
mu5hr00m man
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Gantz   Disruptive-   ProspeKt   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (18)
Gantz (Mar 06, 2005 - May 01, 2005)
Disruptive- (Feb 03, 2005 - Feb 07, 2005)
ProspeKt (Jan 09, 2005 - Jan 10, 2005)
Obligated (Jan 02, 2005 - Jan 02, 2005)
Menasor (Oct 05, 2004 - Oct 06, 2004)
Menasor (Oct 04, 2004 - Oct 05, 2004)
-Recon (Sep 25, 2004 - Oct 04, 2004)
Dacites (Sep 19, 2004 - Sep 25, 2004)
Buncha Newbs (Sep 08, 2004 - Sep 10, 2004)
Idoneus (Aug 27, 2004 - Aug 28, 2004)
Idoneus (Aug 21, 2004 - Aug 25, 2004)
Pundit (Aug 18, 2004 - Aug 18, 2004)
Creative (Aug 16, 2004 - Aug 17, 2004)
~Top Gun~ (Aug 11, 2004 - Aug 13, 2004)
Nophlic (Aug 05, 2004 - Aug 05, 2004)
Xerotek (Jun 21, 2004 - Aug 05, 2004)
Galgotha (Jun 05, 2004 - Jun 21, 2004)
Pink Shirts (Jan 18, 2004 - Jan 20, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (202)
FurioFuhrer  100 days Gantz, Xerotek
Borgir  56 days Gantz
Bourbon  56 days Gantz
Georgebob  56 days Gantz
Loder  56 days Gantz
PEGASiS  56 days Gantz
Rabid-Wombat  56 days Gantz
RADIOMARU  56 days Gantz
Yang Wenli  56 days Gantz
foxes  55 days Gantz
coogs  51 days Gantz
bubbles19518  47 days Gantz
Solae  45 days Gantz
4Jacks  44 days Xerotek
Alarmed Bread  44 days Xerotek
alpa?!  44 days Xerotek
Da GOAT  44 days Xerotek
Gyfer5487  44 days Xerotek
hobo075  44 days Xerotek
Kento  44 days Xerotek
Lotari  44 days Xerotek
Mihey  44 days Xerotek
Perunalinko  44 days Xerotek
Poison Gas  44 days Xerotek
Reception158  44 days Xerotek, Galgotha
Ripp  44 days Xerotek
Simple Mistake  44 days Xerotek
Turd_Ferguson  44 days Xerotek
Sir Arts  39 days Gantz
Joy of Villany  38 days Xerotek
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  37 days Nophlic, ~Top Gun~, Xerotek
BMT  36 days Xerotek
X_Warrior  35 days Xerotek
Logos-X  34 days Xerotek
Red XIII!  32 days Xerotek
Abare  30 days Xerotek
Bill Nye2  30 days Xerotek
ShadowRune  30 days Xerotek
Alpha_Omega  27 days Xerotek
expunge  27 days Gantz
xDark Lotusx  24 days Xerotek
Guitar Guy  23 days Gantz
Viet_Pryde  22 days Xerotek, Buncha Newbs
Apok  21 days Xerotek
Sexyfeet  21 days Gantz, Menasor
Bardicer  19 days Xerotek
muggs  19 days Xerotek, Pundit
Vyne  19 days Gantz
A RaBid PaNDa  18 days Gantz
BobM@rley  18 days Gantz
BooBiesYAY  18 days Gantz
Exterminator789  18 days Gantz
Ganon-Knight  17 days Gantz
MubaOWNs  17 days Xerotek
Tr1$t@n  17 days Xerotek
bigdawg204  16 days Galgotha
Dude Uh MAn  16 days Galgotha
Fire.Sniper  16 days Xerotek, Nophlic, Galgotha
H E R  16 days Galgotha
Klean-X  16 days Galgotha
Murky  16 days Galgotha
Parasect.  16 days Galgotha
RiChTeR_BeLmOnT  16 days Nophlic, Galgotha
Starry <RH>  16 days Galgotha
tophers  16 days Galgotha
Zoltoyde  16 days Galgotha
Intel*^  15 days Galgotha
PEEWEEE  15 days Galgotha
firepr00f  14 days Xerotek, Galgotha
Giartokill  14 days Pundit, Xerotek
Prime Minister  14 days Xerotek
SHADOWmoses  14 days Xerotek
Tolerant  14 days Gantz
D-Link  13 days Galgotha
DOUBLE DRAGON  13 days Gantz
Fierce Dragon  13 days Xerotek
pure_pwned  13 days Galgotha
spiker!!  13 days Xerotek
Achilies  12 days Xerotek
Cruxis  12 days Gantz
Da MaN  11 days Idoneus, -Recon
MackAttack  11 days Galgotha
Mystics  11 days Idoneus, -Recon
spitfire6900  11 days Xerotek
Tyrael.  11 days Dacites, Idoneus, -Recon
aZn_WaRbiRd  10 days Xerotek
BoNeR!  10 days Buncha Newbs, -Recon
Penguin69  10 days Idoneus, Dacites
ben_dover  9 days Gantz
Evilworm  9 days Xerotek
Palaemon.  9 days Xerotek
darksanta  8 days -Recon
Last Rites  8 days Gantz
Lu Xun  8 days Gantz
The Unholy God  8 days Xerotek
AznBabiGurl  7 days Xerotek
Kid-Rice  7 days Gantz
krane  7 days Xerotek
ReKall  7 days Idoneus, -Recon
badboy_oj  6 days Xerotek, -Recon
Distract  6 days Dacites
Ebowl  6 days Dacites
Funny_PorkChop  6 days Dacites
l2aNgE  6 days Xerotek
Mayflower  6 days Dacites
No Peace  6 days Dacites
Prexus  6 days Dacites
Punyone  6 days Dacites
R.0.D  6 days Gantz
Ricko  6 days Dacites
Scopic  6 days Dacites
spyther  6 days Dacites
Tibbs  6 days Dacites
Tor  6 days Dacites
Ultra fires  6 days Dacites
Valderama  6 days Dacites
Zagstruk  6 days Dacites
g2g  5 days Xerotek
Heather ^^  5 days Galgotha
Iron Survivor  5 days Gantz
Kirikou  5 days Dacites
LaGTaCuLaR  5 days Dacites
Near Death  5 days Idoneus, -Recon
Solarblast Dragon  5 days Pundit, -Recon
Blackwood  4 days Disruptive-
DaRe_DeViL_69  4 days Disruptive-
Death Click  4 days Menasor, Disruptive-, Idoneus
Gomi  4 days Xerotek
kexler  4 days Disruptive-
Mutha-Tucka  4 days Xerotek
Naad!  4 days Xerotek
Respire  4 days Dacites
Secret Shadow  4 days Gantz
Sir Chrono  4 days Gantz
Staff  4 days Disruptive-
the Sperminator 2  4 days Galgotha
Thief-  4 days Gantz
Tranqulizer  4 days Disruptive-
BAD CRACK  3 days Pundit, Idoneus, Menasor
dmx&dr.dre  3 days Dacites
Jing!!  3 days ~Top Gun~, Disruptive-
markian  3 days Idoneus
Master Of Pain  3 days Gantz
Mysticus  3 days Idoneus
No Faith  3 days Galgotha
num1killa  3 days Idoneus
opps  3 days Idoneus
Plan  3 days Xerotek
predatorinstincts  3 days Galgotha, Nophlic
Rogue Sniper.  3 days Disruptive-
Selode  3 days 4 squads
StepUp  3 days Galgotha
Sycology  3 days Dacites
Vazi  3 days Galgotha
basket.  2 days Buncha Newbs
Blindmonkey21  2 days Galgotha
guyPtP  2 days Menasor, Nophlic, Xerotek
H.O.M.I.E  2 days Galgotha
hipbone  2 days Galgotha, Nophlic
king blunt  2 days Creative, Xerotek
mastersword  2 days -Recon
Nige  2 days Pundit, Dacites
Skulljagger  2 days Idoneus
Skynet!  2 days Gantz
spazballs  2 days Xerotek
Specify  2 days Galgotha
Tiznotic  2 days Buncha Newbs
tydie  2 days -Recon
Xenosis  2 days Galgotha
Xert  2 days Buncha Newbs
xXxFiremothxXx  2 days Xerotek
Zechs Marquis  2 days Buncha Newbs
0VERDOSE  1 days ~Top Gun~
Barrage  1 days Buncha Newbs
BillyBishop  1 days Dacites
Bjarte  1 days Dacites
blow_meeh  1 days Idoneus
Cian  1 days ProspeKt
Darkodin  1 days ProspeKt
Deceptive  1 days ProspeKt
Deja Vu...  1 days Menasor, Xerotek
Dero  1 days Dacites
Down~storm475  1 days Dacites
evadence  1 days Xerotek
FishMafia  1 days ~Top Gun~
GooBeR!!  1 days Buncha Newbs
Gran Guerrero  1 days Buncha Newbs
Gristle  1 days Gantz
Holy Monk  1 days Gantz
Include  1 days Creative, Idoneus
lilo sniper  1 days Dacites
MpM  1 days Xerotek
ol49  1 days Menasor, Buncha Newbs
Red Eternity  1 days Buncha Newbs
Scooby Snack  1 days Obligated, Xerotek
Sin'ath  1 days Xerotek
Skeletor`  1 days Xerotek
Starflam  1 days Dacites
Surface Tension  1 days ProspeKt
TiZzNoTiC  1 days ProspeKt
Traces  1 days Idoneus, Obligated
Yo$hi  1 days Buncha Newbs