
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Insured   syntetica   Bunnies   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (9)
Insured (Mar 30, 2004 - Apr 03, 2004)
syntetica (Feb 10, 2004 - Mar 01, 2004)
Bunnies (Jan 20, 2004 - Jan 26, 2004)
MATKAL (Nov 24, 2003 - Jan 20, 2004)
*FreddyvsJason* (Oct 25, 2003 - Oct 25, 2003)
Alunite (Aug 27, 2003 - Aug 28, 2003)
KillerTiger (Aug 22, 2003 - Aug 27, 2003)
Earth Squad (Aug 19, 2003 - Aug 22, 2003)
Perculate (Aug 13, 2003 - Aug 14, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (251)
DarkSlasher117  60 days KillerTiger, MATKAL
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  60 days MATKAL, KillerTiger
1+1=2  56 days MATKAL
ApPle MaN  56 days MATKAL
DarkTrinity  56 days MATKAL
DrunkenFly  56 days MATKAL
gumgum  56 days MATKAL
kzar  56 days MATKAL
Lotic  56 days MATKAL
Moledet  56 days MATKAL
Niete  56 days MATKAL
NovaScotiaEx  56 days MATKAL
Perfectness  56 days MATKAL
Polish Army  56 days MATKAL
R.aG.e  56 days MATKAL
Sentinal!  56 days MATKAL
space_terminator_01  56 days MATKAL
what's this  56 days MATKAL
doombringer420  55 days MATKAL
Raikkonen  55 days MATKAL
Godlike130  52 days MATKAL
the_matrix  50 days MATKAL
Hammer_of_Justice  48 days MATKAL
more_sleep  48 days MATKAL
PhoenNix  47 days MATKAL
but...why...per...  43 days MATKAL
Shaolin.Monk.  41 days MATKAL
The Bull  34 days MATKAL
Elekid12  31 days MATKAL
Bird of Omen  28 days MATKAL
EarthsHero  28 days MATKAL
lil kil  26 days MATKAL
Chillmar  24 days Insured, syntetica
Hyper-Dragon  24 days MATKAL
Tyrael.  24 days syntetica, Insured
Wereldreiziger  24 days Insured, syntetica
Ashes&Dust  23 days MATKAL
basser  23 days MATKAL
s o d a p o p  23 days MATKAL
Duartevix  22 days MATKAL
FableMan  22 days KillerTiger, Bunnies, MATKAL
Tha Admiral  22 days MATKAL
Tha -X- Killah  21 days Insured, syntetica
ApophisX  20 days syntetica
Badman  20 days syntetica
BaTTerY pAcK  20 days Bunnies, MATKAL
bomma doder  20 days syntetica
Diabiolical  20 days syntetica
doesie  20 days syntetica
Fokop NL  20 days syntetica
Gido  20 days syntetica
Gympie  20 days syntetica
I trained  20 days syntetica
Jolano  20 days syntetica
Mane Galinha  20 days syntetica
mr killjoy  20 days syntetica
niptie  20 days syntetica
poffertjes rulez  20 days syntetica
Sam_NL  20 days syntetica
ScrapheapX  20 days syntetica
Sikorski  20 days syntetica
Valaraukar_garamoth  20 days syntetica
VUBGabberatski  20 days syntetica
Dark Cobra  18 days syntetica
Dutch Ownage  18 days MATKAL
unknown kaa  18 days MATKAL
Dirktastic  17 days syntetica
Killerbee2  17 days 4 squads
021  15 days MATKAL
idontcare19  15 days MATKAL
Local Celebrity  15 days MATKAL
Sot  15 days MATKAL
S.T.E.K.K.E.R.  14 days syntetica
StepUp  14 days MATKAL
SuiSiK  14 days syntetica
The Grave Digger  14 days syntetica
jjeessee  13 days syntetica
LiTWoL  13 days MATKAL
Odin's Will  13 days MATKAL
playboy350  13 days MATKAL
empion  11 days MATKAL
Launch  11 days syntetica
mane freak  11 days syntetica
Tijn  11 days syntetica, Insured
Drunken_NL  10 days syntetica
itlog  10 days MATKAL
POOLSHARK  10 days Bunnies, KillerTiger
WWW.MEGACHART.TK  10 days KillerTiger, MATKAL
arwen_7  9 days MATKAL
G rush  9 days Perculate, MATKAL
you are dead  9 days syntetica
indyhammingh  8 days syntetica
Megatog  8 days MATKAL
unreal $oldier  8 days syntetica, Bunnies
Crazy Legs!  7 days syntetica
Dutch Frank  7 days syntetica
flying duck  7 days syntetica
kaospilot  7 days Insured, Bunnies
mcpgh  7 days MATKAL
Viet_Pryde  7 days KillerTiger, Earth Squad
2xMouse!  6 days MATKAL
Baby Bunny  6 days Bunnies
Beek!!  6 days MATKAL
Coriander  6 days Bunnies
duel_pasta_chocopot  6 days Bunnies
forgotten child  6 days Bunnies
Hotmail  6 days Bunnies
IceKan  6 days Bunnies
Kaddafi  6 days Bunnies
ludow  6 days Bunnies
Mr. Peanuts  6 days Bunnies
NuclearRabbit  6 days Bunnies
paintball  6 days Bunnies
Pieppiep  6 days Bunnies
Rehabilitation  6 days Bunnies
seinte  6 days MATKAL
Spinnenweb  6 days Bunnies
TOTOMPAAL  6 days Bunnies
wAtCH OUt*crash*  6 days Bunnies
A handy  5 days MATKAL
dont_shoot_me_plz!!  5 days MATKAL
The Druid  5 days syntetica
Activekill  4 days KillerTiger
ALL CANADIAN BEAVER  4 days KillerTiger
Avelate  4 days KillerTiger
BillyBishop  4 days KillerTiger
Bla1  4 days KillerTiger
btyhunter  4 days KillerTiger
Crossfirez  4 days KillerTiger
Dark_Ruler  4 days KillerTiger
DarXGhost  4 days KillerTiger
dikkop  4 days Insured
dooby  4 days KillerTiger
DzaR  4 days KillerTiger
fire_tiger200  4 days KillerTiger
Fok_De_Euro  4 days syntetica
heinzzZ  4 days Insured
HoldTheOnions  4 days KillerTiger
hollister21  4 days KillerTiger
Hombre-H  4 days KillerTiger
Johnno  4 days KillerTiger
Jondon29  4 days KillerTiger
KillerTiger  4 days KillerTiger
Korayl  4 days KillerTiger
Lagg  4 days KillerTiger
Lord_Shiron  4 days KillerTiger
Magis  4 days KillerTiger
manners man  4 days KillerTiger
meneer  4 days Insured
My_IRoN_MuNKy  4 days KillerTiger
Nuclear 8 Ball  4 days KillerTiger
One Half Dork  4 days KillerTiger, MATKAL
Orimattilanjymy  4 days KillerTiger
Peezer  4 days KillerTiger
Razor199  4 days KillerTiger
RBH  4 days KillerTiger
Renic  4 days KillerTiger
Robertoo  4 days Insured
Roberts957  4 days KillerTiger
Roman Candle  4 days KillerTiger
rotte/billie  4 days Insured
SI>Rottielover  4 days KillerTiger
Spawner  4 days KillerTiger
spiker!!  4 days KillerTiger
Spiral-Tears  4 days Insured
Starflam  4 days Insured
Stationary  4 days Insured
The Devils Twitch  4 days Insured
tIGERMOOSE  4 days KillerTiger
Truedge  4 days KillerTiger
Unloaded  4 days Earth Squad, KillerTiger
VeggieTalesReturns  4 days KillerTiger
viso  4 days Insured
xXx_[MeDi]_xXx  4 days KillerTiger
A Cool Nerd  3 days MATKAL
Averru  3 days Earth Squad
BlackHawk01  3 days Earth Squad
B_I_G_Y_I_N  3 days Earth Squad
DiDDiE  3 days MATKAL
eli!  3 days Earth Squad
FearFact  3 days MATKAL
i'm the undertaker  3 days KillerTiger
JeepersCreepers  3 days MATKAL
please dont shoot m  3 days Earth Squad
President Scrubbe  3 days Earth Squad
Shadoballer  3 days Earth Squad
SpikyShot  3 days Earth Squad
stealth2k  3 days MATKAL
The_Reaper  3 days syntetica
v e n o m  3 days Earth Squad
Van der Vaart  3 days Bunnies
Van Persie  3 days Bunnies
wishy16  3 days Earth Squad
Lag_Monster  2 days MATKAL
Peugeot Fox  2 days syntetica, Perculate
Tongue of Fury  2 days syntetica
Wezz6400  2 days syntetica
2Eny1ce5  1 days Earth Squad
Augest  1 days Alunite
Auld  1 days MATKAL
banchee.  1 days Alunite
Betrayed_Faith  1 days Alunite
busta cap in yo ass  1 days KillerTiger
Cassio  1 days syntetica
CC -Legio Ultra  1 days Earth Squad
coldhatewarmblood  1 days Perculate
crazyENJJPT  1 days Perculate
dark-sniper  1 days Alunite
DeSeGrEGaTe  1 days MATKAL
Dfender  1 days Perculate
Dyke  1 days Alunite
Elbryan  1 days Alunite, Earth Squad
End Of Line  1 days syntetica
Eric Jeter  1 days Perculate
Ex_Con  1 days Perculate
Fed_X  1 days Alunite
Fenderbender26  1 days Earth Squad
gerry  1 days Alunite
hckydude91  1 days Perculate, Alunite
HydroBuds  1 days KillerTiger, Alunite
israeli knightwing  1 days MATKAL
kaotic  1 days Perculate
Legions  1 days Alunite
Master BUB  1 days KillerTiger, Perculate
Mean  1 days Alunite
MerlinDW  1 days Perculate
Mike Modano_09  1 days Alunite
Monkie Bones  1 days Alunite
Mr BaCaRdI  1 days Insured
Natural Leaf  1 days Perculate
Radiance1979  1 days MATKAL
rhize  1 days Perculate
Seleen  1 days Alunite
Shade-Stryker  1 days MATKAL
SharpShooter101  1 days Alunite
Shockers  1 days Alunite
Shot_Down  1 days MATKAL
Skilli0  1 days Perculate
T00L  1 days Alunite
Teuton Knight  1 days Perculate
The Leprichaun  1 days syntetica
The Shizznit  1 days Earth Squad
Tigers  1 days Alunite
TomBomb88  1 days Earth Squad
Vash Tha Stampede  1 days Perculate
Vatican Assassin  1 days Perculate
W I N G M A N!!!  1 days Alunite
WG)SolarBurn  1 days Perculate
Zeuss  1 days KillerTiger