
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Ossify   Sake    United Force   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (7)
Ossify (Feb 27, 2006 - May 20, 2006)
Sake (Jan 30, 2006 - Feb 13, 2006)
United Force (Jan 24, 2006 - Jan 25, 2006)
Pw=1 (Jan 22, 2006 - Jan 23, 2006)
Exile (Jul 27, 2005 - Dec 17, 2005)
Toxify (Jul 06, 2005 - Jul 16, 2005)
Voyagerz (Jun 10, 2005 - Jul 06, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (187)
a faulty toaster  81 days Ossify
Ajant  81 days Ossify
Alexi  81 days Ossify
Aquilo  81 days Ossify
Arachne  81 days Ossify
Ciraxis  81 days Ossify
coalchamber  81 days Ossify
cronin  81 days Ossify
davie  81 days Ossify
dooby  81 days Ossify
Dr Slickfish  81 days Ossify
F_You  81 days Ossify
Hitman.47  81 days Ossify
Iam  81 days Ossify
Johnno  81 days Ossify
Jumping Spider  81 days Ossify
King-_-Robin  81 days Ossify
Lemmin  81 days Ossify
Lucky_Charms  81 days Ossify
Nige  81 days Ossify
Ozzie  81 days Ossify
renskav  81 days Ossify
Root Down  81 days Ossify
Venomous.  81 days Ossify
PokeDex  76 days Ossify
BlackLava  72 days Ossify
fubster  68 days Ossify
Sixus  67 days Ossify
Fred Daniels  65 days Ossify
Zloy  55 days Exile
Apollo Sash  54 days Ossify
Red Fang  49 days Toxify, Ossify
The_Ragnarok  46 days Ossify
the best newb  44 days Ossify
you_go_boom  42 days Ossify
SWAGer  41 days Ossify
Fifty  40 days Ossify
Dumma_anka  39 days Ossify
AZN-Nation  38 days Ossify
CDR  35 days Ossify
Shavo  22 days Ossify
Skel  22 days Ossify
Cloth  20 days Exile, Sake
but...why...per...  19 days Voyagerz
FaLLeNMaN  19 days Voyagerz
the grouch  19 days United Force, Exile
Knuck Boi  15 days Voyagerz
Defiant.  14 days Voyagerz
Delectable  14 days Sake
Fault  14 days Sake
NMY  14 days Sake
Peru  14 days Sake
ReKall  14 days Sake
Spacely  14 days Voyagerz
Squadless  14 days Sake
WAR  14 days Sake
arox  13 days Voyagerz
Darn  13 days Voyagerz
Pilgram  13 days Voyagerz
Sarrow  13 days Sake
azn_pryde  12 days Ossify
Ryder  12 days Voyagerz
Iron_Titan  11 days Ossify
Activist  10 days Voyagerz
AnImoL  10 days Sake
Jubilate  10 days Ossify
Kyle G  10 days Exile
Fanha  9 days Toxify
H U F F  9 days Toxify
Ironroot  9 days Toxify
Obsessions  9 days Toxify
Abos  8 days Exile
Hazuki  8 days Toxify
install  8 days Toxify
Product  8 days Toxify
Rapids  8 days Toxify, Sake
Santero!  8 days Ossify
volable  8 days Voyagerz
021  7 days Voyagerz
Deadly Agression  7 days Voyagerz
Diagonal  7 days Toxify
Replay  7 days Voyagerz
Rhin  7 days Toxify
Swiftly  7 days Toxify, Voyagerz
TW Vet  7 days Toxify
Zechs Marquis  7 days Voyagerz
BluE TootH  6 days Toxify
DARK TEMPLAR  6 days Toxify
Flu  6 days Exile
Frio  6 days Voyagerz
hack  6 days Exile
HockeyPuck  6 days Voyagerz
Kenpachi  6 days Voyagerz
Kuf  6 days Ossify
Mercedes  6 days Toxify, Exile
nt_crew  6 days Voyagerz
OpiumX  6 days Voyagerz
Redland  6 days Exile
Rhino_haha  6 days Toxify
Savant  6 days Voyagerz
Stubby  6 days Toxify
a papercut  5 days Toxify
Aerial  5 days Exile
allude  5 days Toxify
Baum  5 days Toxify
Big Monk  5 days Exile
cky  5 days Voyagerz
coogs  5 days Toxify
DadaKing2  5 days Voyagerz
fourtwenty  5 days Voyagerz
Horrified  5 days Voyagerz
inure  5 days Toxify
LaGTaCuLaR  5 days Voyagerz
Radar  5 days Exile
Talent  5 days Exile
Thors  5 days Voyagerz
ANY  4 days Toxify
Dre  4 days Voyagerz
Exalt  4 days Sake
Expiration  4 days Voyagerz
FartFace  4 days Exile
gunit  4 days United Force, Sake
Hyper-Caffeinated  4 days Ossify
Iluminate  4 days Voyagerz
Koio  4 days Toxify
Silverstone  4 days Exile
Str8_Owning  4 days Voyagerz
The Shizznit  4 days Toxify
Timoniac  4 days Voyagerz
Whisper  4 days Exile
Xert  4 days Toxify
Amar  3 days Sake, Exile
AnarioN  3 days Toxify
bharat  3 days United Force, Toxify
bizzy  3 days Toxify
Brother Justin  3 days Toxify
Cedar.exe  3 days Toxify
Distract  3 days Exile
FattyMcFatterson  3 days Voyagerz, Toxify
fso  3 days Voyagerz
Karmic  3 days Toxify
Maers  3 days Ossify
Manure  3 days Sake
Master_Laggot  3 days Voyagerz
Office  3 days Toxify
Pirate_Stu  3 days Toxify
saetep  3 days Sake
Samurai  3 days Toxify
Slaughter  3 days Exile
bubbles19518  2 days Voyagerz
Destructer  2 days Sake
Falceot  2 days Toxify
GoodFellas  2 days Toxify
HateMom  2 days Voyagerz
Highliter  2 days Toxify
IceKan  2 days Sake
Mantra  2 days Sake
Odol  2 days Toxify
The Forerunner  2 days Voyagerz
unknown warrior  2 days Toxify
Aerin  1 days United Force
Bazhn  1 days Sake
DarkSlayer  1 days United Force
DeMoNoFdArKnEsS  1 days Voyagerz
Demystify  1 days United Force
Epigone  1 days United Force
Extinct  1 days Voyagerz
FSTemplar  1 days United Force
Glide  1 days United Force
Hardest  1 days Toxify
Imp  1 days Exile
Jessup  1 days United Force
Kapuchin  1 days United Force
King Baba  1 days United Force
mastersword  1 days United Force
MILOS  1 days United Force
Money  1 days Toxify
murmur  1 days Toxify
Progression  1 days Sake
Revolt  1 days Exile
Scooped  1 days Voyagerz
Sexyness  1 days Voyagerz
Shockers  1 days United Force, Toxify
Songs  1 days Sake
Sunny D  1 days United Force
Tys  1 days United Force
X-Punisher-X  1 days Voyagerz