
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Mellow    sonate    LTKings   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (7)
Mellow (Feb 14, 2012 - Apr 25, 2012)
sonate (Jan 13, 2012 - Jan 26, 2012)
LTKings (May 06, 2011 - Jan 13, 2012)
LTKings (Mar 19, 2010 - Apr 30, 2011)
Aware (Aug 28, 2009 - Sep 03, 2009)
TeKs (Dec 27, 2008 - Apr 02, 2009)
LevTerr (Sep 02, 2006 - Nov 01, 2007)
Has been on the same squad (244)
Ascian  623 days LTKings, Mellow, sonate
Unknown warrior~  469 days LTKings, Mellow
Destr0yer  455 days LTKings
C A P O N E [SAS]  448 days LTKings
mozz  407 days LTKings
Solar Energy  407 days Aware, LTKings
Der Koenig  406 days LTKings
izo  406 days LTKings
Last Laugh  400 days LTKings
Saver1  366 days LTKings
Dank Budz  329 days LTKings
MARSP  315 days LTKings, Mellow, sonate
Jerk-Off  280 days LTKings
Wazzaaa.NL  276 days LTKings, Mellow, sonate
Mummo67  263 days LTKings
REAL*AIIDS  263 days LTKings
Darkstrom  252 days LTKings, Mellow
de7ah.  252 days LTKings
Zorlord  239 days LTKings
DevilsAngel  209 days LTKings
Sky Marshall Dienes  207 days LTKings
Red Desert  203 days LTKings
fiS  199 days Mellow, sonate, LTKings
Monkaria  196 days Mellow, LTKings, sonate
BrokenFist  195 days LevTerr
iyui  191 days sonate, LTKings
XeeD  191 days LTKings
Bounty <ZH>  182 days LevTerr
Proper  182 days LTKings
HATE@  178 days LTKings
RuBbEr BoMb  172 days LTKings
Castigation  164 days LTKings
delux  164 days LevTerr
Random_Bullet  156 days LTKings
Delta Snow  155 days LTKings
RiiStar  149 days Mellow, TeKs
the funky blue note  149 days LTKings
Good Lting.  142 days LTKings
Caja  128 days sonate, LTKings, Mellow
shimpy  117 days LevTerr
vie  109 days LTKings
damage  104 days LTKings
TheOneAndOnlyOliver  100 days LevTerr
dads revenge  95 days TeKs
Ice>  95 days TeKs
ingen  95 days TeKs
nable  95 days TeKs
redsaq  95 days TeKs
s0ul  95 days TeKs
Seanver  95 days TeKs
Sheevah  95 days TeKs
Soup du Jour  95 days TeKs
Stewy  95 days LevTerr
Viiru  95 days LTKings, TeKs, sonate
Witness  95 days TeKs
fantamax  94 days Mellow, LTKings
Exodius  88 days TeKs
Nimbostratus  86 days LevTerr
I Luv Cookies  84 days LevTerr
Cinq  82 days Mellow, sonate
fakiiri  82 days sonate, Mellow
Horatio  82 days Mellow, sonate
Klumsy  82 days sonate, Mellow
Kosmonaut  82 days Mellow, sonate
Pk3r  82 days sonate, Mellow
SilverBlue  82 days Mellow, sonate
Saulio  80 days LevTerr
B50 BOMBER  79 days Mellow, sonate
Bartman  78 days TeKs
Joeyy  77 days TeKs
The Ravangar  77 days LTKings
Materia  75 days LevTerr
Postman Pat!  75 days Mellow, sonate
Skatarius  75 days LevTerr
Kyle Hester  73 days sonate, Mellow
Staedtler  73 days LTKings
The 9th Ship  73 days LevTerr
NL>HUNT  72 days sonate, Mellow
NoLsKi  71 days sonate, Mellow
sepetaiya  71 days LTKings
a trap  70 days Mellow
Cigg4000  70 days Mellow
Hadouken!  70 days Mellow
PJB  70 days TeKs
Psyclone  70 days sonate, Mellow
s$niperKill  70 days Mellow
Slikiboy  70 days Mellow
Wobbuffet  70 days Mellow
YojimbO^  70 days Mellow
TV <ER>  69 days Mellow
Binlarden  68 days LevTerr
1s  67 days sonate, Mellow
A I  67 days TeKs
Gimmick[MFS]  67 days sonate, Mellow
Waterseer  67 days Mellow
angry.chair  66 days Mellow
board  66 days Mellow
Brodie94  66 days Mellow
kanucmee  65 days Mellow, sonate
Sollos  64 days Mellow
WillBy <ER>  64 days Mellow
Broomstick  63 days sonate, Mellow
Conjured  63 days TeKs
pOff  63 days TeKs, LevTerr
Rock_Hunter  63 days TeKs
New Folder  62 days LevTerr
NiMeSh  62 days Mellow
an angry koala  61 days sonate, Mellow
BranDOOM  61 days LevTerr
Desist  60 days LevTerr
Etrajb  59 days Mellow
ExEcUtIoNa  59 days LTKings
spleaf  59 days TeKs
Abate  58 days LevTerr
UltraFamicom  58 days Mellow
chars!  57 days TeKs
LTking  56 days LTKings
Flockaveli  53 days Mellow
SkullSpace  53 days LevTerr
Gass  52 days sonate, LTKings
Stung  52 days Mellow
b9b  50 days Mellow
misfire  50 days Mellow
A1den  49 days LevTerr
fis <ZH>  49 days LTKings
Steep  48 days Mellow, sonate
Xert  48 days TeKs, LevTerr
Caffeine Overdose  47 days Mellow
JeezOutLaw  47 days Mellow
Slugz  47 days Mellow
Pepperdepep  46 days Mellow
War Crimes  46 days LevTerr
Bragi  44 days LevTerr
Spider  44 days TeKs
WorstPlayerEver  43 days TeKs
kontrolz  42 days TeKs
SpaceHiker  41 days TeKs
Swiss Cheese  41 days Mellow
Valentino_Rossi  40 days Mellow
WASTED!!  40 days Mellow, LTKings
Vulcan  39 days LTKings
BOOMSTICK!  38 days TeKs
Frogskin  38 days Mellow
Look at my pub rec!  38 days TeKs
Lightsource  36 days LTKings
PowerSledge  36 days LTKings
480  34 days TeKs
Hands Up  34 days LevTerr
pee pee sock  34 days Aware, LTKings
coldturkey  31 days Mellow
Mossad  31 days Mellow
Aquire  30 days Mellow
kuppo  30 days Mellow
O.M.G.  30 days TeKs
Reckful  30 days Mellow
Insult  28 days LevTerr
JockMan  28 days TeKs
Savey  28 days LTKings
Major Crisis  26 days LTKings, sonate
Steep <ZH>  26 days Mellow
D Rek  25 days Mellow
Taxi <ER>  25 days LTKings
Mackazz  23 days Mellow
Spell  23 days TeKs
caffy  21 days LevTerr
flo  21 days TeKs
Fox!  21 days LTKings
sewing machine  21 days Mellow
BOBFLOB  20 days Mellow
F.B.I.  20 days LTKings
Broomstick <ZH>  19 days Mellow
Billy.  18 days Mellow
FISHY!!!!!  18 days LTKings
Heroin Bob  18 days TeKs
Red Eye Coyote  18 days LTKings
draL <ER>  17 days Mellow
Ducci  17 days TeKs
AnImoL  16 days Mellow
Fabregas  16 days LTKings
Lee Wun  16 days LTKings
fis <ER>  15 days LTKings
Ridge Racer  15 days Mellow
Zagstruk  15 days Mellow
Dral  14 days Mellow
LevTerr  13 days LTKings
Shayde  13 days Mellow
upinsmoke  13 days LTKings
wiibimbo  13 days Mellow, sonate
Matthias  12 days Mellow
The end of you  12 days sonate
X-Demo  12 days sonate
Boom Headshot!  11 days LTKings
Fusionbomb  11 days TeKs
Jizoint  11 days Mellow
Maggot Twat  11 days Mellow
chips. <ER>  10 days sonate
plasma  10 days Mellow
Reihyou  10 days sonate
CRBL  9 days Mellow
Element GLT  9 days sonate
RuBbEr BoMb <ZH>  9 days sonate
bellflowers  7 days Mellow
Zagis  7 days sonate
Everlastin <ER>  6 days TeKs
Inmate  6 days LTKings
Aarbear  5 days Aware
Ale8  5 days Mellow
Frogsk|n  5 days Mellow
UAZ  5 days LTKings
Defiler878  4 days sonate
Jian Xi  4 days TeKs
John Galt  4 days Mellow
Mighty <ZH>  4 days Mellow
Occur  4 days Aware
Rocky Rage  4 days Aware
The Next Thing  4 days Mellow
the_paul  4 days Mellow
wicket666  4 days LTKings
a_black-man  3 days Aware
Cossack  3 days Mellow
Dezmond  3 days Aware
Linair  3 days Mellow
Mike W.  3 days Aware
QUACK  3 days Aware
A Chronic Brownie  2 days LevTerr
always  2 days sonate
Arbok  2 days LevTerr
Arrancar  2 days LevTerr
Azn-Gurl.  2 days LevTerr
Birthmark  2 days LevTerr
DaBigBomb  2 days Mellow
Ressi  2 days Aware
The Unliked One...  2 days LevTerr
TiduZ  2 days LevTerr
TNT  2 days Aware
BamSkeet  1 days Aware
Desk.  1 days Mellow
Godzero  1 days Mellow
Holy_$hit  1 days Mellow
Netherlands  1 days sonate
Side Effects  1 days Aware
Upc  1 days Aware
Woken  1 days LevTerr
xaCtly  1 days LevTerr