
b@by girl
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Stray   U F O   Misstress   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (75)
Stray (Feb 02, 2008 - Feb 04, 2008)
U F O (Mar 22, 2007 - Mar 22, 2007)
Misstress (Mar 14, 2007 - Mar 22, 2007)
Exige (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 29, 2006)
Deviation (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
No Boys Allowed (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Trak (Jul 24, 2006 - Jul 26, 2006)
Trak (Mar 16, 2006 - Mar 20, 2006)
Brainwave (Oct 23, 2005 - Oct 27, 2005)
MediEval!! (Jun 28, 2005 - Oct 23, 2005)
Shankers (Jun 07, 2005 - Jun 07, 2005)
Team WB (Jun 02, 2005 - Jun 07, 2005)
Gantz (May 17, 2005 - Jun 01, 2005)
Anubico (May 06, 2005 - May 11, 2005)
EliteKrew (Apr 25, 2005 - May 06, 2005)
Ossify (Apr 12, 2005 - Apr 25, 2005)
EliteKrew (Apr 04, 2005 - Apr 12, 2005)
-KAOS- (Dec 21, 2004 - Jan 05, 2005)
Explicits (Dec 21, 2004 - Dec 21, 2004)
ReJeCtEd BaSeRs (Dec 10, 2004 - Dec 21, 2004)
Secada (Nov 27, 2004 - Dec 10, 2004)
Time Splitter (Nov 25, 2004 - Nov 26, 2004)
Ossify (Oct 20, 2004 - Nov 25, 2004)
Target (Aug 07, 2004 - Aug 12, 2004)
AVIRAM (Aug 06, 2004 - Aug 07, 2004)
Target (Aug 05, 2004 - Aug 06, 2004)
Gantz (Jul 29, 2004 - Aug 05, 2004)
Evasiveness (Jul 17, 2004 - Jul 18, 2004)
Duelerz (Jul 15, 2004 - Jul 17, 2004)
Blacklash (Jun 29, 2004 - Jul 15, 2004)
Xenion (Jun 28, 2004 - Jun 28, 2004)
ILLHEADED (Jun 23, 2004 - Jun 28, 2004)
Crimson Moon (Jun 08, 2004 - Jun 18, 2004)
EcOm (Jun 02, 2004 - Jun 08, 2004)
MATKAL 2.0 (Jun 02, 2004 - Jun 02, 2004)
EliteClan (May 30, 2004 - Jun 01, 2004)
MATKAL 2.0 (May 30, 2004 - May 30, 2004)
Pepsi Co. (May 29, 2004 - May 30, 2004)
Infectous (May 29, 2004 - May 29, 2004)
Dying Sun (May 25, 2004 - May 29, 2004)
Dying Sun (May 22, 2004 - May 24, 2004)
Chia! (May 19, 2004 - May 22, 2004)
Idoneus (May 15, 2004 - May 18, 2004)
Idoneus (May 13, 2004 - May 14, 2004)
Twin Dragon (May 13, 2004 - May 13, 2004)
-GIANTS- (May 13, 2004 - May 13, 2004)
-GIANTS- (May 09, 2004 - May 10, 2004)
Spores (May 03, 2004 - May 09, 2004)
FlatLines (Apr 28, 2004 - Apr 28, 2004)
Interface (Apr 16, 2004 - Apr 19, 2004)
PUMA (Apr 15, 2004 - Apr 16, 2004)
Lightning Strike (Feb 15, 2004 - Feb 20, 2004)
Reflective (Feb 03, 2004 - Feb 07, 2004)
Pundit (Jan 19, 2004 - Jan 26, 2004)
aripheon (Jan 15, 2004 - Jan 19, 2004)
Centrifugal (Jan 11, 2004 - Jan 13, 2004)
Typhus (Jan 09, 2004 - Jan 10, 2004)
Pundit (Dec 30, 2003 - Jan 03, 2004)
Zyne (Dec 28, 2003 - Dec 29, 2003)
Gold Elite (Dec 03, 2003 - Dec 28, 2003)
KONG (Nov 27, 2003 - Dec 02, 2003)
EMPulse (Nov 26, 2003 - Nov 27, 2003)
-Echoz- (Nov 22, 2003 - Nov 23, 2003)
*Echoz* (Nov 19, 2003 - Nov 19, 2003)
WorstSquadEver (Oct 19, 2003 - Oct 28, 2003)
PIMP_HOUSE (Oct 12, 2003 - Oct 19, 2003)
Demon Emperium (Aug 20, 2003 - Oct 10, 2003)
Oddysey (Aug 17, 2003 - Aug 20, 2003)
-Volts- (Aug 17, 2003 - Aug 17, 2003)
Earth Squad (Aug 17, 2003 - Aug 17, 2003)
ArmedAssault (Jul 16, 2003 - Jul 22, 2003)
oniwobon (Jul 09, 2003 - Jul 16, 2003)
SS Corps (Jun 26, 2003 - Jul 09, 2003)
*Revenge* (Jun 24, 2003 - Jun 26, 2003)
Arial (Feb 16, 2003 - Feb 17, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (905)
Netor  117 days MediEval!!, EMPulse
Hypothermia  110 days MediEval!!
Gunslave  107 days MediEval!!
Harbor  105 days MediEval!!
Ace -=420=-  103 days MediEval!!
DVD  102 days MediEval!!
Bolty  101 days MediEval!!
xaznxgangstaboix  100 days MediEval!!
Out of the Shadows  93 days MediEval!!
death slayer@  87 days EliteClan, aripheon, MediEval!!
BAD CRACK  60 days EliteKrew, MediEval!!
kudamono  60 days MediEval!!
Demon_X!!  51 days Chia!, Demon Emperium
gundeck  51 days Demon Emperium
InfernoKnight  51 days Demon Emperium
Khaibit4000  51 days Demon Emperium
Master_C  51 days Demon Emperium
My Boner  51 days Demon Emperium
Monterey  49 days MediEval!!
Bazhn  48 days Ossify
Ciraxis  48 days Ossify
davie  48 days Ossify
Dealt  48 days Ossify
F_You  48 days Ossify
Lemmin  48 days Ossify
pixe  48 days Ossify
Random Shooter  48 days Ossify
renskav  48 days Ossify
Skinster  48 days Ossify
Supra.Man  48 days Ossify
CoS_Falco  43 days Crimson Moon, MediEval!!, ArmedAssault
Hexeen  39 days Ossify
Jumping Spider  39 days Ossify
Gold Knight#3  37 days Demon Emperium
hipshot  36 days Demon Emperium
Armipotens  35 days Ossify
Attacks <ZH>  35 days Ossify
PSV-Fan  35 days Ossify
tobbe  35 days Ossify
Tye  35 days Ossify
Whir Bong  35 days Ossify
Actuate  31 days MediEval!!, Anubico, Gantz
Fifty  31 days Ossify
rly_dumb  31 days EliteKrew, MediEval!!, Ossify
nUcLeAr DiSaStEr  30 days Gantz, EliteKrew
RossTronix  30 days Demon Emperium
dooby  29 days Gantz, EliteKrew
Jebb  29 days Ossify
Georgebob  26 days Lightning Strike, Gantz
HSB  26 days Demon Emperium
Averex  25 days EMPulse, Gold Elite
spacefighter  25 days Gantz, EliteKrew
Thorkell  25 days MediEval!!, Idoneus
Backlit  24 days Gold Elite
Gunho  24 days Gold Elite
IN-FLAMES  24 days Gold Elite
Wes Kwimble  24 days Gold Elite
Epoxie  23 days MediEval!!
IchiniQuuooombop  23 days MediEval!!
KingKoopa  23 days MediEval!!
moi  23 days MediEval!!
Own.  23 days MediEval!!
snort  23 days MediEval!!
Crucializer  22 days Gantz, Anubico, EliteKrew
Last Rites  22 days Gantz
Nige  22 days Ossify, Crimson Moon
Rabid-Wombat  22 days Gantz
BobM@rley  21 days EliteKrew, Gantz
Deja Vu...  21 days Gantz, Crimson Moon
InterKnex  20 days EliteKrew, Gantz
RADIOMARU  20 days Gantz
TWiStEdKNiGhT  20 days Team WB, EliteKrew, KONG
gnusmas  19 days MediEval!!
Spudly  19 days MediEval!!
twinky  19 days Anubico, EliteKrew
Despair  18 days -KAOS-, Spores
Goku2  18 days Ossify
3E  17 days EliteKrew
assraper  17 days EliteKrew
coalchamber  17 days EliteKrew, Time Splitter
Cut.  17 days EliteKrew
darck  17 days MediEval!!
district seven  17 days EliteKrew
elite newbie  17 days EliteKrew
God's Humor  17 days EliteKrew
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  17 days 6 squads
Missa  17 days Explicits, Gantz, Trak
Pot Smoker!!!  17 days EliteKrew
ReWind->>>  17 days Ossify
Sarutobi  17 days EliteKrew
shaddowknight  17 days EliteKrew, Trak
Staff  17 days EliteKrew
Tazquerade  17 days EliteKrew
the Sperminator 2  17 days EliteKrew
Worst_Noobie_Ever  17 days EliteKrew
XrayXrayXray  17 days EliteKrew
Apollo Sash  16 days EliteKrew
Clamp  16 days Blacklash
corupt  16 days Chia!, Dying Sun, MediEval!!
golden duck  16 days Blacklash
hipbone  16 days MATKAL 2.0, Blacklash, Crimson Moon
Launch  16 days EliteKrew
Zvn  16 days Blacklash
A Flea  15 days Gantz
A Fur  15 days Gantz
Alpha Dog  15 days Gantz
Battle Puss  15 days Gantz
ben_dover  15 days Gantz
Bourbon  15 days Gantz
bucksolo  15 days 4 squads
C.O.W.S.  15 days Gantz
Classik  15 days Blacklash
coky  15 days Gantz
crunchie  15 days Gantz
elemental  15 days PUMA, Gantz
Elite assasin  15 days Gantz
Expecto Patronum  15 days Gantz
farb  15 days Blacklash
Freedom Gundam ZGMF  15 days Gantz
FurioFuhrer  15 days Gantz
Guitar Guy  15 days Gantz
Katsuya  15 days Gantz
Kolbi  15 days Gantz
Loder  15 days Gantz
Luke Skywall<er  15 days Gantz
Madsouljah  15 days Gantz
master destroyer  15 days EliteKrew, Anubico
PEGASiS  15 days Gantz
Secret Shadow  15 days Gantz
StreetLight7  15 days Gantz
Suffocated  15 days Gantz
Toyota.  15 days Gantz
Turles  15 days Anubico, Gantz
vItjA  15 days Blacklash
Yamh  15 days Gantz
Yang Wenli  15 days Gantz
Big Monk  14 days -KAOS-
calculus  14 days -KAOS-
Civic  14 days -KAOS-
Cute>Kaos  14 days -KAOS-
Dai Shan  14 days -KAOS-
DanyalDenyo  14 days -KAOS-
dragun  14 days -KAOS-, Interface
Duragon  14 days PUMA, -KAOS-
Hesitate  14 days -KAOS-
hotmale.com  14 days -KAOS-
New Order  14 days 4 squads
Paper  14 days -KAOS-
racism  14 days -KAOS-
Revolve  14 days -KAOS-
Sir Xavier  14 days Demon Emperium
Swindler  14 days EliteKrew
TelCat  14 days -KAOS-
Virus Cap  14 days EliteKrew
Wundergurl  14 days Gantz
a faulty toaster  13 days Ossify
Aborted Fetus  13 days Ossify
Ajant  13 days Ossify
Belief  13 days Ossify
cronin  13 days Ossify
DreadPirate  13 days EliteKrew, Anubico
GM-Sniper  13 days Ossify
gohan857uk  13 days Ossify
Iron_Titan  13 days Ossify
Knightmair  13 days Ossify
Little Buddhist  13 days Ossify
Lone*Wolf  13 days Ossify
Luthor  13 days MediEval!!
Mobey  13 days Ossify
Mods Suck  13 days Ossify
reinhold  13 days Gantz
Syntrax  13 days -KAOS-, Lightning Strike
Tanuktolan  13 days Ossify
all.your.base  12 days EliteKrew
AznGyrl  12 days -KAOS-
DiamandBolt  12 days SS Corps, Explicits
Dog lover  12 days SS Corps
DrunkenBurito  12 days SS Corps
Eclipse_04  12 days Gantz
ElectricEclipse  12 days aripheon, EliteKrew
GothPirateGirl  12 days MediEval!!
gwen  12 days Gantz, EliteKrew
Jenna_Jameson  12 days Gantz
Merchandize  12 days SS Corps
Mr.Bling <ER>  12 days -KAOS-
NightCalibur  12 days Gantz
PhrozenStar  12 days SS Corps
Shock Halo  12 days Ossify
SiT NeWb  12 days EliteKrew
Spamalope  12 days EliteClan, -KAOS-
Touflo  12 days Blacklash
A Fuzz  11 days Gantz
AznJLi313  11 days Gold Elite
Dagan  11 days Demon Emperium
Demonik  11 days Gantz
Exterminator789  11 days Gantz, Crimson Moon, Lightning Strike
Ice>  11 days Pundit, ReJeCtEd BaSeRs, U F O
Legas!  11 days Blacklash
MlDGET  11 days -KAOS-
SkieLok  11 days -KAOS-
starpax  11 days Gantz
toString  11 days Ossify
Van_Dread  11 days MediEval!!
1ight  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
A I  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Abatis  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
AcidBomber  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Arrakis  10 days EliteKrew
Bahamut <ER>  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Blanke  10 days MediEval!!
ckpoon  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
CondIT  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
CorpseCreator  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
cremation  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
DaRk Fa$e?  10 days EliteKrew
DarkSympathy  10 days EliteKrew, Ossify
Drakr  10 days EliteKrew
Dude Uh MAn  10 days EliteKrew
Dutch Baser  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
evilant  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Fire Phoenix  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
glavitik  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Grounded  10 days EliteKrew
Havu  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
hockeydude  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
HotandHeavy  10 days EliteKrew
Humidity  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Implode  10 days EliteKrew
itsme  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Jrahen  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Kenpachi  10 days EliteKrew, Gantz
KillerCanadian  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
KillerGt1  10 days Gantz
Kings  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Legend Killer!  10 days EliteKrew
LemonDropKid  10 days EliteKrew
lunch3  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
maito_chi  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
No Man  10 days EliteKrew, Anubico
retsam  10 days EliteKrew
Roggan  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Spheres  10 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
thunder fox  10 days EliteKrew
Underoath  10 days EliteKrew
Wangsta  10 days 4 squads
Warbird 7  10 days Explicits, EliteKrew
BIG BUBB@  9 days WorstSquadEver
BoomShakaBoom  9 days WorstSquadEver
BrokenFist  9 days -KAOS-
bubbles19518  9 days Gantz
Champ#1  9 days Crimson Moon
Coast  9 days Blacklash
Complicate  9 days Pundit
crap.  9 days WorstSquadEver
DimondBack  9 days WorstSquadEver
Ebowl  9 days Blacklash
Eurteoff  9 days WorstSquadEver
Frit0z  9 days Gantz
fubster  9 days Ossify
G.R.L  9 days WorstSquadEver
Gods wang  9 days Gantz
Gruc  9 days EliteKrew
Jeenyuss  9 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
my dog 8 it!!!  9 days WorstSquadEver
pepsi pepsi  9 days Crimson Moon, Pepsi Co., Duelerz
Plexust  9 days WorstSquadEver
RabbidHellBunnies  9 days WorstSquadEver
Silence..  9 days Gantz
thesearcher  9 days WorstSquadEver
Z.T.M  9 days WorstSquadEver
angel_slayer  8 days Demon Emperium
AtWA  8 days Ossify
Barrage  8 days EliteKrew
Baseball Allstar5  8 days EliteKrew
Basil.  8 days Crimson Moon
BlaqueIndyan  8 days Misstress
Dairymann  8 days Gantz, Crimson Moon
Dast  8 days EliteKrew
DPT Hunter  8 days EliteKrew
Elaw  8 days EliteKrew
Equality  8 days Pundit
g2g  8 days Blacklash
Mickey on Viagra  8 days Gantz
N o w h e r e  8 days Gantz
PluRaL.  8 days EliteKrew
redlights <er>  8 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Seal_666  8 days Crimson Moon
Skeletal  8 days MediEval!!
Starscream,  8 days MediEval!!
The Legend Killer  8 days EliteKrew
Vicid  8 days EliteKrew
Zorpion  8 days WorstSquadEver
A RaBid PaNDa  7 days Gantz
BlackCobra  7 days Crimson Moon, Dying Sun, Idoneus
Bohemian  7 days Gantz
Brother Justin  7 days MediEval!!
Cloaked_Assassin  7 days EliteKrew
Confuze  7 days Blacklash
Cursum  7 days EliteKrew, MediEval!!
Dark Arrow  7 days EliteKrew
dark_ally  7 days EliteKrew
Dark_Hunter  7 days Gantz
Delectable  7 days Stray, Target
dj_ponage  7 days Gantz
eggboy32  7 days PIMP_HOUSE, EliteClan
Fire.Sniper  7 days Gantz
forgotten child  7 days Gantz
Gantz  7 days Gantz
hotshotmv  7 days Gantz
hot_fish  7 days Idoneus, Dying Sun, Chia!
Hydration  7 days EliteKrew
Interview  7 days MediEval!!
jackelope  7 days EliteKrew
killer muffin  7 days EliteKrew
Krilas  7 days EliteKrew
lapitch  7 days PIMP_HOUSE
Lazy Kakashi  7 days Gantz
Lazyness  7 days EliteKrew
Le0na  7 days PIMP_HOUSE
ManuChao!  7 days EliteKrew
ManuGinobili  7 days EliteKrew
Maurauth  7 days Gantz, Brainwave
Meller  7 days Ossify
Monky With a Boob  7 days Gantz
N.E.R.D 69  7 days Gantz
Nimble  7 days Gantz
ninjaelf27  7 days Gantz
Pelesit  7 days EliteKrew
P_i_M_p  7 days PIMP_HOUSE
Rapid Ninja  7 days Gantz
ReKall  7 days EliteKrew
road kill000-  7 days PIMP_HOUSE
Rurouni*Kenshin  7 days oniwobon
sanouske  7 days oniwobon
Shadowalker!  7 days oniwobon
ShadowWalker!  7 days oniwobon
Sheepskin  7 days Gantz
skeletor_69  7 days Gantz, Duelerz
SLANGIN ROCK  7 days Crimson Moon, Dying Sun
Spacely  7 days 9 squads
StealthAssasin2  7 days Gantz
Suicidal Master  7 days oniwobon
T0rnW1ngz  7 days EliteKrew
The Nash  7 days Target, Idoneus
TheDude  7 days MediEval!!
TWINsnakes  7 days oniwobon
wait what  7 days Gantz
Wheen  7 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
X-PLoSiVe  7 days Gantz
Xenosis  7 days EliteKrew, WorstSquadEver, Pundit
Xersize  7 days EliteKrew
Your Worst Nightmar  7 days Gantz
ZannaTTi  7 days Anubico, Crimson Moon
ztnag  7 days Gantz
3lectric  6 days PIMP_HOUSE
4 lYfE  6 days Typhus, Pundit, Blacklash
Aeolus  6 days EliteKrew
Alkaline  6 days Pundit, Reflective
Axiomatic  6 days EliteKrew
Balla Playa  6 days PIMP_HOUSE
Camp3r  6 days EliteKrew
coldhatewarmblood  6 days Target
Crunk Killa  6 days -KAOS-
Darius Winds  6 days Pundit, Lightning Strike
deploy  6 days Target
Dirk  6 days Target
Druss  6 days Gantz
EsCaPe~SniPe  6 days WorstSquadEver
FFLeader  6 days Spores
footballfreak054  6 days oniwobon
Graner  6 days Spores
half_life  6 days Pundit
HR Puffinstuff  6 days Anubico, Trak
iDoNeUs  6 days Gantz
Jake  6 days Target
JeepersCreepers  6 days Gold Elite
Jem  6 days Gantz
KillerDragon  6 days PIMP_HOUSE
liran2003  6 days Spores
Little~Princess  6 days Spores
lopist  6 days EliteKrew, Gantz, Anubico
Loser.  6 days EliteKrew
macrosin  6 days Spores
Marmelad  6 days Ossify
Master Mind  6 days Blacklash
me, the newb  6 days Pundit
Mr Kiwi  6 days Target
Neo Killer  6 days PIMP_HOUSE
opieortiz  6 days Gantz
Perforator  6 days Spores
PharmD  6 days Crimson Moon
Pimpin Playa  6 days PIMP_HOUSE
PlayBoy Terr.  6 days Target
Polari  6 days Spores
Proximo  6 days Target
Rev.Ruin  6 days PIMP_HOUSE
Ryuukei  6 days WorstSquadEver
Serial Killa  6 days PIMP_HOUSE
Skill less  6 days EliteKrew
StaticLullaby  6 days Spores
TeeNy NeWb  6 days EliteKrew
Toothbrush100  6 days PIMP_HOUSE
Violence By Design  6 days Spores
VoMiT.  6 days Ossify, Explicits
Waltez  6 days Spores
yob touvey mat  6 days MediEval!!
ZIP Reloaded  6 days Spores
a virus  5 days Blacklash, PUMA
Absynth!  5 days Gantz, Anubico
Agnium  5 days -KAOS-
AngelsGirl  5 days Team WB
anope  5 days Team WB
Azn-Gurl  5 days Pundit
AznBabyGurl  5 days Target
AznNycGuy  5 days Lightning Strike, EliteClan
Ballack  5 days Gantz
BaNaNa PeeL  5 days Anubico
beign  5 days MediEval!!
Big Bird  5 days PIMP_HOUSE
Bin-Hidin  5 days Team WB
Boogie_P_I_M_P  5 days PIMP_HOUSE
British Eagle  5 days Blacklash, Anubico
CaSpeR_4_ShO  5 days Team WB
Claim  5 days -KAOS-
Concealed  5 days Lightning Strike, Blacklash
Dark Tooth  5 days Team WB
Didoc  5 days Target
DKMA  5 days Target
dougie fresh  5 days Team WB
Ducci  5 days Typhus, Pundit, Explicits
eat_monkey  5 days Anubico
Ecstatic  5 days -KAOS-
eggboy  5 days Time Splitter, Ossify
Free.Style  5 days EliteKrew
gang_stud  5 days Spores
garet jax_weapons m  5 days PIMP_HOUSE
heave  5 days Typhus, Pundit
I 0wnz0rz y0u  5 days Anubico
i_sux0r  5 days Anubico
joethesupreme1  5 days Anubico
kasai  5 days Team WB
Kenzi  5 days Team WB
KillDaWabbit  5 days Anubico
Kinesrra  5 days Gantz
LiL NeWb  5 days EliteKrew
Lord Envy  5 days Anubico
Lucar  5 days Anubico, ArmedAssault
matt..  5 days Gantz, Time Splitter
Murmy  5 days Pundit
odp123  5 days Team WB
OpiumX  5 days Team WB
Oxtar  5 days oniwobon
Pacifica  5 days EliteKrew
Priest Chaplin  5 days WorstSquadEver
Purpl3Dolphins  5 days Anubico
Resurrect  5 days Anubico
Russian Assassin  5 days MediEval!!
Savageee  5 days Anubico
Sephius  5 days EliteKrew
Shigetoshi Hasegawa  5 days Target
Shukun  5 days Team WB
Snane  5 days Gantz
Stoned_monkey  5 days Anubico
syris  5 days Team WB
TerBear  5 days Team WB
The Frito  5 days Anubico
the good aderty  5 days Pundit
The Hawk  5 days Dying Sun, Crimson Moon
The TiTS  5 days Team WB
TheOnion  5 days WorstSquadEver
toCra  5 days Target
WhaCko  5 days Anubico
Wild_Mage  5 days Blacklash
xeo  5 days Target
1nVinCiB|e  4 days Anubico
a Poisonous Walrus  4 days Pundit
aderty  4 days Typhus, Pundit
aerogirl  4 days Pundit
Arucard  4 days Lightning Strike
arwen_7  4 days Lightning Strike
Asphicter  4 days aripheon
Attacks  4 days Ossify
AviramDJ  4 days EliteKrew
Bag o' Wire  4 days Brainwave
Bigfoot  4 days Lightning Strike
Bloodtooth2k  4 days Anubico
cacoethes  4 days Explicits, Lightning Strike
Canadian Archer  4 days Dying Sun
Collusion  4 days Pundit
Declared  4 days aripheon
DJSlayer  4 days Brainwave
Don Taylor  4 days Dying Sun
Draconex  4 days Crimson Moon, Duelerz
Drips  4 days EliteKrew
Executed  4 days MediEval!!, Ossify
Flasche  4 days aripheon
Fr33 Rolling  4 days aripheon
Giartokill  4 days Crimson Moon
Gonad Lad  4 days Gantz
Hell Knight  4 days aripheon
hENnA  4 days Gantz
hurigane (fin)  4 days Gantz
I Refuse To Lose!  4 days oniwobon
In_Your_Eye  4 days aripheon
Iory  4 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
jav a nice day!  4 days Pundit
JoyRider  4 days Lightning Strike
Kerunder  4 days Pundit
Krug  4 days aripheon
Lain  4 days Lightning Strike
LAMEFEST  4 days aripheon
Lara  4 days U F O, Lightning Strike
Laurelin  4 days Gantz
MaStEr Of ChAoS!!!  4 days PIMP_HOUSE
MasterChief  4 days Gantz
mastersword  4 days Dying Sun, Lightning Strike
Morphene  4 days Anubico
N0elle  4 days Lightning Strike
Nerve Calmer  4 days Pundit
newb lag  4 days Dying Sun
OmegaBlaster  4 days Pundit
Palidora  4 days Lightning Strike
Panamarenko  4 days Brainwave
Persistent  4 days aripheon
Pika-Chu  4 days aripheon
Power of Hope  4 days Lightning Strike
Primordial  4 days Pundit
Rated_destruction  4 days Pundit
Reis  4 days Pundit
Renix  4 days Pundit
Restless  4 days Anubico
rockafella  4 days Gantz
s o d a p o p  4 days Brainwave, *Echoz*
Sacs  4 days Anubico
Send  4 days Pundit, Typhus
Setboy  4 days Pundit
SilenceYou  4 days Pundit, KONG, Centrifugal
Silico  4 days Pundit, Typhus
Skynet!  4 days EliteKrew
Sodomizer  4 days Gantz
SolarBlast  4 days Anubico
Sothe  4 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Sprinty  4 days aripheon
steel chain  4 days Pundit
Steph Kai  4 days Pundit
stilt  4 days Gantz
sXe  4 days MediEval!!
the_doctor  4 days Pundit
Tiga  4 days Lightning Strike
Timezone  4 days aripheon
Trunks_rage  4 days -KAOS-
Unheard  4 days Crimson Moon
Unnamed Soul  4 days Idoneus, Pundit
V-max_800_LJS  4 days MediEval!!, Explicits
Veggie5  4 days PIMP_HOUSE
WebBot  4 days PIMP_HOUSE
widespread panic  4 days Crimson Moon
wishy16  4 days Oddysey, aripheon
X-Caliber 2k  4 days Lightning Strike
Yang_Unit  4 days aripheon
Yukiko  4 days Lightning Strike
1337  3 days Interface
a Javelin  3 days Interface
a noob  3 days Idoneus, Chia!
A Z H A R  3 days 4 squads
Absense  3 days Blacklash
Agari  3 days Trak
Atomic-Sniper  3 days Idoneus, Dying Sun
a_sharp_pencil  3 days Anubico
Bjarte  3 days Ossify, Lightning Strike
BloodEagle  3 days 4 squads
Borgir  3 days Gantz
British  3 days Ossify
Busker  3 days Interface
chi-town  3 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Chisholm_  3 days Idoneus, Dying Sun
compressure  3 days Pundit, Typhus
cowgirl  3 days Pundit
Crystalin  3 days aripheon
Cyborg.  3 days Gantz, Idoneus
Devastator*FIN*  3 days Brainwave
die hard  3 days EliteKrew, Gantz
Disrespectful  3 days Interface
dynastes  3 days Interface
empion  3 days 5 squads
Endangered  3 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
EsCaPisM  3 days Pundit
eXsIzt  3 days Interface
FairLights  3 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Flec  3 days Pundit, EliteKrew
flion  3 days Brainwave
GDawg9696  3 days Interface
gohanjmr  3 days Trak
Grin  3 days Interface
HiS MoMmA!  3 days 4 squads
Horror  3 days Interface
Kami-Kawasaki  3 days Dying Sun
LearN  3 days Interface
lerdex  3 days Interface
Locus Publicus  3 days Interface
lxl_Rusty_lxl  3 days Brainwave
Mike Modano_09  3 days SS Corps, Idoneus
mindgame  3 days MediEval!!
MogWog  3 days Crimson Moon
Morh  3 days Interface
Nimbostratus  3 days Ossify
ol49  3 days Duelerz, Crimson Moon, Pepsi Co.
pOff  3 days Interface
Puppet*Master  3 days Interface
PureX  3 days Interface
R4z0r  3 days Lightning Strike
Rauta  3 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Rawr-Kill  3 days Brainwave
Ready?  3 days Interface
Revered  3 days Interface
Rolo~  3 days EliteKrew
RSC17 Spider  3 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Script  3 days Interface
Sfrius  3 days Interface
Silver~Dragon  3 days Trak, Zyne
Solo-  3 days Gantz, Chia!, EliteClan
Soze  3 days Interface
spaceman01  3 days Lightning Strike
stark  3 days Interface
Syberchoises  3 days Reflective
The_Angels_Scythe  3 days Anubico
Twitchie  3 days WorstSquadEver
Upon  3 days -KAOS-
UR Be$tfriend  3 days Zyne, PIMP_HOUSE
venal  3 days Gantz
Vindictive  3 days Gantz
wanger  3 days Pundit
WebStriker  3 days 4 squads
Whimp  3 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Xert  3 days EliteKrew
Yoost  3 days Interface
15n  2 days Dying Sun
50 cent.  2 days Demon Emperium
Anacondaur  2 days Lightning Strike
Angel Warbird  2 days -KAOS-
AngryBloke  2 days Idoneus
Ar(V)aGeDDoN  2 days Dying Sun
B-[Laderunner]  2 days Idoneus
Bad-Boy  2 days Crimson Moon, Dying Sun
badboy_oj  2 days Idoneus
Basics  2 days 4 squads
Blueblaze  2 days Trak
Bo0!  2 days Idoneus, Trak
Caracal  2 days Dying Sun, Idoneus
Chosie  2 days Lightning Strike
Conceit  2 days Pundit
Corner_Bandit  2 days Crimson Moon
Da MaN  2 days Idoneus
DadaKing2  2 days MediEval!!
Dastor  2 days Idoneus
Death Click  2 days Idoneus, KONG
deathgod2004  2 days EliteKrew
Disappearance  2 days Ossify
Dread_Knight  2 days Idoneus, Zyne, EliteClan
Easton  2 days -KAOS-
Ecro  2 days Idoneus
EnFlAmE  2 days Ossify
Eror  2 days Idoneus
Evold  2 days Ossify
Falceot  2 days Idoneus
Fate's Hope  2 days Oddysey
Firth  2 days Gantz
Flew  2 days -KAOS-
Frosty  2 days Reflective
FrozenGhost  2 days Lightning Strike
FullMetalAlchemist  2 days Trak
GirlsAngel  2 days Anubico
Gnossos  2 days Pundit
GuEsS wHo?!?  2 days Lightning Strike
Guzzle  2 days Trak
Help Me I'm New  2 days Gantz
Iron_Maiden_666  2 days Lightning Strike
Ka Anor  2 days Ossify
kevstar86  2 days EMPulse, Gold Elite
killerbee16  2 days Anubico
Koio  2 days Blacklash
koios  2 days Trak
Kyra.  2 days Gantz
Lady Kitten  2 days Gantz
Lasagne  2 days Brainwave
LDOG  2 days Gantz
lilo thug  2 days Idoneus
LILwade  2 days Chia!, Pundit, U F O
Loki the Trickster  2 days Idoneus, -GIANTS-
lucky  2 days -KAOS-
MagikMonkey  2 days Crimson Moon
Metal Headz  2 days Interface
mizdorkylicius  2 days Gantz
Mr.Tsipin  2 days Idoneus, MATKAL 2.0
Neurosis2  2 days EliteKrew
Nick@Night  2 days Idoneus
Peca2all  2 days Crimson Moon
R0GU3 L34D3R!  2 days Gantz
RCT2  2 days Crimson Moon
schope  2 days Interface
Selode  2 days Idoneus
shaded_space  2 days Trak
Shadow 30  2 days Trak
ShadowHand  2 days Trak
Sk8  2 days Interface
Snowly  2 days Pundit
Solarblast Dragon  2 days Centrifugal, Lightning Strike, Idoneus
SonicFlood <007>  2 days Idoneus
sonlox  2 days Brainwave
spanky029  2 days aripheon
SpellWin  2 days Oddysey
spitfire6900  2 days EliteKrew
Star Fox  2 days ArmedAssault
strid3r  2 days Idoneus
SubsideX  2 days Oddysey
Suede  2 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Super Record!!  2 days -KAOS-
taimur1  2 days Brainwave
tD.  2 days Gantz
The Korean  2 days Trak
The Lightning Count  2 days Lightning Strike
The Shizznit  2 days Pundit
Timing  2 days Interface, -KAOS-
Tyrael.  2 days -GIANTS-, Blacklash, Time Splitter
Van Wilder  2 days Crimson Moon
vinland  2 days Interface
Wildro  2 days Trak
WiseCherub  2 days KONG
Xenoflame  2 days Interface
Xonk  2 days EliteKrew, Pepsi Co.
2C  1 days Stray
3000GT VR4  1 days MediEval!!
9th Wonder  1 days Stray
A handy  1 days Centrifugal
A Newb In Denial  1 days Gantz
a2m  1 days PIMP_HOUSE
Amorous  1 days -KAOS-
anaemia  1 days Idoneus
Androovski  1 days Duelerz
ANGEL<>  1 days EliteClan, Infectous
Annual.  1 days EliteKrew
Apocaliption  1 days Stray
ARMED ReTaRdS  1 days *Revenge*
Aspien  1 days EliteClan, Idoneus
Asym  1 days EliteClan
Aurablades  1 days -Echoz-, *Echoz*
Automate  1 days Blacklash
AznBabiGurl  1 days EliteClan
aZn_sNipEr  1 days Reflective
Azz Kiker  1 days Pundit
Baby.  1 days EliteClan
Basics-  1 days -Echoz-
Bloody Wolf  1 days *Echoz*, -Echoz-
Bloody_Shot  1 days Duelerz
Bobyz  1 days EliteClan
Bone Wagon  1 days Brainwave
Boner  1 days Interface
BooBiesYAY  1 days EliteClan, MATKAL 2.0
bubblybunny  1 days -Echoz-
Capsta  1 days EliteClan
chaa  1 days Target
Champ4  1 days Crimson Moon
ChickDaddy  1 days Duelerz
Cholla  1 days Anubico
Chuckle  1 days Stray
Contender  1 days Interface
Crestfall  1 days Blacklash
Crunchy Nut  1 days Ossify
Crystal>Wolf  1 days *Revenge*
Cxi  1 days Stray
Daedalus  1 days Blacklash
dark dynamo  1 days Zyne
dark surge  1 days Gantz
dark-sniper  1 days *Revenge*
Dark_Raver  1 days Duelerz
Deez Nuts  1 days Stray
Deluge  1 days Stray
Desecrate  1 days Lightning Strike
Desert Judo  1 days Stray
Despiseth  1 days Zyne
DeStRuCtO256  1 days Trak
Devour  1 days Pundit
die foo!  1 days EliteClan
Diesal  1 days Evasiveness
Dioskilos  1 days Blacklash
dontbesomean35  1 days Zyne
Draconian  1 days Interface, Lightning Strike
Draxxuz  1 days ILLHEADED
DUELPASTA  1 days Gantz
Dynasty  1 days Stray
Ed  1 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Ekko  1 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
Elekid12  1 days Zyne
Emollient  1 days Team WB
Entei  1 days EliteClan
Eric is God  1 days Stray
Estupido  1 days Stray
Ex0dia-  1 days -Echoz-
extensive  1 days Stray
extrude  1 days -Echoz-
Final Whistle  1 days EliteClan
Fira  1 days EliteClan
fodao  1 days Stray
Fold  1 days Interface
goodtime  1 days Pundit
Halls  1 days Stray
Headache  1 days EliteClan
HoldTheOnions  1 days EliteClan
Homeless  1 days -KAOS-
HT-Desire  1 days Zyne
Hyro-Dh  1 days Zyne
Hyuuga  1 days Zyne
Igziabeher  1 days Trak
inaphyt  1 days Brainwave
Include  1 days -GIANTS-, Chia!, Idoneus
Infernal IV  1 days Lightning Strike
Injen.  1 days MediEval!!
Inmate  1 days PUMA
jiffer  1 days Anubico
JJ.  1 days Dying Sun
Julle  1 days EliteClan
JustinSane  1 days Shankers, Duelerz
Kill Me Now!!!  1 days *Revenge*
Killerbee2  1 days -Echoz-, Earth Squad, Time Splitter
King Baba  1 days Stray
Kori Blade  1 days *Revenge*
Kyle G  1 days *Revenge*
Lady Venom!  1 days EliteKrew
lame newb  1 days EliteKrew
Last Will  1 days -Echoz-, *Echoz*
lilxbeb3x4xu  1 days Zyne
LimoZeen  1 days -Echoz-
locate  1 days Gantz
lord snipe  1 days Gantz
Lucky_Charms  1 days Ossify
Lurtz  1 days Zyne
Man.Man..  1 days *Revenge*
METHALIZE  1 days Idoneus
MILOS  1 days Stray
murmer  1 days Pundit
NassE  1 days Interface
Nestle_Mini  1 days *Revenge*
nopcode  1 days Lightning Strike
O PUTAO  1 days Stray
o.k  1 days Reflective
Oeroek  1 days Reflective
Orange Snipe  1 days Gantz
Ozgood  1 days Team WB
palgy  1 days EliteClan
Panda Bear  1 days Stray
parl  1 days *Revenge*
Pascone  1 days Stray
Phrozen  1 days -KAOS-
PrOnEsSiM  1 days EliteClan
PureOwnage <ER>  1 days Stray
pure_pwned  1 days Pundit
PushedRespect  1 days *Revenge*
PUTAO  1 days Stray
Pyrotechnics  1 days ReJeCtEd BaSeRs
p_i_m_p master  1 days PIMP_HOUSE
Quake3  1 days U F O, Trak
Randedl  1 days Stray
RATTY...  1 days Lightning Strike
Reclaiming  1 days EliteClan
Red_Bull  1 days Spores
Repletion  1 days Gantz
Revise  1 days EliteClan
RikSa  1 days Stray
Roky  1 days Stray
RougeLeader  1 days EliteClan
Royst51  1 days Zyne
Sabotace  1 days Idoneus
SamuraiChamploo  1 days Gantz
Sinful Bliss  1 days Zyne
SkyHigh  1 days KONG
Snik(  1 days Pundit
SnoopyDogg  1 days Team WB
Solemn  1 days EliteClan
Sparda  1 days EliteClan
spin!!!  1 days MediEval!!
spitfire#12  1 days *Revenge*
SSCUJ  1 days Typhus
Styles P  1 days Spores
SunnyD  1 days KONG, Lightning Strike
Supreme Authority  1 days PIMP_HOUSE, EliteClan
TehNewbDied  1 days Gantz
The Devil...  1 days Lightning Strike, WorstSquadEver, Evasiveness
Time 2 Die!!!  1 days Gantz
tiNee  1 days Lightning Strike
Ton.  1 days EliteClan
Twerp  1 days Pundit
tydie  1 days 4 squads
Unabled  1 days Ossify
Unravel  1 days Dying Sun
uranium  1 days Pundit
Viet_Pryde  1 days -Echoz-
Vrana  1 days PIMP_HOUSE
WAR  1 days Stray
Witness  1 days -KAOS-
Woken  1 days Typhus, Pundit
X monster  1 days PIMP_HOUSE
Xpect  1 days Gantz
xXAznXDragonXx  1 days *Revenge*
Zaraki  1 days Gantz
z{2}kona  1 days *Revenge*