
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Team WB   PUMA   Patrons of War   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (3)
Team WB (May 28, 2005 - Jul 04, 2005)
PUMA (May 07, 2005 - May 28, 2005)
Patrons of War (Apr 24, 2005 - Apr 30, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (85)
TWiStEdKNiGhT  56 days Team WB, PUMA
AngelsGirl  35 days Team WB
TerBear  34 days Team WB
CaSpeR_4_ShO  33 days Team WB
Shukun  32 days Team WB
odp123  23 days Team WB, PUMA
anope  21 days Team WB
dougie fresh  21 days PUMA, Team WB
a GIANT pupafish  20 days PUMA
A Me><icaN  20 days PUMA
Completed  20 days PUMA
Death Cycle  20 days PUMA
death slayer@  20 days PUMA
Death_Stalker  20 days PUMA
Dragonsfury  20 days PUMA
Flamegrilled  20 days PUMA
Friction  20 days PUMA
Frio  20 days PUMA
g0ds1z3d  20 days PUMA
Guapo  20 days PUMA
King Al  20 days PUMA
Krilas  20 days PUMA
Mad Hops.  20 days PUMA
Nazerik  20 days PUMA
Neo Killer  20 days PUMA
R3v0lut10n  20 days PUMA
ripping time  20 days PUMA
Seperent  20 days PUMA
Sephius  20 days PUMA
Skill less  20 days PUMA
sonicwingz  20 days PUMA
Swish.  20 days PUMA
The Unholy God  20 days PUMA
Vamor  20 days PUMA
Vincalis  20 days PUMA
OpiumX  18 days Team WB, PUMA
Contender79  17 days PUMA
FIFA  17 days PUMA
hack  17 days PUMA
mansanas  16 days PUMA
Satsuma  16 days PUMA
Opulent  12 days PUMA
Nit3  11 days PUMA
ROSZEL  11 days PUMA
Free.Style  10 days PUMA
Master Of Pain  9 days PUMA
Kenzi  7 days Team WB
azurhialine  6 days Patrons of War
bharat  6 days Patrons of War
Bin-Hidin  6 days Team WB
Emocore  6 days PUMA
Feonix Phire  6 days Patrons of War
Fnow  6 days Patrons of War
GmorG McRoth  6 days Patrons of War
Gonad Lad  6 days PUMA
Jenta  6 days Patrons of War
Konvict  6 days Patrons of War
Laurine  6 days Patrons of War
Lib-Tek  6 days Patrons of War
Saint Potter  6 days Patrons of War
Shin Asuka  6 days Patrons of War
Sideswipe  6 days Patrons of War
SolarVista  6 days Patrons of War
Steelwind  6 days Patrons of War
The American Girl  6 days Patrons of War
tyreon  6 days Patrons of War
wrigs  6 days Patrons of War
b@by girl  5 days Team WB
Flexy  5 days PUMA
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  5 days Team WB
Spacely  5 days Team WB
mommme  4 days Patrons of War
Ozgood  4 days Team WB
SnoopyDogg  4 days Team WB
unknown warrior  4 days PUMA
not u  3 days Team WB
playboy350  3 days Team WB
Silverestel  3 days Patrons of War
Zeitdrache  3 days Patrons of War
kamiko  2 days Patrons of War
Narutiz  2 days Patrons of War
Aviram  1 days Team WB
Emollient  1 days Team WB
rcr  1 days Patrons of War
reability  1 days PUMA