
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Gantz   RedRose   Anti-Force   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (11)
Gantz (Dec 21, 2005 - Dec 24, 2005)
RedRose (Nov 22, 2005 - Nov 25, 2005)
Anti-Force (Nov 21, 2005 - Nov 22, 2005)
Gantz (Sep 10, 2005 - Sep 20, 2005)
WbDyNaSty (Sep 10, 2005 - Sep 10, 2005)
Gantz (Sep 05, 2005 - Sep 10, 2005)
Melee (Aug 09, 2005 - Sep 05, 2005)
Hypoxia (Aug 08, 2005 - Aug 09, 2005)
Not Enough (Aug 08, 2005 - Aug 08, 2005)
my little ponys (Aug 07, 2005 - Aug 08, 2005)
Gantz (Jul 31, 2005 - Aug 07, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (186)
Alerts  33 days Gantz, Melee
Demonik  28 days Gantz, Melee
Actuate  26 days Melee
Bigger Elim  26 days Melee
caffecottage  26 days Melee
chwb  26 days Melee
Cute>Kaos  26 days Melee
Despair  26 days Melee
Duragon  26 days Melee
FireFlash2K  26 days Melee
Gabriel  26 days Melee
Graph  26 days Melee
Hairygroin  26 days Melee
hEaD_hUnTeR  26 days Melee
K A N E  26 days Melee
Mehwoonkimchi  26 days Melee
num1killa  26 days Melee
Overheat  26 days Melee
POiD  26 days Melee
recon marine  26 days Melee
Sheevah  26 days Melee
Sir Arts  26 days Melee
Spamalope  26 days Melee
Stargaze  26 days Melee
Suicidal Killer  26 days Melee
super villain  26 days Melee
TerBear  26 days Melee
yuk  26 days Melee
Yze  26 days Melee
BlackMage  25 days Melee
Illustrate  25 days Melee
Mobey  25 days Melee
Pillow  24 days Melee
elemental  23 days Gantz
FFLenne  23 days Gantz
FurioFuhrer  23 days Gantz
Rabid-Wombat  23 days Gantz
RADIOMARU  23 days Gantz
Absent Elements  21 days Gantz
Firth  21 days Gantz
Kurosaki  21 days Gantz
Lu Xun  21 days Gantz
mass destruction  21 days Gantz
wavebeamer  21 days Gantz
JB Golden Gun  20 days Melee
Alpha Dog  19 days Gantz
ben_dover  19 days Gantz
bubbles19518  18 days Gantz, Melee
dak  18 days Melee
Ducci  18 days Melee
DupZor  18 days Melee
Trash  18 days Melee
Dust Ball  17 days Melee
Kirikou  17 days Melee
Last Rites  17 days Gantz
Major NihGer  17 days Gantz
Mr.Shortround  17 days Gantz
Crunchy Nut  16 days Melee
Cursum  16 days Melee
Blanke  15 days Melee
FattyMcFatterson  15 days Melee, WbDyNaSty, Gantz
Urges  15 days Gantz
AzN-pRiDe  14 days Gantz
Kushite  14 days Gantz
nUcLeAr DiSaStEr  14 days Gantz
purty  14 days Gantz
Sharper Shooter  14 days Gantz
Stops  14 days Gantz
Vexatious  14 days Gantz
Voracious  14 days Gantz
Celtic.  13 days Hypoxia, Gantz
Cloaked_Assassin  13 days Melee
Intersect  13 days Melee
Koio  13 days Melee
A Flea  12 days Gantz
badazzbilly  12 days Gantz
Paradise  12 days Melee
stilt  12 days Gantz
Xef  12 days my little ponys, Gantz
Bourbon  11 days Melee
Killem  11 days Gantz
Opossum  11 days Gantz
Sephius  11 days Melee
Storm Braker  11 days Gantz
2o1o  10 days Gantz
Gonad Lad  10 days Gantz
JeepersCreepers  10 days Gantz
Seymour Butts  10 days Gantz
starpax  10 days Gantz
A Fuzz  9 days Gantz
AznNycGuy  9 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
Dast0r  9 days Gantz
DIE NOW  9 days Gantz
Haruko Haruhara  9 days Gantz
Kira_Yamato~  9 days Gantz
Kolbi  9 days Gantz
Diagonal  8 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
Metalsteel  8 days Gantz
Oblivian  8 days Gantz, Hypoxia
1v4  7 days Gantz
ayb  7 days Gantz
Charles Bronson  7 days Gantz
coxcomb  7 days Gantz
Elliot Moose  7 days Gantz
expunge  7 days Gantz
hot pocket  7 days Gantz
Kakka  7 days Gantz
Lucky Ned Pepper  7 days Gantz
nimnom-_-  7 days Gantz
Pittfan  7 days Gantz
Setta  7 days Gantz
Urgoth  7 days Gantz
Yang Wenli  7 days Gantz
ProMize  6 days Hypoxia, Melee
Tetsaiga  6 days Melee
Unorthadox  6 days Gantz
Valholy  6 days Gantz, Anti-Force
anope  5 days Hypoxia, Gantz
Eria  5 days Gantz
Mith <ZH>  5 days Melee
Nlie  5 days Gantz
spacefighter  5 days Melee
WRM  5 days Melee, WbDyNaSty
Immolient  4 days Gantz
Kinesrra  4 days Gantz
Lil Tye  4 days Gantz
Ribbit!  4 days Gantz
Adoni  3 days Melee
Angry Sailor  3 days RedRose
A]<uLa  3 days RedRose
Baby Boo  3 days RedRose
Butterfly-Girl  3 days RedRose
compressure  3 days RedRose
Darius Winds  3 days RedRose
Data.  3 days Melee
Fire Blade  3 days RedRose
GoB  3 days RedRose
Indi  3 days RedRose
Instence  3 days Gantz
KY0  3 days Gantz
name why?  3 days RedRose
No Man  3 days RedRose
Red~Eye  3 days RedRose
SaFia  3 days Gantz
splatz  3 days Melee
Tohn  3 days Gantz
ur ma ma  3 days RedRose
Valentine Rose  3 days RedRose
Zack Jeckel  3 days Gantz
Zig Zag  3 days RedRose
aBBot  2 days Melee
BendRitesXun  2 days Gantz
Bohemian  2 days Gantz
Cyborg.  2 days Gantz
DreadPirate  2 days Gantz
Evold  2 days Gantz
Fait  2 days Gantz, WbDyNaSty
firepr00f  2 days Gantz
Fleming  2 days Anti-Force, Gantz
Georgebob  2 days Gantz
jesska  2 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz
jube  2 days Gantz
Loopz  2 days Anti-Force, RedRose
Mr MVP  2 days Gantz
oops  2 days Gantz
Paveo  2 days Gantz
PlaZma-  2 days Not Enough, Gantz
Statis  2 days Gantz
Strung  2 days Gantz
Tha Avanger  2 days my little ponys, Gantz
Voice  2 days RedRose
Warbird Ace  2 days Gantz
Averex  1 days RedRose, Anti-Force
Calvary  1 days Gantz
ChronicBob  1 days Melee
Colonize  1 days Gantz
Geillan  1 days Gantz
Kei Kurono  1 days Gantz
Kikiri  1 days Gantz
Loder  1 days Gantz
mad bad and rude  1 days Gantz
MethaX  1 days Gantz
Mr.Cool  1 days Not Enough, Gantz
pompous  1 days Gantz
Rusty!  1 days Gantz
Woe  1 days Gantz