
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Third Wish   Fire   Hypoxia   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (16)
Third Wish (Jul 17, 2008 - Jul 31, 2008)
Fire (Jul 13, 2008 - Jul 17, 2008)
Hypoxia (Aug 06, 2005 - Aug 19, 2005)
Mersh (Aug 06, 2005 - Aug 06, 2005)
Metalz (Aug 01, 2005 - Aug 06, 2005)
EZ Team (Dec 04, 2004 - Aug 01, 2005)
Brutalism (Nov 02, 2004 - Nov 03, 2004)
Dark Paradise (Oct 29, 2004 - Oct 31, 2004)
Spores (Jun 11, 2004 - Jul 01, 2004)
Idoneus (May 16, 2004 - May 20, 2004)
Wingmasters (Apr 22, 2004 - May 16, 2004)
Blind Storm (Apr 12, 2004 - Apr 18, 2004)
Lacerta (Mar 25, 2004 - Mar 31, 2004)
Moonfall (Mar 16, 2004 - Mar 23, 2004)
AseVoimat (Feb 24, 2004 - Mar 15, 2004)
Celestial Thunder (Feb 17, 2004 - Feb 24, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (311)
Invad0r  58 days EZ Team
Creepy  53 days EZ Team
Dude Uh MAn  45 days EZ Team
Amuro-NT1  24 days Wingmasters
Badman  24 days Wingmasters
CK_42  24 days Wingmasters
DARKJC  24 days Wingmasters
DoWe  24 days Wingmasters
Dr.DaR|<  24 days Wingmasters
drunkenmunkey  24 days Wingmasters
Erska  24 days Wingmasters
GEE!?!?!  24 days Wingmasters
Has blown up  24 days Wingmasters
Joelebaron  24 days Wingmasters
polyurethane  24 days Wingmasters
Shinja  24 days Wingmasters
Solitary Man  24 days Wingmasters
Supa Mario  24 days Wingmasters
Viper15  24 days Wingmasters
WEKS  24 days Wingmasters
YIN&YANG  24 days Wingmasters
ShadowMaster987  23 days Wingmasters
Turbo-Buddah  23 days EZ Team
Super Record!!  21 days EZ Team
aZn_WaRbiRd  20 days Spores
BladeZ  20 days Spores
Graner  20 days Spores
liran2003  20 days Spores
Little~Princess  20 days Spores
Mr. Peanuts  20 days Spores
Perforator  20 days Spores
Violence By Design  20 days Spores
Asur  19 days AseVoimat
Cruis0  19 days AseVoimat
Dur-Nominator  19 days AseVoimat
E-J  19 days AseVoimat
Folke West  19 days AseVoimat
hanuro  19 days AseVoimat
KaAoSAnKkA  19 days AseVoimat
KaAoSJuMaLaTaR  19 days AseVoimat
Kilpikonna, Siumiu  19 days AseVoimat
Klasu  19 days AseVoimat
LiZarDo  19 days AseVoimat
Nestori  19 days AseVoimat
Psiong  19 days AseVoimat
ritaatti  19 days AseVoimat
The Sith  19 days AseVoimat
XXCheezeXX  19 days AseVoimat
Diesis  18 days Spores, Moonfall
macrosin  18 days Spores
Dastor  17 days Idoneus, Wingmasters
Kaktus  17 days EZ Team
Omena  17 days AseVoimat
Voimat  17 days AseVoimat
Warz  17 days AseVoimat
yrttiporsas  17 days AseVoimat
scarymary  16 days Spores
Tenma  16 days Spores
forgotten child  15 days Wingmasters
Chingy^^  14 days EZ Team
Codeman!  14 days Third Wish
Delta Eagle  14 days Third Wish
Diplomats  14 days Third Wish
EM2  14 days Third Wish
ewjkbru  14 days Third Wish
Expecto Patronum  14 days Third Wish
field  14 days Third Wish
hungery  14 days Third Wish
Jaguarus  14 days Third Wish
Jeebs  14 days Third Wish
KaAoSJuMaLa  14 days AseVoimat
KoZ  14 days Third Wish
Last Rites (WB)  14 days Spores
LBW  14 days Third Wish
MLL  14 days Third Wish
NotkeaRotta  14 days Spores
olney  14 days Third Wish
Paradise  14 days Third Wish
Patch  14 days Third Wish
PreDominate  14 days Third Wish
Scarce  14 days Third Wish
syztem  14 days Third Wish
Territory  14 days Third Wish
TildeStar  14 days Third Wish
Via  14 days Third Wish
Money Shot  13 days Third Wish
Fellow  12 days EZ Team
haka-tv  12 days Moonfall, Blind Storm
J M Power  12 days Spores
Jullord  12 days EZ Team
Pointed  12 days Hypoxia
The Wild Bean  12 days Hypoxia
Tyro  12 days Spores
zoom-sniper  12 days AseVoimat, Moonfall
Allowance  11 days Third Wish, Fire
bone thug  11 days Third Wish
Lucy In The Sky  11 days Hypoxia
PowerMan 5000  11 days Hypoxia
volable  11 days Hypoxia
Wage  11 days Hypoxia
Zeeky  11 days Hypoxia
AlpHa_GeMMa  10 days AseVoimat
Chisholm_  10 days Spores, Idoneus
Heikki L  10 days AseVoimat
Henki  10 days AseVoimat
homopippelimies  10 days AseVoimat
Ketsuppi  10 days AseVoimat
lokkip  10 days AseVoimat
Lollotus maksimus  10 days AseVoimat
puska  10 days AseVoimat
Roope  10 days AseVoimat
Sealn op.  10 days AseVoimat
Sokrates  10 days AseVoimat
You_are_dead  10 days AseVoimat
Camelo  9 days AseVoimat
Dew  9 days Hypoxia
Jimmy Jazz  9 days Hypoxia
Killer Soldier  9 days Spores
Locus Publicus  9 days Wingmasters
Polari  9 days AseVoimat
thrill  9 days Third Wish
UK>TERMINATOR  9 days Third Wish
Varketh  9 days Spores
BloodEagle  8 days Spores
DadaKing2  8 days Hypoxia
dirtbiker10  8 days Spores
Include  8 days Spores, Idoneus
Xag  8 days Moonfall, AseVoimat
Zate  8 days Spores
die hard  7 days Hypoxia, Spores
ENSV  7 days Hypoxia
Faladihr  7 days Spores
ganjaman  7 days EZ Team
Luunatic!  7 days Wingmasters
021  6 days Moonfall
Alastor  6 days Celestial Thunder
anope  6 days Hypoxia
Archives  6 days Spores
Awsome  6 days Celestial Thunder
awsomemonster  6 days Celestial Thunder
ch!  6 days Celestial Thunder
Confuze  6 days Moonfall
Dark and Evil784  6 days Celestial Thunder
Difference  6 days Moonfall
Door Knob  6 days Celestial Thunder
Eclipse_04  6 days Wingmasters
Finnish-Killer  6 days Blind Storm
Funny Thing  6 days Celestial Thunder
GrapeJuice.  6 days Blind Storm
ind3p3nd3nt  6 days Celestial Thunder
itsme  6 days Moonfall
Kawrae  6 days Moonfall
Majinx  6 days Blind Storm
maketso  6 days EZ Team, Dark Paradise, Brutalism
Mych  6 days Lacerta
NowYouDie  6 days Moonfall
nutter181  6 days Celestial Thunder
Nyamo  6 days Moonfall
Pelle Peloton!  6 days AseVoimat
PlaZma-  6 days Spores
Quadricorn  6 days Celestial Thunder
raamattu  6 days AseVoimat
Radiance1979  6 days Moonfall
raper-  6 days Blind Storm
Ratified  6 days Hypoxia
Ravenant  6 days Celestial Thunder
ReWind->>>  6 days Moonfall
Shadow Wind  6 days Celestial Thunder
Sir Iggy  6 days Celestial Thunder
spiker!!  6 days Spores
Spikey  6 days Moonfall
Tetra Master  6 days Celestial Thunder
tonjo  6 days Lacerta
Tyrael.  6 days Spores
ultima!  6 days Blind Storm
Wanqus  6 days Spores
Wrapper22  6 days EZ Team
Zizu  6 days Moonfall
B-[Laderunner]  5 days Idoneus, Blind Storm, Spores
Casher  5 days Third Wish
Debate  5 days Third Wish
Final Whistle  5 days Blind Storm
InMa  5 days Lacerta
jjeessee  5 days Lacerta
Protozoa  5 days Spores
Roiwerk  5 days Dark Paradise, EZ Team
TJ hazuki  5 days Celestial Thunder
a virus  4 days Spores
BrOkEn  4 days Moonfall
Dead_End  4 days Fire, Wingmasters
El Charro  4 days Moonfall
Elbryan  4 days Moonfall
FFLeader  4 days Spores
Gosu Kami  4 days Celestial Thunder
Hydrant  4 days Moonfall
opieortiz  4 days Blind Storm
outwite  4 days Moonfall
ProMize  4 days Hypoxia
Rekoji-Z  4 days Celestial Thunder
Riveted  4 days Hypoxia
SaNtA_ClAuS  4 days EZ Team
SeiferDude  4 days Moonfall
Shim Sham  4 days Celestial Thunder
SilverMask  4 days Lacerta
smg  4 days Third Wish
Uber-peewee  4 days Lacerta
Warhummer  4 days EZ Team
AngryBloke  3 days Idoneus
badboy_oj  3 days Idoneus
Bazhn  3 days Celestial Thunder
Black Chimpanzee  3 days Fire
BlackCobra  3 days Idoneus
BlackHawk01  3 days Spores
Bo0!  3 days Idoneus
Curver  3 days Third Wish
Cyborg.  3 days Idoneus
d.u.m.b.e.r  3 days Celestial Thunder
Da MaN  3 days Idoneus
damndamndamndamn  3 days Spores
Death Click  3 days Idoneus
Down~storm475  3 days Moonfall
E-Male  3 days Hypoxia
Ecro  3 days Idoneus
Eror  3 days Idoneus
ewan  3 days Third Wish
Falceot  3 days Idoneus
free vegetables  3 days Hypoxia
GumP  3 days Fire
Kuukunen  3 days Moonfall
Light Saber  3 days Hypoxia
Loki the Trickster  3 days Idoneus
Lord Envy  3 days Hypoxia
Mercedes  3 days Fire
Murky  3 days Spores
Pilot  3 days Fire
PJ Ladd  3 days Lacerta
Selode  3 days Idoneus
SonicFlood <007>  3 days Idoneus
strid3r  3 days Idoneus
Sudden Impact  3 days Third Wish
Tijn  3 days Spores
tupla i  3 days Hypoxia
Uber Owner  3 days Lacerta
Unbelieveable_Shot  3 days Spores
Valeron  3 days Blind Storm
varaukko  3 days AseVoimat
Wangsta  3 days Moonfall
WebStriker  3 days Idoneus
a noob  2 days Idoneus
Aspien  2 days Idoneus
Atomic-Sniper  2 days Idoneus
Bamboozle  2 days Spores
Caracal  2 days Idoneus
Caster  2 days Fire
Cheezuz  2 days Blind Storm
copy  2 days AseVoimat
dikkop  2 days Moonfall
Divad  2 days Fire
DMX,  2 days Idoneus
DONKEY PUNCHER!  2 days Hypoxia
empion  2 days Idoneus
Endangered  2 days Moonfall
Eyed  2 days EZ Team
heinzzZ  2 days Blind Storm
Hood Surgeon  2 days Fire
hot_fish  2 days Idoneus
incure  2 days AseVoimat
kexler  2 days Blind Storm
lilo thug  2 days Idoneus
Margrave Khendon  2 days Hypoxia
METHALIZE  2 days Idoneus
Mike Modano_09  2 days Idoneus
murmer  2 days Spores
Nick@Night  2 days Idoneus
put  2 days Hypoxia
Rabid  2 days Fire
red hound  2 days Moonfall
Ruby  2 days Fire
Solarblast Dragon  2 days Idoneus
spitfire6900  2 days EZ Team
SS Tricky  2 days Spores
ThabiZ  2 days AseVoimat
The Nash  2 days Idoneus
tydie  2 days Idoneus
UNEXIST  2 days Hypoxia
VarjoSoturi  2 days AseVoimat
6minutes20seconds  1 days Idoneus
Akaree  1 days Hypoxia
arwen_7  1 days Spores
b@by girl  1 days Idoneus
BaTcHa  1 days Blind Storm
coc  1 days Fire
Fart Kisser  1 days Hypoxia
Forgery  1 days AseVoimat
guyPtP  1 days Spores
Jperfect03  1 days Spores
kaospilot  1 days Idoneus
Life-Reaper  1 days Blind Storm
Mr.Tsipin  1 days Idoneus
Muikku69  1 days Blind Storm
Nlie  1 days Spores
NoMercy  1 days EZ Team
Osmosis  1 days Hypoxia
Raket  1 days Fire
Robertoo  1 days Blind Storm
Shadoclaw  1 days Spores
Snake Skin  1 days Hypoxia
Songs  1 days Fire
Sycology  1 days Blind Storm
The Grave Digger  1 days Blind Storm
Thorkell  1 days Idoneus