
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  The Faded   BlowYhole   Nathifa   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (38)
The Faded (Aug 24, 2009 - Oct 16, 2009)
BlowYhole (Jun 03, 2008 - Jun 09, 2008)
Nathifa (Dec 07, 2007 - Jan 01, 2008)
Euhm (Aug 22, 2007 - Aug 25, 2007)
draconians! (Feb 02, 2007 - Feb 03, 2007)
Nathifa (Nov 27, 2006 - Nov 29, 2006)
Nathifa (Oct 07, 2006 - Nov 27, 2006)
$Flabby$ (Mar 12, 2006 - Mar 19, 2006)
BatCoM (Mar 11, 2006 - Mar 11, 2006)
$fear$ (Mar 07, 2006 - Mar 10, 2006)
EuroDingus (Mar 04, 2006 - Mar 06, 2006)
Dingus Inc. (Mar 01, 2006 - Mar 03, 2006)
Spancer (Feb 13, 2006 - Feb 28, 2006)
Syntetica (Feb 09, 2006 - Feb 12, 2006)
Nathifa (Jan 14, 2006 - Feb 08, 2006)
PinkPanthers (Jan 09, 2006 - Jan 13, 2006)
Nathifa (Jan 08, 2006 - Jan 08, 2006)
Nathifa (Sep 24, 2005 - Jan 07, 2006)
The sacrifice (Sep 10, 2005 - Sep 24, 2005)
Free Culture (Sep 10, 2005 - Sep 10, 2005)
Legion of Scissors (Sep 04, 2005 - Sep 10, 2005)
Wingmasters (Aug 23, 2005 - Sep 04, 2005)
*lethal penguins* (Aug 18, 2005 - Aug 22, 2005)
Big Familly (Jul 19, 2005 - Aug 18, 2005)
-Action- (Jul 18, 2005 - Jul 19, 2005)
Starjammers (Jul 08, 2005 - Jul 18, 2005)
Starjammers (Jul 07, 2005 - Jul 08, 2005)
Legion of Scissors (Jul 05, 2005 - Jul 07, 2005)
N0obs (Jul 04, 2005 - Jul 05, 2005)
Legion of Scissors (Jul 03, 2005 - Jul 04, 2005)
SaiyanRevolution (Jul 03, 2005 - Jul 03, 2005)
Abrogation! (Jul 01, 2005 - Jul 03, 2005)
$pear$ (Jul 01, 2005 - Jul 01, 2005)
<X> Factor (Jun 30, 2005 - Jul 01, 2005)
-Action- (Jun 26, 2005 - Jun 30, 2005)
Badeend (May 21, 2005 - Jun 21, 2005)
black dead crew (May 20, 2005 - May 21, 2005)
Dingus Inc. (Mar 28, 2005 - May 20, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (629)
The Sith  261 days Nathifa, The Faded
Ruczi  254 days Nathifa, The Faded
Saczu  248 days Nathifa, The Faded
grabboid  208 days Nathifa
Multifilm  191 days 4 squads
slowest  168 days Nathifa, The Faded
Forgotten Shadow  159 days Nathifa
Final_Shooter  149 days Nathifa, Big Familly, Legion of Scissors
2shaed  130 days Nathifa
a hemorrhoid  130 days Nathifa
Carpet_Burn  130 days Nathifa
Disasterpiece  130 days Nathifa
Excite  130 days Nathifa
Killer Terminator  130 days Nathifa
M1sSy 612  130 days Nathifa
Mercurious  130 days Nathifa
NeRv0uS  130 days Nathifa
Rinkul  130 days Nathifa
Sinn Fein  130 days Nathifa
Tendex  130 days Nathifa
TNGarc reloaded  130 days Nathifa
ViPoG  130 days Nathifa
Preytor  127 days Nathifa
Sparc0  125 days Nathifa
average_week  124 days Nathifa, The Faded
Iron nova  123 days Nathifa
Organic Gangster  123 days Nathifa, Starjammers, *lethal penguins*
Basiko  112 days Nathifa
mick909  112 days The Faded, Nathifa
Deadburn  111 days Nathifa
Extremely Flammable  111 days Nathifa
HibikiJoji  111 days Nathifa
Homer Simpson III  111 days Nathifa
Kupocorey  111 days Nathifa
Obscure Image  111 days Nathifa
Quilibet  111 days Nathifa
Rachel <3  111 days Nathifa
Return of DUDE  111 days Nathifa
Shipuli  111 days Nathifa
specture_lance  111 days Nathifa
The Devil Inside  111 days Nathifa
Unknown885  111 days Nathifa
Mackazz  110 days 5 squads
B-Boy Rhyno  98 days Nathifa
Bloodgod  95 days Nathifa
matrix demon  95 days Nathifa
SonikDark  94 days Nathifa
stoe ice  88 days Nathifa
Dark kid300  87 days Nathifa
tariq  85 days Nathifa
samussiah  82 days Nathifa
Final_DestinatioNL  80 days 6 squads
Insane leviathan  79 days Nathifa
Bhishma_  78 days Nathifa
Karamba  78 days Nathifa
konnigito  78 days The Faded, Nathifa
Mystical Shit  78 days Nathifa
blasted  76 days The Faded, Nathifa
DarkBlitz  69 days Nathifa
dark tenchi  66 days Nathifa
Antz  64 days Nathifa
Tw!sTeD  64 days Nathifa, Dingus Inc.
Staff  61 days Dingus Inc., $Flabby$
Glinx  60 days Nathifa
jeespoks  60 days Nathifa
unreal_  59 days Nathifa
Stella.  56 days Legion of Scissors, Nathifa
AAF_Chymera  55 days Dingus Inc.
Arduhn  55 days Dingus Inc.
Bellicose  55 days Dingus Inc.
Darin Dark  55 days Dingus Inc.
F.R.O.G.  55 days Dingus Inc.
FaT DragOn  55 days Dingus Inc.
G | ! T C H  55 days Dingus Inc.
Indeed23  55 days Dingus Inc.
JJ.  55 days Dingus Inc.
Morigawa  55 days Dingus Inc.
NEON*  55 days Dingus Inc.
PirateMonkeyRobot  55 days Dingus Inc.
redline ^;^  55 days Dingus Inc.
Slotheroo  55 days Dingus Inc.
Stack-Dump  55 days Dingus Inc.
Tmok  55 days Dingus Inc.
RedDrac_NL  54 days Badeend, black dead crew, Dingus Inc.
A Bong  53 days Nathifa
Astral73  53 days The Faded
Barack O Bombed You  53 days The Faded
Bdizzle  53 days The Faded
Blutkind  53 days Nathifa
cejudo  53 days Nathifa
Citannn  53 days Nathifa
Cocooo  53 days The Faded
Crazy Pie  53 days Nathifa
Damiun  53 days The Faded
Devil Dance  53 days The Faded
du Maurier  53 days Nathifa
Gilz  53 days The Faded
hege  53 days Nathifa
Hirmu  53 days The Faded
hot shotz  53 days The Faded
mutamato  53 days The Faded
NightyNight  53 days The Faded
onethousand80  53 days The Faded
pknuke  53 days Nathifa
Raibeart  53 days Dingus Inc.
Scaeva  53 days The Faded
semmeke7  53 days The Faded
Shoddy  53 days Nathifa
Sol Mortis  53 days Nathifa
Talionis  53 days Nathifa
This Is Star  53 days The Faded
Wussey  53 days Nathifa
Ace Pilot101  52 days Nathifa
El Afuera  52 days Dingus Inc.
psyko^slusk  52 days The Faded
shotta boy  52 days The Faded
xDoJaZx  52 days Nathifa
Bloody Talon  51 days Nathifa
Sbbatha  51 days The Faded
T dot  51 days Nathifa
nicodemus2x  50 days Nathifa
Star Taxi  49 days The Faded, Nathifa
Evilking70  48 days Dingus Inc.
kablamo  48 days The Faded
Xipo  48 days The Faded
Che_  47 days Dingus Inc.
Hyeena  47 days Nathifa
t-pac bulit  46 days Nathifa
Wenus Man  46 days The Faded, Nathifa
Berghopper NL  45 days The Faded
Shantsi^  44 days Nathifa
Tricker  44 days Nathifa
An Awesome Shrub  43 days The Faded
Odie  43 days Nathifa
Riddlemaster  43 days Nathifa
Quay  42 days The Faded
New B  41 days Nathifa
AzNBY408  40 days Nathifa
fox23  40 days The Faded
piNNoy  40 days The Faded
Jalapa  39 days The Faded
Lamppukoira  39 days Nathifa
LinCc*  39 days Nathifa
DHIM  38 days The Faded
Evileye#  37 days Nathifa
Gimmu  37 days The Faded
oDuckyo  37 days The Faded
Teknique  37 days Nathifa
cannon street1  36 days Nathifa
Cumquats  36 days Nathifa
Ever stays red  36 days Nathifa
Forestry  36 days Nathifa
pipkin  36 days Nathifa
Grumble  35 days Nathifa
MelonMan  35 days The Faded
SoMe  35 days Nathifa
Straight UP!  35 days Nathifa
ThrustSSC  35 days The Faded
xLo$eRx  35 days Nathifa
Country boy(143)  34 days The Faded
Lee rules  34 days Big Familly, -Action-
totally  34 days Nathifa
Wackymoon  34 days Nathifa
DutchKillaaaah  33 days The Faded
Vituttaako??  33 days Nathifa
A Red Penguin  32 days -Action-, Badeend
macrosin  32 days Nathifa
cbxu  31 days N0obs, black dead crew, Badeend
forgotten child  31 days Badeend
GLOT  31 days Badeend
OmniRocky  30 days The Faded
Yamat  30 days Nathifa
diego mourits  29 days Badeend
DUTCH F15-I ACE  29 days Nathifa
K J E P P  29 days Dingus Inc.
Nyamo  29 days The Faded
sam rules  29 days Big Familly
Celtic~Dragon  27 days The Faded
Mr. Navy  27 days Big Familly
tam rules  27 days Big Familly
BurnDeath  26 days The Faded
Killer Shandra Ger!  26 days Big Familly
TheNiccer  26 days Nathifa
anatmensch  25 days Nathifa
BMW 328is  25 days Nathifa, -Action-
Moskvits  25 days Nathifa
Providence13  25 days Nathifa
Wall Walker  25 days Nathifa
XxXGunzXxX  25 days Nathifa
Bone Wagon  24 days The sacrifice, -Action-, Dingus Inc.
Cyphus  24 days Nathifa
Lord_Stinkfinger  24 days Nathifa
Mori Elee  24 days Nathifa
nova alchemist  24 days Legion of Scissors, Nathifa
PodpaRock  24 days Nathifa
UHybrid  24 days Nathifa
Zartan Fei  24 days Nathifa
Goldfang  23 days Nathifa
Hard Normal Daddy  23 days Nathifa
MAGGOTBRAINZ  23 days The Faded
Sing the breeze  23 days Nathifa
sn  23 days The Faded
Spinnenweb  23 days Nathifa
Corporal Ben  22 days The Faded
Knockout  22 days The Faded
Spinel  22 days The Faded
The Faded  22 days The Faded
Fellow  21 days The Faded
Flipflops  21 days Nathifa
inaphyt  21 days Badeend
pachacco  21 days Nathifa
phirax  21 days Nathifa
yo im tarded  21 days The Faded
Ikean  20 days Dingus Inc.
b o a  19 days Nathifa
Bietje  19 days The Faded
Zamu Zoomer  19 days -Action-, Nathifa
BEAST GROWL  18 days Nathifa
Kaiysith  18 days Nathifa
Levihelper  18 days Nathifa
Phink  18 days Nathifa, Starjammers
Sixus  18 days Legion of Scissors, Spancer
The IronClaw  18 days Nathifa
Amov-  17 days Nathifa
Dominater  17 days Nathifa
joh  17 days Nathifa
Navuhodonosor II  17 days Nathifa
Polgara  17 days Nathifa
Quintis  17 days BatCoM, Syntetica, Spancer
Rageo  17 days Legion of Scissors, Spancer
santy87  17 days The Faded
Algalon  16 days The Faded
Kin mon criss  16 days $Flabby$, Spancer
Mandaryna  16 days The Faded
quickplay  16 days Badeend
Aveo  15 days Nathifa
Baglebyt*  15 days Spancer, $fear$
Battler  15 days Nathifa
carrierkid  15 days Spancer
duel pasta  15 days Wingmasters, Syntetica
Michelle!!  15 days The Faded
Mombassa  15 days Nathifa
Sid the Renegade  15 days Badeend
What_The_Jizz?  15 days Badeend
cloaca  14 days The Faded
Fleming  14 days Nathifa
Frowning  14 days Nathifa
GlyphKnight^.^  14 days Badeend
iluv2jackoff  14 days Nathifa
LuciferSam4  14 days Nathifa
Pholik  14 days Spancer, EuroDingus, The sacrifice
Shell`d  14 days Spancer
taimur1  14 days Nathifa
verado  14 days Spancer
AFX237 V7  13 days Spancer
Bohemian  13 days Nathifa
GuMMeKe  13 days Nathifa, Spancer, Syntetica
Imapwnu  13 days Nathifa
Mr Kite  13 days Badeend
Nia  13 days Nathifa
Poppel  13 days Nathifa
Ardo  12 days Wingmasters
arlac-ft*  12 days Wingmasters
Bad-Boy  12 days Nathifa
Clock  12 days Wingmasters
CyrwiQ  12 days Wingmasters
DARKJC  12 days Wingmasters
Draconian  12 days Wingmasters
Eat pussy  12 days The Faded
Erska  12 days Wingmasters
FSTemplar  12 days Wingmasters
Greendrac_NL  12 days The Faded
H.M.S. Stargazer  12 days Wingmasters
KahvinKeitin  12 days Wingmasters
Kaktus  12 days Wingmasters
Lik  12 days Wingmasters
magic pyama  12 days Wingmasters
Miya  12 days Wingmasters
Molle  12 days Wingmasters
Morh  12 days Wingmasters
NoMercy  12 days Wingmasters
Overnoob  12 days Wingmasters
Papaleguas  12 days Nathifa
Petal  12 days Nathifa
reability  12 days Wingmasters
SilentPete  12 days The Faded
Snik(  12 days Wingmasters
soupero  12 days Wingmasters
Spoile  12 days Wingmasters
Terroriz0r  12 days Spancer
Tha -X- Killah  12 days Wingmasters
ThaYoost  12 days Wingmasters
The Evil Mime  12 days Wingmasters
UNEXIST  12 days 5 squads
Voluble  12 days Wingmasters
WEKS  12 days Wingmasters
WhiteFire  12 days Wingmasters
Wrapper22  12 days Wingmasters
Benss  11 days Spancer
clareypoos  11 days Spancer
Gundam W  11 days The Faded
Kessssler  11 days The Faded
kevincoldwarkid  11 days The Faded
Mosquito  11 days Nathifa
Sayso  11 days Spancer
2aims  10 days Nathifa
Clitoris Monster  10 days The Faded
declension  10 days The Faded
disillusion  10 days Nathifa
jenak  10 days Nathifa
JP Balkenende  10 days Badeend
Last Laugh  10 days Nathifa
lillis  10 days Spancer
My$terio  10 days Spancer
o()o  10 days Starjammers
sPaCe_mAn  10 days Starjammers
Tgv  10 days Spancer
Xebec  10 days Dingus Inc.
ddruid  9 days Spancer
Elyghen  9 days Spancer
KoZ  9 days Spancer
MienBoyRacer559  9 days The Faded
Str|der  9 days Spancer
The Penguinater  9 days Legion of Scissors, -Action-, *lethal penguins*
VectorGTS  9 days Nathifa
Zouseni  9 days Spancer
bah!  8 days Nathifa
hungrywolf  8 days The Faded
Muh  8 days The Faded
Sex Pistols  8 days Starjammers
Xpect  8 days Dingus Inc., -Action-
A defenseless newb  7 days Legion of Scissors
Apollo Sash  7 days Wingmasters
Atomi  7 days The sacrifice, Nathifa
Barza  7 days Legion of Scissors
Becky~  7 days Legion of Scissors
biopak  7 days Legion of Scissors
Cgull  7 days Legion of Scissors
Codebehind  7 days Legion of Scissors
Eats Galore  7 days The Faded
El Tod  7 days Legion of Scissors
F-  7 days Nathifa
hyperion_0T8  7 days Legion of Scissors
jayseven  7 days Legion of Scissors
Jenta  7 days Legion of Scissors
KidoftheWildWest  7 days Starjammers, Legion of Scissors
Metal Onslaught  7 days Legion of Scissors
rectumrooter  7 days The sacrifice
Shadster  7 days Legion of Scissors
Sith_Master  7 days The sacrifice
Syhming  7 days Legion of Scissors
The Red Ace  7 days Spancer
alls  6 days $Flabby$
arox  6 days Legion of Scissors
Azarel  6 days Legion of Scissors
B>Unit  6 days $Flabby$
Belatrix  6 days $Flabby$
Bohemian Rhapsody  6 days $Flabby$
Brighter  6 days Nathifa
Commander.  6 days $Flabby$
Cornelius  6 days $Flabby$
d-.-b  6 days Legion of Scissors
dippymister  6 days $Flabby$
Doc Flabby  6 days $Flabby$
Dracus  6 days Legion of Scissors
DUDE1.2  6 days $Flabby$
e-101(beta)  6 days $Flabby$
Eroxz  6 days Nathifa
ewazo6666  6 days $Flabby$
Exarch  6 days Legion of Scissors
Gen. DesertFox  6 days Dingus Inc.
Gurps  6 days $Flabby$
Gypsybuddha  6 days Legion of Scissors
h0estile  6 days $Flabby$
his master  6 days $Flabby$
homelesskid0  6 days $Flabby$
ice.man  6 days $Flabby$
insain21  6 days black dead crew, Badeend
Jight  6 days $Flabby$
Jing!!  6 days $Flabby$, Dingus Inc.
Kid-Rice  6 days $Flabby$
Koernig  6 days Legion of Scissors
LewoSwartz  6 days $Flabby$
LT-Snapis  6 days $Flabby$
Maers  6 days $Flabby$
mr_flab  6 days $Flabby$
NeedASquad  6 days Legion of Scissors
Negative Space  6 days $Flabby$
NERD!  6 days $Flabby$
Not good  6 days $Flabby$
Nothing To Fear  6 days $Flabby$
Orange Julia  6 days $Flabby$
PhrozenStar  6 days $Flabby$
Raspo  6 days $Flabby$
Reborn_Again  6 days $Flabby$
ReDdAwN3233  6 days $Flabby$
Rezzail_Ironcub  6 days Legion of Scissors
RonTheGardinator  6 days Legion of Scissors
s1e3pY azN  6 days Legion of Scissors
Sarah!  6 days $Flabby$
Sato  6 days $Flabby$
scare-crow  6 days $Flabby$
ScaryLion  6 days $Flabby$
Silent Shadow  6 days Legion of Scissors
Siscim23  6 days $Flabby$
SouL doUbT  6 days $Flabby$
StealthAngell24  6 days Legion of Scissors
Super_Boomer  6 days $Flabby$
Syphilis_  6 days Legion of Scissors
Tauren God  6 days $Flabby$
TorturedSpirit  6 days $Flabby$
Tsycho  6 days Legion of Scissors
ultimate666  6 days $Flabby$
unixkey  6 days $Flabby$
Webxero  6 days Legion of Scissors
Wild Cat  6 days $Flabby$
Yakusho  6 days $Flabby$
you_go_boom  6 days $Flabby$
Zamin  6 days Legion of Scissors
zoy  6 days $Flabby$
Advanti  5 days Spancer
Burglary  5 days Euhm, Nathifa
EvoK  5 days The Faded
Monkeys Rule  5 days Spancer
ogmix  5 days The Faded
Pawn  5 days $Flabby$
ABustedCondom  4 days The Faded
Aivea  4 days Nathifa
Cagalli  4 days Nathifa
Cannon7840  4 days Nathifa
Captain Loser  4 days -Action-
ChaosDiablo  4 days -Action-
Desyre-  4 days -Action-
devan4620  4 days -Action-
DigiCop  4 days Nathifa
Ektanar  4 days The Faded
HardxXxCore  4 days -Action-
iamjustablur  4 days -Action-
jul-es  4 days Nathifa
mepwnu  4 days -Action-
MM  4 days Nathifa
NightmareX^^  4 days Spancer, Syntetica
Robster }-Craws-{  4 days -Action-
Santero  4 days Nathifa
Sodoku  4 days Spancer
The Sacred Spawner  4 days -Action-
TheDude  4 days -Action-
toker420  4 days -Action-
WinN  4 days Nathifa
Xalvi  4 days $Flabby$
A-open  3 days Syntetica, PinkPanthers
AnewBnotC  3 days Legion of Scissors
aorta abdominalis  3 days Syntetica
Ar(V)aGeDDoN  3 days *lethal penguins*
askie  3 days Syntetica
Averex  3 days Nathifa
bierworst  3 days Syntetica
Bill Clinton  3 days *lethal penguins*
bobinson  3 days Syntetica
boogie007  3 days Syntetica
Cat.Weasel  3 days $fear$
DarthRowan  3 days Syntetica
Death123  3 days *lethal penguins*
Dodge2live  3 days *lethal penguins*
freddyfish  3 days Syntetica
God In Opleiding  3 days Syntetica
GrunnFC  3 days Syntetica
hoer4life  3 days Syntetica
Indier  3 days Syntetica
J-Gamer  3 days Syntetica
Jabiel1210  3 days Syntetica
Jiggle Billy  3 days *lethal penguins*
Junkiey  3 days Syntetica
L O V E  3 days -Action-
Lamb of God!  3 days Syntetica
Lammetje  3 days Syntetica
lectronic  3 days Syntetica
lee adama  3 days Syntetica
Masta Killer  3 days $fear$
Nazgulman  3 days Syntetica
nemus  3 days *lethal penguins*
NightmareX$  3 days $fear$
R U 1 2  3 days Nathifa
Raleigh  3 days Syntetica
rf0nnn  3 days Syntetica
rotte/billie  3 days Syntetica
samicus  3 days Syntetica
SaraSara  3 days $fear$
Shadoclaw  3 days *lethal penguins*
Str8_Owning  3 days *lethal penguins*
Strontvlieg  3 days Syntetica
tirako  3 days Syntetica
Toxic Fuzz  3 days *lethal penguins*
Vergilius  3 days Syntetica
Waswat  3 days draconians!, Syntetica
Wezz6400  3 days Syntetica
Whinegum  3 days Syntetica
Aerin  2 days Dingus Inc.
Aerodin  2 days Dingus Inc.
Alexi  2 days *lethal penguins*
Alltel  2 days Dingus Inc.
alpha-female  2 days Dingus Inc.
arceo  2 days Dingus Inc.
BackUp  2 days $Flabby$
blow_meeh  2 days *lethal penguins*
Bluewingx  2 days Dingus Inc.
BornToRot  2 days Dingus Inc.
catamount  2 days Dingus Inc.
Catgirl  2 days Dingus Inc.
cedgy  2 days Dingus Inc.
Cherish  2 days Euhm
Cherry2000  2 days The Faded
collateral shot  2 days The Faded
Committee  2 days Nathifa
D3ath Bring3r  2 days Dingus Inc.
Demonic Ora  2 days Dingus Inc.
Dewaholic  2 days Dingus Inc.
Dierienow  2 days Spancer
dlb  2 days Dingus Inc.
drunknm6nky  2 days Dingus Inc.
Flint Town  2 days Dingus Inc.
FlipInsomnia  2 days Dingus Inc.
Frigidity  2 days Spancer
fudle  2 days Nathifa
HipPe  2 days Nathifa
hungery  2 days Dingus Inc.
I*maGirl  2 days Dingus Inc.
ImHellaNew  2 days Dingus Inc.
JamieWellerstein  2 days Dingus Inc.
Jokeri  2 days $Flabby$
Kakka  2 days Dingus Inc.
KazaKuun  2 days Dingus Inc.
Kazeness  2 days Dingus Inc.
Kentaro  2 days The Faded
Koroshiya  2 days Dingus Inc.
KrUnKiE  2 days Dingus Inc.
Lakai  2 days Dingus Inc.
linni  2 days Dingus Inc.
Llary  2 days Dingus Inc.
Lukater  2 days Dingus Inc.
M3G@M@ST3R  2 days PinkPanthers
MetaPenguin  2 days Dingus Inc.
Neutroniks  2 days Dingus Inc.
Nidhogg  2 days Abrogation!, N0obs
Night Fall  2 days Dingus Inc.
Nope  2 days $Flabby$
Obliterate  2 days Dingus Inc.
Offline  2 days Dingus Inc.
phoolio  2 days *lethal penguins*
Quegan_fire  2 days Dingus Inc.
Radar Sniper  2 days Dingus Inc.
Rendition...  2 days The Faded
Riczu  2 days Nathifa
Ryuzzaki  2 days Euhm
Safiya  2 days Nathifa
Seliquis  2 days Dingus Inc.
SexyJamJulia  2 days Dingus Inc.
Sniff & Scratch  2 days Dingus Inc.
Spellbound*  2 days Dingus Inc.
Styles P  2 days Nathifa
Taynted  2 days Dingus Inc.
Tdevils6  2 days Dingus Inc.
Tha Avanger  2 days Dingus Inc.
TheCroaker  2 days Dingus Inc.
tonice  2 days Dingus Inc.
Too Nice  2 days Dingus Inc.
Too Nice!  2 days Dingus Inc.
wainui  2 days The Faded
wata  2 days Dingus Inc.
White_Shade  2 days Dingus Inc.
Zombie Lincoln  2 days Dingus Inc.
Zxore  2 days Nathifa
3E  1 days Abrogation!
a. lord  1 days -Action-
Aansteker  1 days Syntetica
acient  1 days -Action-
ARTOIS  1 days Legion of Scissors
assraper  1 days Abrogation!
blitzboy  1 days N0obs
bombz'  1 days Legion of Scissors
BriZZ  1 days Abrogation!
C R Y S T A L!  1 days The Faded
Criminalz  1 days N0obs
Cursum  1 days Abrogation!
Deagol  1 days Starjammers
Delve  1 days The Faded
Didoc  1 days Legion of Scissors
elegant  1 days Abrogation!
farb  1 days $Flabby$
flion  1 days Legion of Scissors
freeview  1 days N0obs
Gate Crash  1 days N0obs
HR Puffinstuff  1 days Nathifa
HyDrObUrN  1 days Dingus Inc.
ISkin  1 days -Action-
Ketsueki  1 days N0obs
kitty  1 days Abrogation!
Klean-X  1 days Abrogation!
Kostly  1 days N0obs
L3XMarK  1 days PinkPanthers
Leak  1 days Nathifa
LegalDueL  1 days N0obs
Macquereau  1 days Abrogation!
malton  1 days $Flabby$
McDaniel  1 days Spancer
mininin  1 days Spancer
murmer  1 days Spancer
NightCalibur  1 days Abrogation!
Nung92  1 days -Action-
Pirate Stu  1 days Wingmasters
Pirate_Stu  1 days Spancer
r i s e n  1 days -Action-
Rapt0r  1 days Nathifa
Ripp  1 days Wingmasters
Scife  1 days Nathifa
shadow king985  1 days -Action-
SlickLickens  1 days N0obs
slip kn0t  1 days *lethal penguins*
Snip3r Lord  1 days N0obs
spaceboy100  1 days -Action-
SpanCc  1 days EuroDingus
THE BASEr imortal  1 days Legion of Scissors
thesearcher  1 days Abrogation!
the_fan  1 days N0obs
Viper06  1 days Nathifa
Viper07  1 days Nathifa
WaluigiCubed  1 days Wingmasters
xAznxBaybexGrylx  1 days *lethal penguins*
yob touvey mat  1 days N0obs