
disown <ER>
"1:Johnie <ER> my sister takes dick like a champ"

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Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  DyNasty    BoZ   Dark   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (4)
DyNasty (Apr 29, 2011 - Jun 07, 2011)
BoZ (Mar 29, 2011 - Apr 26, 2011)
Dark (Mar 26, 2011 - Mar 27, 2011)
Onix (May 19, 2002 - Jun 18, 2002)
Has been on the same squad (96)
Spacepimp  41 days BoZ, DyNasty
Badjob  39 days DyNasty
buck  39 days DyNasty
Cloth  39 days DyNasty
Cross  39 days DyNasty
Demonic  39 days DyNasty
eazy  39 days DyNasty
epoch  39 days DyNasty
Flew  39 days DyNasty
Kthx  39 days DyNasty
Let  39 days DyNasty
monkee  39 days DyNasty
Myollnir  39 days DyNasty
Piston  39 days DyNasty
Ravage  39 days DyNasty
Slaughter  39 days DyNasty
Sphinktor  39 days DyNasty
ups  39 days DyNasty
Vamp  39 days DyNasty
Vida  39 days DyNasty
Web  39 days DyNasty
Wrath  39 days DyNasty
Roiwerk  37 days DyNasty, Dark
adam  36 days DyNasty
Devilish  36 days DyNasty
killah  36 days DyNasty
Abos  35 days DyNasty
exploid  34 days Dark, DyNasty
Austin  33 days DyNasty
Funk E  33 days DyNasty
habit  33 days DyNasty
Kentaro  33 days DyNasty
FrAm  31 days DyNasty
Johnie <ER>  31 days BoZ, DyNasty
Amorphus  30 days Onix
badly owned  30 days Onix
Canuck  30 days Onix
Cartos  30 days Onix
eRad  30 days Onix
Force of Nature  30 days Onix
Golden Knight  30 days Onix
HeavenlyWarrior  30 days Onix
Legionair  30 days Onix
Lit  30 days Onix
Naughty  30 days Onix
Primal  30 days Onix
S. Sureshot  30 days Onix
Veteran  30 days Onix
Foreign  29 days DyNasty
Heroin Bob  28 days DyNasty
Bender Rodriguez  27 days BoZ
Ellis D.  27 days BoZ
Money Shot  27 days BoZ
Aerin  26 days DyNasty
Azreal-  26 days Onix
Dragonscale  26 days DyNasty
Lorko  26 days BoZ
Sheriff  26 days BoZ
snO_op  26 days BoZ
Versa  26 days BoZ
Revenge  24 days DyNasty
Rogue  24 days DyNasty
Dai Shan  23 days DyNasty
Revival  23 days Onix
ZapaTa  23 days DyNasty
Little Slick  22 days DyNasty
mastersword  22 days DyNasty
Izor  21 days DyNasty
Keith  21 days DyNasty
MetalKid  21 days Onix
Necce  21 days BoZ, DyNasty
Fork  17 days BoZ
Dome  16 days DyNasty
Dramatic  14 days BoZ
LiL  14 days Onix
BoM  13 days Onix
Saw  13 days Onix
Erakoira  12 days DyNasty
inaphyt  10 days DyNasty, Dark
SRV  10 days Onix
Yip Man  10 days Onix
Drawing  8 days DyNasty
Phillie  8 days DyNasty
Repent  8 days DyNasty
Maximus D Meridius  7 days BoZ
Graphic  6 days DyNasty, BoZ
dsb <ZH>  4 days BoZ
Hs  4 days BoZ
ReBirth  4 days DyNasty
Via  4 days BoZ
PonZi  2 days DyNasty
Rabid  2 days DyNasty
Shigeno  2 days DyNasty
Eager  1 days DyNasty
Protean  1 days DyNasty
sludge  1 days DyNasty, Dark