
Squad Attitude (since Jun 29, 2012)
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads WbDyNaSty    Gantz   Grandma   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (8)
WbDyNaSty (Oct 21, 2005 - Oct 25, 2005)
Gantz (Oct 12, 2005 - Oct 21, 2005)
Grandma (Oct 11, 2005 - Oct 12, 2005)
Grandma (Oct 11, 2005 - Oct 11, 2005)
-OwNeR- (Oct 09, 2005 - Oct 11, 2005)
The Siren (Oct 07, 2005 - Oct 09, 2005)
doglitter (Sep 30, 2005 - Oct 07, 2005)
MasterOfPuppets (Aug 06, 2005 - Sep 26, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (168)
dead  4629 days Attitude
Twofish  4629 days Attitude
KSHZen  72 days Attitude
marc jacobs  72 days Attitude
AlcoholicA  50 days MasterOfPuppets
Aznek!  50 days MasterOfPuppets
Brigand  50 days MasterOfPuppets
CapnSpanky  50 days MasterOfPuppets
Innocent Mercenary  50 days MasterOfPuppets
KingNothing  50 days MasterOfPuppets
Korben(AkA)AxlnT  50 days MasterOfPuppets
MattTasse  50 days MasterOfPuppets
Mystik88an  50 days MasterOfPuppets
RideTheLightning  50 days MasterOfPuppets
str8 thuggin  50 days MasterOfPuppets
DuckHunter  33 days Attitude
dragun  29 days Attitude
Resistance  24 days Attitude
Milton Bradley  19 days MasterOfPuppets, doglitter
Hi5  12 days Attitude
Alpha Dog  8 days Gantz
AppleCheek  8 days Gantz
Bohemian  8 days Gantz
Ceryni  8 days Gantz
elemental  8 days Gantz
Fedex!  8 days Gantz
FurioFuhrer  8 days Gantz
idkmyname  8 days Gantz
Jo|<er  8 days Gantz
Kid-Rice  8 days Gantz
Killem  8 days Gantz
Kira_Yamato~  8 days Gantz
Last Rites  8 days Gantz
Lu Xun  8 days Gantz
Mr Sushi X  8 days Gantz
Mr.Shortround  8 days Gantz
oxidize  8 days Gantz
Q_Tips  8 days Gantz
Rabid-Wombat  8 days Gantz
RADIOMARU  8 days Gantz
Saradomin  8 days Gantz
Stops  8 days Gantz
sXyChick89  8 days Gantz
Xenosis  8 days Gantz
Zadan  8 days Gantz
ChefC  7 days MasterOfPuppets
Ganon-Knight  7 days Gantz
a pig rectum  6 days doglitter
AzN-pRiDe  6 days doglitter
Cashtello  6 days doglitter
Celtic.  6 days Gantz
dink  6 days doglitter
Djembe  6 days doglitter
dogtrainer  6 days doglitter
EZmart  6 days doglitter, Gantz
firepr00f  6 days Gantz
Kardus  6 days doglitter
Master_DJ  6 days doglitter
No Fear <WB>  6 days doglitter
Picnic4aG  6 days doglitter
Skeletor'  6 days doglitter
te evil  6 days doglitter
Fightfowl  5 days doglitter
Georgebob  5 days Gantz
JU5T1CE  5 days doglitter
30 rabid llamas!  4 days WbDyNaSty
Actuate  4 days WbDyNaSty
crabshack  4 days WbDyNaSty
Crystals  4 days WbDyNaSty
Diagonal  4 days WbDyNaSty
Dreams  4 days WbDyNaSty
FFLenne  4 days WbDyNaSty
Harder  4 days WbDyNaSty
Haruko Haruhara  4 days doglitter
Ice Breaker  4 days WbDyNaSty
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  4 days WbDyNaSty
joemoma  4 days WbDyNaSty
KillerGt1  4 days WbDyNaSty
Linehan  4 days WbDyNaSty
MackRH  4 days WbDyNaSty
magic~  4 days WbDyNaSty
ModaFok  4 days The Siren, doglitter
Nessy  4 days WbDyNaSty
No~Flava  4 days WbDyNaSty
Perunalinko  4 days WbDyNaSty
Pulsage  4 days WbDyNaSty
Rikishay  4 days WbDyNaSty
SaFia  4 days WbDyNaSty
Sarrow  4 days WbDyNaSty
SLik  4 days WbDyNaSty
Slo Mo  4 days WbDyNaSty
Speedy Stuff  4 days WbDyNaSty
swag  4 days Gantz
Velu  4 days WbDyNaSty
Waswat  4 days WbDyNaSty
Whipped  4 days WbDyNaSty
Woe  4 days WbDyNaSty
Xaoson  4 days WbDyNaSty
AznNycGuy  3 days WbDyNaSty
BladeZ  3 days WbDyNaSty
Demonic Ora  3 days WbDyNaSty, The Siren
KINGS-  3 days WbDyNaSty, doglitter
Oppa  3 days WbDyNaSty
Paveo  3 days Gantz
Slit your guts  3 days Gantz
Smashing  3 days Gantz
YourMomIsFat  3 days doglitter
A Drop of Color  2 days The Siren
Abiel  2 days The Siren
Agentflit  2 days The Siren
AKF-0/G  2 days The Siren
alun  2 days The Siren
Ananas En Conserve  2 days The Siren
Asmo.Db  2 days The Siren
BMW 328is  2 days The Siren
BranDOOM  2 days The Siren
buc  2 days The Siren
Bunkertor  2 days The Siren
Calvary  2 days Gantz
district seven  2 days The Siren
dougie fresh  2 days The Siren
EasyCompanyy  2 days The Siren
Edible Eraser  2 days The Siren
Fruit Twat  2 days The Siren
Heliopath  2 days The Siren
JustinSane  2 days The Siren
Kathleen  2 days The Siren
Kyra.  2 days The Siren
Malign Paradigm  2 days The Siren
mepwnu  2 days The Siren
Midge  2 days The Siren
Quilt  2 days The Siren
Ranger+  2 days The Siren
Sot  2 days The Siren
spurm  2 days The Siren
The Devils Twitch  2 days WbDyNaSty
tkthekid  2 days The Siren
wata  2 days The Siren
wavebeamer  2 days Gantz
Zorg .  2 days WbDyNaSty
007-RYAN-  1 days The Siren
6minutes20seconds  1 days WbDyNaSty
Acura TL  1 days -OwNeR-
adorn  1 days Gantz
B1naryOwNeR  1 days -OwNeR-
Carrows  1 days -OwNeR-
cedgy  1 days -OwNeR-
compressure  1 days WbDyNaSty
Doom Dude  1 days -OwNeR-
Exodia  1 days Gantz
FustiGate  1 days -OwNeR-
gnarl  1 days WbDyNaSty
Gnat  1 days WbDyNaSty
LaGTaCuLaR  1 days WbDyNaSty
Lyncher  1 days -OwNeR-
Machiav3lli  1 days The Siren
Mods Suck  1 days -OwNeR-
NetGear  1 days WbDyNaSty
NIGHT SHADE  1 days doglitter
Nublet  1 days WbDyNaSty
Ribbit!  1 days -OwNeR-
S.K.I.L.L.Z  1 days The Siren
ScreaMo  1 days -OwNeR-
soupero  1 days Gantz
Spacely  1 days WbDyNaSty
To Glory!  1 days doglitter
WaZiN  1 days The Siren
x---Lemiwinks---x  1 days WbDyNaSty, Gantz