
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads X-Ploda   Flame of War   $Flabby$   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (21)
X-Ploda (Oct 21, 2005 - Nov 08, 2005)
Flame of War (Aug 19, 2005 - Aug 22, 2005)
$Flabby$ (Aug 08, 2005 - Aug 19, 2005)
Legion of Scissors (Aug 07, 2005 - Aug 08, 2005)
$Flabby$ (Aug 02, 2005 - Aug 07, 2005)
<WB> Stalker (Jul 28, 2005 - Aug 02, 2005)
We MoB (Jul 20, 2005 - Jul 28, 2005)
We MoB (Jul 18, 2005 - Jul 20, 2005)
Srt4 (Jul 17, 2005 - Jul 18, 2005)
Srt4 (Jul 16, 2005 - Jul 16, 2005)
SaiyanRevolution (Jul 07, 2005 - Jul 16, 2005)
-Action- (Jun 30, 2005 - Jul 07, 2005)
Deadly force (Jun 26, 2005 - Jun 30, 2005)
>Hollow< (Jun 24, 2005 - Jun 26, 2005)
Gantz (May 31, 2005 - Jun 24, 2005)
Force Edge (May 25, 2005 - May 31, 2005)
>Hollow< (May 10, 2005 - May 25, 2005)
Dingus Inc. (May 02, 2005 - May 10, 2005)
Militaris (Apr 20, 2005 - Apr 27, 2005)
Raversth (Apr 17, 2005 - Apr 20, 2005)
KlassiK (Apr 14, 2005 - Apr 17, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (491)
Luke Skywall<er  25 days Gantz, Raversth
Staff  24 days $Flabby$, Dingus Inc.
A Fuzz  23 days Gantz
Actuate  23 days Gantz
Alpha Dog  23 days Gantz
Bourbon  23 days Gantz
coky  23 days Gantz
Demonik  23 days Gantz
Druss  23 days Gantz, Force Edge
elemental  23 days Gantz
Elite assasin  23 days Gantz
Expecto Patronum  23 days Gantz
Freedom Gundam ZGMF  23 days Gantz
FurioFuhrer  23 days Gantz
Georgebob  23 days Gantz
Guitar Guy  23 days Gantz
Katsuya  23 days Gantz
Kolbi  23 days Gantz
Last Rites  23 days Gantz
Loder  23 days Gantz
Madsouljah  23 days Gantz
Missa  23 days Gantz
nUcLeAr DiSaStEr  23 days Gantz
PEGASiS  23 days Gantz
Rabid-Wombat  23 days Gantz
RADIOMARU  23 days Gantz
reinhold  23 days Gantz
rockafella  23 days Gantz
starpax  23 days Gantz
stilt  23 days Gantz
Suffocated  23 days Gantz
venal  23 days Gantz
Yang Wenli  23 days Gantz
A Fur  22 days Gantz
Firth  22 days Gantz
Ramza  22 days Gantz
Toyota.  22 days Gantz
ben_dover  21 days Gantz
TehNewbDied  21 days Gantz
Cuda  20 days Gantz
Eclipse_04  20 days Gantz
KillerGt1  20 days Gantz
Stifled  20 days Gantz
Lu Xun  18 days Gantz
odp123  18 days Stalker, Gantz
BfettA1  17 days >Hollow<
Blind SharpShooter  17 days >Hollow<
Bloody Talon  17 days >Hollow<
Dunekeeper  17 days >Hollow<
Hibhobit  17 days >Hollow<
Obi Wan Kenewbi  17 days >Hollow<
re6el  17 days >Hollow<
RedIce  17 days >Hollow<
Sube  17 days >Hollow<
Terminater  17 days >Hollow<
Thrice_  17 days >Hollow<
Usoi  17 days >Hollow<
Warlord Bug  17 days >Hollow<
xXU|timat3_V3g3t4Xx  17 days Gantz
Alokas Nakki  16 days $Flabby$
Doc Flabby  16 days $Flabby$
DUDE1.2  16 days $Flabby$
Fett1138  16 days >Hollow<
Fho2  16 days >Hollow<
Hengenheimolainen  16 days $Flabby$
ice.man  16 days $Flabby$
Kal-El  16 days $Flabby$
KillDaWabbit  16 days $Flabby$
Line Up  16 days $Flabby$
MetallicA RuLeS  16 days $Flabby$
mr_flab  16 days $Flabby$
Negative Space  16 days $Flabby$
newbie Pimp  16 days $Flabby$
porch  16 days Gantz
raper-  16 days $Flabby$
scare-crow  16 days $Flabby$
Skyline6  16 days Gantz, Deadly force
some_guy!!!!!!!!!  16 days >Hollow<
Super_Boomer  16 days $Flabby$
TorturedSpirit  16 days $Flabby$
unixkey  16 days $Flabby$
Wild Cat  16 days $Flabby$
Yakusho  16 days $Flabby$
Zamu Zoomer  16 days $Flabby$
Aka spit  15 days $Flabby$
Assault Levi  15 days >Hollow<
Azaria  15 days >Hollow<
DesertxEagle  15 days >Hollow<
Exterminator789  15 days Gantz
Fthertka  15 days >Hollow<
JeepersCreepers  15 days Gantz
Kamiru  15 days >Hollow<
Lady Venom  15 days Gantz
Shokwave!!!  15 days >Hollow<
superbomb  15 days >Hollow<
syst3m kill3r  15 days >Hollow<, -Action-
TweeTy.  15 days $Flabby$
Valhal  15 days $Flabby$
ZaBuZa  15 days >Hollow<
Zapp Rowsdower  15 days >Hollow<
A Flea  14 days Gantz
alls  14 days $Flabby$
Frit0z  14 days Gantz
Geillan  14 days Gantz
Gods wang  14 days Gantz
Overheat  14 days Gantz
Ribbit!  14 days We MoB, Deadly force, X-Ploda
Xanthene  14 days Gantz
B>Unit  13 days $Flabby$
Elmers  13 days Gantz
guyptp!  13 days $Flabby$
tragichero  13 days $Flabby$
zoy  13 days $Flabby$
Crucializer  12 days Gantz, SaiyanRevolution
Loco-Motief  12 days $Flabby$
Vodoo4Life!  12 days >Hollow<
b3t4  11 days >Hollow<
Banned4Life  11 days >Hollow<
cMurder  11 days Stalker, We MoB
Nomadic  11 days Gantz
Nurse  11 days Gantz
Skynet!  11 days Gantz
Solae  11 days Gantz
Compton, Ca.  10 days X-Ploda
frozen_distance  10 days $Flabby$
gameboost  10 days >Hollow<
Katie J  10 days $Flabby$
M3rcy  10 days >Hollow<
Nlie  10 days Gantz
Sarah!  10 days $Flabby$
3000GT VR4  9 days Deadly force, Gantz
Lil Tye  9 days Gantz
nt_crew  9 days SaiyanRevolution
OutlawGene.  9 days SaiyanRevolution
put  9 days $Flabby$
Snodrvr  9 days SaiyanRevolution
The Javver  9 days $Flabby$
AAF_Chymera  8 days Dingus Inc.
Arduhn  8 days Dingus Inc.
aZn_WaRbiRd  8 days Gantz
Bellicose  8 days Dingus Inc.
Bluedrac_NL  8 days -Action-, Dingus Inc.
Che_  8 days Dingus Inc.
Darin Dark  8 days Dingus Inc.
DeMoNoFdArKnEsS  8 days Gantz
El Afuera  8 days Dingus Inc.
Evilking70  8 days Dingus Inc.
F.R.O.G.  8 days Dingus Inc.
FaT DragOn  8 days Dingus Inc.
G | ! T C H  8 days Dingus Inc.
Indeed23  8 days Dingus Inc.
JJ.  8 days Dingus Inc.
K J E P P  8 days Dingus Inc.
locate  8 days Gantz
Lord Envy  8 days $Flabby$, X-Ploda, Militaris
Morigawa  8 days Dingus Inc.
NEON*  8 days Dingus Inc.
PirateMonkeyRobot  8 days Dingus Inc.
Raibeart  8 days Dingus Inc.
RedDrac_NL  8 days Dingus Inc.
redline ^;^  8 days Dingus Inc.
Slotheroo  8 days Dingus Inc.
Stack-Dump  8 days Dingus Inc.
Tmok  8 days Dingus Inc.
Todes  8 days SaiyanRevolution, We MoB, Deadly force
unknown warrior  8 days Militaris, Force Edge
Upon  8 days Gantz
Your Better Then Me  8 days SaiyanRevolution
Achilies  7 days Militaris
Alerts  7 days Militaris
Blitz Jakob  7 days >Hollow<
Bone Wagon  7 days -Action-
C0MA  7 days We MoB
Captain Loser  7 days -Action-
ChaosDiablo  7 days -Action-
Desyre-  7 days -Action-
devan4620  7 days -Action-
Dirty Dozen  7 days Militaris
Disappearance  7 days Gantz
Emollient  7 days Gantz
Gagne  7 days Militaris
Ghostix  7 days Militaris
HardxXxCore  7 days -Action-
Ikean  7 days Dingus Inc.
Kin mon criss  7 days Militaris
Lag Magic  7 days Militaris
Lazyness  7 days Militaris
Lee rules  7 days -Action-
Lucky Ned Pepper  7 days Militaris
melissa truardor  7 days -Action-
Menelaus  7 days Force Edge, Deadly force
mepwnu  7 days -Action-
Mind Virus  7 days Militaris
mindfk  7 days -Action-
Mr.Wahabi  7 days >Hollow<
Nung92  7 days -Action-
Overflowd  7 days We MoB
Project1.vbp  7 days Militaris
Protector of Eden  7 days We MoB
Punniabi  7 days Militaris
Robster }-Craws-{  7 days -Action-
SaNtA_ClAuS  7 days -Action-
shadow king985  7 days -Action-
silver mountain  7 days Militaris
Sodomizer  7 days $Flabby$, Deadly force
spaceboy100  7 days -Action-
stiT  7 days Militaris
TeH NeWb  7 days Militaris
The Sacred Spawner  7 days -Action-
TheDude  7 days -Action-
TiZzNoTiC  7 days Militaris
toker420  7 days -Action-
Toxic Fuzz  7 days Militaris
UltimosHomoStatans  7 days $Flabby$
Voice  7 days Militaris
Yamh  7 days Gantz
ZingyZ  7 days Militaris
zuera =P  7 days -Action-
booker007  6 days Force Edge
burhaan#1  6 days Srt4, Force Edge
Cisse  6 days -Action-
Flec  6 days Militaris
Free.Style  6 days We MoB
HaZe[DS]  6 days Force Edge
Irapliskin  6 days -Action-
ISkin  6 days -Action-
Kazhdan  6 days $Flabby$
Kazzy  6 days Force Edge
killerbee16  6 days Gantz
L(+)ck And l_oad  6 days $Flabby$
mikeward25  6 days -Action-
Phixus  6 days Force Edge
Secret Shadow  6 days Gantz
skeletor_69  6 days $Flabby$
sportszack  6 days Gantz
the best newb  6 days -Action-
The GraveYard  6 days Force Edge
Acura TL  5 days X-Ploda
AzN-pRiDe  5 days 4 squads
BMW 328is  5 days -Action-
Calvary  5 days SaiyanRevolution, Deadly force
gringoloco  5 days Force Edge, Deadly force
ick  5 days Militaris
Indecision  5 days Militaris
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  5 days We MoB, Deadly force
killer muffin  5 days Deadly force, Gantz
Lagnewb  5 days Force Edge
mylo yamis  5 days Force Edge
racism  5 days Militaris
Saradomin  5 days $Flabby$
Slient_Striker  5 days Force Edge
StreetLight7  5 days Gantz, We MoB
the_paul  5 days Force Edge
ThuG_NatUrE  5 days Force Edge
tomcraft13  5 days $Flabby$
ultimate666  5 days $Flabby$
xX_SuP3rG0kU182_x  5 days Gantz
Zaraki  5 days Gantz
A Newb In Denial  4 days Militaris
Androovski  4 days Militaris
Averex  4 days Stalker
Bad-Boy  4 days We MoB
FZR 600  4 days Stalker
invain  4 days Militaris
killa_thug  4 days We MoB, Stalker
Koveres  4 days Gantz
Makio  4 days Militaris
marv  4 days Stalker
Monkey Monster  4 days Militaris
Mulciber  4 days $Flabby$
NeonSRT4  4 days Srt4, Deadly force
Nightmare-  4 days $Flabby$
Oblivicus  4 days Force Edge
Rawr>  4 days Stalker
sauren  4 days Gantz
spacefighter  4 days Srt4, Deadly force
Str8_Owning  4 days Gantz
Thetawaves  4 days Srt4, Deadly force
007-RYAN-  3 days $Flabby$
A-Corrupt-Packet  3 days Deadly force
Boten  3 days Stalker
bubbles19518  3 days Gantz
Certified Killer  3 days Stalker
Critical_Defeat  3 days Deadly force
Crunchy Nut  3 days Gantz
Cumin  3 days Deadly force
deadly-savior  3 days Deadly force, We MoB
Default4  3 days We MoB
Deja Vu...  3 days Gantz
Dunkel  3 days Deadly force
elena87  3 days Deadly force
Final_DestinatioNL  3 days -Action-
FleetWood Mac  3 days $Flabby$
foxes  3 days Gantz
Frozeal  3 days Srt4, >Hollow<
Haruko Haruhara  3 days Deadly force, X-Ploda
hipbone  3 days Deadly force
Hollowman  3 days Deadly force
Insane Elmo  3 days We MoB, SaiyanRevolution
IRA_Assasin  3 days Militaris
its_just_bizarro  3 days Deadly force
jabbar23  3 days Deadly force
Jack Jeckel  3 days Srt4, Gantz
Jake Jeckel  3 days Srt4, Gantz
Justin Credibal  3 days Gantz
KahvinKeitin  3 days $Flabby$
Killa_Paul  3 days Deadly force
Krilas  3 days Militaris
lag_by_nature  3 days Deadly force
Lily + Ashley  3 days Gantz
lord snipe  3 days Gantz
matt..  3 days KlassiK, Gantz
Murdok V11  3 days Deadly force
Newb1e  3 days Stalker, Srt4, We MoB
Nick de Win  3 days Deadly force
poopie head  3 days Deadly force
R0cky Balb0a  3 days Deadly force
Raspo  3 days $Flabby$
Red Scorpion  3 days Deadly force
Roger Waters  3 days Deadly force
Scooped  3 days Deadly force
Shadow Machine  3 days Stalker
shanker  3 days Deadly force
SnoopyDogg  3 days Deadly force
strayed  3 days Deadly force
Sux!  3 days Deadly force
The Penguinater  3 days -Action-
theslug  3 days Militaris
Walkurja  3 days Deadly force
Yulaw  3 days Militaris
ZERO_ULTMIA_3000  3 days Deadly force
Zhou Tai Soldier  3 days Deadly force, We MoB
0wnz0rz  2 days KlassiK
30 rabid llamas!  2 days KlassiK
asdfsf  2 days >Hollow<
Aviram  2 days SaiyanRevolution, Force Edge
Azune  2 days Raversth
Bannnnana  2 days KlassiK
Baseball Allstar5  2 days KlassiK
Beefs  2 days Gantz
BetaHawk  2 days Force Edge
Bologna_89  2 days KlassiK
bubblybunny  2 days KlassiK
CDL Joey  2 days KlassiK
Chuboka  2 days SaiyanRevolution
CKY!  2 days KlassiK
Darkness Reigns  2 days >Hollow<
Donar  2 days >Hollow<
Drips  2 days Militaris
Drugmonkey69  2 days KlassiK
elvenking  2 days Raversth
Extinct  2 days >Hollow<
fayne  2 days Force Edge
ficoy  2 days >Hollow<
Flamebird  2 days Flame of War
freq 666  2 days >Hollow<
Fuk  2 days $Flabby$
Girl wida Gun  2 days -Action-, We MoB
Gorag  2 days Flame of War
gwen  2 days >Hollow<
Gytar  2 days Flame of War
headhunter_deluxe1  2 days >Hollow<
Holy T. Error  2 days Gantz
hungery  2 days We MoB
IKM  2 days KlassiK
Injen.  2 days We MoB
install  2 days Militaris
Jedi Lightsaber  2 days Flame of War
juve  2 days KlassiK
Lady Kitten  2 days >Hollow<
lilasianmc89  2 days KlassiK
LiL_LaDy  2 days KlassiK
LoLLi_Aloha  2 days KlassiK
mindgame  2 days Militaris
Mr_incredible  2 days >Hollow<
Nidhogg  2 days We MoB
NightCalibur  2 days KlassiK
Nit3  2 days Militaris
Obsessions  2 days $Flabby$
Overblaze  2 days >Hollow<
Prince of Darkness  2 days KlassiK
propel  2 days >Hollow<
psycho1113  2 days KlassiK
Qeu  2 days We MoB
Rat King  2 days Raversth
Ray Francis  2 days >Hollow<
rochemj  2 days KlassiK
s o d a p o p  2 days We MoB
Scappy  2 days >Hollow<
Sex Pistols  2 days We MoB
SexyJamJulia  2 days KlassiK
SGA71  2 days Raversth
Shad3s  2 days Flame of War
Slipknot_31  2 days Force Edge
SPA-Doneval  2 days >Hollow<
Tank55  2 days We MoB
Tha Avanger  2 days KlassiK
The Unliked One...  2 days KlassiK
Theory.  2 days >Hollow<
thesearcher  2 days KlassiK
tregon  2 days >Hollow<
Tru Legend  2 days >Hollow<
TrueLies  2 days Raversth
Wanulava  2 days We MoB
Waswat  2 days Flame of War
windrider69  2 days $Flabby$
Wolfs Rain  2 days >Hollow<
wooly708  2 days KlassiK
xaznxgangstaboix  2 days KlassiK
Xcalibuh..  2 days Force Edge
Xenosis  2 days Gantz
Zechs Marquis  2 days Deadly force
Zero xX  2 days >Hollow<
zino x  2 days >Hollow<
AngelGurl  1 days Flame of War
anope  1 days Flame of War
Apollonius  1 days We MoB
ARTOIS  1 days Gantz
AviramDJ  1 days Militaris
aznsc93  1 days KlassiK
b@by girl  1 days Gantz
babura  1 days Srt4
Battle Puss  1 days Gantz
Bluewingx  1 days Dingus Inc.
C.O.W.S.  1 days Gantz
campFire  1 days Srt4
Celtic.  1 days >Hollow<
Cretin Destroyer  1 days Srt4
crunchie  1 days Gantz
Crystals  1 days We MoB, SaiyanRevolution
Deadly Killer  1 days Force Edge
driger  1 days We MoB
Dudley  1 days Flame of War
DupZor  1 days >Hollow<
efeatay  1 days Srt4
ElectricEclipse  1 days Deadly force
empion  1 days Gantz
Final Fantasy X  1 days Srt4
FinalRites  1 days Militaris
FLyINgDR4G0n  1 days $Flabby$
FoShizzleHizzle  1 days Srt4
Gooogle  1 days We MoB
GS.Tru_warrior  1 days Raversth
guess who?  1 days Srt4
iamjustablur  1 days -Action-
Intersect  1 days We MoB
Jeck Jeckel  1 days Srt4
Jen12  1 days Flame of War
JeXu  1 days Stalker
JkTheKilla$  1 days Srt4
Jogimux  1 days Srt4
JunWei  1 days $Flabby$
KOoba1  1 days Militaris
LegalDueL  1 days We MoB
Light Saber  1 days Flame of War
Lord Mystik  1 days >Hollow<
Luis C. Ramos  1 days Srt4
Mean~Joe~Greene  1 days Raversth
Mistrial  1 days Militaris
MoonAura  1 days Force Edge, Srt4
Oblique  1 days Militaris
p.3.a.c.3  1 days Srt4
Pepper_Intolerant  1 days Srt4
puosur  1 days Srt4
R0GU3 L34D3R!  1 days Force Edge, Gantz
Restless  1 days Militaris
Riveted  1 days We MoB
Robotic Reflexes  1 days Srt4
s1e3pY azN  1 days Srt4, We MoB
saber  1 days We MoB
Sharper Shooter  1 days Flame of War
sho0t_me!!!  1 days Srt4
Silence..  1 days Gantz
silence753  1 days Srt4
Soild killer  1 days We MoB
Spacely  1 days Militaris
spiker!!  1 days SaiyanRevolution
star-ex  1 days Flame of War
sturpon711  1 days Srt4
Tavion666  1 days >Hollow<
The-Great-Gonzo  1 days Srt4
The_Magician  1 days Raversth
TURBO LAG  1 days Gantz
Turles  1 days Gantz
TW_KILLAH  1 days Flame of War
Vectus  1 days Flame of War
WingsofFire  1 days Militaris
winz0r  1 days $Flabby$
writhen  1 days Srt4
Zalor  1 days Srt4
Zirus  1 days Srt4