
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  NC17   Drama Wars   WiNGMASTERS   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (15)
NC17 (May 02, 2008 - Jun 14, 2008)
Drama Wars (Apr 15, 2008 - Apr 22, 2008)
WiNGMASTERS (Aug 03, 2007 - Jan 12, 2008)
PUMA (Aug 01, 2007 - Aug 01, 2007)
Haniel (Jul 17, 2007 - Aug 01, 2007)
-ENYCE- (Jun 20, 2007 - Jul 17, 2007)
Brainwave (Apr 07, 2007 - Jun 20, 2007)
Brainwave (Mar 13, 2007 - Apr 03, 2007)
Brainwave (Feb 08, 2007 - Mar 06, 2007)
Unipower (Jan 11, 2007 - Feb 06, 2007)
Dingus Inc. (Dec 05, 2006 - Jan 10, 2007)
C H E E Z (Dec 02, 2006 - Dec 03, 2006)
Demonianism (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 29, 2006)
LevTerr (Nov 06, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Dingus Inc. (May 18, 2006 - Aug 08, 2006)
Has been on the same squad (419)
Ardo  161 days WiNGMASTERS
DARKJC  161 days Haniel, WiNGMASTERS
magic pyama  161 days WiNGMASTERS
Morh  161 days WiNGMASTERS
Goiya  136 days WiNGMASTERS
golden dragon.  134 days Brainwave, -ENYCE-
xboogiex  132 days Dingus Inc., Brainwave
UnknownDragon  131 days Brainwave, Haniel, -ENYCE-
Sparffles  129 days -ENYCE-, Brainwave
OBX  124 days 4 squads
Stoned Duck  123 days Brainwave, -ENYCE-
NewbxOwnage  122 days Brainwave, -ENYCE-
Piong  122 days WiNGMASTERS
midoent  121 days Brainwave, Haniel
BackUp  119 days Brainwave
Bobyz  119 days Brainwave
Fireangel  119 days Brainwave, -ENYCE-
p0undcak3  119 days Brainwave
rectumrooter  119 days Brainwave
trench wars owner  119 days Brainwave
TwinTurbo  119 days Brainwave
Vergilius  119 days Brainwave
KlicK  116 days Brainwave
Rensie  115 days Brainwave, -ENYCE-
Herba  112 days WiNGMASTERS
SeaMunkey  110 days Brainwave
slump buster  110 days Brainwave
The Forerunner  105 days Brainwave, Dingus Inc.
DJSlayer  103 days Brainwave, Dingus Inc.
Baszie  102 days Brainwave
CJW  102 days Brainwave
FluB  102 days Brainwave
Dustmite  100 days WiNGMASTERS
29/01/86  98 days WiNGMASTERS
Dr.Science  98 days WiNGMASTERS
Logos-X  98 days WiNGMASTERS
Luunatic!  98 days WiNGMASTERS
Teens  98 days WiNGMASTERS
kokkomamma  94 days WiNGMASTERS
Maus  94 days Brainwave
Djembe  90 days Brainwave, Haniel
MethaX  89 days Brainwave
stompa  85 days Brainwave, Unipower
Visigoth  85 days Brainwave
lolojojototo  83 days WiNGMASTERS
Chodeyoungfat  81 days Brainwave
Mame  80 days WiNGMASTERS
Waswat  78 days NC17, -ENYCE-, WiNGMASTERS
gummibear!  77 days Dingus Inc.
Very Invisible  77 days Brainwave
crazy killah  76 days Brainwave
muumipeikko  76 days Dingus Inc.
Ruttu  74 days WiNGMASTERS
Bartman  71 days Brainwave
BugySwartz  70 days WiNGMASTERS
Carling  70 days WiNGMASTERS
Cops  70 days Brainwave
SexyJamJulia  70 days Dingus Inc.
jabra  69 days WiNGMASTERS
Rockster  69 days WiNGMASTERS
ThaYoost  69 days WiNGMASTERS
Tijn  69 days WiNGMASTERS
Captivity  67 days Brainwave
G.Skill  66 days WiNGMASTERS
Lego  65 days WiNGMASTERS
Coupe  64 days WiNGMASTERS
Izra  64 days Unipower, WiNGMASTERS
Compassion  63 days WiNGMASTERS
Entertainer  63 days WiNGMASTERS
Fork off  63 days WiNGMASTERS, -ENYCE-, Haniel
AcidBomber <ZH>  62 days Brainwave
lillis  62 days WiNGMASTERS
spaceship  62 days Brainwave, WiNGMASTERS, Unipower
Bone Wagon  61 days Dingus Inc.
Crunchy Nut  61 days WiNGMASTERS
I*maGirl  60 days Dingus Inc.
Naval  60 days Haniel, Brainwave, Unipower
Bloody Wolf  56 days Brainwave
Lakai  56 days Dingus Inc.
DisTorT3D  55 days Brainwave
IndianaJones  54 days Dingus Inc.
Marlene  54 days Brainwave
Masta Killer  54 days Brainwave, -ENYCE-, WiNGMASTERS
Sureness  53 days WiNGMASTERS
VectorGTS  53 days WiNGMASTERS, NC17
Double Slash  52 days Brainwave
Infra Red  52 days Brainwave
ogmix  52 days Dingus Inc., NC17
rallymommo  52 days WiNGMASTERS
KoRnGurl  51 days Brainwave
Sixus  51 days Brainwave, Drama Wars
Burglary  50 days 5 squads
Ryme  50 days Brainwave
Major Crisis  48 days Brainwave, -ENYCE-
damaging  46 days WiNGMASTERS
BEAST GROWL  45 days Brainwave
Bizmat  45 days Unipower, Brainwave
0vErDo$e  44 days Dingus Inc.
Divine Y  44 days NC17, WiNGMASTERS
Sub Killer 69  44 days Brainwave
A Me><icaN  43 days NC17
Armor Ply  43 days NC17
Banned4Life  43 days NC17
Brat4Life  43 days NC17
Bug4Life  43 days NC17
Cigg  43 days NC17
Daiyo  43 days NC17
district seven  43 days NC17
Fondu  43 days NC17
iloveburritos  43 days NC17
Latimer  43 days NC17
Mr Slave  43 days NC17
SamuelExtreme  43 days NC17
Sir Spider  43 days NC17
stiT  43 days NC17, Dingus Inc.
Swishgirl~21~  43 days NC17
the-fire  43 days NC17
ViEt PryDe  43 days NC17
Xavier Sky  43 days NC17
Nestori  42 days WiNGMASTERS
Spytek0420  42 days NC17
4 lYfE  41 days Brainwave
CC -Legio Ultra  41 days NC17
Mr. Blue.  41 days NC17
agriculture  40 days NC17
LiL_LaDy  40 days NC17
Offline  40 days Dingus Inc.
Silent Striker  40 days Brainwave
Mango.  39 days Brainwave
Misled  39 days Dingus Inc.
AcidBomber <ER>  38 days Brainwave
resurrected  38 days WiNGMASTERS
Zhou Tai Soldier  38 days -ENYCE-, Brainwave
Lacrymosa  37 days WiNGMASTERS
bubblecups!  36 days NC17
alpha-female  35 days Dingus Inc.
Ananas En Conserve  35 days Dingus Inc.
hanz-poop  35 days NC17
Just-Me!  35 days Dingus Inc.
Kazeness  35 days Dingus Inc.
MetaPenguin  35 days Dingus Inc.
N0-DICE  35 days Dingus Inc., Unipower
Rayquaza  35 days WiNGMASTERS
Slotheroo  35 days Dingus Inc.
Swisha  35 days NC17
W@terProof  35 days NC17
Booyah  34 days -ENYCE-, Brainwave
Hexeen  34 days NC17
Scold  34 days NC17
Irrupt  33 days NC17
affliction+  32 days Dingus Inc.
wata  32 days Dingus Inc.
glowface  31 days WiNGMASTERS
R.0.D  31 days WiNGMASTERS
ick  30 days Dingus Inc.
LoC_DoG  30 days Brainwave
Hungry  29 days Brainwave, Unipower
meddi  29 days Brainwave, Haniel
Terrific  29 days NC17, -ENYCE-
Aiko Uti  28 days Brainwave
I_Shot_Kennedy  28 days NC17
Silverestel  28 days Dingus Inc., Brainwave
Whinegum  28 days WiNGMASTERS
Slient_Striker  27 days Brainwave
Rycon  26 days NC17
Star Taxi  26 days Brainwave
xazic  26 days NC17
Badjob  25 days NC17, Haniel
Icevulture  25 days Brainwave
Jensen  25 days NC17
jhm  25 days Unipower
Lord Kraken  25 days Brainwave
Spiderman  25 days Unipower
a bunny  24 days NC17
aven <ER>  24 days Brainwave
Dah_Veed  24 days Brainwave
Hexa Decimal  24 days NC17
Lag Hunter  24 days Dingus Inc.
Pizza_Slize  24 days -ENYCE-, Brainwave
Raket  24 days NC17, WiNGMASTERS
Ruczi  24 days NC17
Adoni  23 days 4 squads
Fust  22 days WiNGMASTERS
joemoma  22 days WiNGMASTERS
KillerXX  22 days NC17
Quake3  22 days Dingus Inc., Brainwave, -ENYCE-
ayb  21 days LevTerr
Bannnnana  21 days Brainwave
Binlarden  21 days LevTerr
Bounty <ZH>  21 days LevTerr
BrokenFist  21 days LevTerr
C.U.C.S.  21 days LevTerr
Daer  21 days LevTerr
delux  21 days LevTerr
Desist  21 days LevTerr
Drakoon  21 days LevTerr
Fredzz  21 days LevTerr
Heracles  21 days Unipower
Kaddafi  21 days LevTerr
Kamikazsi  21 days LevTerr
OTT24  21 days LevTerr
papist  21 days LevTerr
pirAteZ  21 days LevTerr
Saulio  21 days LevTerr
shimpy  21 days LevTerr
SLik  21 days LevTerr
smokes bowls  21 days NC17
Soundgarden  21 days LevTerr
Stewy  21 days LevTerr
TheOneAndOnlyOliver  21 days LevTerr
A French Chipmunk!  20 days Brainwave
celluar  20 days Haniel, Brainwave, Unipower
disco_duck  20 days Brainwave
inaphyt  20 days Brainwave
Inside Joke  20 days Dingus Inc.
Jack_hole  20 days Dingus Inc.
reability  20 days WiNGMASTERS
Spellbound*  20 days Dingus Inc.
tomcraft13  20 days Dingus Inc.
Gladeus  19 days Brainwave
KaSMo  19 days Dingus Inc.
LucifersWarcraft  19 days NC17
oddie!  19 days NC17
EO-50  18 days Dingus Inc.
RednaZ  18 days Brainwave
Royce  18 days WiNGMASTERS
Press  17 days Unipower
Soul Survivor  17 days Dingus Inc.
dako  16 days NC17
De$$y  16 days WiNGMASTERS
Final Stunt!  16 days Dingus Inc.
Honey Bun  16 days NC17
spacetime  16 days WiNGMASTERS
Untrue  16 days NC17
Ferney  15 days Brainwave
Fruit Twat  15 days Dingus Inc.
Marmalade  14 days NC17
Newb_jav  14 days Dingus Inc., WiNGMASTERS, -ENYCE-
Persistence  14 days NC17
Snik(  14 days WiNGMASTERS
TheDarkLotus  14 days NC17
Gore Lord  13 days Dingus Inc.
MLL  13 days PUMA, Haniel
puffmyholic  13 days NC17
Suuk  13 days WiNGMASTERS
Aveo  12 days Unipower
Borjinha  12 days NC17
Corner  12 days Brainwave
Mite  12 days WiNGMASTERS
Money Shot  12 days NC17
Nightmare-  12 days -ENYCE-
ST249250650  12 days Haniel
torkkiz  12 days NC17
a GIANT pupafish  11 days WiNGMASTERS
Hyeena  11 days Dingus Inc., Unipower
Lukater  11 days Dingus Inc.
NewbOfTW  11 days Brainwave, -ENYCE-
slowest  11 days -ENYCE-
SS Tricky  11 days NC17
zazerick  11 days Brainwave
Zerg Lurker  11 days Dingus Inc.
Archer-  10 days Dingus Inc.
Ashame  10 days WiNGMASTERS
Committee  10 days WiNGMASTERS
Defined  10 days -ENYCE-
Dicey  10 days -ENYCE-
Dinguser  10 days Dingus Inc.
Elephander  10 days Brainwave
eterny_2  10 days Dingus Inc.
Kaiten  10 days WiNGMASTERS
kaospilot  10 days Brainwave
Night-  10 days -ENYCE-
The Unliked One...  10 days NC17
Too Nice  10 days -ENYCE-
Zodiark  10 days -ENYCE-
Darkness  9 days Haniel
GRANDMASTAHS  9 days Brainwave
Logain  9 days WiNGMASTERS
ChuckNoris  8 days Dingus Inc.
Express.  8 days Unipower
Forerunner  8 days Brainwave
lectronic  8 days -ENYCE-
RageRitual  8 days -ENYCE-
Slarve  8 days NC17
thoughts  8 days WiNGMASTERS
TitsOfRage  8 days Brainwave
Vinalto  8 days NC17
Fifo  7 days NC17
janipt  7 days WiNGMASTERS
Price_  7 days -ENYCE-
Redact  7 days -ENYCE-
sucky  7 days WiNGMASTERS
Tiny  7 days WiNGMASTERS
Tough Jave  7 days NC17
valdoon  7 days NC17
aBBot  6 days Brainwave
chars!  6 days -ENYCE-
Guzzle  6 days Dingus Inc.
Ksv  6 days Unipower
Kuklos  6 days Dingus Inc.
Last Standing  6 days Brainwave
Oprah  6 days -ENYCE-, Brainwave
Perpetiel  6 days -ENYCE-
Sene  6 days Haniel, -ENYCE-
Unknown warrior~  6 days NC17
WRM  6 days Brainwave
BladeZ  5 days Dingus Inc.
comeback  5 days -ENYCE-
Inuyasha x2  5 days Dingus Inc.
John_Adams  5 days Drama Wars
Maju  5 days Dingus Inc.
Malign Paradigm  5 days Dingus Inc.
S!LenCe  5 days WiNGMASTERS
SaFia  5 days Dingus Inc.
Starfire  5 days NC17
THE DOOR MAN  5 days NC17
TheKiCK  5 days Dingus Inc.
the_paul  5 days Haniel, -ENYCE-
urmsghere.  5 days -ENYCE-, NC17
wait what  5 days Dingus Inc.
White_Shade  5 days Dingus Inc.
Whizz  5 days NC17
12ocket  4 days NC17
AcidBomber  4 days Brainwave
Cat-Penguin Hybrid  4 days NC17
Celine  4 days Dingus Inc.
dado  4 days Haniel
Drastic Measures  4 days -ENYCE-
FireFlash2K  4 days NC17
gmwave  4 days NC17
Guth  4 days NC17
Jumping Spider  4 days NC17
kaevur  4 days -ENYCE-, Brainwave
Misha_13  4 days NC17
NC>PLUC  4 days NC17
Nit3  4 days Brainwave
Respire  4 days WiNGMASTERS
Rheinland  4 days WiNGMASTERS
Sedate  4 days NC17
Shocka  4 days Dingus Inc.
Sinnoh  4 days -ENYCE-
Subjugation <ZH>  4 days Brainwave
t$z  4 days NC17
Technique.  4 days Dingus Inc.
Thrice_  4 days NC17
truancy  4 days -ENYCE-
Zaya  4 days -ENYCE-
Zenlion  4 days Drama Wars
Alarmed  3 days -ENYCE-
Antiproduct  3 days -ENYCE-
Blurry  3 days PUMA, WiNGMASTERS, Haniel
CooLDemon  3 days Dingus Inc.
Dappy  3 days WiNGMASTERS
dead dead dead  3 days Brainwave
enemyAce  3 days Brainwave
Fhust  3 days WiNGMASTERS
Fire Star  3 days NC17
Kiatoukaysi  3 days Unipower
leather  3 days WiNGMASTERS
Michelle!!  3 days Dingus Inc.
Mutalisk  3 days -ENYCE-
NinjaGorillaCyborg  3 days Dingus Inc.
NuBee  3 days -ENYCE-
Obliterate  3 days Dingus Inc.
oops  3 days Drama Wars
Paolo  3 days Haniel
Perverse  3 days WiNGMASTERS
Ragno  3 days Haniel
Raven-  3 days Brainwave
Seek  3 days WiNGMASTERS
The Forewalker  3 days Brainwave
The Lone Gunner  3 days Brainwave
Therapy  3 days Brainwave
urmsghere  3 days Dingus Inc.
wbaverage  3 days -ENYCE-, Brainwave
YourNameSux  3 days Brainwave
zoltan  3 days WiNGMASTERS
717  2 days NC17
chingchong  2 days -ENYCE-
Detention  2 days Haniel
Dualite  2 days -ENYCE-
Eeks  2 days Brainwave
Fails  2 days -ENYCE-
Grinzold  2 days Brainwave
Gypsy  2 days Haniel
Induragamana  2 days Dingus Inc.
Insomnia Crush  2 days NC17
Insulter  2 days WiNGMASTERS
J4S  2 days NC17
Kabale und Liebe  2 days NC17
Mr. Ez  2 days WiNGMASTERS
Princesz  2 days NC17
ruize  2 days -ENYCE-
Scaramanga  2 days -ENYCE-
Sm4SHeRbOy28  2 days NC17
Symptoms  2 days Dingus Inc.
Tech-  2 days NC17
Therom  2 days Dingus Inc.
ToK  2 days Drama Wars
VIPER -X  2 days Dingus Inc.
Anny  1 days WiNGMASTERS
Burger666  1 days Brainwave
Desire  1 days WiNGMASTERS
Detain  1 days -ENYCE-
F22Darkwing  1 days WiNGMASTERS
Forbid  1 days -ENYCE-
Hevnlyst  1 days -ENYCE-
Hexy  1 days NC17
Jones  1 days WiNGMASTERS
Kenyan  1 days Dingus Inc.
Obliviation  1 days -ENYCE-
Oze  1 days NC17
Prominence  1 days Haniel
Rassly  1 days WiNGMASTERS
stalactite  1 days -ENYCE-
Statis  1 days -ENYCE-