiger
Trash  36 days GiantTiger
WonderBird  36 days GiantTiger
Beatin  35 days GiantTiger
LUCKYDUCKY  35 days GiantTiger
mindfull  35 days Hydra
Gnat  34 days GiantTiger
Basti  33 days Hydra, Sixies
Condom  33 days GiantTiger
Revered  33 days Hydra
BulletBoy  32 days GiantTiger
dako  32 days Blood Lotus, GiantTiger
Kynamite  32 days Hydra
Dreams  31 days CHQ
i-mosh  31 days CHQ, GiantTiger
Resurrect  31 days CHQ
shrimp cracker  31 days CHQ
thingamajig  31 days Paxin, Blood Lotus
Lifter  30 days Hydra
M1ke Hunt  30 days GiantTiger, Paxin
Kira_Yamato~  29 days CHQ, Hydra
Pillow  29 days Hydra
Plate  29 days Hydra
Shadowmere  29 days Hydra
Shock Therapy  29 days Hydra
xmers  29 days GiantTiger
Eclipse-Gsx  28 days GiantTiger, CHQ
Holly  28 days GiantTiger
Houa  28 days Sourire, Blood Lotus, GiantTiger
MARINES179  28 days GiantTiger
Not in game  28 days Hydra
Schfifty-Five  28 days Paxin, GiantTiger
slave69  28 days Sourire, GiantTiger
Social Life  28 days GiantTiger
Thestalos  28 days GiantTiger
The_Only_Newb  28 days GiantTiger
MI5  27 days GiantTiger
forkz  26 days N3wbc4k3s
KoZ  26 days Sixies, Hydra
reability  26 days Hydra, espirit
shaded_space  26 days GiantTiger
Shiat  26 days N3wbc4k3s
sigma calculus  26 days N3wbc4k3s
Snoozie Doll!  26 days GiantTiger
Tha King  26 days N3wbc4k3s
Abura  25 days N3wbc4k3s
Dark Hell  25 days N3wbc4k3s
genes  25 days Hydra
Mathematik  25 days GiantTiger
Hyro-Dh  24 days GiantTiger
sevexies  24 days Hydra
Ariana  23 days Paxin, Blood Lotus
Bware  23 days Blood Lotus
Dameon Angell  23 days Blood Lotus
evil Broccoli  23 days GiantTiger
Globo McGee  23 days GiantTiger
MadVillainy  23 days Blood Lotus
MoNocidelxMaNi4c  23 days GiantTiger
pussyeater  23 days CHQ
resoL  23 days Blood Lotus
BLU3CH33Z3C4K3  22 days N3wbc4k3s
dufflebagboi  22 days GiantTiger
Exterminator789  22 days N3wbc4k3s
Merg  22 days GiantTiger
ashiya  21 days Blood Lotus
Blueblaze  21 days CHQ
Crescent Seal  21 days GiantTiger
Destac  21 days GiantTiger
Lydia  21 days CHQ
nemu  21 days GiantTiger
skeptikal  21 days Blood Lotus
WuT dA PHo  21 days N3wbc4k3s
dougie fresh  20 days GiantTiger
Kimono  20 days Hydra
OldE40z  20 days GiantTiger
Rocket Soldier  20 days Blood Lotus
Very Invisible  20 days GiantTiger
BlaZeeeeh  19 days GiantTiger
caffecottage  19 days CHQ
Chrissygirl  19 days GiantTiger
Deffy  19 days GiantTiger
Gizzard  19 days GiantTiger
Solarblast Dragon  19 days GiantTiger, Blood Lotus
Eighties  18 days GiantTiger
F O R D  18 days GiantTiger
HyDroNiC  18 days N3wbc4k3s
syonara  18 days GiantTiger
ApplePie  17 days N3wbc4k3s
hypnotic69  17 days paxIn, GiantTiger
JoyRider  17 days Paxin
Karbon  17 days Blood Lotus
miss beautiful  17 days GiantTiger
O.W.N.  17 days Blood Lotus
Acrobacy  16 days GiantTiger
IcY WyteZ  16 days Paxin
Joram  16 days Blood Lotus
Magnitude  16 days Blood Lotus
morin  16 days Paxin, Blood Lotus
TheWorstPart  16 days GiantTiger
Trevelyan  16 days Paxin
Archangel Tyreal  15 days Blood Lotus
cash.MONay  15 days Hydra
JesusHaxIRL  15 days GiantTiger
Mattdel69  15 days GiantTiger
Moshe  15 days Paxin
Rensie  15 days GiantTiger
Yawny  15 days Paxin
Fork  14 days Hydra, WiNGMASTERS
jAzL07  14 days GiantTiger
Kitana  14 days Hydra
noah & the whale  14 days GiantTiger
Wenus Man  14 days GiantTiger, paxIn
9High9  13 days Paxin
BrainAge  13 days GiantTiger
Kazeness  13 days Blood Lotus
Magnesia  13 days CHQ
Quay  13 days Hydra
Side Effects  13 days Blood Lotus
Sodo  13 days Paxin
TutoXD  13 days GiantTiger
Valentine Rose  13 days GiantTiger
Vor  13 days GiantTiger
War Bird  13 days Blood Lotus
Deloria  12 days GiantTiger
Dr. Snyder  12 days Blood Lotus
J-B-Inc  12 days GiantTiger
jav pro  12 days Hydra
LemonDropKid  12 days GiantTiger, CHQ
Malign Paradigm  12 days Paxin
New Jersey  12 days Paxin
poetic fury  12 days Paxin
RedneckDrunk  12 days GiantTiger
Serve  12 days GiantTiger
Solae  12 days Blood Lotus
vader.  12 days GiantTiger
Wilder Wein  12 days Blood Lotus
ChazMichaelMichaels  11 days N3wbc4k3s
Irwing  11 days N3wbc4k3s
Lucky Larry  11 days GiantTiger
Melons  11 days Paxin
Untrue  11 days GiantTiger
Wonderful  11 days GiantTiger
Caster  10 days Hydra
Cres  10 days Paxin
Davey jones  10 days CHQ, GiantTiger
Dexter  10 days Hydra
Die  10 days Paxin
Fork off  10 days WiNGMASTERS, GiantTiger
Forsaken Illusion  10 days Paxin
Heavy  10 days Paxin
Jeniferever  10 days Paxin
Kicker  10 days Hydra
KuL  10 days GiantTiger
Market  10 days GiantTiger
mp3 player  10 days Paxin
Newbd  10 days Sourire, GiantTiger, paxIn
phillysevans  10 days Paxin
rattatter  10 days Paxin
smoke tree  10 days GiantTiger
Suckshit  10 days Blood Lotus
Torch.  10 days Blood Lotus
desert heat  9 days GiantTiger
Heisman  9 days Hydra, espirit
Instigated  9 days Hydra
Jaymistic  9 days Sourire, Blood Lotus
lz  9 days Hydra
Menthol  9 days Paxin
mirroreimaj  9 days CHQ
RatioGod  9 days GiantTiger
Shadow Angell  9 days CHQ
snazzy  9 days Hydra
Aiden  8 days Sourire, GiantTiger
Anna  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Ardo  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Compassion  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Coupe  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Crunchy Nut  8 days WiNGMASTERS
damaging  8 days WiNGMASTERS
death certificate  8 days GiantTiger
DetectiveConan  8 days Blood Lotus
Divine Y  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Drivin  8 days Blood Lotus
Eragon  8 days Hydra
G.Skill  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Goiya  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Herba  8 days WiNGMASTERS
HOW TO SHOT  8 days Hydra
In Vogue  8 days GiantTiger
Izra  8 days WiNGMASTERS
janipt  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Jones  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Lacrymosa  8 days WiNGMASTERS
lillis  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Logos-X  8 days WiNGMASTERS
lolojojototo  8 days WiNGMASTERS
magic pyama  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Morh  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Nestori  8 days WiNGMASTERS
ogmix  8 days Blood Lotus
Ohmalee  8 days Paxin
PerlGuy  8 days GiantTiger
Piong  8 days WiNGMASTERS
R.0.D  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Rassly  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Recover  8 days Paxin
Rockster  8 days WiNGMASTERS
ThaYoost  8 days WiNGMASTERS
tomoyaki  8 days Hydra
trigo  8 days Hydra
Undertaker  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Viiru  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Waswat  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Whinegum  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Why try  8 days Paxin
xCrusadeRx  8 days WiNGMASTERS
Advent Cloud  7 days Destruya, WiNGMASTERS, Doujin
Afterlife  7 days Hydra
AxA  7 days Blood Lotus
C.JAY  7 days CHQ
Cassandra  7 days GiantTiger
Endura  7 days GiantTiger
Hecklar  7 days WiNGMASTERS
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  7 days N3wbc4k3s
Kendra  7 days WiNGMASTERS
Nemon  7 days Hydra
NightCalibur  7 days Blood Lotus
Postman Pat!  7 days Blood Lotus
SP4C3_CRU24D3RX  7 days GiantTiger
Spikeo  7 days GiantTiger
tw.org  7 days Blood Lotus
Tyrr  7 days GiantTiger
unemployment  7 days GiantTiger
WifebeateR  7 days Paxin
Explosm  6 days WiNGMASTERS
Gravitja  6 days Blood Lotus
Himitsu  6 days Paxin
J Bomb  6 days GiantTiger
lolomomototo  6 days WiNGMASTERS, espirit
Nino  6 days CHQ
Revolt  6 days Hydra
tohtori  6 days Blood Lotus
Unstopablez  6 days GiantTiger
Weanie  6 days WiNGMASTERS
zoltan  6 days WiNGMASTERS, espirit, Destruya
Amerikhastan  5 days GiantTiger
Commodore Ironfist  5 days GiantTiger
Confident  5 days GiantTiger
Dustmite  5 days WiNGMASTERS
G.I Joe  5 days GiantTiger
Hate The Fake  5 days Blood Lotus, GiantTiger
itami  5 days GiantTiger
Kebab  5 days Sixies
krinkle  5 days GiantTiger, Sixies
Lenae  5 days GiantTiger
Michelle!!  5 days GiantTiger
murderize  5 days GiantTiger
Neutralized  5 days CHQ
Sheriff  5 days GiantTiger
SoKwik  5 days GiantTiger
Stuffed Panda  5 days GiantTiger
sucky  5 days GiantTiger
Vacated  5 days Blood Lotus
717  4 days Blood Lotus
Ambitious  4 days Blood Lotus
Apostle  4 days Hydra
Dile  4 days Sourire
Economy  4 days GiantTiger
EM2  4 days espirit
GirlJoy  4 days GiantTiger
I+  4 days Sourire
ivc  4 days GiantTiger
javbird  4 days GiantTiger
Persistence  4 days GiantTiger
plastic bunny  4 days GiantTiger
Raptor_One  4 days GiantTiger
RazorWind123  4 days GiantTiger
Rogue  4 days Hydra
Sodomizer  4 days Paxin
Upc  4 days GiantTiger
velocity - hXc  4 days GiantTiger
wainui  4 days GiantTiger
Anarchic  3 days GiantTiger
carburetor  3 days GiantTiger
Donkey Punch  3 days GiantTiger
Duces Wild  3 days N3wbc4k3s
Duke Dimi  3 days Blood Lotus
echelo  3 days WiNGMASTERS
Emery  3 days GiantTiger
Fuk Da Police  3 days GiantTiger
Getta  3 days GiantTiger
GoB  3 days espirit
Heaven's guardian  3 days GiantTiger
IndianaJones  3 days CHQ
Jung1e  3 days Blood Lotus
kassikotka  3 days SpaceAces
Kohmet_Killa  3 days SpaceAces
loonytoon12  3 days SpaceAces
Moksha  3 days GiantTiger
Paradise  3 days espirit, Hydra
pawner  3 days Paxin
s7  3 days SpaceAces
Skepticism  3 days GiantTiger
Snik(  3 days WiNGMASTERS
Spacely  3 days GiantTiger
Tech-  3 days GiantTiger
Unite  3 days CHQ
Voice  3 days Blood Lotus
a chick  2 days GiantTiger
Abducted  2 days GiantTiger
Amatory  2 days Destruya, espirit
bangkok  2 days CHQ
Blood Rose  2 days GiantTiger
BugySwartz  2 days WiNGMASTERS
Committee  2 days GiantTiger
Dryden  2 days Paxin
elite javelin  2 days Destruya
exploid  2 days Hydra
EzPr0x3  2 days Destruya
Frag Doll  2 days GiantTiger
H0M0  2 days Sixies
Havok  2 days Destruya
Homeless Man  2 days Sourire
Impakt  2 days GiantTiger
ImpendingDoom  2 days GiantTiger
Isolate  2 days GiantTiger
Ivvy  2 days espirit
Krazie Killah69  2 days GiantTiger
Lag Hunter  2 days Blood Lotus
LeMoNaDeJuNky  2 days GiantTiger
mugazi  2 days GiantTiger
One Republic  2 days Blood Lotus
Rag3  2 days GiantTiger
Raket  2 days GiantTiger
Remove  2 days Destruya
returned  2 days GiantTiger
Romantic  2 days GiantTiger
Speedkillz  2 days CHQ
Step  2 days espirit
thunderhuck  2 days GiantTiger
Toxic  2 days Hydra
Warb  2 days GiantTiger
a Javelin  1 days Doujin, Destruya
Abhominal  1 days Paxin
aorta  1 days GiantTiger
Avelate  1 days GiantTiger
Batteries  1 days Sourire
ben_dover  1 days CHQ
Breakin  1 days Blood Lotus
Chambers  1 days GiantTiger
Cichlid  1 days GiantTiger
Coil  1 days GiantTiger
CUT IT OFF  1 days Destruya, WiNGMASTERS
deadshot  1 days Blood Lotus
Duck  1 days Hydra
Dustin  1 days Blood Lotus
Emp Bank  1 days Blood Lotus
Evade  1 days Paxin
Executed  1 days Hydra
Faders  1 days Hydra
Freeze  1 days Sixies, Destruya
Global  1 days Hydra
Hilux  1 days GiantTiger
Master Crunch  1 days WiNGMASTERS
mr.. c  1 days CHQ
Nightmare-  1 days espirit, Destruya
PJB  1 days Blood Lotus
Pro 101  1 days espirit
Refuge  1 days WiNGMASTERS
Rogue Ninja  1 days espirit
Sanyo  1 days GiantTiger
savaho  1 days Sourire
showrunner  1 days Blood Lotus
Smoke420  1 days GiantTiger
Surface Tension  1 days Sourire
Suthern Pride  1 days Blood Lotus
Treize  1 days GiantTiger
Tricker  1 days Destruya
Unexperienced Warri  1 days GiantTiger
volable  1 days Paxin, Blood Lotus
Wangan Blackbird  1 days CHQ
Wimbish  1 days Destruya
ZuM  1 days Sixies