
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Reluct   Stingin   Euthanize   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (18)
Reluct (Feb 15, 2008 - Feb 19, 2008)
Stingin (Feb 13, 2008 - Feb 15, 2008)
Euthanize (Feb 03, 2008 - Feb 12, 2008)
Almost (Jan 23, 2008 - Feb 03, 2008)
Euthanize (Jan 13, 2008 - Jan 23, 2008)
Burnin (Jan 09, 2008 - Jan 13, 2008)
Return (Dec 30, 2007 - Jan 03, 2008)
Unwise (Dec 23, 2007 - Dec 30, 2007)
Forgot (Dec 12, 2007 - Dec 23, 2007)
SchoolYard (Dec 05, 2007 - Dec 12, 2007)
Not Enough (Oct 29, 2007 - Nov 07, 2007)
The Siren (Oct 24, 2007 - Oct 29, 2007)
PUMA (Oct 21, 2007 - Oct 22, 2007)
The Siren (Oct 13, 2007 - Oct 21, 2007)
Connect Four (Oct 04, 2007 - Oct 09, 2007)
PUMA (Sep 05, 2007 - Oct 03, 2007)
Cojones (Jul 03, 2007 - Sep 04, 2007)
Gantz (Jun 25, 2007 - Jul 03, 2007)
Has been on the same squad (382)
Beasts  75 days PUMA, Cojones
Dying2live  61 days Cojones
tyflyias  55 days PUMA, Cojones
AfuRa  52 days Cojones
Kilkenny  46 days Cojones
resurrected  46 days Cojones
Electronic  42 days Cojones
PreCiSioN2222*  35 days PUMA, Gantz
Amneisa  33 days Cojones
Amphere  33 days PUMA, Cojones, The Siren
Harder  32 days Cojones
Moment of Clarity  32 days Return, Cojones
golden duck  31 days Cojones
the Plough  30 days Cojones
Apocaliption  29 days PUMA, The Siren
Blakey  29 days PUMA
Komp  29 days PUMA
Mr.Deadman  29 days PUMA
orty  29 days PUMA
Stylez  29 days PUMA
trench wars owner  29 days PUMA
Young Buck  29 days PUMA
Kento  28 days PUMA
New Orleans  28 days PUMA
phatfarm  28 days PUMA
Stupefy  28 days PUMA
Big Nerd  27 days Burnin, PUMA
tIGERMOOSE  27 days PUMA, Stingin
Cryptic Wings  26 days PUMA
Scary\"PORN\"Movie.  25 days PUMA
Upc  22 days Forgot, Not Enough, The Siren
aorta  21 days Gantz, Almost, The Siren
Burglary  20 days The Siren, Not Enough, Connect Four
enchanting  20 days Cojones
kelopaa  20 days PUMA
Tyrael.  20 days Unwise, The Siren, Gantz
Attacks  19 days Cojones
Bamba  19 days PUMA
BrokenFist  19 days PUMA
Jung1e  19 days The Siren, Euthanize, Stingin
macrosin  19 days Euthanize, The Siren
Shockers  19 days 4 squads
Snu Snu  19 days Euthanize, Almost
CE?  18 days PUMA
DUANE  18 days PUMA
Kaiten  18 days Euthanize, Almost
ogmix  18 days Almost, Euthanize
Reptile  18 days PUMA
Fantus  17 days PUMA
Identical  17 days Almost, Forgot, Unwise
Postman Pat!  17 days Euthanize, Burnin
Slave  17 days The Siren, PUMA, Forgot
Tyrr  17 days Not Enough, PUMA
Committee  16 days The Siren, SchoolYard, Connect Four
Hevnlyst  16 days Euthanize, The Siren
Wage  16 days PUMA, Gantz
wait what  16 days Forgot, The Siren, Gantz
Ariana  15 days Euthanize
Asevoimat  15 days Euthanize
Aide  14 days Unwise, Burnin, Gantz
Carl Edwards  14 days PUMA
Die When Hit!!  14 days PUMA
Dre  14 days PUMA
edinhu  14 days Cojones
Extrication  14 days PUMA
Mr. McNasty  14 days Forgot, SchoolYard
skeptikal  14 days Euthanize
TOP DOG  14 days Euthanize, Return, Forgot
Widgeon  14 days The Siren, Forgot
AnImoL  13 days PUMA, The Siren
Compassion  13 days PUMA
Crusade  13 days Euthanize, Return
Funk E  13 days PUMA
Heroin Bob  13 days Gantz, Almost, The Siren
Jian Xi  13 days Almost, SchoolYard, Euthanize
Make Believe  13 days PUMA
Tanis  13 days PUMA
Zax  13 days Connect Four, Not Enough
Jaymistic  12 days PUMA
Scorpio  12 days The Siren, PUMA
SnallTrippin  12 days Cojones
Spacely  12 days Forgot, Gantz
BMW 328is  11 days Almost
Crucializer  11 days Not Enough, Gantz, Connect Four
Damnifier  11 days Cojones
Damper  11 days The Siren, Connect Four
Dead.Man  11 days Almost
Funds  11 days The Siren
Gryll of Chaos  11 days Almost
htv  11 days Almost
im a laggot  11 days Euthanize, SchoolYard
Kasaq  11 days Almost, The Siren, Burnin
l2aNgE  11 days Almost
Manure  11 days The Siren
Poem  11 days PUMA
Rondo  11 days The Siren
SaVaGeD  11 days The Siren
shampoo2  11 days Almost
Tom Riddle  11 days The Siren
War*loK <ER>  11 days Almost
Zenlion  11 days Almost
AzN-pRiDe  10 days Forgot, Connect Four
Cationic  10 days Reluct, Euthanize
Insulter  10 days Not Enough, The Siren
Jones  10 days Cojones
Lagpie  10 days Forgot
Marvelus  10 days Euthanize
Monkey Monster  10 days Euthanize
SaFia  10 days Almost
Substantial  10 days Stingin, Forgot
Voltaire  10 days The Siren
Wayners  10 days Not Enough, Stingin
AxA  9 days Euthanize
Codename 47  9 days Euthanize
Crystals  9 days Euthanize
dean  9 days PUMA
MLL  9 days Euthanize
NiceShot  9 days PUMA
quizzical  9 days Euthanize
Reeses  9 days Euthanize
Safin  9 days Almost
Seek  9 days Cojones, PUMA
Smoke420  9 days Not Enough
Some_Retard  9 days Not Enough
Strung  9 days Not Enough
SuperStreet  9 days Euthanize
Suuk  9 days Not Enough
T0NE  9 days PUMA
Unknown warrior~  9 days Euthanize
urmsghere.  9 days The Siren, Unwise
Waycia  9 days Euthanize, Not Enough
applaud  8 days 4 squads
Delve  8 days PUMA
Drowp  8 days Unwise, Return
EO-50  8 days The Siren
Exio  8 days The Siren
FireFlash2K  8 days Euthanize
Jagermeista  8 days Euthanize
MoTLeY CruE  8 days PUMA
sore  8 days Euthanize, Reluct
Spoiled  8 days PUMA
strayed  8 days The Siren, PUMA
UntAme  8 days Forgot, PUMA
Acrimony  7 days Gantz
Aiko Uti  7 days Gantz
Angel of Blood  7 days Gantz
Azn-Gurl.  7 days Gantz
Barbie & Kermit  7 days Gantz
blag  7 days Gantz
bluff  7 days Euthanize
Bohemian  7 days SchoolYard
Corea  7 days The Siren
CoT_Dark  7 days Gantz
dak  7 days PUMA
Dealt  7 days PUMA
drastwing  7 days PUMA
Eric is God  7 days PUMA
Exterminator789  7 days Gantz
fading sunset  7 days Gantz
Fearsome  7 days PUMA
FFLenne  7 days Gantz
FleshWound  7 days SchoolYard
FZR 600  7 days The Siren, Connect Four
Galaxy Turbo  7 days Gantz
Georgebob  7 days Gantz
Guitar Guy  7 days Gantz
HOMO BEAR  7 days SchoolYard
Houa  7 days Euthanize
hutu  7 days Gantz
K-O  7 days The Siren
Kinesrra  7 days Gantz
Kolbi  7 days Gantz
LaBoUR  7 days The Siren, Not Enough
Lahey  7 days Gantz
Leobear  7 days Forgot
line  7 days Gantz
Maverick~  7 days Euthanize
MegamanEXE  7 days Gantz
NAMDEEW#2  7 days Gantz
NERV  7 days SchoolYard
nova alchemist  7 days Gantz
OceanBoyNZ  7 days Gantz
Secret Shadow  7 days Gantz
Shomari  7 days Gantz
Snapplez  7 days Gantz, PUMA, The Siren
Snow Patrol  7 days Gantz
Teryst  7 days PUMA
Urho  7 days Gantz
vader.  7 days SchoolYard
Vepic  7 days Forgot
Viper06  7 days Gantz
Wind~  7 days Gantz
Zeraan  7 days SchoolYard
A Horrible Plague  6 days SchoolYard
Alduath  6 days Gantz
Aplane  6 days SchoolYard
Chinatown  6 days Connect Four, The Siren
Chthonic  6 days Unwise
Coast  6 days PUMA
Due Diligence  6 days Reluct, Euthanize
Duke Dimi  6 days Euthanize
Elzor  6 days The Siren
Emery  6 days Almost
EvilDeed  6 days Euthanize
expect  6 days Unwise
GoB  6 days Unwise
jail  6 days Gantz
jngy slate  6 days SchoolYard
LemonDropKid  6 days Unwise
Magic Gandhi  6 days PUMA
McNagah  6 days Forgot
N1K  6 days Almost
Nev3r~2wice  6 days SchoolYard
NO <3  6 days PUMA
poven  6 days Unwise
Prince of Darkness  6 days PUMA
Setboy!  6 days Unwise
Sodapop  6 days Unwise
Space_man_Spiff  6 days SchoolYard
Sphinktor  6 days PUMA
Tolerate  6 days PUMA
Trash  6 days Return, Cojones
Twich07  6 days SchoolYard
xerikan  6 days Burnin, Cojones
Xert  6 days Forgot
YourLord&Master  6 days SchoolYard
Zahlia  6 days Unwise
AKA  5 days Reluct, Forgot
ben_dover  5 days Almost, Gantz
big zedong  5 days The Siren, PUMA
D=  5 days The Siren
DaRk Airforce  5 days 4 squads
Drastic Measures  5 days Euthanize
FireAway  5 days SchoolYard
Hecklar  5 days Euthanize
Jady  5 days PUMA
Liquor  5 days Gantz
Magenta  5 days Gantz
oops  5 days Gantz, Euthanize
qoz  5 days SchoolYard
Tasty  5 days PUMA
Techno_PT  5 days SchoolYard
TheDarkLotus  5 days Almost
Wizerd  5 days Euthanize
Your Anti-Hero  5 days SchoolYard
Bozz  4 days Burnin
BugySwartz  4 days Not Enough
deliver  4 days The Siren
Dog Tags  4 days Euthanize, Return
Dominos  4 days The Siren, Connect Four
driftin  4 days Gantz
Elanor  4 days Gantz, The Siren
Ev0lUtIoN  4 days Gantz
Evox  4 days Euthanize
FableMan  4 days Burnin
FiRe BiRd  4 days Burnin, Almost
Flamer  4 days Burnin
Fu$e  4 days Burnin
h2o60  4 days PUMA
Lucar  4 days Gantz
MammothZ  4 days Connect Four, The Siren
miss beautiful  4 days The Siren
Neffi  4 days PUMA
Ridaz  4 days Burnin, Return
Ridge  4 days Forgot, Stingin
Robot  4 days PUMA
Sgt  4 days The Siren
SpY_66  4 days Almost
tw.org  4 days SchoolYard
Very Invisible  4 days PUMA, Burnin
YaZiD  4 days Gantz
AiMer  3 days Unwise
Amar  3 days Return
Blader  3 days Forgot, SchoolYard
Built  3 days Burnin, Stingin
Coil  3 days Euthanize
Cptnkirk  3 days SchoolYard
dako  3 days PUMA, Burnin, Euthanize
Demystify  3 days PUMA, Cojones
Headache  3 days PUMA
J-B-Inc  3 days The Siren
Literary  3 days PUMA
Pirate Hooker  3 days Euthanize
PowerMan 5000  3 days Euthanize
rly_dumb  3 days Cojones
rO87x  3 days Euthanize, Unwise
Scarce  3 days Euthanize
Stray  3 days Cojones
thunderhuck  3 days PUMA
X25  3 days Reluct
a Javelin  2 days PUMA
Alchemists  2 days Reluct
Allergy  2 days Euthanize, Burnin
Antiqueda  2 days The Siren
aul  2 days Euthanize
Bizmat  2 days Gantz
booby  2 days PUMA
Catatstrophe  2 days Reluct
Chambers  2 days Connect Four
Confident  2 days The Siren, Reluct
Contender  2 days PUMA
Corporal Cream  2 days Forgot
DEDUCER  2 days Euthanize
Dominatorious  2 days Euthanize
Dubnium  2 days Unwise
G36  2 days PUMA
Houston  2 days PUMA
Jing!!  2 days Gantz
Mass Effect  2 days Unwise
piNNoy  2 days Gantz
resoL  2 days Euthanize
Retaliate  2 days PUMA
Reversed  2 days Almost
RiGhTiOcHaP  2 days PUMA
Sabbat  2 days SchoolYard
Territory  2 days The Siren, Euthanize
Thre4t  2 days Euthanize
Too Nice  2 days Gantz, Connect Four
Volcom  2 days Euthanize
Wizdumb  2 days The Siren
Yoza  2 days PUMA
Adorable  1 days PUMA
Be ez  1 days Stingin
Bloody Wolf  1 days PUMA
Brookley  1 days PUMA
C.O.W.S.  1 days SchoolYard
Cardi  1 days Euthanize
CeBurilaX  1 days Stingin
Chaox Blood  1 days PUMA
Concentrated  1 days PUMA
Dameon Angell  1 days Euthanize
Damonen  1 days PUMA
darck  1 days Almost
dark eminence  1 days Euthanize
Disengage  1 days The Siren
Doubtful  1 days Stingin
DrEaDs  1 days Euthanize
Evaluate  1 days Return
Fallen Haven  1 days PUMA
Furies  1 days Almost
Grandias  1 days The Siren, PUMA
Gun power  1 days Euthanize
Helped  1 days The Siren
hoopster  1 days Euthanize
Ignite  1 days PUMA
J.Birdman  1 days Euthanize
Jaa  1 days Stingin, Reluct
Jaco  1 days PUMA
Jeremy Jones  1 days PUMA
Juan Enrique Jhamal  1 days PUMA
Kenny Rogers  1 days PUMA
Kyouraku  1 days PUMA
Kyra.  1 days Gantz
Lag Hunter  1 days Stingin
mimpula  1 days PUMA
mugazi  1 days Euthanize
My Name's Jedidiah  1 days PUMA
Myhre  1 days Stingin
Orphen  1 days The Siren
Phirewolf  1 days Gantz, PUMA
Pimp CE  1 days PUMA
pist  1 days Connect Four
Plomber  1 days PUMA
Pocus  1 days PUMA
Polysonik  1 days Euthanize
pure_pwned  1 days PUMA
Pyrex  1 days PUMA
R.0.D  1 days PUMA
Rasaq  1 days Reluct
Regen  1 days PUMA
RiceCake  1 days PUMA
sesh  1 days PUMA
shinju  1 days Stingin
Silt  1 days Stingin
slickman  1 days PUMA, Euthanize
SlowPoke  1 days PUMA
Solarblast Dragon  1 days Forgot
soupero  1 days PUMA
Suckshit  1 days Stingin
Tricker  1 days PUMA
Vor  1 days PUMA