
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads OverKiLLed   OverKilled   DiceKingz   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (24)
OverKiLLed (May 17, 2007 - May 27, 2007)
OverKilled (Mar 04, 2007 - Mar 25, 2007)
DiceKingz (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Faithlesss (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Emperia (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Del Armgo (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
sheppard (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Demonianism (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Ghidorah (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
-Ranger- (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
BeastsofBurden (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
TREM0R (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 29, 2006)
Dingus Inc. (Oct 27, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
Dingus Inc. (Jul 30, 2006 - Aug 08, 2006)
Dingus Inc. (Jul 13, 2006 - Jul 24, 2006)
Cycloon (Jul 12, 2006 - Jul 12, 2006)
Goden (Jul 07, 2006 - Jul 11, 2006)
EliteWave (Jul 02, 2006 - Jul 05, 2006)
The Siren (May 23, 2006 - Jun 28, 2006)
Dingus Inc. (Feb 16, 2006 - May 09, 2006)
pIeSqUaD (Jan 11, 2006 - Feb 13, 2006)
The Cowards (Jan 09, 2006 - Jan 10, 2006)
Wallz (Dec 04, 2005 - Jan 08, 2006)
Elite Assassins (Nov 16, 2005 - Nov 21, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (374)
Slotheroo  123 days Dingus Inc.
MetaPenguin  114 days Dingus Inc.
Kazeness  102 days Dingus Inc.
White_Shade  100 days Dingus Inc.
AAF_Chymera  92 days Dingus Inc.
Aerodin  92 days Dingus Inc.
alpha-female  92 days Dingus Inc.
Arduhn  92 days Dingus Inc.
Bellicose  92 days Dingus Inc.
BornToRot  92 days Dingus Inc.
catamount  92 days Dingus Inc.
cedgy  92 days Dingus Inc.
Che_  92 days Dingus Inc.
D3ath Bring3r  92 days Dingus Inc.
Darin Dark  92 days Dingus Inc.
Dewaholic  92 days Dingus Inc.
dlb  92 days Dingus Inc.
drunknm6nky  92 days Dingus Inc.
El Afuera  92 days Dingus Inc.
Evilking70  92 days Dingus Inc.
F.R.O.G.  92 days Dingus Inc.
FaT DragOn  92 days Dingus Inc.
Flint Town  92 days Dingus Inc.
G | ! T C H  92 days Dingus Inc.
Gen. DesertFox  92 days Dingus Inc.
Ikean  92 days Dingus Inc.
Indeed23  92 days Dingus Inc.
JJ.  92 days Dingus Inc.
K J E P P  92 days Dingus Inc.
KazaKuun  92 days Dingus Inc.
Koroshiya  92 days Dingus Inc.
KrUnKiE  92 days Dingus Inc.
linni  92 days Dingus Inc.
Llary  92 days Dingus Inc.
Morigawa  92 days Dingus Inc.
NEON*  92 days Dingus Inc.
Neutroniks  92 days Dingus Inc.
PirateMonkeyRobot  92 days Dingus Inc.
Quegan_fire  92 days Dingus Inc.
Radar Sniper  92 days Dingus Inc.
redline ^;^  92 days Dingus Inc.
Seliquis  92 days Dingus Inc.
SexyJamJulia  92 days Dingus Inc.
Sniff & Scratch  92 days Dingus Inc.
Stack-Dump  92 days Dingus Inc.
Staff  92 days Dingus Inc.
Tdevils6  92 days Dingus Inc.
TheCroaker  92 days Dingus Inc.
Tmok  92 days Dingus Inc.
Tw!sTeD  92 days Dingus Inc.
Zombie Lincoln  92 days Dingus Inc.
arceo  91 days Dingus Inc.
Taynted  91 days Dingus Inc.
Catgirl  90 days Dingus Inc.
Tha Avanger  90 days Dingus Inc.
Bone Wagon  86 days Dingus Inc.
I*maGirl  85 days Dingus Inc., OverKilled
Demonic Ora  81 days Dingus Inc.
Misled  81 days The Siren, Dingus Inc.
Night Fall  81 days Dingus Inc.
Offline  81 days Dingus Inc.
wata  81 days Dingus Inc.
HyDrObUrN  79 days Dingus Inc.
ghostie2002  75 days Dingus Inc.
muumipeikko  75 days Dingus Inc.
The Catholic  75 days Dingus Inc.
Too Nice!  74 days Dingus Inc.
Alltel  73 days Dingus Inc.
Lakai  71 days Dingus Inc.
PowerMan 5000  68 days Dingus Inc.
Agari  60 days Dingus Inc.
Censored.  59 days Dingus Inc.
FlipInsomnia  59 days Dingus Inc.
Spellbound*  52 days Dingus Inc.
Ananas En Conserve  47 days Dingus Inc.
Raibeart  47 days Dingus Inc.
ogmix  45 days Dingus Inc., The Siren
Kuklos  44 days Dingus Inc.
Obliterate  44 days Dingus Inc.
Celine  43 days Dingus Inc.
Lag Hunter  43 days Dingus Inc.
Avianna  40 days Dingus Inc.
EO-50  38 days Dingus Inc., The Siren
eterny_2  38 days The Siren, Dingus Inc.
Ace Shooter  35 days Wallz
Agentflit  35 days Wallz
Baalzebub  35 days The Siren
Chidori  35 days The Siren
Coroner  35 days The Siren
Debu  35 days The Siren
Gnat  35 days The Siren
Lag Rice  35 days The Siren
Linoleum  35 days The Siren
samussiah  35 days Dingus Inc.
spdowner  35 days Dingus Inc.
StUpId FoX  35 days The Siren
Tal+  35 days The Siren
sanguinarian  34 days The Siren
Fear This  33 days Wallz
LlAmAs  33 days Wallz
iKillBurger  32 days The Siren
Lagpie  32 days pIeSqUaD
Otaku  32 days Wallz
crackker  31 days Wallz
HR Puffinstuff  31 days pIeSqUaD
yeyo  31 days Dingus Inc.
Jack_hole  30 days Dingus Inc.
Livin To Die  30 days Wallz
BladeZ  28 days Dingus Inc.
Fruit Twat  28 days Dingus Inc.
gummibear!  28 days Dingus Inc., OverKiLLed
killer muffin  28 days pIeSqUaD
Kit Kat  28 days The Siren
Fatal!ty  27 days The Siren
N0-DICE  27 days Dingus Inc.
Night Cap  27 days The Siren
Unrail  27 days The Siren
hungery  26 days The Cowards, Dingus Inc.
JamieWellerstein  26 days Dingus Inc.
Brighter  25 days The Siren
FoCuSeD  25 days The Siren
nicodemus2x  25 days Dingus Inc.
Xaropinhu  25 days The Siren
Distraught  23 days Dingus Inc.
uNsmart  23 days The Siren
Archer-  22 days Dingus Inc.
Savour  22 days Dingus Inc.
AvteK  21 days OverKilled
blasted  21 days OverKilled
BMW 335ci  21 days The Siren
DivineSight  21 days OverKilled
HeavyHeavyLowLow  21 days OverKilled
Micawber  21 days The Siren
RedarK  21 days OverKilled
tonice  21 days Dingus Inc.
typeZERO  21 days Dingus Inc.
Bertie Ahern  20 days The Siren
Chthonic  20 days OverKilled, The Siren
clint  20 days The Siren
Devastator*FIN*  20 days OverKilled
Faust  20 days The Siren
FireFly...  20 days The Siren
Kurosaki  20 days The Siren
L u s h  20 days The Siren
Renown  20 days The Siren
Zeal  20 days The Siren
Icewolf  19 days The Siren
Krolok  19 days The Siren
nicely done  19 days Dingus Inc.
Vingee  19 days The Siren
Airplane.  18 days OverKilled
Carzo  18 days pIeSqUaD
Multifilm  18 days The Siren
noire  18 days The Siren
Sir Kano  18 days The Siren
alkaloids  17 days The Siren
anklet  17 days Dingus Inc.
Destructer  17 days The Siren
Hyeena  17 days The Siren, Dingus Inc.
IndianaJones  17 days Dingus Inc.
JohnnyQuest  17 days OverKilled
mozz  17 days OverKilled
qin  17 days The Siren
Dierienow  16 days Wallz, The Cowards
ImHellaNew  16 days Dingus Inc.
Kakka  16 days Dingus Inc.
oppz  16 days The Siren
Griper  15 days OverKilled
h2o60  15 days Wallz
Korean Dog  15 days Dingus Inc., The Siren
Materia  15 days Wallz
Mithrandia  15 days Dingus Inc.
Solarblast Dragon  15 days The Siren
TheKiCK  15 days Dingus Inc.
Velvet Cacoon  15 days The Siren
Zignz  15 days OverKiLLed
Archipeligo  14 days The Siren
CooLDemon  14 days OverKilled
cykotec  14 days The Siren
Dolohov  14 days The Siren
evil dude  14 days The Siren
L3XMaR7<  14 days The Siren
Ranjerin  14 days OverKilled
Speedwell  14 days The Siren
Touchscreen  14 days The Siren
Unavail  14 days The Siren
XaRaNn  14 days The Siren
YuckFou  14 days The Siren
Make Believe  13 days The Siren
Egbert  12 days The Siren
Galaxy Turbo  12 days Dingus Inc.
Gohan~  12 days Dingus Inc.
Gore Lord  12 days Dingus Inc.
guyPtP  12 days The Siren
JoyRider  12 days The Siren
naughtygal22  12 days OverKilled
NICLY DONE  12 days Dingus Inc.
s4j3n  12 days The Siren
tupla i  12 days Wallz
affliction+  11 days Dingus Inc.
caffy  11 days Dingus Inc.
DakotaKing  11 days Dingus Inc.
flion  11 days The Siren
LasT_Don  11 days Dingus Inc.
lbs  11 days Dingus Inc.
LewoSwartz  11 days Dingus Inc.
On Target  11 days Dingus Inc.
Quake3  11 days Dingus Inc.
retsam  11 days Dingus Inc.
ronny  11 days Dingus Inc.
stiT  11 days Dingus Inc.
Swishe  11 days The Siren
Too Nice  11 days Dingus Inc.
avatar_hero  10 days The Siren
halocost  10 days Wallz
Maju  10 days The Siren
New Folder  10 days The Siren
airplanes  9 days The Siren
Dark_grim  9 days The Siren
Snipe!  9 days The Siren
tomcraft13  9 days Dingus Inc.
xboogiex  9 days Dingus Inc.
Zerg Lurker  9 days Dingus Inc.
Bandage-  8 days Wallz
Blackboa  8 days OverKilled
ChuckNoris  8 days Dingus Inc.
Demonik  8 days The Siren
Just-Me!  8 days Dingus Inc.
llov  8 days The Siren
Russ  8 days Dingus Inc.
Soz  8 days Dingus Inc.
Time.2.KILL  8 days OverKiLLed
batgirl  7 days The Siren
gunt  7 days Wallz
Lag Magic  7 days The Siren
lb  7 days Dingus Inc.
Soul Survivor  7 days Dingus Inc.
sum dum goy  7 days The Siren
Warb  7 days The Siren
1800-die-die-die  6 days OverKilled
21807  6 days OverKilled
AreYouIn  6 days OverKilled
die hard  6 days Dingus Inc.
Guzzle  6 days Dingus Inc.
O_Obum  6 days The Siren
Shavo  6 days The Siren
SKYFE  6 days Dingus Inc.
Star_Fox_Squad  6 days OverKilled
0vErDo$e  5 days Dingus Inc.
disco_duck  5 days OverKiLLed
greyhound  5 days Dingus Inc.
LivinDead  5 days OverKilled
Malign Paradigm  5 days Dingus Inc.
Sarrow  5 days The Siren
Sartaqua  5 days Dingus Inc.
Stewy  5 days Dingus Inc.
ToxicMonkey  5 days The Siren
2Elite4u ~  4 days OverKilled
afk-revenge  4 days Dingus Inc.
Been  4 days Dingus Inc.
Lyricist  4 days Dingus Inc.
Oblivian  4 days Dingus Inc.
Sasuke-  4 days Dingus Inc.
Slut  4 days Dingus Inc.
Violent Tendencies  4 days Dingus Inc.
Asesino-en-serie  3 days OverKiLLed
Attached  3 days The Siren
B>UNIT*  3 days OverKiLLed
Chuck Norris (!)  3 days Goden
Kenjamin  3 days OverKilled
killerbee16  3 days Dingus Inc.
Lucar  3 days The Siren
mymher  3 days Cycloon, Goden
oscar mopperkont  3 days Goden, Cycloon
Pr3p  3 days The Siren
Robertoo  3 days OverKiLLed
Rox_405  3 days Goden
s1eepyhead  3 days The Siren
Sixus  3 days Goden
snick  3 days Goden
strayed  3 days The Siren
Techniec  3 days Wallz
the best newb  3 days Goden
The Professor  3 days The Siren
Upgraded Noob  3 days OverKiLLed
Yorky  3 days Goden
7<thx  2 days Dingus Inc.
Achilies  2 days EliteWave
BackUp  2 days EliteWave
Bela Lugosi  2 days The Siren
Bluedrac_NL  2 days Dingus Inc.
Buoyancy  2 days EliteWave
cheese_head  2 days EliteWave
cky  2 days The Siren
Clump  2 days EliteWave
Colossos  2 days EliteWave
Comply  2 days EliteWave
Emale  2 days EliteWave
Fivus  2 days Cycloon, Goden
Generals  2 days EliteWave
Gibe  2 days EliteWave
GUT DEER?  2 days Wallz
HeavyAmp  2 days OverKilled
Heliopath  2 days Dingus Inc.
Houa  2 days OverKilled
hydrodank  2 days The Siren
ick  2 days Dingus Inc.
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  2 days EliteWave
Jing!!  2 days Dingus Inc.
Joyce  2 days EliteWave
Locker  2 days EliteWave
London Fog  2 days OverKiLLed
Magnetic  2 days EliteWave
Makai  2 days The Siren
Moche  2 days The Siren
NightmareX^^  2 days Dingus Inc.
rainboy 123  2 days OverKilled
randomshot  2 days Dingus Inc.
Red Fang  2 days EliteWave
rozi  2 days EliteWave
Saiyan  2 days EliteWave
Scrim  2 days EliteWave
Skating Tour  2 days EliteWave
Slo Mo  2 days The Siren
SoulSurvivor  2 days Goden
Supreme Dragon  2 days Goden
Surgery  2 days EliteWave
Symptoms  2 days Dingus Inc.
The Mailman!@  2 days Goden
Unlike  2 days EliteWave
Usoi  2 days The Siren
Yoshimo  2 days The Siren
About  1 days EliteWave
B R A D  1 days The Cowards
B Unique  1 days The Cowards
Baby Boo  1 days Elite Assassins
Bankhead  1 days EliteWave
Big Bang  1 days Dingus Inc.
Black Rain  1 days The Cowards
C. Falcon  1 days OverKiLLed
cashmoneygal  1 days The Siren
Celtic.  1 days Elite Assassins
DemonCleaner  1 days Elite Assassins
DUB!!  1 days The Cowards
ECK  1 days The Siren
Erickson  1 days Goden
Grasak  1 days OverKilled
Gravitja  1 days EliteWave
Harith  1 days OverKilled
JAMMING JAMAICAN  1 days The Cowards
Jarray  1 days Goden
JonBenet Ramsey  1 days The Siren
Karmic  1 days The Siren
KiiTro  1 days OverKiLLed
Kyace <ER>  1 days The Cowards
lord snipe  1 days The Cowards
meter  1 days Dingus Inc.
Moonscape  1 days The Siren
Mr_coconuts  1 days Dingus Inc.
Naveen  1 days OverKiLLed
Nit3  1 days EliteWave
No Fear <WB>  1 days The Cowards
Nokey  1 days The Siren
Panda Bear  1 days OverKilled
Piangi  1 days The Cowards
Rodal  1 days The Cowards
Saint Potter  1 days The Cowards
shrimp cracker  1 days EliteWave
Spytek0420  1 days The Cowards
syst3m kill3r  1 days The Cowards
Targget U  1 days The Cowards
UNSTABLE_UKRAINIAN  1 days The Cowards
wait what  1 days Dingus Inc.
WarRock  1 days The Cowards