
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Mellow    Dishonored    Project   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (16)
Mellow (May 02, 2012 - Jul 11, 2012)
Dishonored (Apr 29, 2012 - May 02, 2012)
Project (Apr 28, 2012 - Apr 29, 2012)
Dishonored (Apr 22, 2012 - Apr 28, 2012)
Brainwave (Apr 21, 2012 - Apr 22, 2012)
Uzi (Apr 16, 2012 - Apr 20, 2012)
Dishonored (Apr 14, 2012 - Apr 16, 2012)
Serenity (Apr 11, 2012 - Apr 14, 2012)
Mellow (Feb 05, 2012 - Apr 11, 2012)
sonate (Jan 15, 2012 - Feb 05, 2012)
Tenure (Jul 26, 2011 - Aug 24, 2011)
Dependency (Mar 07, 2011 - Jun 27, 2011)
Paladen (Mar 05, 2011 - Mar 05, 2011)
The Faded (Feb 26, 2011 - Mar 05, 2011)
Wake Up! (Feb 21, 2011 - Feb 26, 2011)
AstroNots (Feb 13, 2011 - Feb 21, 2011)
Has been on the same squad (456)
WASTED!!  176 days Dependency, Mellow
fiS  149 days Mellow, sonate
Kosmonaut  136 days Mellow, sonate
YojimbO^  136 days sonate, Mellow
fakiiri  135 days Mellow, sonate
Horatio  135 days Mellow, sonate
SilverBlue  135 days sonate, Mellow
Pk3r  133 days sonate, Mellow
Wobbuffet  133 days Mellow
Kyle Hester  132 days Mellow, sonate
Caja  131 days Mellow, sonate
Postman Pat!  128 days Mellow, sonate
TV <ER>  127 days Mellow
TavireT  126 days 4 squads
board  122 days Uzi, Mellow, sonate
s$niperKill  122 days Mellow
wiibimbo  122 days 4 squads
Psyclone  120 days Mellow, sonate
Etrajb  116 days Mellow
Attacks  114 days Dependency, Uzi
Barack O Bombed You  111 days Dependency
Bravest Orangutan  111 days Dependency
Buja X  111 days Dependency
DimDum  111 days Dependency
Freekin' Idiot!  111 days Dependency
Infinity+  111 days Dependency
Jaybels  111 days Dependency
LyF  111 days Dependency
miskrit  111 days Dependency
Okay [0G]  111 days Dependency
pixel  111 days Dependency
PrimeDoobage  111 days Dependency
PuKoTiC  111 days Dependency
Ruczi  111 days Dependency
SKinTeck  111 days Dependency
Snatcher  111 days Dependency
Star Falco  111 days Dependency
unixkey  111 days Dependency
unusual  111 days Dependency
Vector <ZH>  111 days Dependency
Y ?  111 days Dependency
Gorzonac  110 days Dependency
RiiStar  110 days Mellow
iceblue  109 days Dependency
Techno_PT  103 days Dependency
Jullord  101 days Dependency
Steep  100 days Mellow, sonate
Mossad  94 days Mellow, The Faded
B50 BOMBER  93 days Mellow, sonate
Flockaveli  90 days Mellow
NoLsKi  90 days Mellow, sonate
Slikiboy  89 days sonate, Mellow
Nessy  87 days Mellow, Dependency
coldturkey  84 days Mellow
Stung  83 days Tenure, Mellow, Serenity
D Rek  82 days Mellow
Unknown warrior~  80 days Mellow
BOBFLOB  76 days Mellow
Broomstick <ZH>  75 days Mellow
Sollos  75 days Mellow
SS Tricky  74 days AstroNots, Dependency
Brodie94  73 days Mellow
draL <ER>  73 days Mellow
Gimmick[MFS]  73 days Mellow, sonate
Guerrila  73 days Uzi, Mellow
ifkinstink  72 days Dependency
Ridge Racer  72 days Mellow
Jill Shortmilk  71 days Dependency
Hadouken!  70 days Mellow, AstroNots, Paladen
Coltz45  69 days Dependency
Drakoon  67 days Mellow, sonate
Dawdling  66 days Dependency
Flammable  66 days Dependency
MARSP  66 days Mellow, sonate
a trap  65 days Mellow
an angry koala  65 days sonate, Mellow
Klumsy  65 days sonate, Mellow
Mackazz  64 days Mellow
Multifilm  64 days Dependency, AstroNots
NL>HUNT  64 days Mellow, sonate
UltraFamicom  64 days sonate, Mellow
Wazzaaa.NL  64 days sonate, Mellow
Cigg4000  62 days Mellow
Burnt  61 days Mellow
Broomstick  59 days sonate, Mellow
AirFinland  57 days Mellow
Cinq  57 days sonate, Mellow
kanucmee  57 days sonate, Mellow
silentbobb  56 days Dependency
WillBy <ER>  56 days Mellow
Affined  55 days Mellow
blueblood  55 days Mellow
00elo  54 days Mellow
Cape  54 days Mellow
Waterseer  54 days Mellow
A.H  53 days Dependency
angry.chair  53 days Mellow
Ascian  51 days Mellow, sonate
b9b  50 days Mellow
CrossFox  50 days Dependency
NiMeSh  50 days Mellow
KSHZen  48 days Dependency
a thing  47 days Mellow
Brentos  46 days Dependency
CAPITAL LETTERS  46 days Dependency
Nessy <ZH>  46 days Dependency
Slugz  46 days Mellow
swagger  46 days Dependency
Matthias  45 days Mellow
Pepperdepep  45 days Mellow
Archangel Tyreal  44 days Dependency
Caffeine Overdose  44 days Mellow
Zrr  44 days Dependency
fantamax  43 days Mellow
Jizoint  42 days Tenure, Mellow, Dependency
Cheesy  41 days Dependency
Linair  41 days Mellow, Tenure
penacyber809  41 days Dependency
Rock'et  41 days Mellow
oO.Oo  40 days Mellow
Cojafoji  39 days Dependency
kuppo  39 days Dependency, Mellow
Okey  39 days Dependency
Swiss Cheese  39 days Mellow
Viiru  39 days sonate, Tenure
Collossus  38 days Mellow
Frogskin  38 days Mellow
LordGore  38 days Dependency
Mr THC  38 days Dependency
V O I D  38 days Dependency
Valentino_Rossi  38 days Mellow
VFX  38 days Dependency
Chainsaw Maniac  37 days Dependency
misfire  37 days Mellow
Fruct <ER>  35 days Mellow
vaped  35 days Mellow
Dark_Slayer  34 days Dependency
Nanners  34 days Dependency, Dishonored
Reckful  34 days Dependency, Mellow
declension  33 days Dependency, AstroNots
Fructose  33 days Mellow, Tenure
Geio  33 days Mellow
JeezOutLaw  33 days Mellow
Andy Steel  31 days Mellow
LamedFighter  31 days Paladen, Mellow
UAZ  31 days Dependency
Aquire  30 days Mellow
Fabregas  30 days 4 squads
0WL  29 days Tenure
A I  29 days Tenure
ak_killer  29 days Dependency
Bluewingx  29 days Tenure
BobBarkerCantDie  29 days Tenure
classic?  29 days Tenure
Crem  29 days Tenure
dare  29 days Tenure
dragon killer  29 days Tenure
Everett  29 days Tenure
Jeenyuss  29 days Tenure
Moot  29 days Tenure
Mopphead  29 days Dependency
Murp  29 days Tenure
oLdE gLoRy  29 days Tenure
Petal  29 days Tenure
Phrenitis  29 days Tenure
pinkStar  29 days Tenure
raptor's claw  29 days Tenure
Royst  29 days Tenure
Shermen  29 days Tenure
Spinel  29 days Dishonored, Tenure
Super Bozo  29 days Tenure
Tarriskat  29 days Tenure
The Greatest Noob  29 days Dependency
the_paul  29 days Tenure
vaped <ZH>  29 days Paladen, Tenure
WillBy  29 days Tenure
delicacy  28 days Mellow
Fuerza  28 days Dishonored, Dependency
Ownix  28 days Mellow
PIGSisPIGS  28 days Dependency
quackjob  28 days Dependency
Reversed  28 days Dependency
thewickedmojo  27 days Dependency
wanger  27 days Tenure
wint  27 days Dependency
ChechClear  26 days Tenure
Heroical  26 days Mellow
comfort  25 days Mellow
Darkstrom  25 days Mellow
Steep <ZH>  25 days Mellow
THE BANGA  25 days Mellow
Dai Shan  22 days Dependency
Exhibitionist  22 days Dependency
Garl Vinland  22 days Mellow
Kyler  22 days Tenure
leitz  22 days Tenure
Netherlands  22 days Mellow, sonate
PitBoss  22 days Dependency
field  21 days Mellow
bromigo  20 days Mellow
pussywhipped  20 days Mellow
Beeper  19 days Tenure
burt0n  19 days Tenure
Dwopple  19 days Tenure
juvi  19 days Tenure
mikasa  19 days Tenure
Quart  19 days Mellow
r3llik  19 days Tenure
Stoved  19 days Tenure
SubGeek  19 days Tenure
sunbeam27  19 days Tenure
Monkaria  18 days Mellow, sonate, The Faded
someone bored  18 days AstroNots, Mellow, Dishonored
Billy.  17 days Mellow
Bone Wagon  17 days Dependency
Cat Fudd  17 days Dependency
Honzo  17 days Tenure
Major Crisis  17 days Tenure, Dependency, sonate
mirvrender  17 days Dependency
Miss Ann Thrope  17 days Tenure
RedKnight  17 days Tenure, AstroNots
AnImoL  16 days Mellow
Cig <ER>  16 days Tenure
FAILURE!!!!!  16 days Tenure
Fermata  16 days Tenure
MoNo.  16 days Tenure, Dependency, AstroNots
O'Really  16 days Dependency
sewing machine  16 days Mellow, sonate
Aware  15 days Dependency
Collateral  15 days Mellow
Concern  15 days Mellow, Uzi
Fit of Rage  15 days Tenure
Pressure  15 days Mellow
Brian-  14 days Dependency
Dral  14 days Mellow
oboepro  14 days Mellow
the grouch  14 days Dependency
Valzor  14 days Dependency
Gass  13 days sonate
The Next Thing  13 days Mellow
X-Demo  13 days sonate
Clinic  12 days Dishonored, Uzi, Serenity
finiTe  12 days Mellow
Minuet  12 days Mellow
multipass?  12 days Dependency, AstroNots
Shayde  12 days Mellow
warbyrd  12 days Dependency
Defiler878  11 days sonate
Maggot Twat  11 days Mellow
Spidermonkey123  11 days Tenure
Aide  10 days Dishonored, Uzi
Cat-Penguin Hybrid  10 days Mellow
chips. <ER>  10 days sonate
plasma  10 days Mellow
Reihyou  10 days sonate
Riverside  10 days Tenure
struck  10 days Mellow
all star  9 days Dishonored
Boofcat  9 days Dependency
Chrissygirl  9 days Dishonored
costly  9 days Dishonored
Frantasaurus  9 days Dishonored
Fry dem fish  9 days Tenure
fucT  9 days Dishonored
Kakka  9 days Dishonored
paska  9 days Tenure
Pineapple Express  9 days Dishonored
Pippy Snipp  9 days Tenure
Rage Against  9 days Dishonored
Spacely  9 days Dishonored
whopper  9 days Dishonored
a floating castle  8 days AstroNots
blu-  8 days AstroNots
DaBigBomb  8 days Dishonored
Dibella  8 days Mellow
Exodia  8 days AstroNots, Paladen
Fusionbomb  8 days AstroNots, Paladen
Hallucinogens  8 days Dishonored
Harvester Of $orrow  8 days Paladen, AstroNots
ILYAX  8 days Paladen, AstroNots
Innocent baby seal  8 days AstroNots
Jones  8 days Tenure
Kasaq  8 days AstroNots
L3MU3L  8 days AstroNots
Let  8 days Dependency
mental patience  8 days AstroNots
MR.JELLY  8 days Tenure
o)-<|  8 days Dishonored
pawner  8 days AstroNots
Poly.  8 days AstroNots
popwarskater  8 days AstroNots
Redneck Huntin  8 days Tenure
schezar  8 days AstroNots
Selfy  8 days Dishonored
sepetaiya  8 days AstroNots
Sickwitit  8 days AstroNots
Stray  8 days The Faded, Uzi
Thorkell  8 days AstroNots
TopShot  8 days AstroNots
wbm  8 days Mellow, Tenure
XDeadkillerX  8 days Paladen, AstroNots
YouPorn  8 days AstroNots, Paladen
Zagis  8 days sonate, Dishonored
Ace Shot  7 days Tenure
bellflowers  7 days Mellow
Dr. $kill  7 days Tenure
Element GLT  7 days sonate
McGangBang  7 days Dishonored
Mr.Todolorosso  7 days Mellow
Nitr<>JCS1111  7 days Tenure
Rasaq  7 days Dishonored
RuBbEr BoMb <ZH>  7 days sonate
Rubick  7 days Serenity, Dishonored
Sady  7 days Dependency
Skykid  7 days Mellow
7<e$ha  6 days Mellow
Catatstrophe  6 days Dishonored, Uzi
Fox!  6 days The Faded
Golfer  6 days Tenure
Kisuke  6 days The Faded
Michelle!!  6 days Project, The Faded, Dependency
Mobey  6 days sonate, Mellow
Mr.Done  6 days Tenure
Producer  6 days Mellow
q0.op  6 days The Faded, Dependency
ratty  6 days Uzi, Mellow
resoL  6 days Dependency
true_vision  6 days Mellow, sonate
Tuck  6 days Project, Dishonored, Uzi
2pacZ  5 days Paladen, Dishonored
I'm in a SlumP  5 days The Faded
kog5  5 days Mellow
Logan-  5 days Mellow
Mooker  5 days Paladen, Dishonored
olde  5 days Uzi, Serenity
Phil Ivey  5 days 4 squads
Sugarr  5 days The Faded
Tiny Titan  5 days Mellow
too ez to be true  5 days Dependency
Wrath  5 days Dishonored
Zagstruk  5 days Mellow
always  4 days sonate
Biet <ER>  4 days Mellow
bugs  4 days Mellow
CRBL  4 days Mellow
foodstamp  4 days Dependency
KATC <ZH>  4 days Mellow
Little Buddhist  4 days Dependency
Mighty <ZH>  4 days Mellow
Pterodactyl  4 days Dishonored
ReKall  4 days AstroNots
Ryuken.  4 days Mellow
S.S. Warp  4 days Dishonored
Solarblast Dragon  4 days Dishonored
va  4 days Mellow
Zizu  4 days Tenure
Alextron  3 days Uzi
amphetamin  3 days Uzi
Antimatter  3 days Uzi
bike  3 days Uzi
BLT  3 days Uzi
bubblepirate21  3 days Uzi
Burg  3 days Brainwave, Serenity
chips.  3 days Mellow
Cig Smoke  3 days Tenure
DaTi  3 days Uzi
empion  3 days Uzi
Frogsk|n  3 days Mellow
groovedexter  3 days Tenure
hai  3 days Uzi
hmph  3 days Dishonored
iyui  3 days sonate
Johnson  3 days Tenure
John_Adams  3 days Uzi
Lee Wun  3 days Dependency
mastersword  3 days Uzi
Mission X  3 days Uzi
Myollnir  3 days Dishonored
Na'vi hunter  3 days Tenure
Nit3  3 days Uzi
Pawn  3 days Uzi
Pooter89  3 days Mellow
Repent  3 days Dishonored
Roxas  3 days Uzi
Shock Therapy  3 days Uzi
Slacker!  3 days Tenure
Urn  3 days Uzi
Valate  3 days Uzi
Vue  3 days Uzi
ZapaTa  3 days Uzi
zeallummox  3 days Uzi
adj.  2 days Brainwave, Mellow
cornellboy69  2 days Tenure
eRach  2 days Dishonored
Fork  2 days Mellow
GoT SkiLL???  2 days Mellow, Paladen
hotdogman14  2 days AstroNots
Kavu Titan <ER>  2 days The Faded
Kid-Rice  2 days The Faded
Marvelus  2 days Dependency
Nine  2 days Uzi
Onion Oppressor  2 days AstroNots
Protean  2 days Tenure
Speedkillz  2 days Serenity
UnDeAd SouL  2 days Dependency
aquatis  1 days Brainwave
BackUp  1 days Brainwave
Bolun  1 days Brainwave
Bongobuddybari  1 days Brainwave
bumpa  1 days Mellow
crazykillah  1 days Brainwave
cremation  1 days Mellow
Death Adder  1 days Mellow
Desk.  1 days Mellow
DF  1 days Mellow
dotto  1 days Brainwave
EzComeEzGo  1 days Paladen, AstroNots
Fizzo  1 days Brainwave
Godzero  1 days Mellow
golden dragon.  1 days Brainwave
Heavenly  1 days Brainwave
Holy_$hit  1 days Mellow
hungrywolf  1 days Dishonored, Paladen
inaphyt  1 days Brainwave
Jizzron Phillips  1 days Brainwave
juked  1 days Brainwave
kaelum  1 days Brainwave
KlicK  1 days Brainwave
Lifter  1 days Brainwave
LILwade  1 days Brainwave
Magnum Size  1 days Brainwave
Manco  1 days Brainwave
miDoeNT <ZH>  1 days Brainwave
Oen  1 days Brainwave
pappa  1 days Brainwave
Paradise  1 days Brainwave
Pascone  1 days Mellow
Pika Pika!  1 days Brainwave
PJB  1 days Brainwave
Raazi  1 days Dishonored
RageRitual  1 days Brainwave
rectumrooter  1 days Brainwave
red poison  1 days Brainwave
Schfifty-Five  1 days Brainwave
sDpZaP  1 days Brainwave
Setboy!  1 days Brainwave
Shy  1 days Brainwave
Sim+  1 days Mellow
SpiderTime  1 days Brainwave
Stayon  1 days Mellow
TABARNAK!!!  1 days Mellow
the-fire  1 days Brainwave
Vater  1 days Brainwave
xboogiex  1 days Brainwave
Yelawolf  1 days Paladen, AstroNots
zapping zapper  1 days Brainwave