
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Inifuss    NC17   Sniper Co   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (10)
Inifuss (Feb 21, 2009 - Mar 05, 2009)
NC17 (Apr 19, 2008 - May 06, 2008)
Sniper Co (Apr 15, 2008 - Apr 19, 2008)
GiantTiger (Dec 02, 2006 - Mar 03, 2007)
Sparire (May 23, 2006 - Jul 28, 2006)
Melt (Dec 08, 2005 - Mar 18, 2006)
<Hollow> (Dec 03, 2005 - Dec 08, 2005)
>Hollow< (Apr 30, 2005 - Nov 25, 2005)
Qight (Apr 28, 2005 - Apr 30, 2005)
>Hollow< (Apr 18, 2005 - Apr 28, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (575)
Terminater  205 days >Hollow<
Sube  164 days >Hollow<, Melt, Inifuss
Banned4Life  163 days >Hollow<, NC17
Hibhobit  148 days >Hollow<
re6el  142 days >Hollow<
Bloody Talon  130 days Melt, >Hollow<
Usoi  129 days >Hollow<
syst3m kill3r  128 days >Hollow<, Melt
gmwave  108 days NC17, GiantTiger
AppleCheek  91 days GiantTiger
azurhialine  91 days GiantTiger
Bloody Wolf  91 days GiantTiger
CaLiBuR_  91 days GiantTiger
chokeberry  91 days GiantTiger
Dantat  91 days GiantTiger
Dawsonator  91 days GiantTiger
Diphylla  91 days GiantTiger
Edify  91 days GiantTiger
Endless Rain  91 days GiantTiger
Flame Girl  91 days GiantTiger
GothPirateGirl  91 days GiantTiger
JP Balkenende  91 days GiantTiger
Mendigo  91 days GiantTiger
MICHU  91 days GiantTiger
NewbOfTW  91 days GiantTiger
pop.  91 days GiantTiger
PopATop  91 days GiantTiger
RookyTR  91 days GiantTiger
u_suckas_got_owned  91 days GiantTiger
Zhou Yu  91 days GiantTiger
Buju Banton  90 days GiantTiger
craZedkillEr  90 days GiantTiger
The Catholic  90 days GiantTiger
JoyRider  89 days GiantTiger
sweet chick  87 days GiantTiger
Blind SharpShooter  85 days >Hollow<
danvis  84 days GiantTiger
trailerbunny  84 days GiantTiger, Sparire
PRINCESS OF PAIN  83 days GiantTiger
SharpieHigh  83 days GiantTiger
VINSANITY  83 days >Hollow<
co-D  81 days GiantTiger
mandy=]  81 days GiantTiger
Smack Daddy..  81 days GiantTiger
id.  79 days GiantTiger
Jessie__  79 days GiantTiger
RedIce  79 days >Hollow<
ronny  77 days GiantTiger
angel 78.~  76 days GiantTiger
F a l l e n  74 days GiantTiger
Whacky  74 days GiantTiger
Footballer#13  72 days GiantTiger
anml  71 days GiantTiger
bobinson9  71 days GiantTiger
dfriar  71 days GiantTiger
GoateeGuy  71 days GiantTiger
gottekillya  71 days GiantTiger
Nicobobanus  71 days GiantTiger
Broken Heart Girl  68 days GiantTiger
Buns  68 days GiantTiger
his master  68 days GiantTiger
Jake Logan  68 days GiantTiger
Man Down  68 days GiantTiger
blackfish  67 days GiantTiger
Rabid-Wombat  67 days GiantTiger
Dawud  66 days Sparire
Fho2  66 days >Hollow<
some_guy!!!!!!!!!  66 days >Hollow<
HeavyAmp  65 days Sparire, GiantTiger
RaFuGeE  65 days Sparire
seahorse  65 days Sparire
SwiftBooty  65 days Sparire
ChrisPlx  64 days Sparire
Fortiqa  64 days GiantTiger
HIGH_DEMON  64 days Sparire
marc..a  64 days Sparire
Sother  64 days Sparire
Tachko  64 days GiantTiger
ZaBuZa  64 days >Hollow<, Melt
distract[DSR]  63 days Sparire
gwen  63 days >Hollow<
Axial  62 days GiantTiger
eks  62 days Sparire
Kyro  62 days Sparire
terrynator  62 days Sparire
Aerosol  61 days Melt, Sparire
iinsanee  61 days GiantTiger
tBig Kahuna Burger  61 days Sparire
PRICKTIONARY  60 days Sparire
ThieF*  60 days Sparire
Lucar  58 days GiantTiger
Lukester  58 days GiantTiger
Syko(man)  57 days GiantTiger
xvincentx tha bomb  54 days GiantTiger
A Goat Hurder  52 days Sparire
Exterminator789  52 days GiantTiger
morin  51 days GiantTiger
Team Up  51 days GiantTiger
d.killaaa  49 days GiantTiger
tregon  49 days >Hollow<
F9  47 days GiantTiger
mimpula  47 days GiantTiger
syonara  47 days GiantTiger
Airship  46 days GiantTiger
DR0P D34D  46 days GiantTiger
echo13  46 days Sparire
l2aNgE  46 days Melt, GiantTiger, >Hollow<
Mc-Fo The Great?  46 days Sparire
Neck Hair  46 days GiantTiger
Shokwave!!!  46 days >Hollow<
Alabaster Wings  45 days GiantTiger
ALL JU!C3D UP  45 days GiantTiger
angelus_0  45 days GiantTiger
Au-  45 days GiantTiger
BeX  45 days GiantTiger
Black_Alien  45 days GiantTiger
Chris Brock  45 days GiantTiger
Duel Patta  45 days GiantTiger
Insaain  45 days GiantTiger
jetline.  45 days GiantTiger
kevbone  45 days GiantTiger
lps  45 days GiantTiger
Mera  45 days GiantTiger
n47  45 days GiantTiger
Phoenomity  45 days GiantTiger
Pibs  45 days GiantTiger
PuRe>  45 days GiantTiger
shocktherapy  45 days GiantTiger
Skjede  45 days GiantTiger
Sod  45 days GiantTiger
veenee  45 days GiantTiger
zpeed_d3mon  45 days GiantTiger
Darkness Reigns  44 days >Hollow<
Xcharc0a1Sundown  44 days GiantTiger
Dead.Man  43 days GiantTiger
kliklos  43 days GiantTiger
krinkle  43 days GiantTiger
METAL_GEAR_SOLID  43 days Sparire
shortman148  43 days GiantTiger
SolairE  43 days GiantTiger
CraM iT!!  42 days GiantTiger
TeReKBxPelotudo  42 days GiantTiger
Harmonizzle  41 days GiantTiger
sucubus  41 days GiantTiger
Bradino27  40 days GiantTiger
lightning556  40 days Sparire
NTM101  40 days GiantTiger
Red Fang  40 days GiantTiger
TrickDaddy-  40 days GiantTiger
Azaria  39 days >Hollow<
headhunter_deluxe1  39 days >Hollow<
krunky  39 days Melt
superbomb  39 days >Hollow<
ANnAs_KiLlA  38 days GiantTiger
Michael Kelso  38 days GiantTiger
Mr_incredible  38 days >Hollow<
coca cola963.  37 days GiantTiger
dont shoot!  37 days GiantTiger
Scappy  37 days >Hollow<
ValKera  37 days GiantTiger
XGoNutsX  37 days GiantTiger
Zapp Rowsdower  37 days >Hollow<
Dlive  36 days GiantTiger
Dracus  36 days GiantTiger
Hellio  36 days GiantTiger
It's all about Duke  36 days GiantTiger
SCOTTY2  36 days GiantTiger
SEVEN*  36 days GiantTiger
Straw-Hat  36 days GiantTiger
BananaPie  35 days GiantTiger
MrPopo  35 days GiantTiger, Sparire
SaBaGuRu  35 days GiantTiger
blair777  34 days GiantTiger
Calvary  34 days Melt
Daniel Stone  33 days GiantTiger
Kruel  33 days GiantTiger
otome  33 days GiantTiger
Shadowmatt[SHDZ]  33 days Melt
Veritas Italiana  33 days GiantTiger
CCM  32 days GiantTiger
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  32 days GiantTiger
Oblivian  32 days >Hollow<
xboogiex  32 days GiantTiger
J1  31 days Sparire
MegaManNT  31 days GiantTiger
Rapiere  31 days GiantTiger
vegg  31 days GiantTiger
Caligor  30 days GiantTiger
Hallusinaatio  30 days Sparire
Mr.Wahabi  30 days >Hollow<
spaceship187  30 days GiantTiger
Araderse  29 days Sparire
Graedeoin  29 days Sparire
Kamiru  29 days >Hollow<
SWAZZA  29 days Sparire
Albino.  28 days GiantTiger
Aries 1  28 days Sparire
bin that bad  28 days GiantTiger
Captain Scott  28 days >Hollow<, Sniper Co
lavakille  28 days Melt
Petal  28 days GiantTiger
Some_Retard  28 days Sparire
affliction+  27 days GiantTiger
asdfsf  27 days >Hollow<
chinghuang  27 days Sparire
Zero xX  27 days >Hollow<
Blood_Boils  26 days Sparire
F0  26 days GiantTiger
b3t4  25 days >Hollow<
Flaming Ace  25 days GiantTiger
justinpossible  25 days Sparire
Shiu  25 days GiantTiger
wildcatz4eva  25 days Sparire
Assault Levi  24 days >Hollow<
Darth_Balls412  24 days GiantTiger
weeeeeee  24 days GiantTiger
Anarking  23 days GiantTiger
Beltan  23 days GiantTiger
C10aK3D  23 days GiantTiger
Crucializer  23 days GiantTiger, Melt
DesertxEagle  23 days >Hollow<
Fails  23 days GiantTiger
fr@nxt@  23 days GiantTiger
ganja hitman  23 days GiantTiger
Ganqsta  23 days GiantTiger
killurself  23 days GiantTiger
kinale.  23 days GiantTiger
KingOfHell  23 days GiantTiger
Kyle Style  23 days GiantTiger
Quick Mick  23 days GiantTiger
Soul Reaper  23 days GiantTiger
Stardrowner  23 days GiantTiger
Theory.  23 days >Hollow<
torper  23 days GiantTiger
UGA  23 days GiantTiger
Ankari  22 days GiantTiger
Chef Boyardee  22 days GiantTiger
codesta  22 days Sparire
Fthertka  22 days >Hollow<
Gladeus  22 days GiantTiger
nester22  22 days GiantTiger
patricksha  22 days GiantTiger
fustion  21 days Sparire
rozi  21 days GiantTiger
Tavion666  21 days >Hollow<
fragile death  20 days Sparire
Hindrix7  20 days GiantTiger
Mr Slave  20 days NC17, Sniper Co
MuteApollo  20 days GiantTiger
Zero_Gravity  20 days >Hollow<
Imm0rtalSlave  19 days Sparire
Scuba Diver  19 days GiantTiger
sucky  19 days GiantTiger
True Arrow  19 days GiantTiger
Aerin  18 days GiantTiger
ChemicalBud  18 days GiantTiger
Extinct  18 days >Hollow<
serjtanniken  18 days Sparire
Tru Legend  18 days >Hollow<
12ocket  17 days NC17
1L<3VE  17 days GiantTiger
A Me><icaN  17 days NC17
agriculture  17 days NC17
Brat4Life  17 days NC17
Bug4Life  17 days NC17
Cat-Penguin Hybrid  17 days NC17
CC -Legio Ultra  17 days NC17
Cigg  17 days NC17
CodeK  17 days GiantTiger
district seven  17 days NC17
drkwolf  17 days GiantTiger
Fondu  17 days NC17
Frozeal  17 days >Hollow<
Guth  17 days NC17
hanz-poop  17 days NC17
Hexeen  17 days NC17
iloveburritos  17 days NC17
Irrupt  17 days NC17
Jumping Spider  17 days NC17
Marmalade  17 days NC17
Misha_13  17 days NC17
NC>PLUC  17 days NC17
oddie!  17 days NC17
Persistence  17 days NC17
Rycon  17 days NC17
SamuelExtreme  17 days NC17
Silent Spider  17 days GiantTiger
Sir Spider  17 days NC17
Spytek0420  17 days NC17
Swishgirl~21~  17 days NC17
t$z  17 days NC17
THE DOOR MAN  17 days NC17
the-fire  17 days NC17
Trap StaR  17 days GiantTiger
urmsghere.  17 days NC17
VectorGTS  17 days NC17
Waswat  17 days NC17
Whizz  17 days NC17
Xavier Sky  17 days NC17
Xpect  17 days >Hollow<
El|T3^SH0t__  16 days GiantTiger
Faulty Chip  16 days GiantTiger
Sij  16 days GiantTiger
WMD  16 days Melt
WRM  16 days Sparire
Zrono  16 days Melt
Burglary  15 days GiantTiger, Sniper Co
Captain Commando  15 days GiantTiger
chase.  15 days GiantTiger
Dregon  15 days Melt
Fire.  15 days GiantTiger
Instant  15 days Melt
Bumbaklot  14 days GiantTiger
Deathcat  14 days GiantTiger
Elite Toon  14 days Sparire
free vegetables  14 days Melt
gameboost  14 days >Hollow<
Raaz  14 days Melt
Saradomin  14 days Melt
Skating Tour  14 days GiantTiger
stiT  14 days NC17
Tooned-Up  14 days Sparire
Tree Hugger dude  14 days GiantTiger
A Very Large Man  13 days GiantTiger
Armor Ply  13 days NC17
I EAT DINGLEBERRYS  13 days GiantTiger
Latimer  13 days NC17
Lucky_Charms  13 days GiantTiger
POOOOOOOOON  13 days Sparire, GiantTiger
resources  13 days GiantTiger
torkkiz  13 days NC17
Unholy_Blood  13 days Sparire
Vodoo4Life!  13 days >Hollow<
Yoshimo  13 days Melt
BooBiesYAY  12 days GiantTiger
D-Dogg  12 days Sparire
Daiyo  12 days NC17
limeric  12 days Sparire
SlowPoke  12 days GiantTiger
take this  12 days Sparire
theallenone  12 days Sparire
Tiger-c1  12 days GiantTiger
WhoaSkeetSkeet  12 days Sparire
Blitz Jakob  11 days >Hollow<
dark_ally  11 days Melt
Delphia  11 days >Hollow<
ForeverDissevered  11 days GiantTiger
Ruczi  11 days NC17
Skinner101  11 days GiantTiger
twd bot  11 days Sparire
BfettA1  10 days >Hollow<
F O R D  10 days GiantTiger
FunkmasterT  10 days >Hollow<
JabJabJab  10 days NC17
LiL_LaDy  10 days NC17
M3rcy  10 days >Hollow<
Sao Paulo  10 days GiantTiger
Seratonin  10 days >Hollow<
Shok!!!  10 days >Hollow<
Trouble  10 days GiantTiger
VIPER -X  10 days Sparire
Warlord Bug  10 days Melt, >Hollow<
Zeeky  10 days >Hollow<
Brainless Newb  9 days Sparire
Devastator*FIN*  9 days Sparire
Gaucho Ronaldinho.  9 days GiantTiger
J4S  9 days NC17
kamiko  9 days >Hollow<
kiss 0f Death  9 days >Hollow<
Lady Posion  9 days Sparire
ogmix  9 days NC17
p0undcak3  9 days GiantTiger
Sir Newb  9 days GiantTiger
ViEt PryDe  9 days NC17
ablazed  8 days GiantTiger
Arnica  8 days GiantTiger
blasted  8 days GiantTiger
Cheerful  8 days Melt
Inuyasha x2  8 days Sparire
Judge EZ  8 days Melt,
kyl  8 days GiantTiger
Scold  8 days NC17
Secrecy  8 days GiantTiger
Swisha  8 days NC17
The Lone Gunner  8 days GiantTiger
WhaCko  8 days >Hollow<
Widows  8 days Sparire
Elite Toon Skillz  7 days Sparire
Fireweapon  7 days , Melt
Masta Killer  7 days GiantTiger
oijvghdx  7 days GiantTiger
UNEXIST  7 days Melt
will777  7 days GiantTiger
XeoL  7 days Melt
BlackTip  6 days >Hollow<
d =  6 days GiantTiger
For Real  6 days GiantTiger
John Law  6 days NC17
MARINES179  6 days GiantTiger
Raboebie  6 days GiantTiger
Rensie  6 days Sparire, GiantTiger
Solicitate  6 days GiantTiger
TrevinoMilk  6 days GiantTiger
underscore  6 days GiantTiger
Advent Cloud  5 days GiantTiger
aprox  5 days GiantTiger
Dialogue  5 days GiantTiger
Dusty2020  5 days Melt
Heroin Bob  5 days Melt, NC17
InterKnex  5 days GiantTiger
jdbdi9ejd=uz  5 days Sparire
JuNgL3  5 days GiantTiger
M-16  5 days GiantTiger
Msn Messenger  5 days Sparire
No Fear <WB>  5 days Sparire
Prepared  5 days GiantTiger
Sartaqua  5 days GiantTiger
Supermist  5 days GiantTiger
Tough Jave  5 days NC17
x-dueler  5 days GiantTiger
aikou  4 days GiantTiger
Baum  4 days >Hollow<
Buckfast  4 days Melt
caffy  4 days NC17
CarbonI  4 days GiantTiger
cky  4 days >Hollow<
crawfishboner  4 days NC17
Dead Life  4 days
deadchickz12  4 days NC17
DupZor  4 days >Hollow<
E-Male  4 days GiantTiger
epitath  4 days >Hollow<
Fal<hion  4 days NC17
Fawl  4 days Sparire
fell  4 days GiantTiger
FinalRites  4 days >Hollow<
FRAZ@  4 days Sparire
Gryll of Chaos  4 days NC17
Hyeena  4 days Sparire
ICON111  4 days GiantTiger
joemoma  4 days Melt
Judge Bug  4 days
Judge Flame  4 days
Judge Ghandi  4 days
Judge Hatred  4 days , >Hollow<
Judge Mephisto  4 days
Judge Name  4 days
Judge Osiah  4 days
jusblazed  4 days
Kyra.  4 days GiantTiger
LivinDead  4 days GiantTiger
MegamanEXE  4 days
melting  4 days NC17
mr_moustache  4 days NC17
Orphans  4 days GiantTiger
papist  4 days NC17
Practice Target  4 days Melt
Rogue19  4 days NC17
shaded_space  4 days
Sir Shoy  4 days
spacetime  4 days GiantTiger
stuntin sir  4 days GiantTiger
Sureness  4 days Sparire
T D is back  4 days NC17
tanzer  4 days Melt
Tgv  4 days
The 9th Ship  4 days Sparire
TheDarkLotus  4 days NC17
xazic  4 days NC17
Zerg Lurker  4 days Sparire
A.K.A.  3 days Sparire
Adeon  3 days Melt
Aiko Uti  3 days GiantTiger
Amazed  3 days GiantTiger
aorta  3 days NC17
Black Sniper  3 days Sniper Co
Chronus  3 days Sparire
Cypherr  3 days Inifuss
dishonourable  3 days Sparire
Eclipsing  3 days Sniper Co
Facer  3 days Sparire
Fat Joe  3 days Sparire
Freelot  3 days Sparire
Genis  3 days GiantTiger
J.C. Denton  3 days NC17
JaqMs14  3 days Sniper Co
Lag Hunter  3 days GiantTiger
LT-Snapis  3 days Sparire
mindfk  3 days >Hollow<
Mombassa  3 days Melt
NightCalibur  3 days Melt
owners manual  3 days Sparire
Prince of Darkness  3 days GiantTiger
rainboy 123  3 days GiantTiger
Red Sniper  3 days Sniper Co
Solarblast Dragon  3 days GiantTiger
Starfire  3 days NC17
Terrific  3 days NC17
Wage  3 days GiantTiger
wait what  3 days GiantTiger
Aviram  2 days GiantTiger
ayb  2 days Melt
Blueblaze  2 days GiantTiger
Carl-Sala  2 days Sniper Co
CheezeMonkee69  2 days >Hollow<
Green Sniper  2 days Sniper Co
hlavati  2 days GiantTiger
ISRAELI ACE  2 days Sparire, >Hollow<
Jalex  2 days Sparire
jimi  2 days Sniper Co
Judge Shorty  2 days
keLin  2 days GiantTiger
LaUgH@  2 days GiantTiger
Lord Envy  2 days >Hollow<
Lucky Tiki  2 days Sparire
Makenshi  2 days NC17
Mr Cloak  2 days >Hollow<
Mr. Blue.  2 days NC17
Overblaze  2 days >Hollow<
Poping  2 days Sparire
Refer  2 days GiantTiger
Ryuzaki  2 days GiantTiger
skeletor_69  2 days >Hollow<
Skizm  2 days GiantTiger
Smack  2 days GiantTiger
SS Tricky  2 days NC17
System Killer  2 days >Hollow<
The_Angels_Scythe  2 days Qight
Toasty  2 days GiantTiger
Valentine Rose  2 days Sparire
Wo0dy  2 days Inifuss
Xerox xX  2 days >Hollow<
YourNameSux  2 days GiantTiger
007-RYAN-  1 days Qight
2Elite4u ~  1 days GiantTiger
2_exclusive  1 days >Hollow<
Asevoimat  1 days GiantTiger
aul  1 days NC17
Blush  1 days >Hollow<
Briton Knight  1 days GiantTiger
Byond  1 days Sparire
Celtic.  1 days >Hollow<
D. Pescoman  1 days Sparire
Drugg  1 days Melt
Eria  1 days GiantTiger
F-B-I  1 days Sniper Co
FallDawn  1 days Sparire
Gonad Lad  1 days >Hollow<
Helios  1 days Sniper Co
hungery  1 days Melt
Judge Fear  1 days
killer, die  1 days >Hollow<
Lord Mystik  1 days >Hollow<
lz  1 days GiantTiger
Michelle!!  1 days GiantTiger
Moon Blu Knight  1 days >Hollow<
Multifilm  1 days NC17
Omega_Factor  1 days GiantTiger
owner's manual  1 days Sparire
Pavo  1 days Sparire
PleEpO  1 days Melt
r0ckstar  1 days GiantTiger
rank 1  1 days >Hollow<
s$niperKill  1 days NC17
Sarrow  1 days Melt, >Hollow<
SchoPPer  1 days GiantTiger
sec  1 days Melt
Simeon  1 days Melt
Stanko Traktor  1 days Sniper Co
unholy_killa  1 days Sparire
VolTekker  1 days Melt
Vulcan  1 days GiantTiger
War Crimes  1 days Melt
whitefox  1 days GiantTiger
xAznxBaybexGrylx  1 days >Hollow<