
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Crimson    Thunder    Rampage   
Donated None

Previous Squads (16)
Crimson (Apr 21, 2014 - May 11, 2014)
Thunder (Jul 14, 2009 - Aug 06, 2009)
Rampage (Mar 03, 2008 - Apr 06, 2008)
Thunder (Mar 01, 2008 - Mar 02, 2008)
Mortal (Feb 24, 2008 - Mar 01, 2008)
Sk8 (Feb 11, 2006 - Aug 07, 2006)
Spastic (Sep 14, 2005 - Feb 10, 2006)
Grapevine (Jun 08, 2005 - Sep 14, 2005)
Rusher (Mar 16, 2005 - Jun 08, 2005)
Wingmasters (Mar 16, 2005 - Mar 16, 2005)
Elapsed (Aug 07, 2004 - Oct 13, 2004)
Grapevine (Jan 15, 2004 - Aug 07, 2004)
Poison (Jan 08, 2004 - Jan 13, 2004)
Night (Jan 03, 2004 - Jan 08, 2004)
Elapsed (Nov 18, 2003 - Jan 03, 2004)
Treachery (Nov 02, 2003 - Nov 05, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (576)
Witness  403 days Spastic, Grapevine
Weaver  370 days Grapevine, Spastic
Randedl  305 days Grapevine, Spastic
Goz  301 days Grapevine
Anon  299 days Grapevine
MythriL  264 days Grapevine
Tys  259 days Grapevine
deck  249 days Grapevine, Spastic, Thunder
Mega Newbie  241 days Spastic, Grapevine
SpaceHiker  240 days Spastic, Grapevine
audit  217 days Grapevine, Mortal, Sk8
Phrenitis  215 days Grapevine
King Baba  214 days Grapevine, Rusher
Squadless  206 days Grapevine, Rusher
cremation  203 days Sk8, Spastic, Thunder
ChinO  200 days Thunder, Sk8
Collusion  199 days Thunder, Sk8
High Templar  199 days Thunder, Sk8
Raples  199 days Thunder, Sk8
Tmac  199 days Thunder, Sk8
Webbb  199 days Grapevine
Buja X  196 days Grapevine, Spastic
2C  190 days Grapevine
wbm  190 days Grapevine, Spastic
Ease  185 days Thunder, Sk8
HellzNo!  185 days Sk8, Spastic
Zeimonster  181 days Sk8, Night
Creature  178 days Thunder, Sk8
mysterious  178 days Sk8, Thunder
vItjA  178 days Sk8, Thunder
AnZu  177 days Sk8
Death  177 days Sk8
Downdraft  177 days Sk8
GammaHydroxy  177 days Sk8
KickAshMan  177 days Sk8
Lemon  177 days Sk8
Mjollnir  177 days Sk8
phYst  177 days Sk8
Psymorph  177 days Sk8
tahkis  177 days Sk8
Tsunami  177 days Sk8
Ulgut  177 days Sk8
Variable  177 days Sk8
xanyon  177 days Sk8
xvr  177 days Sk8
Lionheart  176 days Sk8
Maize  176 days Sk8
PredatoR_FNM  176 days Sk8
Broly  175 days Sk8, Spastic, Thunder
Accord  173 days Grapevine, Spastic
Archer  173 days Grapevine
B4sERmaN36_X  173 days Sk8
Wong Bah Dan  173 days Grapevine
Cxi  169 days Rusher, Grapevine
Burnt  159 days Sk8, Thunder
Buja X <ER>  158 days Grapevine
Obi  151 days Thunder, Grapevine, Treachery
Rob Dougan  150 days Grapevine
bloodzombie  148 days Spastic
dr. coiff <er>  148 days Spastic
Ethena  148 days Spastic
hope  148 days Spastic
Jamal  148 days Spastic
Lemonfrog_Returns  148 days Spastic
lunch3  148 days Spastic
minkmink  148 days Spastic
Tina  148 days Spastic
Tsumetai  148 days Spastic
Evoce  146 days Sk8, Treachery
i.d.  145 days Spastic, Rampage, Grapevine
HalTaffin  143 days Spastic
Stabwound <ER>  143 days Spastic
MetalKid  142 days Grapevine
Zyclon  141 days Spastic, Sk8
JuNkA  140 days Thunder, Sk8
VenomArse  138 days Sk8, Thunder
Spiderhate  136 days Crimson, Spastic
Stayon  136 days Spastic
kesser  135 days Spastic
Y ?  134 days Spastic
fizzy  133 days Sk8, Thunder
Pure_Luck  131 days Spastic
DTTR  129 days Spastic
Eric is God  127 days Sk8
Mattey  124 days Spastic, Grapevine, Rampage
SE><PLOSION  124 days Spastic
Pyroblast  122 days Spastic
Stabwound  122 days Spastic
stuckup  122 days Grapevine
NL>TERMINATOR  119 days Mortal, Sk8
DUMBRIT!  117 days Sk8
Damnifier  113 days Grapevine, Rusher
exiled soul  112 days Elapsed
J.po  112 days Sk8
Whir  112 days Elapsed
SpiderGuts  110 days Spastic
Tiny  110 days Sk8
EdDie  109 days 4 squads
Confluence  108 days Spastic
slurvis  108 days Sk8
Vehicle  108 days Spastic
Revival  107 days Sk8
Exceed  105 days Elapsed
FSTemplar  105 days Grapevine, Rusher
Worr  103 days Spastic
Arsen  101 days Grapevine, Elapsed
scoop  100 days Grapevine, Spastic
iNgeNfyRe  98 days Grapevine
KSharpe  98 days Grapevine
MILOS  98 days Grapevine
rapevine  98 days Grapevine
fauna  97 days Sk8
Janitor  97 days Grapevine, Spastic, Mortal
spacedust  97 days Spastic
Philos  95 days Grapevine
REDLIGHTS  95 days Grapevine
hellkite  93 days Spastic
Holy <ER>  92 days Grapevine
Lammy  92 days Spastic
Underground  92 days Sk8, Thunder
Shin-Ra  91 days Grapevine
Children  89 days 5 squads
Rob D  87 days Grapevine
Foreign  86 days Grapevine
Zazu  85 days Spastic, Rampage
Allure  84 days Rusher
deft.  84 days Rusher
Dillusion  84 days Rusher
exploid  84 days Poison, Grapevine, Elapsed
hoochies  84 days Rusher
Jae  84 days Rusher
Lofty  84 days Rusher
MaG  84 days Rusher
Michael  84 days Rusher
Rage  84 days Rusher
Retard  84 days Rusher
Stra  84 days Rusher
Under <ZH>  84 days Sk8
ajaxee  83 days Grapevine
Cuji  83 days Rampage, Grapevine
Barton  82 days Spastic
Deny  80 days Rusher
monkee  79 days Sk8
Swamp  79 days Rampage, Grapevine
Tonight  79 days Elapsed
Fission  78 days Rusher, Grapevine
NiceShot  78 days Spastic
Predator Rulez  76 days Sk8
Adrenaline  75 days Rusher
Cylor  75 days Grapevine
Jalapeno  75 days Grapevine, Elapsed
Kolar <ZH>  75 days Spastic
ZapaTa  75 days Grapevine
PureX  74 days Grapevine, Poison, Elapsed
splatz  74 days Night, Rusher
Tera  73 days Grapevine, Treachery
Asmodeus  72 days Sk8, Thunder
culex  72 days Grapevine
Eight  72 days Grapevine
Horror  72 days Grapevine, Poison
waXy  72 days Rusher, Grapevine
Pascone  71 days Spastic
Task  70 days Poison, Rusher
Tuxxer  70 days Grapevine
Asians  69 days Spastic
Doughnut  66 days Rusher
Duragon  66 days Elapsed
Elliptical Halo  66 days Spastic
Frozen*Ice  66 days Spastic
Turbonium  66 days Spastic
Butterfly  65 days Sk8
Reaver  65 days Grapevine, Elapsed, Night
Faces  64 days Rusher
Ghetto  63 days Grapevine
Mongol  63 days Rusher
Dire  61 days Grapevine
Spriggan  61 days Grapevine, Rusher, Spastic
Heard  60 days Rusher
Thief-  60 days Rusher
Worr <ER>  60 days Spastic
Jeraden  58 days Rusher
Treachery  58 days Rusher
compressure  57 days Elapsed
Partisan  57 days Elapsed
Server  57 days Spastic, Poison
1969 Camaro RS/SS  56 days Spastic
cranium  56 days Elapsed, Rampage
Healt  56 days Mortal, Rusher
Tai Chi  56 days Grapevine
Tarsus  56 days Elapsed
lockdown  55 days Elapsed, Grapevine
PaulOakenfold  55 days Spastic, Thunder
Monkey  54 days Grapevine
Exalt  52 days Elapsed
HoTlAvAkInG  52 days Night, Grapevine
subby  52 days Sk8
Volcs  51 days Grapevine
Iron Survivor  50 days Grapevine
mage  49 days Rusher
Ravage  49 days Rusher
Graner  48 days Grapevine
Kicker  47 days Mortal, Sk8
Bigfoot  46 days Elapsed
Pearl Jam  46 days Spastic
Sir Arts  46 days Elapsed
Spell  46 days Spastic
Frozen Willow  45 days Elapsed
Kim  45 days Grapevine
FattyMcFatterson  44 days Elapsed
Deluge  42 days Elapsed
Hesitate  42 days Grapevine, Elapsed
Mario Bros  42 days Sk8
ToKeD  42 days Elapsed
eRik*  41 days Elapsed
Exquisite  41 days Grapevine, Thunder
FukenGruven  41 days Elapsed
silentbobb  41 days Elapsed
Rasse  40 days Rusher
Dice  39 days Grapevine
inflict  39 days Spastic
JB Golden Gun  39 days Elapsed
MirrorriM  39 days Grapevine
Rogue  38 days Rusher, Mortal
Balbain  37 days Sk8
Concealed  37 days Spastic
Holybird <ZH>  37 days Grapevine
Jr5  37 days Spastic
Lagua  37 days Rusher
Starbeam  36 days Elapsed
Dark Thunder  35 days Poison, Elapsed
Katsuya  35 days Grapevine
Myztic  35 days Elapsed
Blood  34 days Rampage
bor  34 days Rampage
castromarx  34 days Rampage
DarK!  34 days Elapsed
Dreamfly  34 days Rampage
Ed  34 days Grapevine
Kornflakes  34 days Elapsed
Mayo Inc.  34 days Rampage
Nethervoid  34 days Rampage
Reis  34 days Rampage
scorch  34 days Rampage
VivA  33 days Grapevine
kornflake2k  32 days Elapsed
Oar  32 days Spastic
Tobe  32 days Grapevine
Cavalera  31 days Grapevine
Distract  30 days Grapevine, Elapsed
Dynasty  30 days Grapevine
Kyle G  30 days Elapsed
Team Punishment  30 days Elapsed
Umm  30 days Grapevine
Erias  29 days Treachery, Spastic
Necromotic  29 days Spastic, Thunder
Electronics  28 days Spastic
Locket  28 days Elapsed
Yoyan  28 days Rampage
ReBirth  27 days Grapevine, Night
Waxer  27 days Spastic
Draft  26 days Rampage
Grated  26 days Spastic
Attacks  25 days Rampage
Canon  25 days Grapevine
Jada  25 days Elapsed
Lamri  25 days Spastic
Proximo  24 days Elapsed
Rapture  24 days Spastic
Tanis  24 days Grapevine
Akron  23 days Elapsed
Fire child  23 days Elapsed
Johnie  23 days Mortal, Rampage
menelvagor  23 days Poison, Crimson
Morh  23 days Elapsed, Wingmasters
Mr. 420  23 days Spastic
neurotic  23 days Grapevine
OutRun  23 days Elapsed
Primordial  23 days Thunder
teven  23 days Spastic
Underground <ER>  23 days Sk8
bliz  22 days Spastic
comrad  22 days Thunder
DarkStrike  22 days Thunder
Delectable  22 days Grapevine, Rusher
divergence  22 days Thunder
Eelam  22 days Thunder
Geisha  22 days Thunder
Ghoul  22 days Thunder
Golden Knight  22 days Thunder
Hermit  22 days Thunder
Kian  22 days Thunder
Misled  22 days Thunder
Preda  22 days Thunder
Separate  22 days Thunder
steak666  22 days Thunder
struck  22 days Thunder
Tyson_Bitbeast  22 days Grapevine
Waven  22 days Thunder
Yakuza  22 days Thunder
Burzum  21 days Rampage
Chuckle  21 days Thunder, Rampage
Connection  21 days Mortal, Grapevine
DF  21 days Spastic
EvilDeed  21 days Thunder
exe  21 days Grapevine
african  20 days Grapevine
castle  20 days Grapevine
Direct  20 days Grapevine
Enos  20 days Spastic
Exotic  20 days Sk8
warkwark  20 days Elapsed
Dunce  19 days Grapevine
Mighty  19 days Crimson
Reroute  19 days Elapsed
Zidane  19 days Thunder
Apogee  18 days Grapevine
Hockey <ER>  18 days Grapevine
Renge  18 days Night, Grapevine
Skilder  18 days Elapsed
a2m  17 days Grapevine
CrimsonX  17 days Thunder
eke  17 days Spastic
Nlie  17 days Thunder
salutations  17 days Spastic
KillerGt1  16 days Thunder
Mains  16 days Grapevine
WingZero  16 days Rampage
007  15 days Elapsed
Daldur  15 days Thunder
duclover  15 days Grapevine
Finesse  15 days Thunder
flion  15 days Rampage
Golden Aim  15 days Sk8, Mortal
iPod  15 days Grapevine
Nimrook  15 days Thunder
RaCka  15 days Elapsed, Rampage
Sightless  15 days Spastic
Weak  15 days Thunder
Certified  14 days Rampage
Dazzal  14 days Thunder
Domi  14 days Spastic
How High  14 days Sk8
iv  14 days Elapsed
Shah  14 days Elapsed
Synopsis  14 days Elapsed
Toxie  14 days Elapsed
With Ease  14 days Thunder
Aunt  13 days Grapevine
chuck  13 days Rampage
Elven  13 days Grapevine, Spastic, Sk8
Fides  13 days Grapevine
Notorius  13 days Elapsed, Poison
Patricia  13 days Thunder
PEGASiS  13 days Grapevine
aphotic  12 days Elapsed
dour  12 days Crimson
Falk  12 days Thunder
Mr.Bling <ER>  12 days Elapsed
Rock Viva  12 days Grapevine
selflessness  12 days Elapsed
District  11 days Sk8, Mortal
forcful*  11 days Elapsed, Poison
Sphinktor  11 days Crimson
Spr  11 days Grapevine
JB WArrioR's  10 days Elapsed
Poozzman  10 days Spastic
PureOwnage  10 days Elapsed, Grapevine
Revered  10 days Mortal, Poison, Elapsed
slum  10 days Crimson
Ardour  9 days Grapevine
BoM  9 days Grapevine
Dark.Punk!  9 days Grapevine, Poison
Disrespectful  9 days Elapsed
FST  9 days Thunder
Lews Therin  9 days Grapevine
swimkid  9 days Grapevine
Conf  8 days Elapsed
empion  8 days Elapsed
Kings  8 days Grapevine
medic!!!  8 days Rampage
Ninetales  8 days Elapsed
Not Easy Being Easy  8 days Thunder
Plob#f  8 days Rampage
Raynz  8 days Elapsed
sphinx  8 days Crimson
Stabwound <ZH>  8 days Spastic
Yankee  8 days Grapevine
crazi  7 days Grapevine
Dald  7 days Thunder
Espeon  7 days Thunder
illuminati  7 days Grapevine
King J-F  7 days Grapevine
maze of torment  7 days Crimson
redlights <er>  7 days Grapevine
Sojo  7 days Grapevine
Tore  7 days Thunder, Mortal
24  6 days Mortal
Aimbot  6 days Grapevine
Bourbon  6 days Elapsed
bynx  6 days Mortal
Ceyve  6 days Mortal
Chance  6 days Mortal
disable  6 days Mortal
doag  6 days Night, Treachery
Dr. 620  6 days Elapsed
Dragonscale  6 days Mortal
EF  6 days Grapevine
Havok  6 days Mortal
Izor  6 days Grapevine
Jamil  6 days Poison, Treachery
Jones  6 days Rampage
Jz  6 days Mortal
Maxy  6 days Grapevine
NowYouDie  6 days Mortal
Paradise  6 days Elapsed, Crimson
Pocus  6 days Grapevine
tanzu  6 days Mortal, Elapsed
Vue  6 days Mortal
Bill C  5 days Rampage
Coach Carter  5 days Thunder
Day  5 days Spastic
Kolar <ER>  5 days Spastic
Olivier  5 days Thunder
Peto  5 days Rampage
psychoskip  5 days Grapevine
Pummal  5 days Elapsed
Pummel  5 days Mortal
Ricko  5 days Mortal
Shayde  5 days Spastic
Tremendous  5 days Grapevine
Warlord  5 days Grapevine
Wonder~Boy  5 days Elapsed
aggravating  4 days Poison
annyong  4 days Spastic
Bamse  4 days Night
Bobo Bef  4 days Grapevine
BrokenFist  4 days Night
Caos  4 days Night
Cross  4 days Grapevine
DarkTemp  4 days Poison
Dead Pres  4 days Poison
Detained  4 days Poison
Dutch_  4 days Night
Endangered  4 days Rampage
Enfurno  4 days Poison
freezer  4 days Night
Full Moon  4 days Night
G2 kick U  4 days Night
Ground Zero  4 days Night
Hairygroin  4 days Poison
Hatred  4 days Elapsed, Poison
HattiFnatt  4 days Poison
Influence.  4 days Poison
Javek  4 days Poison
Killermech  4 days Night
Marmalade  4 days Rampage
Neat  4 days Night
Nechai  4 days Night
nrg  4 days Night
Oz_Man  4 days Poison
paska  4 days Night
Piston  4 days Poison
poop sauce  4 days Poison
Qyll  4 days Poison
resurrected  4 days Night
seagull  4 days Poison
Sfrius  4 days Poison
Shock Therapy  4 days Poison
Smokebudz420  4 days Poison
Snatch  4 days Night
son of robo  4 days Poison
Soze  4 days Poison
Thieves  4 days Night
THUGS  4 days Crimson
TNTkilla  4 days Night
Unexpected  4 days Night
Unrealistic  4 days Night
Veri  4 days Night
william wallis  4 days Poison
Arvour  3 days Elapsed
Bellicose  3 days Elapsed
Child  3 days Poison
Cig Smoke  3 days Sk8, Poison
Defs  3 days Poison
deprecate  3 days Elapsed
destroy  3 days Mortal
Dome  3 days Elapsed, Treachery
Elvis Rockn  3 days Elapsed
Hawk  3 days Sk8
Hidden  3 days Spastic
Holybird  3 days Grapevine
I spawn & lag, stfu  3 days Grapevine
Invent  3 days Night
Jrahen  3 days Sk8
Kitan  3 days Poison
Longevity  3 days Elapsed
Merce  3 days Grapevine
Nasir  3 days Night
PERiSH  3 days Poison
pOff  3 days Poison
Precinct  3 days Elapsed
Prljavac  3 days Elapsed
Sat  3 days Grapevine
Shadowmere  3 days Mortal
Singe  3 days Poison
Spencer G  3 days Elapsed
vish  3 days Poison
Vys  3 days Elapsed, Mortal
Webbb Llama v1.5  3 days Grapevine
Were  3 days Elapsed
Aerin  2 days Grapevine
Aimed  2 days Grapevine
Annul  2 days Grapevine
Ara  2 days Mortal
Brink  2 days Poison
Carbon  2 days Treachery
Cloth  2 days Mortal
Coal  2 days Elapsed
Danner  2 days Grapevine
Dixy  2 days Mortal
i.Am.EviL  2 days Poison
Inmate  2 days Elapsed
J-F  2 days Treachery
Jack  2 days Grapevine
kess  2 days Spastic
Nemon  2 days Mortal
Nikolai  2 days Treachery
Plead  2 days Mortal
Rakhim  2 days Treachery
RandedI  2 days Grapevine
Regency  2 days Mortal
Revolt  2 days Grapevine
rocafella  2 days Rampage
Roman  2 days Grapevine
Singer  2 days Treachery
siva  2 days Crimson
Soar  2 days Elapsed
Tangled  2 days Elapsed
Tyson  2 days Grapevine
WAR  2 days Treachery
Wreck  2 days Treachery
yungen  2 days Treachery
Zutshi  2 days Mortal
Absynth  1 days Elapsed
Amputate  1 days Thunder
AuRA  1 days Night
Calm  1 days Poison
Concern  1 days Poison
Danel  1 days Elapsed
Dark.Newb!  1 days Poison
dmx&dr.dre  1 days Elapsed
Fantus  1 days Mortal
FILA  1 days Elapsed
Froedrick  1 days Grapevine
Gilmour  1 days Elapsed
Gryll  1 days Grapevine
Haul  1 days Elapsed
Icey <ZH>  1 days Poison
Jason  1 days Poison
jesska  1 days Crimson
majic  1 days Treachery
Mike Modano_09  1 days Elapsed
mind riot  1 days Thunder
Mithril  1 days Grapevine
negrita  1 days Thunder
Possible  1 days Grapevine
q u i c k  1 days Poison
Quartz  1 days Thunder
Shitty Lag  1 days Grapevine
Shockers  1 days Elapsed
stricken  1 days Thunder
Surpassed  1 days Thunder, Crimson
sweet cakes  1 days Poison
Tabu  1 days Grapevine
Voth  1 days Thunder
Worm  1 days Elapsed