
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Fro$t   Raging Gods   Rage Xperts   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (4)
Fro$t (May 15, 2004 - Jul 19, 2004)
Raging Gods (Nov 16, 2003 - Dec 24, 2003)
Rage Xperts (Oct 13, 2003 - Nov 16, 2003)
Nukezone (Oct 09, 2003 - Oct 13, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (76)
Ghost_dogg  62 days Fro$t
SMF  61 days Fro$t
trouper  51 days Fro$t
ElvenWarlord  35 days Raging Gods
premio  34 days Fro$t
A Microwave Oven  33 days Rage Xperts
TUKE 2  33 days Raging Gods
JaqMs14  32 days Rage Xperts
Open Chest *Hit*  32 days Rage Xperts
ElementSK8ter22  31 days Rage Xperts
Unbelieveable_Shot  31 days Fro$t
bone crusherr  30 days Rage Xperts
Bung Ree  30 days Rage Xperts
Nlie  30 days Rage Xperts
Dark MooGoo  24 days Fro$t
Cronus_69  23 days Rage Xperts
ZZangDream  22 days Raging Gods
PureOwn@ge  21 days Rage Xperts
Darksage411  20 days Fro$t
Feral  20 days Fro$t
Remember Me??  20 days Fro$t
Triamphant  20 days Nukezone, Rage Xperts
TruKilla  20 days Fro$t
ChaosKnight777  19 days Rage Xperts
Dark Amondal  19 days Rage Xperts
Dont Blink  19 days Rage Xperts, Raging Gods
Angel~Rock  17 days Rage Xperts
AzN_PiMp  16 days Raging Gods, Rage Xperts
badboy oj  16 days Rage Xperts
SyMpAtHy  15 days Raging Gods
Vengeful Spirit  15 days Fro$t
iSrAeLi Wick3d !!!  14 days Fro$t
Below Zero  11 days Fro$t
Daccat  11 days Fro$t
teh devler  11 days Fro$t
antisniper  10 days Nukezone, Rage Xperts
Dead_End  10 days Fro$t
dirtbiker10  10 days Rage Xperts
keithermen  10 days Raging Gods
AshmEd  9 days Fro$t
mofo156  9 days Raging Gods
MurDeRaH  9 days Fro$t
Felblade  7 days Raging Gods
FearFact  6 days Rage Xperts
Jager--XxX  6 days Rage Xperts
Loki the Trickster  6 days Fro$t
tydie  6 days Rage Xperts
Eagle D@wn  5 days Raging Gods
T,U,U,  5 days Fro$t
THE ENFORCER  5 days Fro$t
Sabre  4 days Fro$t
Zvn  4 days Fro$t
Coulomb  3 days Nukezone
Da Wolf  3 days Nukezone, Rage Xperts, Raging Gods
Dark Legacy  3 days Nukezone
DeAtH mOuSe  3 days Nukezone
djdude  3 days Nukezone
gingerbread man59  3 days Nukezone
Keitherman  3 days Nukezone, Raging Gods
The Game is Forever  3 days Rage Xperts
Twinkie <><  3 days Raging Gods, Nukezone
BEATNGU  2 days Fro$t
Dark-Scorpion  2 days Nukezone
gummer  2 days Raging Gods
jesus69  2 days Nukezone
Julle  2 days Fro$t
Mithric  2 days Rage Xperts
PerfectEvil  2 days Nukezone
Ratster  2 days Nukezone
stratisi.com  2 days Nukezone
BLEACHBOY152  1 days Fro$t
Chillmar  1 days Fro$t
Going Underground  1 days Fro$t
I'm S'yall!  1 days Nukezone
Spankers  1 days Fro$t
TOTOMPAAL  1 days Fro$t