
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Nophlic   Federation army   Galgotha   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (19)
Nophlic (Aug 05, 2004 - Aug 05, 2004)
Nophlic (Jul 28, 2004 - Aug 05, 2004)
Federation army (Jul 27, 2004 - Jul 28, 2004)
Galgotha (Jun 18, 2004 - Jul 27, 2004)
Lyon (Apr 24, 2004 - Apr 25, 2004)
<H>ollow (Apr 10, 2004 - Apr 24, 2004)
Boosh (Apr 09, 2004 - Apr 10, 2004)
Shores (Apr 09, 2004 - Apr 09, 2004)
Rezurrect (Apr 05, 2004 - Apr 06, 2004)
Dark Flamez (Apr 03, 2004 - Apr 05, 2004)
Faktor (Apr 02, 2004 - Apr 03, 2004)
Kryptonic (Mar 15, 2004 - Apr 02, 2004)
neverness (Feb 28, 2004 - Feb 29, 2004)
Cepheus (Feb 20, 2004 - Feb 28, 2004)
airabel^ (Feb 13, 2004 - Feb 20, 2004)
GhostMaker (Jan 17, 2004 - Feb 13, 2004)
AbeRatE (Dec 05, 2003 - Jan 17, 2004)
MonkeyWarriors (Sep 16, 2003 - Dec 05, 2003)
Cold Peppers (Sep 12, 2003 - Sep 16, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (160)
Ki!!a  61 days MonkeyWarriors
Prubbi  60 days MonkeyWarriors
Velv  58 days MonkeyWarriors
KillerInstincts  56 days MonkeyWarriors, Cold Peppers
Zoltoyde  56 days Kryptonic, GhostMaker, Galgotha
kahler208  53 days MonkeyWarriors
Squintz  53 days Cold Peppers, MonkeyWarriors
VINCINT  51 days MonkeyWarriors
Ice Elemental  50 days MonkeyWarriors
valkari  46 days MonkeyWarriors
BraveSirRobin  43 days AbeRatE
fonzi  43 days AbeRatE
Giarc  43 days AbeRatE
Gundawn  43 days AbeRatE
icephoenix  43 days AbeRatE
Mr. Catfish  43 days AbeRatE
Dude Uh MAn  38 days Galgotha
StepUp  38 days Galgotha
tophers  38 days Galgotha
RiChTeR_BeLmOnT  37 days Nophlic, Galgotha
shwa!  37 days airabel^, Cepheus, MonkeyWarriors
H E R  36 days Galgotha
Fire.Sniper  35 days Nophlic, Galgotha
2=2  30 days MonkeyWarriors
bigdawg204  30 days Galgotha
champ7  30 days MonkeyWarriors
No Faith  30 days Galgotha
Parasect.  30 days Galgotha
pure_pwned  30 days Galgotha
sango  27 days GhostMaker
Scarfy  27 days GhostMaker
Beka Monkey  26 days MonkeyWarriors
PEEWEEE  19 days Galgotha
firepr00f  18 days Nophlic, Kryptonic
Klean-X  18 days Galgotha
POOPOOman  18 days Kryptonic
shrop  18 days Kryptonic
the Sperminator 2  18 days Kryptonic, Galgotha
Intel*^  17 days Galgotha
Morsus  17 days Kryptonic
2=?  15 days MonkeyWarriors
Sacs  15 days Kryptonic
EVA-02  14 days ollow
Jetstunt  14 days Cepheus, airabel^
Soul-Reaper  14 days ollow
Takashik~  14 days ollow
Jimmy Page  13 days ollow
Manki  13 days ollow
P_U_N_X_United  13 days ollow
NightKiller591  12 days airabel^, GhostMaker, Cepheus
Def!ler  11 days Cepheus, airabel^
iamaknightwhosaysni  11 days Kryptonic, Nophlic
The-Ugly-Duckling  10 days Cepheus, airabel^
F_You  9 days Kryptonic, Lyon
Murky  9 days Galgotha, Federation army
Nowkin  8 days MonkeyWarriors
Xenosis  8 days Galgotha
Better_Butter  7 days Cepheus, airabel^
Bullen  7 days Cepheus
eXiLe666  7 days airabel^
golden duck  7 days Cepheus
hipbone  7 days Galgotha, Nophlic
Kermits_in_da_house  7 days airabel^
Magma Monkey  7 days airabel^
Peregin  7 days airabel^
Rhin  7 days Cepheus
Soulful  7 days Cepheus
W@terProof  7 days Nophlic
Warhawk1760  7 days Cepheus, airabel^
Zero#1  7 days Nophlic
cuec  6 days Nophlic
Evolution2k  6 days Kryptonic, Nophlic
fiRefLy*  6 days airabel^, Cepheus
Maximilian  6 days Nophlic
Overlasting  6 days airabel^
CIH.WIN95  5 days Cepheus
methane twist  5 days Cepheus
NewB OP  5 days airabel^
power of the lemon  5 days airabel^, Cepheus
rdy2kicksomeass  5 days Nophlic
Starry <RH>  5 days Galgotha
Virindi Silencer  5 days Cepheus
Anith  4 days Cepheus
Asian Dragon  4 days Cold Peppers
ATIradeon  4 days Cold Peppers
beanrob  4 days Cold Peppers
Bobyz  4 days Cold Peppers
derek farrington  4 days Cold Peppers
Dollhouse10  4 days Cold Peppers
DoPeNeSs  4 days Cepheus
dr  4 days Cold Peppers
Flowen  4 days Cold Peppers
Foogly  4 days Cold Peppers
H0T $auce  4 days Cold Peppers
hot shot9000  4 days Cold Peppers
ImA SoULja  4 days Cold Peppers
master_chef  4 days Cold Peppers
oniks.  4 days Cold Peppers
retsam  4 days ollow
ShOrTnUgLyFaTkId  4 days Cepheus
soldier of christ  4 days airabel^, Cepheus
team good  4 days Cold Peppers
Treetuquetaxi  4 days Cold Peppers
Uber 1337 Master  4 days Cold Peppers
WeirdReallyWeird  4 days Cold Peppers
Yup!  4 days Cold Peppers
Akshay  3 days Kryptonic
AZN-elytron  3 days Cepheus
Brut-  3 days Nophlic
John-Doe  3 days MonkeyWarriors
mu5hr00m man  3 days Nophlic, Galgotha
Sonic_X  3 days Cold Peppers
Sparky  3 days ollow
Texas Desperado  3 days Kryptonic
the zealot  3 days airabel^
Androovski  2 days Dark Flamez
angel_slayer  2 days Dark Flamez
Black.Sniper  2 days Dark Flamez, ollow
C.N.N.  2 days Kryptonic
Diablo10  2 days Dark Flamez
Don't Ask Me  2 days Dark Flamez
Drain-O  2 days Dark Flamez
elven_army  2 days Dark Flamez
Gauz  2 days Cold Peppers
Gothic Demon  2 days Dark Flamez
JustinSane  2 days Dark Flamez
KillerInsinct  2 days Dark Flamez
Marcus VLP  2 days Dark Flamez
monkeytime  2 days Dark Flamez
noz2112  2 days ollow
Overkill+  2 days Dark Flamez
Seal_666  2 days Dark Flamez
Shot_Down  2 days Shores, GhostMaker
SkyAshton  2 days Dark Flamez
Sniper555  2 days Dark Flamez
SoulRaver,  2 days Dark Flamez
Specify  2 days Galgotha
stinky cheese man  2 days Dark Flamez
ThighMaster  2 days Dark Flamez
Tidus71588  2 days Dark Flamez
Wildro  2 days Nophlic, Lyon
WoOt5555  2 days Dark Flamez
adherent  1 days Nophlic
Atma W  1 days Nophlic
Bazhn  1 days Kryptonic
Ben Twang  1 days Lyon
chicken shit  1 days Nophlic
fender squirer stra  1 days Nophlic
Flex420  1 days Nophlic
Frozen_Ice  1 days Lyon, Shores
It's Tricky  1 days MonkeyWarriors
kaotic  1 days airabel^
Open Chest *Hit*  1 days ollow
PYRO KID  1 days Nophlic
Quisty  1 days Nophlic
Saki*  1 days Nophlic
Sniper*  1 days Kryptonic
soul_lost  1 days Cepheus
Tarsus  1 days Nophlic
whipper  1 days airabel^