
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  NC17   Kleanerz   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (2)
NC17 (Feb 08, 2009 - Apr 22, 2009)
Kleanerz (Feb 05, 2009 - Feb 06, 2009)
Has been on the same squad (102)
Banned4Life  72 days NC17
Brat4Life  72 days NC17
bubblecups!  72 days NC17
Bug4Life  72 days NC17
Daiyo  72 days NC17
district seven  72 days NC17
Enfermera  72 days NC17
Essex Boy  72 days NC17
Faynt  72 days NC17
Gimmick[MFS]  72 days NC17
i love muffins  72 days NC17
KillerXX  72 days NC17
Mr.Shortround  72 days NC17
piNNoy  72 days NC17
Postman Pat!  72 days NC17
Saucon  72 days NC17
tom95  72 days NC17
Waswat  72 days NC17
xboogiex  72 days NC17
zapping zapper  72 days NC17
Unicorns  68 days NC17
Case Logic  66 days NC17
Cat-Penguin Hybrid  66 days NC17
Bast ^.^  63 days NC17
skeptikal  63 days NC17
APileOfElephantDung  58 days NC17
mirroreimaj  55 days NC17
phoneme  51 days NC17
Sodomizer  49 days NC17
Ciao  48 days NC17
Swishgirl~21~  47 days NC17
Trevelyan  44 days NC17
Cichlid  42 days Kleanerz, NC17
Kittah Monster  41 days NC17
Forsaken Illusion  40 days NC17
Legality  39 days NC17
Gr33d  38 days NC17
Koio  38 days NC17
A Me><icaN  37 days NC17
Metalic Scratch  37 days NC17
ralf nader  37 days NC17
Thorkell  37 days NC17
Airship  36 days NC17
Bill Clinton  36 days NC17
Sir Spider  33 days NC17
A.I.D.S.  31 days NC17
fourtwenty  28 days NC17
Wolfed  28 days NC17
Eternal DRAGONx  27 days NC17
corporal smurf  26 days NC17
gmwave  26 days NC17
The Cool  22 days NC17
CumShot.  20 days NC17
Into the Darkness  20 days NC17
jinchuuriki  20 days NC17
MayMercury  20 days NC17
Pandonetho  20 days NC17
Schulich  20 days NC17
Snnyy  20 days NC17
HmongGuy_09  18 days NC17
White Russian  18 days NC17
Infidell  16 days NC17
Nuasair  16 days NC17
SteelerKnight  16 days NC17
Hutcja54  14 days NC17
Indirect-1  14 days NC17
ViEt PryDe  14 days NC17
a good alias  13 days NC17
Forever Dragonx  13 days NC17
X_MiMe_AsSaSiN_X  11 days NC17
Unite  10 days NC17
BlueCrystal  9 days NC17
Fairytale  9 days NC17
Pins  9 days NC17
Simo Hayha  9 days NC17
BlackMage  8 days NC17
Cypherr  8 days NC17
Do  8 days NC17
rattatter  7 days NC17
Skepticism  7 days NC17
Solarblast Dragon  7 days NC17
Xert  7 days NC17
Electromagnet  6 days NC17
For Aiur  6 days NC17
a Javelin  5 days NC17
Boiling  5 days NC17
Delectable  5 days NC17
Menthol  5 days NC17
Valate  5 days Kleanerz, NC17
Cres  4 days NC17
I_Shot_Kennedy  4 days NC17
keLin  3 days NC17
Nilek  3 days NC17
papist  3 days NC17
Proactive  3 days NC17
SkiTTL  3 days NC17
Nephthys  2 days NC17
Riverside  2 days NC17
Sky is the limit  2 days NC17, Kleanerz
scoot  1 days NC17
sir smurf -a-lot-  1 days NC17
Sixburgh  1 days NC17