
GeNoCidEs 2136 days    (joined 20 times)
Isyn 414 days    (joined 3 times)
cipher_burn 356 days    (joined 4 times)
Bin-Hidin 182 days    (joined 6 times)
Death Click 180 days    (joined 10 times)
Silver~Dragon 171 days    (joined 7 times)
Money 145 days    (joined 3 times)
Kosmonaut 138 days    (joined 3 times)
Bardicer 130 days    (joined 2 times)
Zion 129 days    (joined 2 times)
Ez_Prey 125 days    (joined 4 times)
frozen_distance 125 days    (joined 7 times)
Fait 124 days    (joined 3 times)
Amazed 122 days    (joined 3 times)
Fred Daniels 122 days    (joined 3 times)
Crucializer 121 days    (joined 5 times)
stitches 104 days    (joined 4 times)
BlackMage 100 days    (joined 3 times)
Xert 99 days    (joined 5 times)
champ5 95 days    (joined 5 times)
Te<ss> 91 days    (joined 2 times)
looza 89 days
P S I 87 days
Skulljagger 85 days    (joined 4 times)
Tha Avanger 85 days    (joined 2 times)
extrude 83 days    (joined 5 times)
xaCtly 83 days
DreadPirate 80 days    (joined 2 times)
roosterman85 79 days    (joined 4 times)
Punx 78 days    (joined 4 times)
Judge EZ 77 days
die hard 76 days    (joined 7 times)
Shiv 75 days    (joined 3 times)
Crystal 74 days
Monkey Monster 74 days    (joined 3 times)
Iron_Titan 74 days    (joined 4 times)
12ocket 72 days
Kalreborn 72 days
Laplace 72 days
ol49 72 days    (joined 6 times)
Spacely 71 days    (joined 8 times)
Lambino 70 days
Orb of Chaos 68 days
Burg 68 days    (joined 6 times)
Gypsy 67 days    (joined 2 times)
butchery 67 days
Eclipse_04 66 days
PiTViPeR 66 days    (joined 6 times)
bucksolo 64 days    (joined 5 times)
Malicious Intent 64 days
Shockers 64 days    (joined 13 times)
ais 61 days
MindTricks 59 days    (joined 2 times)
Xef 59 days
Aide 58 days    (joined 3 times)
Bela Lugosi 58 days
Bogard 56 days    (joined 2 times)
Intsynct 55 days
Wintermute- 55 days    (joined 4 times)
6minutes20seconds 55 days    (joined 4 times)
assraper 54 days
mindgame 54 days    (joined 2 times)
PeteyMcNasty 53 days    (joined 3 times)
l2aNgE 53 days    (joined 3 times)
Dying2live 53 days
Monterey 53 days    (joined 4 times)
C.E.V 53 days    (joined 2 times)
Spicyspice 52 days    (joined 3 times)
thesearcher 52 days
advice 52 days    (joined 3 times)
expunge 51 days
Little Buddhist 51 days    (joined 4 times)
wait what 51 days    (joined 4 times)
pepsi pepsi 50 days    (joined 2 times)
Kira_Yamato~ 50 days    (joined 2 times)
AtWA 49 days
Killah. 49 days
Anisette 49 days
Lido Wb 49 days
Selode 49 days    (joined 5 times)
Sternum 49 days
Tour 48 days
EMG 47 days    (joined 3 times)
Suezo 47 days
UNEXIST 46 days    (joined 2 times)
Destructer 46 days    (joined 3 times)
CoS_Falco 46 days    (joined 2 times)
Growlith 46 days
Deja Vu... 46 days    (joined 5 times)
Blacktonge 46 days
freshblood 45 days    (joined 7 times)
schizo 45 days
AppleCheek 44 days
yob touvey mat 43 days    (joined 2 times)
Ket 43 days
Oz_Man 40 days    (joined 4 times)
Eloquent 39 days
Axed 39 days
in self defense 38 days    (joined 2 times)
BAD CRACK 37 days    (joined 2 times)
JuiceMan 37 days
idolize 37 days    (joined 2 times)
Geetar 36 days    (joined 2 times)
SurfaceScan 36 days
Fallen God 36 days
Mismo 36 days
Thorkell 35 days    (joined 2 times)
Katon 34 days
bizzy 34 days
globalisation 34 days
Gosu Kami 33 days
Maddawgtress 33 days
Koio 32 days    (joined 7 times)
IKM 32 days    (joined 2 times)
tydie 32 days    (joined 6 times)
Imm0rtalSlave 32 days
Minotar 32 days
Prince of Darkness 32 days    (joined 2 times)
ShOrTnUgLyFaTkId 31 days    (joined 2 times)
F A K K TWO 31 days
ReKall 31 days    (joined 6 times)
Tanuktolan 30 days    (joined 4 times)
Clichy 30 days
Evold 30 days    (joined 6 times)
ConTaineD 30 days    (joined 2 times)
Bazhn 30 days    (joined 2 times)
Naive 29 days    (joined 6 times)
The_Reaper 29 days
FattyMcFatterson 29 days    (joined 4 times)
Lucky~ 29 days    (joined 4 times)
Rist 29 days
Longbowman 28 days
Intrest 28 days
Defilement 28 days
Executed 28 days    (joined 3 times)
Solarblast Dragon 27 days    (joined 3 times)
None so vile 27 days
The Spawner 27 days
Bolty 26 days
Iraqis 26 days    (joined 3 times)
Thanatopsis 26 days
Mr. Static 26 days
Leber 26 days    (joined 2 times)
MogWog 26 days    (joined 3 times)
Natural Leaf 26 days
a stalker 26 days
Monopolize 26 days    (joined 2 times)
AreYouIn 26 days
SS Tricky 26 days    (joined 5 times)
Vizen 25 days
MIA 25 days
Riquelme 25 days    (joined 3 times)
Pure Hatred 25 days
Hevein 24 days    (joined 2 times)
Hiro Nakamura 24 days
Feoren 24 days
wo0t 24 days
Gaist 24 days
Guitar 24 days    (joined 2 times)
1gb 23 days
Ganon-Knight 23 days    (joined 2 times)
Shot_Down 23 days
MurDeRaH 23 days    (joined 2 times)
Xx-Vash-xX 23 days
BC_Leopard 23 days
rile 23 days
cyphex 23 days    (joined 2 times)
ao Vivo 23 days
Unnamed Soul 22 days
Stonez 22 days
OlePhAnT- 22 days    (joined 2 times)
Bjarte 22 days    (joined 2 times)
masquerader 21 days    (joined 2 times)
Hyro-Dh 21 days    (joined 2 times)
Mock 21 days    (joined 2 times)
ThunderWolf 21 days
sXe 21 days    (joined 2 times)
Miracle_Shot 21 days
drunker 21 days
Death Lord 20 days
tiNee 20 days    (joined 2 times)
Torspo 20 days
Dimebag Darrell 20 days
Badjob 19 days    (joined 5 times)
Sailfish 19 days    (joined 2 times)
king blunt 19 days    (joined 4 times)
G-> 19 days    (joined 2 times)
FukenGruven 19 days
Ka Anor 19 days
SkyHigh 19 days
h a t e 19 days    (joined 2 times)
Seandar! 19 days
i wish 18 days    (joined 2 times)
Jessup 18 days
plasma 18 days    (joined 3 times)
Jailbird 18 days
Influ 17 days
Flip!!! 17 days
Flec 17 days
Zitha 17 days
Morpheo 17 days
Lucar 17 days    (joined 4 times)
Tp2 16 days    (joined 2 times)
unknown warrior 16 days
remal 16 days
rushers 16 days    (joined 4 times)
Vicid 16 days    (joined 2 times)
improvised 15 days
Sixus 15 days
Voracious 15 days
Veins 15 days    (joined 2 times)
Calvary 15 days
verado 15 days
One Winged Angel 15 days
ZackN 15 days    (joined 2 times)
My War 15 days
Moe Focka 15 days    (joined 2 times)
Jiggle Billy 15 days
silver bliss 14 days
Strung 14 days    (joined 2 times)
Coronis 14 days
Nomadic 14 days
Crises 14 days
Alex88 14 days
J-S_Giguere_35 14 days
Adrenaline Rush 14 days
X Rated 14 days
dako 14 days    (joined 2 times)
Insulted 14 days
Shot_Down??? 14 days
battery 14 days
ben_dover 14 days    (joined 2 times)
Overheat 13 days    (joined 2 times)
Peca3all 13 days
Images 13 days
Klean-X 13 days
Manure 13 days
Genbaku 13 days
Glasses 13 days    (joined 3 times)
sacrilecious 13 days
Brag 13 days
Eminem D12 13 days
CharismaX 12 days    (joined 3 times)
Touchscreen 12 days
Bent 12 days
Daphne 12 days
Orange~Jello 12 days
Gnat 12 days    (joined 2 times)
Red_Bull 12 days    (joined 2 times)
Canadian Archer 12 days
License to Kill 12 days    (joined 2 times)
Kind Bud 12 days
JustinSane 12 days    (joined 2 times)
QS 12 days
Oblivian 12 days
the_water 11 days
Targhee 11 days
Pensive Thinking 11 days
Furrow 11 days
erwohs 11 days    (joined 3 times)
FrostKnight 11 days
Hangman 11 days
Widescreen 11 days
Knockers 11 days
LamChung 11 days
The Devils Twitch 11 days
Alaskan Thunder 11 days
Exterminator789 11 days
strayed 11 days    (joined 4 times)
teh devler 11 days
Guu 11 days    (joined 2 times)
koth 11 days
coogs 11 days
Kakka 10 days
Mutalisk 10 days    (joined 2 times)
Hell-Raizer 10 days
Squanto 10 days
Stray 10 days
Champ4 10 days
CDROM 10 days
ixmarcxi 10 days    (joined 2 times)
asperity 10 days    (joined 2 times)
Sire 10 days
Myn Donos 10 days
morin 10 days    (joined 2 times)
saetep 10 days
Directory 10 days
Knighted Warrior 9 days
New Order 9 days
Sandwhich 9 days
spiker!! 9 days
Black&White 9 days    (joined 2 times)
BoChika 9 days
Intolerance 9 days
Exalt 9 days    (joined 2 times)
N@N 9 days
Ozzy Rocks 9 days
MANBOY 9 days    (joined 2 times)
Evald 9 days    (joined 3 times)
Golden Club 9 days    (joined 2 times)
Skynyrd 9 days    (joined 3 times)
Indynamic 9 days    (joined 2 times)
BladeZ 9 days    (joined 2 times)
Defensor 8 days
Syhming 8 days
Below Zero 8 days
Cursum 8 days
Solana 8 days
kung-lao 8 days
CookY Monsta 8 days    (joined 2 times)
Earthling 8 days
Messages 8 days
Hospital 8 days    (joined 2 times)
Mayflower 8 days
infatuated 8 days
RiGhTiOcHaP 8 days    (joined 2 times)
killer_savior 8 days    (joined 2 times)
InFaMouS 8 days
Wildro 7 days
Cataclysm 7 days
Jimmy Supersonic 7 days
VoMiT. 7 days    (joined 4 times)
Lag Hunter 7 days    (joined 2 times)
Joe Hoe 7 days    (joined 2 times)
Thunder's Cry 7 days
dforce1 7 days
Diminutive 7 days
Spincer 7 days    (joined 2 times)
BiT ClouD 7 days
Kenzi 7 days
Someone AFK 7 days    (joined 4 times)
hot pocket 7 days
Bogus 7 days
Smashing 7 days
JMG 7 days
firepr00f 7 days
Sweater 7 days    (joined 2 times)
Origins 7 days    (joined 2 times)
dirtbiker10 7 days    (joined 2 times)
Ban Me 7 days
Izor 7 days
W@terProof 7 days
CooLDemon 7 days    (joined 2 times)
shimi 6 days
AngelGurl 6 days
Styles P 6 days    (joined 2 times)
crude 6 days
Jing!! 6 days    (joined 3 times)
stza 6 days
Near Death 6 days    (joined 2 times)
I*maGirl 6 days
sulphonamide 6 days
BoomerSooner 6 days
Disappearance 6 days
Chisholm 6 days
Gunfighter 6 days    (joined 2 times)
The Devil... 6 days
Draconais 6 days
Mother Pusbucket 6 days
ezest 6 days    (joined 2 times)
Bluewingx 6 days
Kamikazsi 6 days
Mascara 6 days
Indie 6 days
guyPtP 6 days
CreamSiCkle 6 days
Hodge 6 days
Dread_Knight 6 days    (joined 2 times)
Zvn 6 days
mastersword 6 days    (joined 2 times)
Alliance 6 days
Lil Tye 6 days    (joined 2 times)
cretin 6 days    (joined 2 times)
Belg 6 days
Elvis Rockn 6 days
Deuce Bigalow 6 days
DarkSympathy 5 days    (joined 2 times)
untie 5 days    (joined 2 times)
Psilence 5 days
Happytime Harry 5 days
Sertifi 5 days    (joined 2 times)
Da ImMiGrAnT 5 days
Sunshine III 5 days
Alas 5 days    (joined 3 times)
Alarmed 5 days
Looted 5 days
Minimal 5 days
Katsuyori 5 days
Cleat 5 days
Your past 5 days    (joined 4 times)
Desolated 5 days    (joined 3 times)
I can do it 5 days
Lag Magic 5 days    (joined 4 times)
starpax 5 days
Morientis 5 days    (joined 2 times)
DuMa! 5 days
Hull Breach 5 days
Darn 5 days
Stroke of luck 5 days
Supremacy 5 days
Evil Scotsman 5 days
Vyne 5 days
Falsify 5 days
a virus 5 days
Chisholm_ 4 days    (joined 2 times)
Dead_End 4 days    (joined 2 times)
Crymson 4 days
WarHarp 4 days
Heavenly 4 days
Lysandus 4 days
Beefs 4 days
Varsity Scott 4 days
2dye4 4 days
Phirewolf 4 days
Convergent 4 days
Stewy 4 days
Desocrated 4 days    (joined 3 times)
SolarBlast 4 days
MaDmiNdEd 4 days
Centor 4 days
Syko(man) 4 days
Sniper* 4 days    (joined 2 times)
Dead 2 Rights. 4 days
Goddess 4 days
detonator 4 days
Brunkus 4 days
Attached 4 days
Last Savior 4 days
Moon Falux 4 days
Swiftly 4 days
eggboy32 4 days
Palaemon. 4 days    (joined 2 times)
Jungle Book 4 days
Iluminate 4 days    (joined 2 times)
Maurauth 4 days
Man of War 4 days
Dre 4 days
Tigers 4 days
cowPope 4 days
G8KEYPER 4 days
Souls 4 days    (joined 2 times)
The~Best 4 days    (joined 2 times)
Subnova 4 days
SaFia 4 days
Duality 4 days
empion 3 days    (joined 3 times)
Hooivork 3 days    (joined 2 times)
Ollie2 3 days
ultima! 3 days
Adju$t 3 days    (joined 3 times)
Wanqus 3 days
ProMize 3 days
15n 3 days
Inflamed 3 days
The-One 3 days
Zippy W. Slug 3 days
Cloaked_Assassin 3 days
SacreD BountY 3 days
Edged 3 days    (joined 2 times)
The_Blue_Duck 3 days
Agahnim 3 days    (joined 2 times)
Aviram 3 days
Varden 3 days
maury povich 3 days    (joined 2 times)
rly 3 days
Jectis 3 days
Nightmayre 3 days
Snore 3 days
Rolling 3 days
PaweL Abramowicz 3 days    (joined 2 times)
SISQO 3 days
Colossos 3 days
war wolf! 3 days    (joined 2 times)
The Joker!! 3 days
Degate 3 days
Data. 3 days
Razor199 3 days
Jeremy Jones 3 days
Diced 3 days    (joined 2 times)
Evolution2k 3 days
Atrophy 3 days    (joined 2 times)
name why? 3 days
DaPlumber 3 days
Nephi 3 days    (joined 2 times)
b0r3d 3 days    (joined 2 times)
X Japan 3 days
Sexyfeet 2 days
Ching 2 days
Saintz 2 days
Ebaum 2 days
The New Kid 2 days
Sun Devil 2 days
Ex0dia- 2 days
adherent 2 days
Viper06 2 days
LaGTaCuLaR 2 days
RipTheJacker 2 days
Instence 2 days
Eoroth 2 days
ChronoTrigger21 2 days    (joined 2 times)
Chi-Rho 2 days
Katiewoo 2 days
New Folder 2 days
bust 2 days
SeeD46 2 days
CHT 2 days
debris 2 days
SkillsOnWheels 2 days
RuLa 2 days    (joined 2 times)
Wheels 2 days
Rondo 2 days    (joined 2 times)
Damonen 2 days
antisniper 2 days    (joined 2 times)
concussion 2 days
Red Fang 2 days    (joined 2 times)
alitlcrzy 2 days
Duckfeet 2 days
Master Lag 2 days
Champ#2 2 days
Spices 2 days
Ignominy 2 days
Elite_ 2 days
Prime Minister 2 days
Froze 2 days    (joined 2 times)
Nemus Starcrafter 2 days    (joined 3 times)
cashmoneygal 2 days
BaNaNa PeeL 2 days
anope 2 days
Booryokudanin 2 days
Legowelt 2 days
Big Bang 2 days
Burglary 2 days
mu5hr00m man 2 days    (joined 2 times)
Kami-Kawasaki 2 days
nemus 2 days
Scar$ 2 days
randomshot 2 days
gratify 2 days
silentbobb 2 days
Drape 2 days
Rapids 2 days    (joined 2 times)
blow_meeh 2 days
Cage 2 days    (joined 2 times)
Lunar_Eclipse 2 days
Starship Destroyer 1 days
Vagi-Clean 1 days    (joined 2 times)
orange.sniper 1 days
affliction+ 1 days
Lugz 1 days
Ez Prey 1 days
Pursuit 1 days
bled 1 days
R I.P. 1 days
Night.Sniper 1 days
oops 1 days
Kurosaki* 1 days
Rakgu 1 days
Iam 1 days
ProsNcons 1 days
Exibition 1 days
Renji 1 days
Black Project 1 days
Last Will 1 days
The Grave Digger 1 days
Philomath 1 days
Photocopy 1 days
R.0.D 1 days
MasterChief 1 days
Caligor 1 days
1800-die-die-die 1 days
4horseman 1 days
fire_tiger200 1 days
Lord Envy 1 days
1-Shot-1-Kill- 1 days
hipbone 1 days
Dead_Rain 1 days
darksanta 1 days
spanky029 1 days
tamed 1 days
Xanax 1 days
Saul 1 days
Visc 1 days
Civics 1 days
BEATNGU 1 days
AzN-pRiDe 1 days
SKinTeck 1 days
ReCreated 1 days    (joined 2 times)
LemonDropKid 1 days
Urges 1 days
Barrage 1 days
coalchamber 1 days
badboy_oj 1 days
Xenosis 1 days    (joined 2 times)
Absense 1 days
Nonsense 1 days
Toaster Oven 1 days
Puffin The Smoke 1 days
Khiem 1 days    (joined 2 times)
Unorthadox 1 days
Masticator 1 days
Viet_Pryde 1 days
Kashim 1 days
Sin'ath 1 days
EaRtH_RaVeN 1 days
YSD 1 days
Wangsta 1 days
ECK 1 days    (joined 2 times)
GoDnOsE 1 days
AK-47. 0 days
Ruddeger 0 days
italian mavv 0 days
Ceres 0 days
Drastik 0 days
nonsence 0 days
Nick@Night 0 days
Actuate 0 days
tru 0 days
Account 0 days
Ghost~Dragon 0 days
Benihime 0 days
xeo 0 days
Reapers 0 days
Horrified 0 days
Happen 0 days
Drunk-Dragon 0 days
Nite Mare 0 days
RedCloud 0 days
AznBabiGurl 0 days
ukraine 0 days
Incredible 0 days
Tyler 0 days
corishika 0 days
Olympia Girl 0 days
Joker's Wild 0 days
Lycan~ 0 days
Doom_Bringer420 0 days
bundleofsticks 0 days
Therapist 0 days
Razzburry 0 days
Preist 0 days
kaospilot 0 days
ReWind->>> 0 days
Stuffing 0 days
Shiver 0 days
Sexyness 0 days
i-20 0 days
Brian* 0 days
Tare 0 days    (joined 2 times)
student 0 days
Absurdity 0 days
killah 0 days
Penetration 0 days
Huddle 0 days
Jr 0 days
pleNiSh 0 days
royal.sniper 0 days
Maju 0 days
Run stupid 0 days    (joined 2 times)
angel187 0 days
BlowTorch 0 days
lz 0 days