
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Deliria   Laser   Third Wish   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (5)
Deliria (Dec 11, 2008 - Mar 29, 2009)
Laser (Nov 02, 2008 - Dec 11, 2008)
Laser (Oct 02, 2008 - Oct 08, 2008)
Third Wish (Sep 16, 2008 - Oct 02, 2008)
Third Wish (Aug 16, 2008 - Sep 16, 2008)
Has been on the same squad (207)
Scarce  148 days Third Wish, Deliria, Laser
Ambrosia  139 days Third Wish, Deliria
Rhin  102 days Deliria
Bjarte  101 days Deliria
Leveller  101 days Deliria
mr_flab  100 days Deliria
Not in game  100 days Deliria
Exercize  96 days Deliria
Mr.Todolorosso  96 days Deliria
Raket  95 days Deliria
BurnDeath  94 days Deliria
jM  92 days Deliria
reability  92 days Laser, Deliria
Toxie  89 days Deliria
Delta Eagle  85 days Laser, Third Wish
Paradise  84 days Third Wish, Laser
Rabid  84 days Deliria
TildeStar  84 days Laser, Third Wish
Lens  83 days Deliria, Third Wish
PERiSH!  78 days Deliria, Third Wish
a nooblet  75 days Deliria
Cross  75 days Deliria
Huxley  73 days Laser, Third Wish
Globalist  72 days Deliria, Third Wish
Jaguarus  70 days Laser, Deliria, Third Wish
Narrow Escape  70 days Deliria
Expecto Patronum  68 days Third Wish, Laser
the forCe  65 days Deliria
Requio  64 days Deliria
Archipelago  63 days Deliria
LoC_DoG  62 days Deliria
slenza  62 days Deliria
Punctuation  61 days Deliria, Third Wish
delos  54 days Laser, Deliria
miskrit  47 days Deliria
Badjob  46 days Laser, Third Wish
Raible  46 days Third Wish
Territory  46 days Third Wish
DaRuler  45 days Laser, Third Wish
escap  42 days Laser
24  39 days Laser
9th Wonder  39 days Laser
Big Als  39 days Deliria
Dravok  39 days Laser
Ectromelia  39 days Laser
Festival  39 days Laser
Guerrila  39 days Laser
Jagged  39 days Laser
Jav  39 days Laser
Limb  39 days Laser
Paper  39 days Laser
Profuse  39 days Laser
Qualified  39 days Deliria, Laser
rhinn  39 days Laser
Saline  39 days Laser
Shino  39 days Deliria
Statis  39 days Laser
zazmel  39 days Laser
d3v1n  38 days Deliria
Lavu  37 days Deliria
damaging  36 days Laser
Juhndi  35 days Deliria
Tripsis  34 days Deliria
Johnie  33 days Laser
KoZ  33 days Third Wish
Psychic  33 days Laser
Baltic  31 days Deliria
Versa  31 days Deliria
Diplomats  30 days Third Wish
ewan  30 days Third Wish
LBW  30 days Third Wish
MLL  30 days Third Wish
Pillow  30 days Third Wish
varyan  30 days Third Wish
Jamaican jav  28 days Laser
OMP  28 days Deliria
Rige  28 days Deliria
Heisman  27 days Third Wish
Internal  27 days Laser
kyuubi  27 days Deliria
Lorko  27 days Third Wish, Laser
Money Shot  27 days Third Wish
PiggyLips  27 days Laser
Sakura  27 days Deliria
Sexed  26 days Third Wish
Morrowind  24 days Laser
UK>TERMINATOR  24 days Deliria
Caries  23 days Deliria
Morphin  23 days Deliria
bone thug  22 days Third Wish
BugySwartz  22 days Third Wish
EM2  22 days Third Wish
field  22 days Third Wish
Freeze  22 days Laser, Deliria, Third Wish
hungery  22 days Third Wish
Nestori  22 days Laser
Patch  22 days Third Wish
Toxic Fuzz  22 days Third Wish
Via  22 days Third Wish
ace wild  21 days Laser
Caracal  21 days Laser
Dawk  21 days Laser
a bad man  20 days Deliria
Dominatorious  20 days Third Wish
Tranx  20 days Deliria
badrush  19 days Laser
HoHo Stargazer  19 days Deliria
Radar  19 days Laser
Sawa  19 days Third Wish
Jav Ninja  18 days Third Wish
Lagua  18 days Laser
Haunt  17 days Laser
The Don's hitman  17 days Laser
DaNuMbA1OrGaZmO  16 days Laser
funnibunni  15 days Deliria
jabra  15 days Laser
Rockster  15 days Laser
SuPeR_  15 days Deliria
Bland  14 days Deliria
Bubbles09  14 days Deliria
Catatstrophe  14 days Laser
Eeta  14 days Deliria
hypocrit  13 days Laser
Republican  13 days Third Wish, Laser
AK27  12 days Deliria
Amputee  12 days Third Wish
calculus  12 days Third Wish
Kira_Yamato~  12 days Laser
Mithrandia  12 days Third Wish
Randle  12 days Laser
Speculate  12 days Third Wish
Carling  11 days Laser
dragun  11 days Laser
GumP  11 days Third Wish
heistz  11 days Laser
PreDominate  11 days Third Wish
Roshi  11 days Third Wish
decimate  10 days Deliria
Dutch_  10 days Laser, Deliria
Fallen Haven  10 days Laser
Fort Knox  10 days Deliria
Dilate  9 days Third Wish, Laser
Futile  9 days Deliria
Logain  9 days Laser
skyrock  9 days Third Wish
Basti  8 days Laser
Exclu  8 days Third Wish
in your face  8 days Deliria
Karimura  8 days Laser
Frightful  7 days Deliria
Hoer  7 days Deliria
POWNT  7 days Deliria
Violence  7 days Laser
Aiko Uti  6 days Deliria
beng  6 days Third Wish
Crazy  6 days Laser
Ducci  6 days Third Wish
E.J.  6 days Third Wish
Archangel Tyreal  5 days Deliria
Children  5 days Laser
Pummel  5 days Laser
Scarfaze  5 days Laser
bertao  4 days Deliria
Dislike  4 days Laser
p0rn for j00  4 days Third Wish
Rodger  4 days Deliria
Scaramanga  4 days Third Wish
Skier  4 days Laser
Chance  3 days Laser
Cobrabeer  3 days Third Wish
Contagious  3 days Third Wish, Laser
Delve  3 days Deliria
Golden Ninja  3 days Third Wish
Hs  3 days Deliria
Jav Champion  3 days Third Wish
Jav Ninji  3 days Third Wish
jeem  3 days Third Wish
Residue  3 days Laser
scoot  3 days Deliria
sixpounder  3 days Deliria
stuck  3 days Laser
turtle69  3 days Laser
Twisted jav  3 days Third Wish
Allowance  2 days Third Wish
coc  2 days Laser
Deed  2 days Laser
DOA  2 days Third Wish
J-B-Inc  2 days Laser
Jav Ninjah  2 days Laser
Javtastic  2 days Third Wish
Nephthys  2 days Deliria
noes  2 days Third Wish, Laser
Q6  2 days Laser
Rensie  2 days Deliria
Schfifty-Five  2 days Deliria
Taunt  2 days Laser
Weak  2 days Third Wish
batte  1 days Deliria
Ca  1 days Third Wish
Fairytale  1 days Deliria
Funniibunni  1 days Deliria
G7  1 days Laser
Loxias  1 days Third Wish
NewbieFella  1 days Third Wish
nightride  1 days Laser
Palm OS  1 days Third Wish
Radowan  1 days Laser