
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Spliffed    PRAYER    Attach   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (13)
Spliffed (Nov 03, 2020 - Nov 13, 2020)
PRAYER (Aug 10, 2015 - Nov 03, 2020)
Attach (Aug 12, 2013 - Aug 21, 2013)
Mellow (Mar 28, 2013 - Jun 21, 2013)
anti-scrub (Aug 20, 2012 - Dec 16, 2012)
Mellow (Jul 29, 2012 - Aug 20, 2012)
Skille (May 14, 2012 - Jul 29, 2012)
Mellow (Apr 21, 2012 - May 14, 2012)
Spastic (Dec 27, 2011 - Apr 21, 2012)
Debonair (Dec 18, 2011 - Dec 24, 2011)
Tenure (Nov 14, 2011 - Dec 18, 2011)
Tenure (Sep 26, 2011 - Oct 02, 2011)
Tenure (May 11, 2011 - Sep 23, 2011)
Has been on the same squad (547)
Djembe  1779 days Tenure, PRAYER
Jizzron Phillips  1515 days 5 squads
WillBy  449 days 6 squads
LordGore  335 days 5 squads
A I  250 days 4 squads
fakiiri  246 days 4 squads
the_paul  246 days 5 squads
Stung  212 days 5 squads
As Blood Runs Black  201 days PRAYER
Andraste  200 days PRAYER
Kosmonaut  195 days Mellow, anti-scrub
Royst  192 days Skille, Tenure
PJB  186 days Tenure, PRAYER
Jizoint  176 days 6 squads
Sulla  171 days Spastic, anti-scrub, Mellow
nmedipem  168 days anti-scrub, Mellow, Skille
Viiru  168 days Skille, Debonair, Tenure
Murp  167 days Tenure, Skille
pinkStar  162 days Tenure
Pure_Luck  157 days Spastic, anti-scrub
juvi  155 days Tenure, Mellow
Mr.Todolorosso  154 days anti-scrub, Mellow
Glyde  152 days PRAYER
midoent  147 days 4 squads
Maxrush  137 days PRAYER
X-Demo  136 days PRAYER, Mellow
dare  135 days Tenure
Kyler  135 days Tenure, Mellow, PRAYER
Panny.  135 days PRAYER
Shermen  134 days Skille, Tenure
MoNo.  133 days PRAYER, Tenure
Steep  132 days Mellow, anti-scrub
TwinTurbo  132 days PRAYER
Celly  131 days anti-scrub, Spastic
fiS  128 days anti-scrub, Mellow
O'6-Quantum  127 days anti-scrub, Skille, Mellow
RedKnight  125 days Tenure, Skille
classic?  120 days Tenure
SilverBlue  119 days Mellow
BongHits  118 days anti-scrub, Spastic
Arobas+  116 days Spastic
chars  116 days Spastic
Humid  116 days Spastic
Jacklyn  116 days Spastic, anti-scrub
Oh Shizzle Its Joe  116 days Spastic
Soilderz  116 days Spastic
spacedust  116 days Spastic
Undercut  116 days Spastic
0WL  115 days Tenure
Affined  115 days Mellow, Spastic
kuppo  115 days Mellow, Attach
Petal  115 days Tenure
idk&idc  114 days anti-scrub, Spastic
kog5  114 days Attach, Mellow, anti-scrub
TheWadoRooster  114 days 4 squads
Black Wolf  113 days Skille, Mellow
Ryuken.  112 days 6 squads
stark  112 days PRAYER
vaped <ZH>  112 days Tenure
Frogsk|n  111 days 4 squads
Common  110 days Spastic
shaddowknight  110 days Attach, Mellow, Skille
board  107 days PRAYER, Mellow
Public Assassin  107 days Spastic, Tenure
Slikiboy  107 days Mellow
thegreenebear  107 days 4 squads
Pk3r  105 days Mellow
Elven  103 days Spastic
WASTED!!  103 days Mellow
Henry Saari  102 days Tenure, Spastic
Eel  100 days 4 squads
Hit  100 days Spastic
oops  94 days Spastic
SubGeek  94 days Tenure
Kos.  93 days PRAYER
Magnetic <ER>  91 days Spastic
Zagis  91 days Spastic
BobBarkerCantDie  90 days Tenure
Tarriskat  90 days Tenure
Hydride <ZH>  89 days Mellow, anti-scrub, Skille
Shaddow <ZH>  89 days Skille, Mellow, anti-scrub
0xDEAFBEEF  88 days Mellow, Attach
WillBy <ER>  88 days 5 squads
vaped  85 days 4 squads
asd  84 days Mellow
Bluewingx  84 days Tenure
SerenityJ  84 days Mellow
sjetil  84 days Mellow
Major Crisis  83 days Tenure, Mellow
Okinoh  83 days Mellow
oLdE gLoRy  81 days Tenure
s$niperKill  81 days Mellow, anti-scrub
Super Bozo  81 days Tenure
Swiss Cheese  81 days 4 squads
Jeenyuss  80 days Tenure
flion  78 days PRAYER, Attach, Spastic
Fit of Rage  75 days Debonair, Tenure, Spastic
Kowgan  74 days Mellow
r3llik  74 days Tenure
Money  73 days Spastic
Horatio  72 days anti-scrub, Mellow
johnc3na  72 days Skille
L S  72 days anti-scrub
Mind Games  72 days Skille
K.O.D.  70 days Skille
dragon killer  69 days Tenure
Moot  69 days Tenure
Pooter89  69 days Mellow
Everett  68 days Tenure
hanz-poop  68 days Mellow
kami-kawasakE  68 days Mellow
Burg  66 days Spastic, anti-scrub, PRAYER
Mite  66 days Mellow
Mr Magoo  66 days anti-scrub
wanger  66 days Tenure
Wazzaaa.NL  66 days Mellow, anti-scrub
Lupin  65 days anti-scrub, Mellow
Aide  64 days Spastic
Beeper  64 days Tenure
TJ hazuki  64 days Mellow, anti-scrub
PitBoss  63 days Tenure
R. Hunt  63 days Tenure
Tai Lung  63 days Mellow
DF  61 days anti-scrub
Golfer  61 days Tenure, Debonair
Mackazz  61 days Mellow
Mango.  61 days anti-scrub, Tenure
Crem  60 days Tenure
Mossad  59 days Mellow
Wobble Masta  59 days Skille
Yeezy  59 days Mellow, anti-scrub
Arcade Fire  56 days Tenure
FangBlade  56 days Skille
hi im dati  56 days Spastic
Slacker!  56 days Tenure
Fructose  55 days Tenure
L3MU3L  55 days Spastic
Wzrd  55 days PRAYER
BIET  54 days Mellow
Ease  54 days Tenure, Skille
FAILURE!!!!!  54 days Tenure
Cambia  53 days Tenure
Heisman  53 days Skille
Phrenitis  53 days Tenure
Darkgriz  52 days Mellow, Attach
Postman Pat!  52 days Mellow, anti-scrub
Yin-Yang  52 days Tenure
Caja  51 days Mellow
Johnson  51 days Tenure
Maddack  51 days Mellow
Finster  49 days Tenure
Tuffles  49 days Tenure
Boundless  48 days Skille
Fabregas  48 days Mellow
sDpZaP  48 days Mellow, Attach
true_vision  48 days Mellow
Valcrist  48 days Tenure
Fermata  47 days Tenure
Sir Shaddow <ER>  47 days anti-scrub
Aquarius  46 days Skille, anti-scrub
bumpa  46 days Tenure, anti-scrub, Skille
Chalcedony  46 days Tenure, Debonair
coldturkey  46 days anti-scrub, Skille, Mellow
raptor's claw  46 days Tenure
BOBFLOB  45 days Mellow, anti-scrub
Bosshawk <ZH>  45 days Mellow
Dwopple  45 days Tenure
Kyle Hester  45 days Mellow, anti-scrub
Ridge Racer  45 days Mellow
RiiStar  45 days Mellow
Rip Van Winkle  45 days Tenure
YojimbO^  45 days Mellow
2borg  44 days PRAYER
Ferney  44 days anti-scrub
senorkevin  44 days PRAYER
burt0n  43 days Tenure
leitz  43 days Tenure
NCC-17O1  43 days Tenure
qan  43 days anti-scrub
Rab  43 days anti-scrub
Hadouken!  42 days anti-scrub, Mellow
mean gene  42 days Spastic
ropsa  42 days Mellow, anti-scrub
1s  41 days Tenure, Mellow
beginnerz.luk  41 days Skille, Tenure
Etrajb  41 days Mellow
Spaceblade  41 days Mellow
TV <ER>  41 days Mellow
Golden Sun 1  40 days anti-scrub
plasma  40 days PRAYER
BossHawk  39 days Mellow
Gurliver  39 days Mellow, anti-scrub
Basch  38 days Skille
L_ly  38 days Tenure
Pea Souper  38 days Skille
Zanaluth  38 days PRAYER
ChechClear  37 days Tenure
field  37 days anti-scrub, Mellow, PRAYER
Jones  37 days Tenure, Mellow
oO.Oo  37 days Tenure, Mellow
Spinel  37 days Tenure
Cintra  36 days anti-scrub
Dameon Angell  36 days Tenure
Pascone  36 days Spastic
Ryuken <ZH>  36 days anti-scrub
Erias  35 days Attach, Skille
Sheriff <ZH>  35 days Mellow, Skille
WillBy <ZH>  35 days Tenure
7<e$ha  34 days Mellow
bong  34 days Tenure, Spastic
Dr. $kill  34 days Tenure
Skumbag Joe  34 days anti-scrub
Stoved  34 days Tenure
Unedited  34 days Skille
ReDBuLL  33 days Tenure
draL <ER>  32 days Mellow
Eat  32 days Mellow
TpZ  32 days anti-scrub, Mellow
V3///  32 days Skille
Badussy  31 days Mellow
DimDum <ER>  31 days Mellow
G.R.R.R. <ZH>  31 days Skille
kumquat cat  31 days Skille
SCHOPE NORRIS <ZH>  31 days Spastic
blizz^  30 days Mellow
Prolific <ZH>  30 days PRAYER
Spent  30 days Skille
Wezz6400  30 days Mellow
Zephyd  30 days PRAYER
brown rice  29 days Tenure
Cig Smoke  29 days Tenure
Khetzal  29 days PRAYER
Sahkura  29 days PRAYER
ANNUNAKI  28 days Skille
Crop Circle  28 days Skille, Mellow
Jockman <zh>  28 days anti-scrub
LoyaLz  28 days Tenure
Zyclon  28 days anti-scrub
Armor Ply  27 days PRAYER
AuRA  27 days Spastic, Tenure, Debonair
mikasa  27 days Tenure
mr mittens  27 days Skille
sunbeam27  27 days Tenure
Yellow Rice  27 days Tenure
cremation  26 days Tenure, Mellow
EndlessMike  26 days Mellow
Guerrila  26 days Mellow
Jerome  26 days anti-scrub, PRAYER
LILwade  26 days anti-scrub
Raizin  26 days PRAYER, Mellow
stompa  26 days Skille
UYSIMA  26 days Tenure
Xibit XXX  26 days Tenure
Approval  25 days anti-scrub
Crop <ZH>  25 days Skille
Flopping Flounder  25 days Tenure
paska  25 days Tenure
Tobe  25 days Spastic
Yawn  25 days anti-scrub
col.1  24 days Tenure
FancyNewBeasley  24 days Skille
Fludd  24 days Tenure
herbalist yangyun  24 days Skille
Spacepimp  24 days Spastic
wiibimbo  24 days Mellow
B50 BOMBER  23 days Mellow, PRAYER
Brodie94  23 days Mellow
Broomstick <ZH>  23 days Mellow
D Rek  23 days Mellow
Darkstrom  23 days Mellow
Flockaveli  23 days Mellow
Jiggawat  23 days Tenure
JockMan  23 days anti-scrub
Matthias  23 days Mellow
NoLsKi  23 days Mellow
Slugz  23 days Mellow
Sollos  23 days Mellow
The Next Thing  23 days Mellow
Unknown warrior~  23 days Mellow
Arky  22 days Mellow
Kjapo  22 days Tenure
PharohTakolo  22 days anti-scrub
stACK  22 days PRAYER
Vicarious  22 days Mellow
Wobbuffet  22 days Mellow
World  22 days Tenure
Miss Ann Thrope  21 days Tenure
Na'vi hunter  21 days Tenure
sewing machine  21 days Spastic, Tenure
Aura <ZH>  20 days Tenure
bellflowers  20 days 4 squads
Honzo  20 days Tenure
KrynetiX <ZH>  20 days Mellow
Strap  20 days Skille
Teemo  20 days Tenure
wbm  20 days Tenure
Ace Shot  19 days Tenure
Black Wolf <ZH>  19 days Mellow
blueblood  19 days Mellow
claytonxx  19 days Skille
hack  19 days Mellow
Kakka  19 days Spastic
Karbur  19 days anti-scrub
Murder  19 days Skille
Nitr<>JCS1111  19 days Tenure
Pat B  19 days PRAYER
Redneck Huntin  19 days Tenure
Veneno  19 days Mellow
Ayn  18 days Tenure
DVD  18 days Tenure
Elite$hots  18 days Skille
Hard  18 days Skille
Hydride  18 days Skille
Jessup  18 days Spastic, Spliffed
Logan-  18 days Mellow
LONDO 6  18 days Tenure
OCB  18 days Debonair, Tenure
Quart  18 days Mellow
SpookedOne  18 days anti-scrub
Tesco  18 days Skille
THE BANGA  18 days Mellow
Caralho  17 days Mellow
Fruct <ER>  17 days Skille
golden dragon.  17 days Tenure
Harlock  17 days PRAYER
Joey  17 days Tenure
Kraven  17 days Tenure
Legodude1996  17 days Mellow
miDoeNT <ZH>  17 days Tenure, Skille
zire  17 days Tenure
Buzz Aldrin  16 days PRAYER
Cig <ER>  16 days Tenure
finiTe  16 days Mellow
Rasaq  16 days anti-scrub
sCHOPe NORRIS  16 days Spastic
someone bored  16 days Mellow
Eria  15 days anti-scrub
groovedexter  15 days Tenure
Morgan Grimes  15 days Mellow
Rough Fist  15 days Mellow
Spidermonkey123  15 days Tenure
E V da B  14 days Tenure
Ephemeral  14 days 4 squads
Johnie  14 days PRAYER
lidl  14 days Mellow
P.Aimar  14 days Mellow
Riverside  14 days Tenure
Ryan  14 days PRAYER
SkullSpace  14 days Mellow
SpaceHiker  14 days anti-scrub
tableto  14 days Tenure
Chiko  13 days Tenure
Chuck Bartowski  13 days Mellow
Dank Budz  13 days Tenure, Attach, Debonair
El Deputy  13 days Skille, Tenure
fr0gstomp  13 days Tenure
KATC <ZH>  13 days Mellow
Knu  13 days Tenure
Minuet  13 days Mellow
Olga  13 days Tenure
Proximo  13 days Skille
pussywhipped  13 days Mellow
Stradivarius  13 days Mellow, anti-scrub
Tarriskat <ER>  13 days Tenure
arctan  12 days Skille
Bantam  12 days Tenure
Concern  12 days Mellow
Lens  12 days Spastic
NiMeSh  12 days Tenure, Mellow
Rape Tractor  12 days Skille
Stayon  12 days Mellow
Surf Dog  12 days Tenure
Begz <ZH>  11 days Tenure
PrettyMadness  11 days Mellow
Vexy  11 days Tenure
Willby'sStepBro  11 days Mellow
worlds biggest noob  11 days Tenure
Boblemoche  10 days PRAYER
Cat-Penguin Hybrid  10 days Mellow
G.R.R.R.  10 days Skille
oid  10 days Tenure
Podde  10 days Mellow
Prox <ZH>  10 days anti-scrub
Red'  10 days Mellow
Rock'et  10 days Mellow
wicket666  10 days Attach, Tenure
Dezmond  9 days Spastic
Ellis D.  9 days Spliffed
Executive  9 days Tenure
Flowhand  9 days Mellow
Fry dem fish  9 days Tenure
Garl Vinland  9 days Mellow
griz <ZH>  9 days Mellow
Hackysack  9 days Spliffed
I, robot  9 days Spliffed
Lonewolf-X  9 days Tenure
mci  9 days anti-scrub
Nikolaos  9 days Spliffed
pawner  9 days Spliffed
Pippy Snipp  9 days Tenure
RageRitual  9 days Spliffed
slur  9 days Spliffed
Spiderhate  9 days Mellow
Tarnish  9 days Spastic
ToK  9 days Spliffed
Volkihar  9 days Mellow
whispus  9 days Spliffed
angry.chair  8 days Mellow, Skille
AnImoL  8 days Attach
Battousai  8 days Attach
Beasty  8 days Attach
Begz <ER>  8 days Attach
Biet <ER>  8 days Mellow
Board <ZH>  8 days Attach
but...why...per...  8 days Attach
Caracal  8 days Spastic
chi-town  8 days Attach
Crackling  8 days Spastic
Cres  8 days Mellow, Tenure
dead fisH?  8 days anti-scrub
Dral  8 days Mellow
DrLoco  8 days Attach
duel pasta  8 days Attach
Dyers Eve  8 days Attach
Ephemeral <ZH>  8 days Attach
Fides  8 days Attach
Fluffy Corsten  8 days Tenure
inaphyt  8 days Attach
Jian Xi  8 days Mellow
K A N E  8 days Attach
KrynetiX  8 days Attach
LMAO  8 days Attach
MR.JELLY  8 days Tenure
namnlos  8 days Attach
o)-<|  8 days Attach
Proleteriat  8 days Attach
sik+  8 days Tenure
TheAbyss  8 days Mellow
Thug Waffle  8 days Mellow
Tres  8 days Attach
Vermillion Flame  8 days Attach
WishCraft  8 days Skille, Mellow
AvenDragon <ER>  7 days Tenure
cornellboy69  7 days Tenure
Eileen  7 days Spliffed
marxharr  7 days Tenure, Spastic
Michelle!!  7 days Skille, Tenure
Nit3  7 days anti-scrub
oboepro  7 days Mellow
rushed  7 days Attach
ShinobiWarrior  7 days Attach
Themen  7 days Tenure
AvenD <ER>  6 days Tenure
Baretta  6 days Tenure
Creole  6 days Tenure
Fanny Batter  6 days Tenure
Gimmick[MFS]  6 days Mellow
GOLFER <ER>  6 days Tenure
Jurassic  6 days anti-scrub, Mellow
Max B  6 days Tenure
Mr.Done  6 days Tenure
Not in game  6 days Tenure
Palm <ER>  6 days Mellow
Reckful <ER>  6 days Spastic
Snake_eye  6 days Tenure, anti-scrub
Spell  6 days anti-scrub
Suede  6 days Tenure
zihan  6 days Tenure
apt  5 days Attach
Collossus  5 days Mellow
Ghoul  5 days Tenure
Hellmouth  5 days Tenure
multipass?  5 days Tenure
Nethila  5 days Tenure
RENZI  5 days Tenure
struck  5 days Mellow
babypanda  4 days Mellow
bugs  4 days Mellow
cash.MONay  4 days Tenure
Fork  4 days Mellow
Lacky  4 days Tenure
LF  4 days Mellow
megaman89  4 days Tenure
Melody  4 days Mellow
nah  4 days Mellow
Senorita  4 days Attach
Spectacular  4 days Tenure
Zizu  4 days Tenure
a trap  3 days Mellow
Ascian  3 days Mellow
Burnt  3 days Mellow
Caster  3 days Spastic
Cigg4000  3 days Mellow
Cinq  3 days Mellow
Drakoon  3 days Mellow
fantamax  3 days Mellow
ILYAX  3 days Tenure
Inmate  3 days anti-scrub
J. Cole  3 days Tenure
JeezOutLaw  3 days Mellow
Klumsy  3 days Mellow
Logitech  3 days Mellow
MARSP  3 days Mellow
misfire  3 days Mellow
MITB  3 days anti-scrub
Monkaria  3 days Mellow
NL>HUNT  3 days Mellow
Protean  3 days Tenure
Struggle42  3 days Mellow
Sweeney Todd  3 days Tenure
Waterseer  3 days Mellow
Wet  3 days Tenure
Zagstruk  3 days Mellow
Cherry Iceglimmer  2 days Tenure
comfort  2 days Mellow
f16  2 days Mellow
Grandias  2 days Attach
Iron Survivor  2 days Mellow
John Galt  2 days Mellow
Justify  2 days anti-scrub
Lee Wun  2 days Tenure
Lil Taliban  2 days anti-scrub
Mighty Machine  2 days Skille
Nao  2 days Mellow, anti-scrub
sleepyjoe  2 days PRAYER
Tavern  2 days Spastic
Zombees  2 days anti-scrub
adj.  1 days Mellow, anti-scrub
AirFinland  1 days Mellow
Ale8  1 days Mellow
AvenDragon  1 days Tenure
Blahhy.  1 days anti-scrub
Dengue  1 days anti-scrub
Directly Devious  1 days Skille
Gr33d  1 days Spliffed
Guero  1 days Spastic
Kafir  1 days PRAYER
Liz  1 days Mellow
Mighty  1 days Spastic
Puzzlez  1 days Mellow
Slick <ZH>  1 days Attach
TNT  1 days Spastic
Valentino_Rossi  1 days Mellow
Weedle  1 days Mellow
xsquared  1 days Spastic