
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Sleeping Realm    NC17   GiantTiger   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (7)
Sleeping Realm (Apr 21, 2008 - May 06, 2008)
NC17 (Apr 16, 2008 - Apr 20, 2008)
GiantTiger (Jan 22, 2008 - Apr 16, 2008)
Build (Jan 17, 2008 - Jan 22, 2008)
Euthanize (Jan 14, 2008 - Jan 17, 2008)
Melee (Jan 12, 2008 - Jan 14, 2008)
Build (Jan 05, 2008 - Jan 12, 2008)
Has been on the same squad (215)
BangHead  84 days GiantTiger
Beltan  84 days GiantTiger
Crippled  84 days GiantTiger
LaMothe  84 days GiantTiger
Mowglie from NFLD I  84 days GiantTiger
NIteTickler  84 days GiantTiger
ProtomanZX  84 days GiantTiger
Smoke420  84 days GiantTiger
Star_Girl  84 days GiantTiger
Sword of the Ocean  84 days GiantTiger
Kin mon criss  81 days GiantTiger
bulk  79 days GiantTiger
215  76 days GiantTiger
MegamanEXE  76 days GiantTiger
Jagermeista  75 days Euthanize, GiantTiger
115  73 days GiantTiger
Adidas_  73 days GiantTiger
GFK  73 days GiantTiger
Smitty215  73 days GiantTiger
Yoda_kid_97  73 days GiantTiger
Double Lobsters (MB  72 days GiantTiger
Devil_Dog_666  69 days GiantTiger
ImpendingDoom  65 days GiantTiger
Igziabeher  63 days GiantTiger
Obi_Wan_Kenobi  35 days GiantTiger
vice versa  25 days GiantTiger, Sleeping Realm
Wizdumb  22 days GiantTiger, Sleeping Realm
Hecklar  16 days Euthanize, Sleeping Realm
2kill  14 days Sleeping Realm
BLACK P3ARL  14 days Sleeping Realm
bubblecups!  14 days Sleeping Realm
Chrissygirl  14 days Sleeping Realm
Crescent Seal  14 days Sleeping Realm
LivinDead  14 days Sleeping Realm
lixuelai2004  14 days Sleeping Realm
Montreal^Canadiens.  14 days Sleeping Realm
Rawrrr Kayla  14 days Sleeping Realm
SabrePulse  14 days Sleeping Realm
Scaramanga  14 days GiantTiger
shist  14 days Sleeping Realm
Talon07  14 days Sleeping Realm
twat blaster  14 days Sleeping Realm
XeNiiTa  14 days Sleeping Realm
MrSeven  13 days Sleeping Realm
shaddowknight  12 days Sleeping Realm
Athila  11 days Build
Jaa  11 days Build
kitty  11 days Build
MetroStar  11 days Build
Paky Dude  11 days Build
ReKall  11 days Build
RiGhTiOcHaP  11 days Build
saetep  11 days Build
Scathing Truth  11 days Build
Sessions  11 days Build
Solidify  11 days Build
Unabled  11 days Build
upside  11 days Sleeping Realm
MARDUK  10 days Sleeping Realm
Crystals  9 days Euthanize, Sleeping Realm
MrScorch  9 days Sleeping Realm
s$niperKill  9 days Sleeping Realm
TOP DOG  9 days Melee, Build, Euthanize
Liability  8 days Sleeping Realm
toti_00  8 days Sleeping Realm
315  7 days GiantTiger
Asevoimat  7 days Euthanize, Build
JeezOutLaw  7 days GiantTiger
aArdvark  6 days Build
Aware  6 days Build
Definate  6 days Build
EvilDeed  6 days Build
Ex0dia-  6 days Build
Faces  6 days Build
Gnat  6 days Build
JabJabJab  6 days Melee, NC17
Kill  6 days Build
papist  6 days NC17, Melee
Rows  6 days Build
Saucon  6 days GiantTiger
Silt  6 days Build
Swinger  6 days Build
thc smoke  6 days Build
Thre4t  6 days Build, Euthanize
Xert  6 days Sleeping Realm
CAPS LOCK  5 days Build
flawless victory  5 days Sleeping Realm
hypnotic69  5 days Build
KuleniKs  5 days Build
Sal!  5 days Build
12ocket  4 days NC17
A Me><icaN  4 days NC17
agriculture  4 days NC17
applaud  4 days Build, Euthanize
Banned4Life  4 days NC17
BobbyLight  4 days Sleeping Realm
Brat4Life  4 days NC17
Bug4Life  4 days NC17
Cat-Penguin Hybrid  4 days NC17
CC -Legio Ultra  4 days NC17
Cigg  4 days NC17
crawfishboner  4 days NC17
Daiyo  4 days NC17
Davey jones  4 days Sleeping Realm
deadchickz12  4 days NC17
district seven  4 days NC17
Fal<hion  4 days NC17
Fondu  4 days NC17
Gryll of Chaos  4 days NC17
Guth  4 days NC17
hanz-poop  4 days NC17
Hexeen  4 days NC17
iloveburritos  4 days NC17
Irrupt  4 days NC17
John Law  4 days NC17
Jumping Spider  4 days NC17
LaUzIeR  4 days Sleeping Realm
Marmalade  4 days NC17
Marvelus  4 days GiantTiger, Euthanize
melting  4 days NC17
Misha_13  4 days NC17
mr_moustache  4 days NC17
Multifilm  4 days NC17
NC>PLUC  4 days NC17
oddie!  4 days NC17
Persistence  4 days NC17
Rogue19  4 days NC17
SamuelExtreme  4 days NC17
Sir Spider  4 days NC17
Spytek0420  4 days NC17
SS Tricky  4 days NC17
Swishgirl~21~  4 days NC17
T D is back  4 days NC17
t$z  4 days NC17
Teuton Knight  4 days Sleeping Realm
THE DOOR MAN  4 days NC17
the-fire  4 days NC17
TheDarkLotus  4 days NC17
urmsghere.  4 days NC17
Waswat  4 days NC17
Whizz  4 days NC17
Wupp  4 days Sleeping Realm
Xavier Sky  4 days NC17
xazic  4 days NC17
717  3 days Sleeping Realm
Cool Hair  3 days Sleeping Realm
Doom~Bringer  3 days Build
FIR3 SAL3  3 days Sleeping Realm
obiquiet  3 days GiantTiger
Polysonik  3 days GiantTiger
Ursa_Antares  3 days Sleeping Realm
VectorGTS  3 days NC17
Weeeeeeeeeeeeee  3 days GiantTiger
xP  3 days Build
Ariana  2 days Euthanize
AxA  2 days Euthanize
bluff  2 days Euthanize
British  2 days Melee
Cationic  2 days Euthanize
Codename 47  2 days Euthanize
Crusade  2 days Euthanize
Duragon  2 days Melee
FireFlash2K  2 days Euthanize
Fork off  2 days Sleeping Realm
GaDZooK  2 days Melee
Garcia  2 days Melee
gmwave  2 days NC17
Hairygroin  2 days Melee
Hevnlyst  2 days Euthanize
hungery  2 days Melee
im a laggot  2 days Euthanize
Jung1e  2 days Euthanize
Kaiten  2 days Euthanize
KnopF  2 days Build
Kyouraku  2 days Build
Magnetic  2 days Build
Maverick&Goose  2 days Sleeping Realm
MLL  2 days Euthanize
Monkey Monster  2 days Euthanize
Mr Slave  2 days NC17
ogmix  2 days Euthanize
Pirate Hooker  2 days Euthanize
POiD  2 days Melee
PokerKing  2 days Euthanize
Postman Pat!  2 days Euthanize
quizzical  2 days Euthanize
Recycled  2 days Melee
Reeses  2 days Euthanize
resoL  2 days Melee
Sarrow  2 days NC17
Sheevah  2 days Melee
Sick Shot  2 days Sleeping Realm
skeptikal  2 days Euthanize
Snu Snu  2 days Euthanize
Sorr0w  2 days GiantTiger
SuperStreet  2 days Euthanize
temporary  2 days Melee
unknown warrior  2 days GiantTiger
Unknown warrior~  2 days Euthanize
ashiya  1 days GiantTiger
black_  1 days Build
DEDUCER  1 days Euthanize
Desmosedici  1 days Melee
die hard  1 days Melee
Dominatorious  1 days Euthanize
epii  1 days GiantTiger
Foreal  1 days Melee
J-B-Inc  1 days Melee
Jian Xi  1 days Melee
PowerMan 5000  1 days Euthanize
ReUp  1 days Build
Rycon  1 days NC17
Th3 Gr33n Assasin  1 days NC17
Thrice_  1 days NC17
Volcom  1 days Euthanize