
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Elude   Plural   Therapy   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (10)
Elude (Nov 11, 2005 - Nov 16, 2005)
Plural (Oct 22, 2005 - Nov 11, 2005)
Therapy (Sep 06, 2005 - Oct 22, 2005)
Value (Jul 10, 2005 - Jul 10, 2005)
Simulate (May 31, 2005 - Jun 28, 2005)
DragonGuard (May 31, 2005 - May 31, 2005)
Simulate (Nov 26, 2004 - May 19, 2005)
Sk8 (Nov 21, 2004 - Nov 26, 2004)
DragonGuard (Nov 20, 2004 - Nov 21, 2004)
Mystery (Nov 07, 2004 - Nov 20, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (287)
Tigers  262 days 5 squads
TNTkilla  235 days 6 squads
Primordial  207 days Mystery, Therapy, Simulate
Unexpected  193 days Simulate, Mystery
Mystics  188 days Simulate, Plural, Mystery
Makaveli > The Don  187 days Simulate, Therapy
Elbryan  183 days Therapy, Simulate
Little Tiger  180 days Simulate
scoop  180 days Simulate, Therapy, Plural
Ground Zero  172 days Simulate, Therapy, Mystery
Outwit  169 days Simulate
nrg  154 days Simulate, Therapy
DyBre  146 days Simulate
Speak  142 days Simulate
sexy wooden spoon  136 days Simulate
duclover  131 days Simulate
vItjA  122 days DragonGuard, Simulate
Illustrate  111 days Simulate
tyflyias  108 days Simulate, Therapy
daren  104 days Simulate, Plural
RZA  99 days Simulate
Locket  98 days Plural, Simulate
Dreams  86 days Simulate
King Baba  86 days Simulate, DragonGuard
Crusade  83 days Simulate, Therapy
Calibra  81 days Therapy, Simulate
Forbid  67 days Simulate
Anduril.  64 days Simulate, Mystery
Dese  64 days Simulate
Phirewolf  63 days Simulate
Dying2live  56 days Simulate, Therapy
Vys  56 days Simulate
The Nash  49 days Therapy, Simulate
Aerin  46 days Elude, Therapy
bwp  46 days Therapy
Canadian Archer  46 days Therapy
Doubtful  46 days Therapy
farb  46 days Therapy
Headache  46 days DragonGuard, Therapy
Invent  46 days Therapy
Spider Web  46 days Therapy
Bobo Bef  44 days Therapy
Alas  42 days Therapy
Blasting  42 days Therapy, Simulate
Chung-Li  42 days Simulate
SeiferDude  42 days Simulate
Caos  41 days DragonGuard, Simulate
edinhu  41 days Simulate
A Decoy  40 days Therapy
Demonic  37 days Therapy
Warlord  37 days Therapy
Indepth  34 days Therapy
Selode  34 days Plural, Simulate, Therapy
acidMOUSE  32 days Therapy
Elvok!  32 days Mystery, Simulate
Harder  32 days DragonGuard, Therapy
ToKeD  32 days Simulate, Therapy
doag  31 days Simulate, Mystery, Therapy
Killermech  31 days Simulate, Mystery
RaCka  31 days DragonGuard, Simulate
Ricko  31 days Mystery, Simulate
Zloy  31 days Therapy
Flew  29 days Simulate, Therapy, DragonGuard
New Be  29 days Simulate
Indometh  27 days Therapy
Caries  26 days Simulate
DeathForHonor  26 days Simulate
K A N E  26 days Therapy
Revolve  26 days Simulate
golden duck  25 days Simulate, Elude
Scorpion  25 days Elude, Therapy, DragonGuard
Stylez  25 days 4 squads
Attacks  24 days Simulate
Hull Breach  23 days Therapy
Beasts  22 days Simulate, Therapy
Distract  22 days Sk8, Simulate
tanzu  22 days Simulate, Mystery, Therapy
Toxie  20 days Simulate
BrokenFist  19 days Simulate
Jones  19 days 4 squads
Sheevah  19 days Therapy
Amphere  18 days Simulate
Cross  18 days Therapy, Sk8
review  18 days Therapy
DOUBLE DRAGON  17 days Simulate
gratz  17 days Simulate
Claim  16 days Simulate
Delighted  16 days Simulate
Ski  16 days Simulate
Velu  16 days Therapy
J M Power  15 days Simulate
Brettles  14 days Simulate
Tye  14 days Simulate
PLATINUM  13 days Plural
Healt  12 days Simulate, Plural
Help  12 days Therapy
AnImoL  11 days Mystery
Chairman  11 days Therapy
Isac  11 days Simulate
Molle  11 days Mystery
tokyo flyer  11 days Therapy
ZapaTa  11 days Mystery, Simulate
Birth  10 days Mystery
Candy  10 days Mystery
drastwing  10 days Plural
Dutch_  10 days Simulate, Mystery
edison  10 days Plural
AcumO  9 days Simulate
BrOkEn  9 days Therapy
Majestic  9 days Plural
Mega Newbie  9 days Mystery
Narcisus  9 days Simulate
NowYouDie  9 days Simulate
Red Scorpion  9 days Simulate
skeptic  9 days Simulate
Spencer G  9 days Simulate
Stasua  9 days Simulate
Synched  9 days Mystery, Simulate
Vague  9 days Mystery, Sk8
Assembly  8 days Simulate
Cloth  8 days Plural, DragonGuard
Consistent  8 days Simulate
Granger  8 days Plural
Left_Eye  8 days Plural
mangle  8 days Simulate
PERiSH!  8 days Simulate
Refer  8 days Plural, Simulate
Trash  8 days Plural
Cloaked_Assassin  7 days Therapy
Duality  7 days Simulate
Manure  7 days Therapy
Out of Service  7 days Simulate, Mystery, DragonGuard
Phrozen  7 days Simulate
Redland  7 days Plural
Robbed  7 days Therapy
Rumpnisse  7 days Simulate
Scavenger  7 days Elude, Therapy, DragonGuard
Unrealistic  7 days Mystery
2C  6 days Plural, Therapy
Ambiance  6 days Therapy
Beat BoX  6 days Simulate
Holybird  6 days Plural
plasma  6 days Mystery
Raspoetin  6 days Simulate
ReKall  6 days Therapy, Elude
Set It Off  6 days Simulate
18th  5 days Simulate
AnZu  5 days Sk8
Asmodeus  5 days Sk8
bharat  5 days Elude
Bill C  5 days Sk8
ChinO  5 days Sk8
Collusion  5 days Sk8
Criminal  5 days Simulate
Cylinder  5 days Elude
deprecate  5 days Sk8
Desire  5 days Sk8
Desist  5 days Elude
Detain  5 days Elude
Downdraft  5 days Sk8
Ease <ER>  5 days Sk8
elect  5 days Simulate
evacuate  5 days Elude
Evoce  5 days Sk8
flared  5 days Sk8
Gaia  5 days Sk8
GammaHydroxy  5 days Sk8
Golden Knight  5 days Sk8
Heard  5 days Elude
High Templar  5 days Sk8
Horny Elf  5 days Sk8
Indu  5 days Sk8
Inferno  5 days Elude
Iron Survivor  5 days Simulate
Jessup  5 days Elude
Kid Kaos  5 days Plural
Killer Soldier  5 days Elude
lite brite  5 days Sk8
Matorian  5 days Elude
Mikena  5 days Sk8
monkee  5 days Sk8
mysterious  5 days Sk8
naikram  5 days Elude
Nlie  5 days Elude
Pacifica  5 days Elude
pappa  5 days Elude
Paramedic  5 days Sk8
Predator Rulez  5 days Sk8
Psymorph  5 days Sk8
Raples  5 days Sk8
Real  5 days Sk8
ronaldo  5 days Sk8
Skeleton  5 days Sk8
Skynyrd  5 days Elude
static<.>  5 days Sk8
Tohn  5 days Elude
Underground  5 days Sk8
Variable  5 days Sk8
Veterin  5 days Sk8
Xali0n  5 days Sk8
Zeimonster  5 days Sk8
ZinGy  5 days Elude
bojangs  4 days Elude
Chola Fuker  4 days Simulate
CYM  4 days Simulate
dak  4 days Elude
deliver  4 days Simulate
Drape  4 days Simulate
Funny_PorkChop  4 days Simulate
Inxy  4 days Value, Simulate
Jebb  4 days Simulate
Katsuya  4 days Plural
Ligor  4 days Simulate
McZonk  4 days Simulate
Mortal  4 days Simulate, Plural
Rauduee  4 days Therapy
Replay  4 days Therapy
Wound  4 days Simulate
Azhran  3 days Sk8
Belime  3 days Simulate
cowPope  3 days Simulate, DragonGuard
Damnifier  3 days Plural
Evold  3 days Elude
Ghast  3 days Therapy
Goddamnit  3 days Simulate
gotserved  3 days Simulate, DragonGuard
gunit  3 days Simulate, Plural
iSmo  3 days Simulate
Jav  3 days Simulate
Kyouraku  3 days Elude
LIL J0N  3 days Therapy
Na$  3 days Mystery
Shadezer  3 days Plural
The Horror  3 days Simulate
Vetted  3 days Simulate
Weak  3 days Therapy
Amar  2 days Therapy
Began  2 days DragonGuard, Therapy
BpEcT  2 days Simulate
Danel  2 days Simulate
Dark Rider  2 days Simulate
Delectable  2 days Elude
deprive  2 days Simulate
Dr. Satchmo  2 days Plural
Dre  2 days Simulate
Flu  2 days Elude
Hidden  2 days Plural
Jumala  2 days Plural
Ozgood  2 days Simulate
Po  2 days Therapy
Resurrect  2 days Simulate
Snape  2 days Simulate
Strategy  2 days Therapy
Zack Allen  2 days Simulate
2d Game  1 days Therapy
Account  1 days Simulate
Agnium  1 days Sk8
Angelized  1 days Therapy
badly owned  1 days Mystery
Big Bang  1 days Therapy
Bjarte  1 days Mystery
bubbles19518  1 days Simulate
Chuckle  1 days Simulate, DragonGuard
decimate  1 days Simulate
Die When Hit!!  1 days Therapy
FartFace  1 days Simulate
freezer  1 days Therapy
Guest  1 days Simulate
Hesitate  1 days Plural
hypocricy  1 days Elude, Therapy
Imp  1 days Plural
Imperative  1 days Simulate
Meza  1 days Elude
mooshoo  1 days Simulate
Mosquito  1 days Simulate
Mystile  1 days Elude
PAKY  1 days Simulate
Perunalinko  1 days Therapy
Photocopy  1 days Simulate
Product  1 days Therapy
Rakeem  1 days Simulate
resurrected  1 days Simulate
schope  1 days Mystery
Sefarius  1 days Simulate
Took  1 days Therapy
Topaz  1 days Mystery
Tyler  1 days Elude