
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads The Siren   With Honor   Ofek   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (23)
The Siren (May 03, 2006 - May 25, 2006)
With Honor (Apr 30, 2006 - May 01, 2006)
With Honor (Apr 25, 2006 - Apr 27, 2006)
Ofek (Apr 22, 2006 - Apr 24, 2006)
Whap (Apr 03, 2006 - Apr 07, 2006)
Squad!! (Jul 11, 2005 - Aug 12, 2005)
Temporize (Jul 05, 2005 - Jul 11, 2005)
<X> Factor (Jul 01, 2005 - Jul 05, 2005)
Algun (Jun 23, 2005 - Jul 01, 2005)
Voyagerz (Jun 15, 2005 - Jun 21, 2005)
TheCrucified (Jun 13, 2005 - Jun 15, 2005)
TheCrucified (Jun 13, 2005 - Jun 13, 2005)
Voyagerz (Jun 13, 2005 - Jun 13, 2005)
HolyCult (Jun 07, 2005 - Jun 13, 2005)
Duelerz (Jun 04, 2005 - Jun 07, 2005)
WBdYnAsTy (May 29, 2005 - May 30, 2005)
Anubico (May 23, 2005 - May 29, 2005)
Parallel (May 21, 2005 - May 21, 2005)
Paran0rmal (May 10, 2005 - May 15, 2005)
>Hollow< (May 06, 2005 - May 10, 2005)
KlassiK (Apr 21, 2005 - May 06, 2005)
KlassiK (Apr 20, 2005 - Apr 21, 2005)
KlassiK (Apr 20, 2005 - Apr 20, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (412)
NightCalibur  49 days KlassiK, HolyCult, Squad!!
Bware  34 days Anubico, Squad!!
thesearcher  33 days HolyCult, KlassiK, Squad!!
Androovski  32 days Squad!!
Aquaria  32 days Squad!!
CoT_Dark  32 days Squad!!
EvIl NeWb  32 days Squad!!
Frost Bite  32 days Squad!!
FukenGruven  32 days Squad!!
Gods of Oz  32 days Squad!!
jalries  32 days Squad!!
King-_-Robin  32 days Squad!!
Lil John  32 days Squad!!
OceanBoyNZ  32 days Squad!!
Poem  32 days Squad!!
ROSZEL  32 days Squad!!
Staff  32 days Squad!!
Unabled  32 days Squad!!
Uprising  32 days Squad!!
XXT-Acceleration  31 days Squad!!
looza  30 days Squad!!
M3rcy  30 days >Hollow<, Squad!!
Adiga!!!  28 days Squad!!
Discript  27 days Squad!!
Kharnor  27 days Squad!!, Duelerz
Extinct  26 days Squad!!, Voyagerz
Usoi  26 days The Siren, >Hollow<
IKM  24 days 4 squads
Coroner  22 days The Siren
Dark_grim  22 days The Siren
EO-50  22 days The Siren
FireFly...  22 days The Siren
L3XMaR7<  22 days The Siren
StUpId FoX  22 days The Siren
YuckFou  22 days The Siren
BrOkEn  21 days Squad!!
JonBenet Ramsey  21 days The Siren
noire  21 days The Siren
Nokey  21 days The Siren
ogmix  21 days The Siren
Prince of Darkness  21 days KlassiK, HolyCult
psycho1113  21 days KlassiK, HolyCult
rochemj  21 days KlassiK, HolyCult
BMW 335ci  20 days The Siren
1800-die-die-die  19 days Squad!!
Night Cap  19 days The Siren
preempt  19 days The Siren
xeo  19 days Squad!!
Yoshimo  19 days The Siren
evil dude  18 days The Siren
Lucar  18 days 4 squads
Makai  18 days The Siren
Unrail  18 days The Siren
3E  17 days Squad!!, HolyCult
darck  17 days Squad!!
FoCuSeD  17 days The Siren, Duelerz
Moonscape  17 days The Siren
Attenuate  16 days Squad!!
Desist  16 days Squad!!
Fante  16 days The Siren
Nurse  16 days Squad!!
ScreamingPanda  16 days The Siren
aznsc93  15 days KlassiK
Bannnnana  15 days KlassiK
Bologna_89  15 days KlassiK
bubblybunny  15 days KlassiK
CKY!  15 days KlassiK
Freedom Gundam ZGMF  15 days Paran0rmal, Squad!!
juve  15 days KlassiK
lilasianmc89  15 days KlassiK
LiL_LaDy  15 days KlassiK
LoLLi_Aloha  15 days KlassiK
Moche  15 days The Siren
None so vile  15 days Squad!!
SexyJamJulia  15 days KlassiK
Spitalfield  15 days Squad!!
the grouch  15 days Squad!!
The Unliked One...  15 days KlassiK
Anxious.  14 days KlassiK
AzN-pRiDe  14 days The Siren
Baalzebub  14 days The Siren
Blackwood  14 days KlassiK
cykotec  14 days The Siren
DtTimsky  14 days The Siren
inuyasha x  14 days KlassiK
t30  14 days The Siren
30 rabid llamas!  13 days KlassiK
airplanes  13 days The Siren
AznNycGuy  13 days Squad!!, WBdYnAsTy
CDL Joey  13 days KlassiK, Duelerz, Squad!!
D.J Spin  13 days Squad!!
Drugmonkey69  13 days KlassiK, HolyCult
Give Up Or Die  13 days Squad!!
Insurrect  13 days The Siren
Kick Ass 101  13 days KlassiK
qin  13 days The Siren
a stalker  12 days Squad!!
KillDaWabbit  12 days Anubico, Squad!!
Krilas  12 days Squad!!
lilo sniper  12 days Squad!!
Newbie576  12 days The Siren
Profic  12 days Squad!!
Archipeligo  11 days The Siren
Cordless  11 days Squad!!
Crucializer  11 days TheCrucified, HolyCult, Factor
Kit Kat  11 days The Siren
kitty  11 days Squad!!
Alerts  10 days Squad!!
Feather  10 days Squad!!
Jack Jeckel  10 days Temporize, Squad!!
Mini-Byte  10 days Squad!!
Neurosis2  10 days HolyCult, Paran0rmal
Tha Avanger  10 days KlassiK, HolyCult
ownage!!!!  9 days The Siren
Plate  9 days Squad!!
Spudly  9 days Squad!!
Stultus <ZH>  9 days Squad!!
XaRaNn  9 days The Siren
Aquarius  8 days The Siren
DreadPirate  8 days Anubico, Squad!!, With Honor
Unavail  8 days The Siren
wait what  8 days Paran0rmal, Factor
Woe  8 days Squad!!, WBdYnAsTy
avatar_hero  7 days The Siren
clint  7 days The Siren
Debu  7 days The Siren
Dolohov  7 days The Siren
Kurosaki  7 days The Siren
Lag Rice  7 days The Siren
Master_Laggot  7 days Factor, Voyagerz
matt..  7 days Anubico, KlassiK
non stop  7 days The Siren
sanguinarian  7 days The Siren
Tal+  7 days The Siren
volable  7 days Voyagerz, Anubico
Zsolix  7 days Algun
cheeshead  6 days Duelerz, Paran0rmal
Cloaked_Assassin  6 days HolyCult
Doused  6 days HolyCult, Factor
fish bite  6 days The Siren
Gooogle  6 days Algun
GunnerKnight  6 days HolyCult
InterKnex  6 days HolyCult
macrosin  6 days HolyCult
saetep  6 days Factor, TheCrucified
Season_Vet  6 days HolyCult
sLuTTed  6 days HolyCult
t(o.0)y  6 days HolyCult
Tank55  6 days HolyCult, Temporize
The Animal  6 days HolyCult
ToxicMonkey  6 days The Siren
WaffleMan  6 days HolyCult
weedman!  6 days The Siren
ZaNiBaR  6 days HolyCult
021  5 days Voyagerz
Activist  5 days Voyagerz
assraper  5 days HolyCult
BlackLava  5 days Temporize
Busch  5 days Voyagerz
but...why...per...  5 days Voyagerz
Buzzkill  5 days Anubico
chr1st  5 days Temporize
DarkSympathy  5 days Temporize, Parallel
Deadly Agression  5 days Voyagerz
eforce  5 days Temporize
FaLLeNMaN  5 days Voyagerz
Frank pappa  5 days Temporize
Fuerte  5 days Temporize
Jake Jeckel  5 days Temporize
Jeck Jeckel  5 days Squad!!
katie.  5 days Anubico
Knuck Boi  5 days Voyagerz
Lord Envy  5 days Anubico
ltk  5 days Temporize
Morphene  5 days Anubico, TheCrucified, WBdYnAsTy
Ozgood  5 days WBdYnAsTy, Anubico
Rampage <SS>  5 days Temporize
Replay  5 days Voyagerz
Savageee  5 days Anubico
ShaGuaR  5 days Squad!!
Softbox  5 days Temporize
spin!!!  5 days Factor, Squad!!
Sweety16  5 days Squad!!
ZKodexZ  5 days Temporize
0rb  4 days Paran0rmal
49571184  4 days Factor
Assault Levi  4 days >Hollow<
Azaria  4 days >Hollow<
BfettA1  4 days >Hollow<
Blind SharpShooter  4 days >Hollow<
bliu  4 days Paran0rmal
Bloody Talon  4 days >Hollow<
BrightEyes  4 days Paran0rmal
Brockay  4 days Paran0rmal
Cry0genic  4 days Paran0rmal
Da Professor  4 days Paran0rmal
DesertxEagle  4 days >Hollow<
DiMsUmOO  4 days Paran0rmal
DobusDude  4 days Paran0rmal
Domn  4 days Paran0rmal
Dre  4 days Voyagerz
Dunekeeper  4 days >Hollow<
DupZor  4 days Factor
Expiration  4 days Voyagerz
Hibhobit  4 days >Hollow<
Horrified  4 days Voyagerz, TheCrucified
HR Puffinstuff  4 days Anubico
illegalsk8er15  4 days Paran0rmal
Indepth  4 days Factor
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  4 days Whap, Anubico, HolyCult
Istanbul Twilight  4 days The Siren
Jean-Philippe  4 days With Honor, Paran0rmal
Jebelbryan  4 days Paran0rmal
Kamiru  4 days >Hollow<
Kardus  4 days Paran0rmal
killzone  4 days Paran0rmal
Kristy  4 days Factor
lamewad  4 days Paran0rmal
llov  4 days The Siren
Lucky Ned Pepper  4 days Squad!!
MaNic[T.u]  4 days Factor
Moo-Veau  4 days Squad!!
Neocount  4 days The Siren
nt_crew  4 days Voyagerz
Omega Exodus  4 days Factor
Overflowd  4 days Paran0rmal
Paran0id  4 days Paran0rmal
Pilgram  4 days Voyagerz
re6el  4 days >Hollow<
Rebeca  4 days Paran0rmal
RedIce  4 days >Hollow<
RioTinTheSky  4 days Factor
Robotic Reflexes  4 days Paran0rmal
rougeleader2  4 days Paran0rmal
Shokwave!!!  4 days >Hollow<
Snip3r Lord  4 days Squad!!
Sodomizer  4 days Squad!!
Spacely  4 days HolyCult, Voyagerz
Spetz  4 days Paran0rmal
sturpon711  4 days Paran0rmal
Sube  4 days >Hollow<
superbomb  4 days >Hollow<
syst3m kill3r  4 days >Hollow<
Tear Gas  4 days Factor
Terminater  4 days >Hollow<
Thrice_  4 days >Hollow<
Timoniac  4 days Voyagerz
twinky  4 days Factor
Vengence_df1  4 days Factor
Warlord Bug  4 days >Hollow<
Xenosis  4 days Factor
ZaBuZa  4 days >Hollow<
Zalor  4 days Paran0rmal
Zapp Rowsdower  4 days >Hollow<
Zarkix  4 days Paran0rmal
zildil  4 days Paran0rmal
Aka spit  3 days Squad!!
Camp3r  3 days Squad!!
Chidori  3 days The Siren
Cr8zyBasrd  3 days Squad!!
el fin.  3 days Factor
Elusi0n  3 days HolyCult
Emollient  3 days Algun, HolyCult
fayne  3 days Anubico
FFLenne  3 days Squad!!
free vegetables  3 days Squad!!
fso  3 days Voyagerz
Fthertka  3 days >Hollow<
Gonad Lad  3 days Anubico
H2 Hummer  3 days HolyCult
Icewolf  3 days The Siren
Klean-X  3 days The Siren
lostowl  3 days Factor
Messages  3 days The Siren
Nick de Win  3 days Factor
Obi Wan Kenewbi  3 days >Hollow<
PreServed  3 days HolyCult
Renown  3 days The Siren
RING LORD  3 days Squad!!
rly_dumb  3 days Squad!!
Virus Cap  3 days Squad!!
Was isT?  3 days Whap
Xert  3 days Factor
XrayXrayXray  3 days Factor
50 cal  2 days Duelerz
Absynth!  2 days Anubico
Access+  2 days KlassiK
AKA  2 days Anubico
Anisette  2 days Anubico
Aviram  2 days Anubico
b3t4  2 days Paran0rmal
Back2Basics  2 days Algun
BMW 328is  2 days The Siren
bubbles19518  2 days Voyagerz
Dark Arrow  2 days Duelerz
DeadEnd  2 days Duelerz
Delphia  2 days Anubico
dforce1  2 days TheCrucified
Emocore  2 days HolyCult
Enema  2 days HolyCult
Exterminator789  2 days HolyCult, WBdYnAsTy
Fadark.exe  2 days HolyCult
Frio  2 days Voyagerz
Gnat  2 days The Siren
Gristle  2 days Anubico
Hardest  2 days Temporize
Icey Intention  2 days Duelerz
JabJabJab  2 days HolyCult
kexler  2 days Duelerz
kudamono  2 days Duelerz
Lukater  2 days The Siren
Monkie Bones  2 days Anubico
MoonAura  2 days Duelerz
pices  2 days Duelerz
Profuse  2 days Duelerz
Purpl3Dolphins  2 days Anubico
Red Fang  2 days Temporize
Refund  2 days Squad!!
Resurrect  2 days Anubico
Ripp  2 days KlassiK
Roca Wear  2 days Anubico
Shavo  2 days The Siren, With Honor
Slipknot_31  2 days Duelerz
Sternum  2 days Duelerz
Still Excited!!  2 days Duelerz
Swiftly  2 days Voyagerz
unknown warrior  2 days Temporize
ZannaTTi  2 days Anubico
zZack  2 days Duelerz
0wnz0rz  1 days KlassiK
2killU  1 days Ofek
Alarmed  1 days With Honor
AnarioN  1 days Temporize
animality  1 days Anubico
Annointed  1 days HolyCult
Boeing 747  1 days The Siren
Braaaap  1 days Ofek
brYde  1 days Squad!!
Calihan  1 days Squad!!
Crucialized  1 days TheCrucified
Dead EZ  1 days HolyCult
Desolve  1 days With Honor
die hard  1 days TheCrucified, Voyagerz
Doubtful  1 days With Honor
Draconian  1 days Whap
Dreadlock  1 days With Honor
Dreganomics  1 days Ofek
Falceot  1 days Temporize
Fanha  1 days Temporize
FattyMcFatterson  1 days Voyagerz, Temporize
Folks  1 days With Honor
fourtwenty  1 days Voyagerz
Fuk The Feds  1 days Squad!!
guyPtP  1 days With Honor
hack  1 days HolyCult
HateMom  1 days Voyagerz
HockeyPuck  1 days Voyagerz
Implode  1 days Anubico
Ironroot  1 days Temporize
Jake Logan  1 days Algun
Kathode  1 days Ofek
Kenti  1 days Whap
l2aNgE  1 days With Honor
lardy-dardy  1 days Squad!!
LemonDropKid  1 days With Honor
Level Zero  1 days Whap
Linoleum  1 days The Siren
lior  1 days Ofek
MarvLS  1 days Whap
Multifilm  1 days Squad!!, With Honor
Mutalisk  1 days Whap
My War  1 days With Honor
My$terio  1 days Ofek
M_Dep  1 days HolyCult
naamis  1 days Ofek
Neat  1 days With Honor
Nemechek  1 days HolyCult
Nightshadow  1 days Algun
No Man  1 days Ofek
Obsessions  1 days Temporize
older  1 days With Honor
omobob  1 days Ofek
OpiumX  1 days Voyagerz
poultry  1 days The Siren
Rageo  1 days Ofek
rank 1  1 days >Hollow<
Relivant  1 days With Honor
Rockey  1 days Temporize
Savory  1 days Whap
Scooped  1 days Voyagerz
SeaMunkey  1 days Ofek
Sexyness  1 days Voyagerz
Slackware  1 days With Honor, Whap
sn4k3  1 days Ofek
spiker!!  1 days With Honor
ssplayer#8964  1 days Ofek
Str|der  1 days Ofek
T.N.T.  1 days The Siren
Tricker  1 days With Honor
Unusable  1 days With Honor
Vodoo4Life!  1 days >Hollow<
Voracious  1 days Anubico
Wackymoon  1 days Ofek
WeedMonkey  1 days Ofek
whity_skeleton21.23  1 days Paran0rmal
wooly708  1 days KlassiK
X-Punisher-X  1 days Voyagerz
z28  1 days Ofek
Zacha  1 days Ofek
Zechs Marquis  1 days Voyagerz
Zomb|e  1 days HolyCult, Voyagerz
Zouseni  1 days Ofek