
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads -Vanguard-   The Siren   -enyCE-   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (9)
-Vanguard- (Jul 11, 2006 - Jul 26, 2006)
The Siren (Jun 10, 2006 - Jun 19, 2006)
-enyCE- (Apr 21, 2006 - Jun 08, 2006)
-eNyCE- (Mar 18, 2006 - Apr 15, 2006)
-eNyCE- (Dec 10, 2005 - Mar 15, 2006)
Mind Crush (Nov 27, 2005 - Dec 10, 2005)
UniterZ (Jul 25, 2005 - Sep 06, 2005)
NerakanKnights (May 06, 2005 - Jun 05, 2005)
Nerakan (Mar 22, 2005 - May 06, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (277)
Zhou Tai Soldier  134 days -Vanguard-, -enyCE-, UniterZ
vietnam009  122 days -eNyCE-
ogmix  121 days The Siren, -Vanguard-, -eNyCE-
DeStRuCtO256  107 days -eNyCE-
Medallion  102 days -eNyCE-
RothE  98 days -eNyCE-
rXeNa  95 days -eNyCE-
devilsblood5000000  89 days -eNyCE-
Zalor  83 days -eNyCE-
A Me><icaN  81 days -eNyCE-
playaboy  79 days -eNyCE-
Soild killer  78 days -eNyCE-, UniterZ
2white4u  75 days -eNyCE-
mnbvc  75 days -enyCE-
I tK sTuPiD  73 days -eNyCE-, UniterZ
LaXX  70 days -eNyCE-, UniterZ
qin  70 days -eNyCE-
Laggy Legend  69 days -eNyCE-
qdfqsdf  69 days -eNyCE-
Futon  66 days NerakanKnights, Nerakan
Zsolix  66 days -enyCE-, UniterZ
Flying Goose  65 days -eNyCE-
Rrafle  65 days -eNyCE-
Burke  64 days -Vanguard-, -eNyCE-
T.R.U.E  64 days -eNyCE-
TrueN00b  62 days -eNyCE-
xXWaspXx  55 days -eNyCE-
Zsoli Sucks  55 days -eNyCE-
AC-DC  51 days -eNyCE-
T-Mac Jr.  51 days -eNyCE-
Dead_Rain  47 days -eNyCE-
Konvict  47 days -eNyCE-
Monoxide Child  47 days -eNyCE-
Pawn  46 days Nerakan, NerakanKnights
DianeMizota  45 days -eNyCE-
Hidden Gerbil  45 days Nerakan
Mungo  45 days -eNyCE-
Pibeo  45 days NerakanKnights, Nerakan
Staff  45 days Nerakan
ElNino555  43 days -eNyCE-
iSuC  42 days -eNyCE-
nyF  42 days -eNyCE-
Ace_Shooter.  41 days -eNyCE-
eMachines  40 days Nerakan
AZN_NEWBIE  38 days NerakanKnights, Nerakan
linni  38 days NerakanKnights, Nerakan
Zadz  38 days NerakanKnights, Nerakan
demonfox 6  36 days NerakanKnights, Nerakan
Saturi  36 days -eNyCE-
Vioxx  35 days -eNyCE-
bubby01  34 days -eNyCE-
Gonad Lad  34 days Nerakan
West Jeckel  34 days -eNyCE-
Outshined  32 days -eNyCE-
phata$$  31 days -eNyCE-
Sephius  31 days Nerakan
Optium  30 days Nerakan
Anti-Religionist  29 days Nerakan, NerakanKnights
frozen_distance  29 days Nerakan
Ethan Frome  28 days -eNyCE-
Ailen  27 days -eNyCE-
Cgull  27 days -eNyCE-
DarkAssassian  27 days Nerakan
Dark_Crusader50  27 days Nerakan
SARKXXX  27 days -eNyCE-
ScreamingPanda  27 days -enyCE-, -Vanguard-
Sexy_Shiznit  27 days Nerakan
A R B I T E R  25 days UniterZ, -eNyCE-
acclaimed  25 days -eNyCE-
1-Fingered Salute  24 days NerakanKnights, Nerakan
Ikned  24 days -eNyCE-
Wolven spitfire  24 days -eNyCE-
Preytor  23 days -eNyCE-
Baud_  22 days -eNyCE-
Dreamer CKY  22 days -eNyCE-
SFA Woot!  22 days NerakanKnights
Tothias  22 days -eNyCE-
toyota soarer  22 days Nerakan
JiGGLE  21 days -eNyCE-
Romantic Murderer  21 days NerakanKnights
i_am_zero  20 days -eNyCE-
Longbowman  20 days -eNyCE-, UniterZ
Midsummers Eve  20 days Nerakan
A.K.A.  19 days -enyCE-
BoomerSooner  19 days -eNyCE-
Silverestel  19 days -eNyCE-
A Pwnage Panda  18 days Nerakan
Express.  18 days -eNyCE-
Destructer  16 days -eNyCE-, The Siren
shadowthehedgehog  16 days Nerakan
Trenchy  16 days Nerakan
jthm711luck  15 days Nerakan
SkullJaggar  15 days Nerakan
120  14 days Nerakan
Fatal!ty  14 days -eNyCE-, The Siren
siciic  14 days -eNyCE-
Brighter  13 days The Siren, -enyCE-
Afghani  12 days -Vanguard-
APey  12 days Mind Crush
B1naryMC  12 days Mind Crush
bl00dyseal  12 days Mind Crush
BradG  12 days Mind Crush
Charity44  12 days Mind Crush
Diesis  12 days Mind Crush
JabJabJab  12 days Mind Crush
Jigsawz  12 days Mind Crush
K O N A  12 days Mind Crush
KillerJ59J  12 days Mind Crush
Lae Wisserae  12 days Mind Crush
LiL Dreamer  12 days -eNyCE-
Limey  12 days Mind Crush
LittleBro  12 days Mind Crush
LivinDead  12 days Mind Crush
MindLight  12 days Mind Crush
Mother Ship  12 days -eNyCE-
Nething  12 days -Vanguard-
Pixie Stix  12 days Mind Crush
Shekina  12 days Mind Crush
Spudly  12 days -Vanguard-
DamonXS  11 days Nerakan
FZR 600  11 days UniterZ
Mr.Sniper  11 days -Vanguard-
The Catholic  11 days Mind Crush
Venox  11 days Mind Crush
Wtf!?  11 days -eNyCE-
b3t4  10 days Nerakan
alkaloids  9 days The Siren
Baalzebub  9 days The Siren
Bertie Ahern  9 days The Siren
Chidori  9 days The Siren
Chthonic  9 days The Siren
Coroner  9 days The Siren
Debu  9 days The Siren
Egbert  9 days The Siren
EO-50  9 days The Siren
Faust  9 days The Siren
Fukc  9 days -eNyCE-
Gnat  9 days The Siren
killzone  9 days Mind Crush
KiLo 1-1  9 days Nerakan
Kit Kat  9 days The Siren
Krolok  9 days The Siren
L u s h  9 days The Siren
Lag Rice  9 days The Siren
Linoleum  9 days The Siren
Lukater  9 days The Siren
Make Believe  9 days The Siren
master destroyer  9 days -Vanguard-
Micawber  9 days The Siren
Multifilm  9 days The Siren
Night Cap  9 days The Siren
R3v0lut10n  9 days Nerakan
Rhino_haha  9 days UniterZ
s4j3n  9 days The Siren
Sir Kano  9 days The Siren
Solarblast Dragon  9 days The Siren
Speedwell  9 days The Siren
StUpId FoX  9 days The Siren
Swishe  9 days The Siren
Tal+  9 days The Siren
The American Boy  9 days UniterZ
The Forerunner  9 days UniterZ, -eNyCE-
Unrail  9 days The Siren
uNsmart  9 days The Siren
Velvet Cacoon  9 days The Siren
Vingee  9 days The Siren
Xaropinhu  9 days The Siren
Zeal  9 days The Siren
Dream Mist  8 days UniterZ
duh2  8 days Nerakan
Maju  8 days The Siren
sanguinarian  8 days The Siren
trycE  8 days -eNyCE-
WaRLorD.  8 days -eNyCE-
Yerbamate  8 days -eNyCE-
cool sniper  7 days -enyCE-, -Vanguard-
FoCuSeD  7 days The Siren
iKillBurger  7 days The Siren
N@N  7 days -Vanguard-
oppz  7 days The Siren
wait what  7 days -Vanguard-
Ageryder  6 days -eNyCE-
Cheetor  6 days -eNyCE-
Diao Chan in Pink  6 days UniterZ, -eNyCE-
Dienekes  6 days -eNyCE-
Dr Gene  6 days -eNyCE-
Fodder.  6 days -eNyCE-
JoyRider  6 days The Siren
Naruto913  6 days -eNyCE-
Phoenix King  6 days -eNyCE-
Sarkazm  6 days -eNyCE-
THUNDER <AS>  6 days -Vanguard-
Young Jeezy  6 days -eNyCE-
Zell_303  6 days -eNyCE-
9th Wonder  5 days -eNyCE-
AK-47.  5 days -eNyCE-
Death GirL  5 days -eNyCE-
deftone.  5 days Mind Crush
Kenti  5 days -eNyCE-
Kira_Yamato~  5 days Mind Crush
RageRitual  5 days -eNyCE-
Sarrow  5 days The Siren
T-Mac1991  5 days -eNyCE-, UniterZ
Touchscreen  5 days The Siren
Usoi  5 days -enyCE-
Vincalis  5 days -Vanguard-
wata  5 days -eNyCE-
batgirl  4 days The Siren, -Vanguard-
BMW 335ci  4 days The Siren
deesh  4 days -eNyCE-
Elysium  4 days -Vanguard-
guyPtP  4 days The Siren
Maitland  4 days -Vanguard-
MineLamer  4 days -eNyCE-
Neurosis2  4 days Nerakan
Plug_in  4 days -eNyCE-
reability  4 days Nerakan
slowest  4 days -enyCE-
Theocracy  4 days -eNyCE-
ToK  4 days -eNyCE-
Vor  4 days -eNyCE-
Voxx  4 days -eNyCE-
Xenocidical Maniac  4 days -Vanguard-
Ananas En Conserve  3 days -eNyCE-
Attached  3 days The Siren
Belime  3 days Mind Crush
Carling  3 days Nerakan
e w  3 days -eNyCE-
hot pocket  3 days -eNyCE-
Hypoxia  3 days Nerakan
LemonDropKid  3 days -Vanguard-, -eNyCE-
Lugz  3 days -Vanguard-
Master_Laggot  3 days Mind Crush
Misled  3 days The Siren
Spacely  3 days -eNyCE-
Tengan  3 days Mind Crush
WTFPwnt  3 days -eNyCE-
avatar_hero  2 days The Siren
Celtic Honor  2 days -Vanguard-
clint  2 days The Siren
FireFly...  2 days The Siren
flion  2 days The Siren
hydrodank  2 days The Siren
JaaKen  2 days UniterZ
Kikuta  2 days -eNyCE-
Kurosaki  2 days The Siren
LiL' Dreamer  2 days -eNyCE-
lord snipe  2 days UniterZ
Loudest  2 days -eNyCE-
Lucar  2 days The Siren
Nefarian  2 days -Vanguard-
Renown  2 days The Siren
s o d a p o p  2 days UniterZ
Vietnamese  2 days -eNyCE-
Warb  2 days The Siren
b-r@d  1 days -eNyCE-
Battlefield 2  1 days -Vanguard-
ben_dover  1 days Nerakan
CHIN NUTS  1 days Nerakan
Continuum Warrior  1 days -Vanguard-
DarkAssailant  1 days Nerakan
Death Eater  1 days UniterZ
Ezlax  1 days -eNyCE-
Icewolf  1 days The Siren
Karmic  1 days The Siren
Longbow  1 days -eNyCE-
Lucky Ned Pepper  1 days UniterZ
Mutalisk  1 days -Vanguard-, -enyCE-
New Folder  1 days The Siren
O_Obum  1 days The Siren
s1eepyhead  1 days The Siren
Sanoj  1 days -eNyCE-
Sexpistols  1 days -Vanguard-
Skirmisher  1 days -eNyCE-
Soul Strike  1 days -Vanguard-
Super_Bullet_3754  1 days UniterZ
WtfPwn  1 days -eNyCE-