
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Punish   Javzs   Nitroxide   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (18)
Punish (Jun 29, 2005 - Jul 25, 2006)
Javzs (Jun 28, 2005 - Jun 29, 2005)
Nitroxide (Nov 04, 2004 - Nov 04, 2004)
oXidise (Oct 30, 2004 - Nov 04, 2004)
oXidise (Oct 27, 2004 - Oct 29, 2004)
oXidise (Oct 26, 2004 - Oct 27, 2004)
Illure (Apr 15, 2004 - Apr 21, 2004)
KillerTiger (Jan 12, 2004 - Jan 29, 2004)
Bandrag (Nov 15, 2003 - Nov 15, 2003)
Amass (Oct 11, 2003 - Nov 06, 2003)
Aoi (Aug 29, 2003 - Oct 09, 2003)
Beauty (Jun 26, 2003 - Aug 28, 2003)
Battle Ax (Jun 20, 2003 - Jun 20, 2003)
RivE (May 04, 2003 - May 17, 2003)
Brite (Apr 12, 2003 - Apr 18, 2003)
Mist (Feb 22, 2003 - Mar 21, 2003)
Uncoil (Feb 17, 2003 - Feb 21, 2003)
Warpath (Dec 21, 2002 - Jan 29, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (233)
Left_Eye  60 days Beauty
Toxic Fuzz  49 days Javzs, Punish
3.1415  39 days Warpath
brocky2727  39 days Warpath
dark student  39 days Warpath
Dzy Labram  39 days Warpath
EnTeReNcE  39 days Warpath
GerryHYH  39 days Warpath
Hellborn  39 days Warpath
Kaddafi  39 days Warpath
messatsu  39 days Warpath
nemiseph  39 days Warpath
vf-142-rex  39 days Warpath
Zpi  39 days Warpath
Beached Whale  38 days Warpath
Pain~~  38 days Warpath
rly_stupid  37 days Warpath
Locket  35 days Punish, Mist
Scuawooking  35 days Warpath
Papa*Smurf  34 days Warpath, Uncoil
Florish~Dragon  32 days Warpath
Molson24nosloM  31 days Warpath
Obsoletetion  30 days Warpath
Crime Spree  29 days Beauty
Judo Egg  29 days Beauty
Paky Dude  29 days Mist, KillerTiger
Thrush  29 days Beauty
Repped  26 days Mist
Typhoid  26 days Beauty
Bagelrific  25 days Mist
Democracy  24 days Brite, Beauty
Nige  24 days Mist, KillerTiger
TaiN  24 days Warpath
Hike  23 days Beauty
2pacZ  22 days Mist
Mr.Hankey  22 days Mist
Raynz  22 days Warpath
Dominatorious  21 days Mist
third-eye  21 days Warpath
Vito \"Don\" Corleone  20 days Mist
Free.Style  19 days Punish, Javzs
Nizmo  19 days Warpath
DeMoNoFdArKnEsS  18 days Mist
Squanto  18 days Punish
BudTheSpud  17 days Mist
Orions Arrow  17 days Mist
ArcanusMagus  16 days KillerTiger
A_Floating_castle  16 days KillerTiger
BillyBishop  16 days KillerTiger
BlueBlast  16 days KillerTiger
Confidential  16 days KillerTiger
Dsad  16 days KillerTiger
manners man  16 days KillerTiger
Mike Modano_09  16 days KillerTiger
Muffin_Eater  16 days KillerTiger
Nyuniar  16 days KillerTiger
para.dox  16 days KillerTiger
Randle  16 days Punish, Uncoil, Brite
Roberts957  16 days KillerTiger
SquallFF8  16 days KillerTiger
Starry <RH>  16 days KillerTiger
surviver  16 days KillerTiger
Truedge  16 days KillerTiger
Tw!sTeD  16 days KillerTiger
TWiStEdKNiGhT  16 days KillerTiger
Verdent Force  16 days KillerTiger
Whirling  16 days Mist
winter <zh>  16 days KillerTiger
e_MeX  15 days KillerTiger
Fit of Rage  15 days Beauty
PeteyMcNasty  15 days KillerTiger
Warbird AAV  15 days Warpath
Felon  14 days Mist
Enough  13 days KillerTiger
One Half Dork  13 days KillerTiger
Snoopie  13 days Mist
EggMan-  12 days Beauty
Original Sin  12 days Mist
Tolerant  12 days Punish
X-Cutioner  12 days Mist
BAM!!!  11 days Beauty
Funk Machine  11 days Mist
LigerZero.  11 days Warpath
Machu  11 days Mist
Raindrops  11 days KillerTiger
GoB  10 days Punish
Ice Breaker  10 days Warpath
Lazyfighter  10 days Mist
PK2  10 days Mist, KillerTiger
Danman69  9 days Warpath
Left Hand  9 days Warpath
Lolypop  9 days Warpath
Paradise  9 days Punish
Prolifik  9 days KillerTiger
sweet cakes  9 days KillerTiger
Bazhn  8 days Warpath, Brite
Huti  8 days Punish
Melee.  8 days Warpath
Mr. Pyro  8 days Mist
oreo`  8 days Mist
Tiberian Twilight  8 days Warpath
3E  7 days oXidise
Apollo Sash  7 days oXidise
Darkodin  7 days oXidise
Funny_PorkChop  7 days oXidise
guyPtP  7 days oXidise
IrraGance  7 days KillerTiger
J M Power  7 days oXidise
Kavu Titan  7 days Uncoil, Warpath
liran2003  7 days oXidise
macrosin  7 days oXidise
Mr.Tsipin  7 days oXidise
Nr.4  7 days oXidise
num1killa  7 days oXidise
Ozgood  7 days oXidise
Perunalinko  7 days oXidise
Sabacc  7 days oXidise
Sycology  7 days oXidise
thesearcher  7 days oXidise
Violence By Design  7 days oXidise
EmberDragon  6 days Warpath
Fadark.exe  6 days RivE, Mist
HungryWoOki3  6 days Mist
IeatPooDaily  6 days Beauty
Inglish  6 days KillerTiger
Karmic  6 days Punish, Javzs
Kirrua  6 days Mist
Ksv  6 days oXidise
Master BUB  6 days KillerTiger
nemus  6 days Javzs, Punish
Princess of Death  6 days Warpath
Punyone  6 days oXidise
Spr!ng V@mp!re  6 days KillerTiger
Team Punishment  6 days Mist
tool|apc  6 days Warpath
X-Caliba  6 days Warpath
Bjarte  5 days oXidise
Chillmar  5 days oXidise
Crusade  5 days KillerTiger
Dying To Live  5 days Brite
ghosthalf  5 days Punish
Grey Hawk  5 days Brite
h t v  5 days Brite
kibta  5 days Mist
lerdex  5 days Mist
Man Down  5 days Brite, Mist
Newb 101  5 days KillerTiger
Partisan  5 days Illure
Sexual Misadventure  5 days Brite
Sexums  5 days Brite
Zoodle  5 days Mist
an airborne virus  4 days Warpath
Banish  4 days Brite
Boze  4 days Mist
BrOkEn  4 days Mist
Daniela_Hantuchova  4 days Mist
I.D.I.O.T.  4 days Brite
IceWinds  4 days Brite
Keitaro  4 days Beauty
Philos  4 days Warpath
supersnipe  4 days Warpath
Surgga*Daddy  4 days Warpath
Team Punishment#2  4 days Mist
Touya  4 days Illure
Trial  4 days Brite
War Queen  4 days Warpath
War_VS_U  4 days Mist
Wolf-of-Nibo  4 days Warpath
A DeCoY?!?!  3 days Uncoil
Apolyon  3 days Uncoil
Arquero  3 days Punish
Brinker  3 days Uncoil
British Eagle  3 days oXidise
CM715  3 days Uncoil
co.  3 days Mist
Complacency  3 days Brite
Death123  3 days Javzs, Punish
Dero  3 days Brite
die hard  3 days Brite
dj promo  3 days Uncoil
FairLights  3 days Brite
Fatal Disruption  3 days Uncoil
freak_of_nature  3 days Brite
Hero*  3 days Mist, Uncoil
install  3 days Javzs, Punish
Jebb  3 days oXidise
jeffhardy397  3 days KillerTiger
nable  3 days Warpath
Old Boy  3 days RivE
ran  3 days Mist
Reneg@De  3 days oXidise
Shadow Fox  3 days Mist
Shukun  3 days Uncoil
Talyan  3 days Brite
Absense  2 days oXidise
Add  2 days Brite
Angel <ZH>  2 days Beauty
chimeara  2 days Mist
Commotion  2 days KillerTiger
Desirable  2 days KillerTiger
hpnotiq  2 days Javzs, Punish
Icey <ZH>  2 days KillerTiger
Igziabeher  2 days KillerTiger
Kakka  2 days Uncoil
Kyle G  2 days RivE
Mastery  2 days Brite
the grouch  2 days Brite
un  2 days KillerTiger
vessel  2 days Punish
WE WIN  2 days Punish
Whats This?  2 days KillerTiger
Xait  2 days Warpath
Xenosis  2 days Illure
Zagstruk  2 days oXidise
7<ami7<aze  1 days KillerTiger
A-Rose  1 days Warpath
Bliss87  1 days RivE
crusader56  1 days Illure
Denzel  1 days Uncoil
dmx&dr.dre  1 days KillerTiger
Electronic  1 days Brite
Fanha  1 days Punish
Fluff  1 days Brite
froboy  1 days Brite
Lost One  1 days Mist
Lustful  1 days Brite
Millard  1 days Brite
Night Thrasher  1 days Brite
psychatog  1 days Battle Ax, Warpath
Shaidar~Haran  1 days Warpath
the guy that sucks  1 days Warpath
Tyrael.  1 days oXidise
Warrior-X  1 days Warpath