
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  LEGO   relaxin'    Revenge   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (19)
LEGO (Oct 19, 2014 - Dec 16, 2014)
relaxin' (Jul 23, 2014 - Aug 14, 2014)
Revenge (Jul 02, 2014 - Jul 23, 2014)
WIN OR DIE (Jun 28, 2014 - Jul 01, 2014)
AstroNots (Apr 20, 2014 - Jun 28, 2014)
Warhable (Jan 02, 2014 - Mar 22, 2014)
Animal (Dec 20, 2013 - Jan 02, 2014)
Laser (Oct 20, 2013 - Dec 14, 2013)
TRAUMA+ (Aug 08, 2012 - Oct 20, 2013)
Pandora (Jun 18, 2012 - Jun 22, 2012)
nerd army (Jan 24, 2012 - Jun 14, 2012)
Debonair (Dec 18, 2011 - Dec 24, 2011)
Tenure (Dec 11, 2011 - Dec 18, 2011)
Tenure (Nov 13, 2011 - Dec 04, 2011)
Tenure (Aug 18, 2011 - Oct 05, 2011)
Anti-Scrub (Mar 07, 2011 - Jul 09, 2011)
Scary (Jan 22, 2011 - Jan 23, 2011)
BreeZe (Nov 24, 2010 - Dec 14, 2010)
TrAUMA+ (Apr 30, 2010 - Nov 24, 2010)
Has been on the same squad (635)
Poni  555 days TRAUMA+
Renowned  484 days TRAUMA+, Anti-Scrub
BlacK  445 days TRAUMA+, Warhable
FancyNewBeasley  437 days TRAUMA+
marxharr  421 days 5 squads
yCw  420 days TRAUMA+, Warhable
TheWadoRooster  366 days 7 squads
Nao  362 days nerd army, TrAUMA+, Anti-Scrub
Pounder  343 days TrAUMA+, nerd army
Afghan  337 days TrAUMA+
mci  309 days Warhable, TrAUMA+
midoent  297 days 7 squads
thegreenebear  271 days 5 squads
Blahhy.  269 days Warhable, TRAUMA+
cocaine  265 days TrAUMA+, Warhable, Revenge
Fat Mouse  256 days TRAUMA+, Warhable
kacE  247 days TrAUMA+, nerd army
OCB  241 days Tenure, Debonair, TrAUMA+
LordGore  228 days 5 squads
Kuppaaja  214 days nerd army, Anti-Scrub
luige  208 days TrAUMA+
roozter  208 days TrAUMA+
moggy  207 days TrAUMA+
Nia  207 days TrAUMA+
fakiiri  204 days 4 squads
Nit3  201 days TrAUMA+, Warhable
meow  197 days TrAUMA+
winnie the pooh  194 days TrAUMA+
schEv  189 days TrAUMA+
Ephemeral  185 days 4 squads
QS  173 days TrAUMA+
Raizin  172 days TrAUMA+
Sulla  167 days 4 squads
Za Gophar  164 days Warhable, Anti-Scrub
Trance  156 days TRAUMA+, nerd army
Solacer  147 days Anti-Scrub, TRAUMA+
Downfall  143 days Revenge, Anti-Scrub
dtiss  141 days nerd army
trick  141 days nerd army
EO-50  140 days TrAUMA+
Lawlawl  140 days Anti-Scrub, BreeZe
Reckful  138 days TRAUMA+, Revenge, LEGO
up in smoke  136 days Scary, BreeZe, Anti-Scrub
Barbar  135 days TrAUMA+
Demokillerz  135 days nerd army
Glydz  135 days nerd army
shaddowknight  134 days Warhable, LEGO
marko ramius  133 days TrAUMA+
SNORLAX  133 days TrAUMA+
Supa-FlY  133 days TrAUMA+
s_fcdb  132 days nerd army
Adammo  131 days nerd army
Jatt  130 days Warhable, LEGO, Revenge
mangled  127 days nerd army
Omega Red  126 days Anti-Scrub, Pandora, BreeZe
scan  126 days nerd army
DazZ  124 days LEGO, TrAUMA+
Armor Ply  123 days Anti-Scrub
brookus  123 days Anti-Scrub
Broomstick  123 days Anti-Scrub
BurnZinger  123 days BreeZe, Anti-Scrub
Epic Li  123 days Anti-Scrub
Exotic  123 days Anti-Scrub
Finalize  123 days Anti-Scrub
Invincible  123 days Anti-Scrub
Jr5  123 days Anti-Scrub
Melt Down  123 days Anti-Scrub
Nosey  123 days Anti-Scrub
Pearl Jam  123 days Anti-Scrub
Raynefreeze  123 days Anti-Scrub
Rock'et  123 days Anti-Scrub
ropsa  123 days Anti-Scrub
Scurvy  123 days Anti-Scrub
ShadowDragons  123 days Anti-Scrub
Spider  123 days Anti-Scrub
Sprained  123 days Anti-Scrub
Sufficient  123 days Anti-Scrub
Synicle  123 days Anti-Scrub
Teh Super  123 days Anti-Scrub
THE PUSHER  123 days Anti-Scrub
Windreaper  123 days Anti-Scrub
Zogg  123 days Anti-Scrub
Kosmonaut  122 days AstroNots, Warhable, LEGO
Brumal  119 days Anti-Scrub
Caja  116 days Anti-Scrub
Situ  112 days TRAUMA+
Avira  111 days nerd army
Itz  111 days Warhable, LEGO
Nanto  110 days LEGO, AstroNots, Warhable
BongHits  109 days 4 squads
Anne  108 days TrAUMA+
Talent  108 days TRAUMA+
Spell  107 days Pandora, TrAUMA+
Laughing SIR  106 days TrAUMA+
Surpassed  105 days Revenge, TrAUMA+
AKBAR  103 days TrAUMA+
WillBy  103 days Tenure, Warhable
the_paul  102 days 4 squads
Hef20  99 days TrAUMA+
finiTe  94 days nerd army
Condemned  93 days TrAUMA+
kog5  93 days Warhable, AstroNots
Delta Snow  92 days Laser, AstroNots
sCHOPe NORRIS  90 days BreeZe, TrAUMA+
idk&idc  89 days Anti-Scrub, Warhable
m6D  89 days TrAUMA+
lettuce in  88 days TrAUMA+
O'Really  88 days BreeZe, LEGO, Anti-Scrub
kujak101  87 days TrAUMA+
Tigron-X  87 days TRAUMA+
DF  86 days Warhable, LEGO
Dizease  86 days TRAUMA+
Hur  86 days Anti-Scrub
Eel  85 days 4 squads
Knitex  85 days TrAUMA+
tiramisu  85 days TrAUMA+
wiibimbo  84 days LEGO, Laser
ww  84 days TrAUMA+
Zalor  82 days TrAUMA+
Zeker  82 days TrAUMA+
Demonic  79 days Warhable, LEGO
XyOmInG  79 days TrAUMA+
baia.  78 days TrAUMA+
almighty  77 days TrAUMA+
Pacino  77 days TrAUMA+
Inevitable  76 days TrAUMA+
Zombie  76 days TrAUMA+
Contempt  75 days Revenge, AstroNots, Warhable
Grid  74 days TrAUMA+
Mr.Todolorosso  74 days TrAUMA+
cedex  73 days TrAUMA+
Pepe De Max  73 days TRAUMA+
POiD  72 days AstroNots, Warhable
Nicely  71 days TrAUMA+
paragon  71 days TrAUMA+
BoKnows  70 days TrAUMA+
Fermata  70 days TRAUMA+, Tenure
flion  70 days Warhable
Funny  70 days Revenge, LEGO
Final Star  69 days AstroNots
Jerome  69 days TrAUMA+
Kyler  69 days Warhable
Fusionbomb  68 days AstroNots
Godzero  68 days AstroNots, Warhable
NL>Trigger  68 days LEGO, Revenge, TRAUMA+
Solid <ZH>  68 days AstroNots
Sponger  68 days Anti-Scrub
bellflowers  67 days 4 squads
Hydride  67 days LEGO, Revenge
Subliminal  66 days Anti-Scrub
Elixir  65 days TrAUMA+
rectumrooter  65 days Warhable, AstroNots
Spartan  65 days Anti-Scrub
A I  64 days BreeZe, Laser, Tenure
SDRAWKCABmiPLEH  63 days Warhable
ckpoon  62 days AstroNots
raminator  62 days Anti-Scrub, Warhable
Linair  61 days Tenure, Debonair
pinkStar  61 days Tenure
Choi  60 days Warhable
Otaku  60 days TrAUMA+
Xog  60 days TrAUMA+, BreeZe, Anti-Scrub
Machine of God  59 days Warhable
Pure_Luck  59 days LEGO, TrAUMA+
Typhoid  59 days Scary, TrAUMA+
Mango.  58 days LEGO, AstroNots
World Class  58 days TrAUMA+
bwp  57 days LEGO
Fire Phoenix  57 days LEGO
General Pepe  57 days LEGO
Gurliver  57 days LEGO
Hazuki  57 days LEGO
jammu  57 days LEGO
Magnum Size  57 days LEGO
Mikes  57 days LEGO
Mythrandir  57 days LEGO
warportal  57 days LEGO
Zunger  57 days Anti-Scrub
aLtAmEgA  56 days TrAUMA+
BaroN  56 days TrAUMA+
Date Rape  56 days TrAUMA+
C.Pan  55 days TrAUMA+
pavlov's dog  55 days Laser
ripleys  55 days Laser
Executed  54 days 5 squads
Lifter  54 days TRAUMA+
Mack123  54 days Laser
RameyIsBest  54 days Laser
Stung  54 days relaxin', Tenure
Torpedo  54 days TrAUMA+
Viiru  54 days Debonair, Tenure
Warbird21  54 days Laser
DrunkFace!  53 days Laser
field  53 days Warhable, Scary, relaxin'
LancosaurusTeKs  53 days Warhable
licence to chill  53 days Warhable
JammyJames  52 days Warhable
Markmrw <ZH>  52 days LEGO
Ek  51 days Laser, relaxin'
golden dragon.  51 days Tenure, Anti-Scrub
Producer  51 days Warhable, LEGO
Public Assassin  51 days 4 squads
MAS13  50 days Laser
rxd  50 days Laser
Manky Soupbowl  49 days Laser
nah  49 days Warhable
Citron5  48 days Laser
CuCu  48 days Warhable, TrAUMA+
shearskill  48 days Laser
temporary  48 days LEGO
SpawnKiller  47 days Laser, LEGO
A Monk Seal  46 days Laser
Aeonnivivy  46 days Laser
Charas  46 days TrAUMA+
pbnewby  45 days Laser
bOOgyman.  44 days TrAUMA+
Gravityz!  44 days Laser
H4B  44 days Anti-Scrub
Rodney  44 days Revenge, LEGO
Skumbag Joe  44 days TRAUMA+
Alchemist23  43 days Laser
NiMeSh  43 days Tenure, TrAUMA+, BreeZe
classic?  42 days Tenure
Jeenyuss  41 days Tenure, Anti-Scrub
JUJU Hannibal  41 days Laser, AstroNots
darck  40 days TrAUMA+
zacL  38 days Laser
wanger  37 days Tenure
Brinks  36 days AstroNots, Laser
Everett  36 days Tenure
Meximelt  36 days TrAUMA+
dare  35 days Tenure, TrAUMA+
Dont Forget Me  35 days Laser
Johnno  35 days LEGO
Wazzaaa.NL  35 days LEGO
Ahri  34 days Laser
drunkopolis rex  34 days Laser
f16 fighterjet  34 days Warhable, TRAUMA+
rucci  34 days TrAUMA+, Revenge, Pandora
Shermen  34 days Tenure
lagnoid  33 days Laser
lupine  33 days Laser
Stunshocker  33 days Laser
Avantgarde  32 days LEGO
bugs  32 days TRAUMA+, Revenge
Slicer  32 days LEGO
Spiderhate  32 days Revenge, TrAUMA+
Crem  31 days Tenure
Depress  31 days TrAUMA+
field <ZH>  31 days Warhable
oLdE gLoRy  31 days Tenure
ProCisE  31 days TrAUMA+
vaped  31 days Tenure, Debonair
GET PSYCHO  30 days Laser
lame bomber  30 days Anti-Scrub, Warhable
leitz  30 days Pandora, Tenure
Mizzike  30 days LEGO
Sassafras  30 days Laser
WillBy <ZH>  30 days Tenure
WO  30 days Laser, AstroNots
Anna  29 days Laser
Meb  29 days Laser
Murp  29 days Tenure
RoNoKu  29 days Laser
slur  29 days LEGO
col.1  28 days Tenure
H I M  28 days Anti-Scrub
Henry Saari  28 days Tenure, Revenge
Mangy  28 days Laser
milkinator  28 days Laser
animalfarm  27 days TrAUMA+
Brentos  27 days Laser
Drizzy Drake  27 days Laser
Fludd  27 days Tenure, WIN OR DIE
illuster  27 days LEGO
Lagpie  27 days Laser
Mr. Hot Magenta  27 days Laser
vegamanx  27 days Laser
Whinegum  27 days BreeZe, Warhable
Ease  26 days Tenure
Fit of Rage  26 days Tenure, Debonair
Lrim  26 days Laser
Phrenitis  26 days Tenure
wildbird  26 days nerd army, LEGO
bot13  25 days LEGO
Celtic~Dragon  25 days Warhable
Combo  25 days TrAUMA+
Frogsk|n  25 days Warhable
FT  25 days TrAUMA+
Hertog  25 days Anti-Scrub
Fructose  24 days Tenure
Hypnotix.702  24 days AstroNots, Animal
Monty Python  24 days Warhable
Moot  24 days Tenure
Wi To Lo  24 days Warhable
A_Legacy  23 days Laser
Spinel  23 days Tenure
Tarriskat  23 days Tenure
Vatican Assassin  23 days Pandora, Revenge
YaYa  23 days Laser
bOOgyman  22 days TrAUMA+
Djembe  22 days Tenure, Warhable
Mattey  22 days 5 squads
MoNo.  22 days Tenure
paska  22 days Tenure
Royst  22 days Tenure
sepetaiya  22 days TrAUMA+
Star Pilot!!  22 days Laser
stellar  22 days Laser
wbm  22 days WIN OR DIE, Tenure
Aura <ZH>  21 days Tenure
Diakka  21 days Pandora, Revenge
Frazier  21 days Tenure
Kraftyjack  21 days TrAUMA+
LONDO 6  21 days Tenure
pEZy  21 days Laser
Super Bozo  21 days Tenure
THUGS  21 days WIN OR DIE, Revenge, LEGO
Bacon  20 days Revenge
Beanie  20 days Revenge
beng  20 days Revenge
birger brosa  20 days Revenge
Cintra  20 days TRAUMA+
DVD  20 days Tenure
fate  20 days relaxin', Revenge
Gazo  20 days Revenge
glavitik  20 days Revenge
Jizzron Phillips  20 days Tenure
Jones  20 days Tenure
Kanashii  20 days Laser
luki  20 days Laser
Marge  20 days Revenge
Megalo  20 days Revenge
menelvagor  20 days Revenge
NHL  20 days LEGO
Ra  20 days Revenge
sewing machine  20 days Tenure
ShinobiWarrior  20 days Laser
Skatarius  20 days Revenge
Sonny Chiba  20 days Revenge
SquallFF8  20 days Revenge
Teemo  20 days Tenure
TWERKWAGON  20 days Revenge
ZiG  20 days TRAUMA+, Tenure
Averex  19 days Laser
Chalcedony  19 days Debonair, Tenure
El Deputy  19 days Tenure
Flopping Flounder  19 days Tenure
Grasak  19 days Laser
Jizoint  19 days Tenure, Debonair
Kira_Yamato~  19 days BreeZe
Morph  19 days BreeZe, Scary, Anti-Scrub
TheExile  19 days Laser
zazerick  19 days BreeZe
0WL  18 days Tenure
Ace Shot  18 days Tenure
BobBarkerCantDie  18 days Tenure
Bravest Orangutan  18 days Laser
ChechClear  18 days Tenure
Cyclone  18 days TrAUMA+
Dean Ambrose  18 days Warhable
dragon killer  18 days Tenure
FAILURE!!!!!  18 days Tenure
Hard  18 days LEGO
Nitr<>JCS1111  18 days Tenure
oO.Oo  18 days Tenure
Petal  18 days Tenure
raptor's claw  18 days Tenure
Redneck Huntin  18 days Tenure
Ryuken.  18 days Tenure, Debonair
Spacely  18 days AstroNots, Laser
washed up  18 days Revenge
AimFest  17 days TrAUMA+
cheating  17 days TRAUMA+
Cherry Poppins  17 days LEGO
Fredzz  17 days TrAUMA+
Furela  17 days Laser
Joey  17 days Tenure
Son of Hang  17 days Laser
SpaceHiker  17 days AstroNots
Taric  17 days Laser
vaped <ZH>  17 days Tenure
Ahri <ZH>  16 days Laser
Bear  16 days TRAUMA+
Eurofighter Typhoon  16 days Anti-Scrub
Janky+  16 days Laser
ostrander95632  16 days Laser
Rendered  16 days Revenge
Rexlo  16 days Laser
StarSys  16 days Laser
zire  16 days Tenure
a2m+  15 days TrAUMA+
Begz <ZH>  15 days Tenure
cabby  15 days Laser
E V da B  15 days Tenure
Grom  15 days TRAUMA+
groovedexter  15 days Tenure
Kanyon  15 days TrAUMA+
milpitas  15 days Anti-Scrub
plasma  15 days Revenge
random x  15 days TRAUMA+
Scorchy  15 days Laser
ali  14 days TrAUMA+
Ashmash  14 days Laser
Azure Dragon  14 days Laser
Hulk  14 days Revenge, WIN OR DIE
JonDDa  14 days Laser
juvi  14 days Tenure
Lee  14 days Revenge
Marki-BH  14 days Laser
Schoolboy Q  14 days Laser
Sinope  14 days Laser
tableto  14 days Tenure
Tacroma  14 days Laser
Vibranium  14 days Laser
Zeta-Burn  14 days Laser
zreqdf  14 days relaxin', LEGO
Cameleb  13 days Laser
Chiko  13 days Tenure
Coked  13 days Revenge
disorder  13 days BreeZe
Ek <ZH>  13 days relaxin'
HydroBuds  13 days Revenge
JokeOx  13 days Laser
Knu  13 days Tenure
Major Crisis  13 days Warhable
Olga  13 days Tenure
Ovo  13 days Warhable
Pressure Drop  13 days TrAUMA+
theguy23  13 days TrAUMA+
CHEECHOO  12 days Animal
Collateral  12 days Revenge
Coroner  12 days relaxin'
DoubleSlash  12 days TrAUMA+
hanz-poop  12 days Animal
hoodoo  12 days Laser
SerenityJ  12 days Animal
Surf Dog  12 days Tenure
Swiss Cheese  12 days Tenure, Debonair
Aerys  11 days Laser
Bran Man  11 days Warhable
Contradict  11 days BreeZe
GKUA (TW)  11 days Laser
King Pin  11 days BreeZe
McS  11 days TRAUMA+
Pilot  11 days BreeZe
Pressure  11 days Revenge
Psyduck  11 days TrAUMA+
Riverside  11 days Tenure
Sir Chrono  11 days Warhable
Tarriskat <ER>  11 days Tenure
worlds biggest noob  11 days Tenure
Dank Budz  10 days Tenure, Debonair
Engineers  10 days TRAUMA+
Heisman  10 days Warhable, BreeZe
Kidnapper  10 days Anti-Scrub
Milord  10 days BreeZe
Miss Ann Thrope  10 days Tenure
Oh Shizzle Its Joe  10 days TRAUMA+
oid  10 days Tenure
PJB  10 days Tenure, Anti-Scrub, Warhable
Pyro972  10 days Laser
Shaggy2Dope  10 days BreeZe
SkullSpace  10 days Warhable
visible  10 days BreeZe
board  9 days Warhable
deaths  9 days Laser
foodstamp  9 days TrAUMA+
Ghoul  9 days Tenure
Honzo  9 days Tenure
Lonewolf-X  9 days Tenure
Nethila  9 days Tenure
Not in game  9 days Tenure
Spidermonkey123  9 days Tenure
TNT  9 days BreeZe, Scary
welt  9 days BreeZe
WolfMaster  9 days Animal
Baretta  8 days Tenure
beast mode  8 days BreeZe, Scary
Bluewingx  8 days Tenure
Dameon Angell  8 days Warhable
Eren  8 days AstroNots
Hazecloud  8 days Laser
piyopiyo13  8 days Laser
runyon  8 days Anti-Scrub
S@@R  8 days TrAUMA+
sik+  8 days Tenure
SUCKME  8 days Warhable
zihan  8 days Tenure
7<e$ha  7 days relaxin', AstroNots
Ayn  7 days Anti-Scrub
beginnerz.luk  7 days Tenure
Esau  7 days BreeZe
Hellmouth  7 days Tenure
hungrywolf  7 days Laser
LeNeveu  7 days Revenge
mean gene  7 days Revenge
Mega Tron  7 days Revenge
Ogron  7 days WIN OR DIE, Revenge
Quince  7 days Laser
Vermillion Flame  7 days BreeZe
Yolo <TW>  7 days Laser
1s  6 days Tenure
A Warrior's Call  6 days Laser
Backspace  6 days AstroNots
BadSectr  6 days BreeZe
bobomb  6 days Tenure, Debonair
cremation  6 days Tenure
Creole  6 days Tenure
declension  6 days AstroNots
Flew  6 days BreeZe
Glueman  6 days TrAUMA+
Hack <ER>  6 days TrAUMA+
Inmate  6 days Warhable
Spezza <TW>  6 days Revenge
Stayon  6 days TrAUMA+
Suede  6 days Tenure
Task  6 days BreeZe
TRANNYSAURUS REX  6 days Revenge, relaxin'
Vexy  6 days Tenure
Zidane  6 days WIN OR DIE, Pandora
a2m  5 days TrAUMA+
Aide  5 days BreeZe
BogMuK <ZH>  5 days Warhable
bumpa  5 days Tenure
Crissy  5 days Laser
duqi  5 days TrAUMA+
Kid Spider  5 days TRAUMA+
Pascone  5 days TrAUMA+
Paul6667  5 days Animal
Ray Allen  5 days Animal, AstroNots
RENZI  5 days Tenure
Star Taxi  5 days TrAUMA+
TLR  5 days Animal
Wage  5 days BreeZe
Beast  4 days Pandora, WIN OR DIE
Bieber  4 days BreeZe, Scary
Biscuit Maker  4 days TrAUMA+
cash.MONay  4 days Tenure
Electrify  4 days AstroNots
FTC  4 days TRAUMA+
Glyde  4 days LEGO
iNgeNfyRe  4 days TrAUMA+
Lacky  4 days Tenure
LILwade  4 days Revenge
Markmrw  4 days LEGO
megaman89  4 days Tenure
Mhz  4 days TRAUMA+
Michelle!!  4 days Tenure
Slayed  4 days BreeZe
Spectacular  4 days Tenure
theguy34  4 days TrAUMA+
trucco  4 days BreeZe
uni2k  4 days TrAUMA+
Zizu  4 days Tenure, Pandora
AcidBomber  3 days Pandora
Apocalypse WOW!  3 days Pandora
Armando  3 days Warhable
Children  3 days Pandora
Contrived  3 days TrAUMA+
Dominatorious  3 days Pandora
DSin  3 days Pandora
ELiT3 Sh4rk$tER89_X  3 days TrAUMA+
Epok  3 days Pandora
Fold  3 days Laser
Four  3 days WIN OR DIE
FrAm  3 days WIN OR DIE
Heaven  3 days WIN OR DIE
i.d.  3 days WIN OR DIE
Indian  3 days BreeZe
Izor  3 days WIN OR DIE
J. Cole  3 days Tenure
KATC <ER>  3 days Pandora
Kornflakes  3 days Pandora
Liz  3 days TRAUMA+
Lorko  3 days Pandora
lysdexia  3 days Animal
Money  3 days Pandora
Monstrous  3 days WIN OR DIE, Warhable
MythriL  3 days Pandora
NvMe  3 days TrAUMA+
Paradise  3 days Pandora
Pavement  3 days Pandora
Pheenoh  3 days WIN OR DIE
RaCka  3 days WIN OR DIE
Rough  3 days Pandora
Rough Fist  3 days Revenge
Sakuya  3 days Revenge
sarger  3 days Pandora
Selena Gomez  3 days Pandora
Shayde  3 days Pandora
Snide  3 days Warhable
SNSD Sooyoung  3 days WIN OR DIE
Sphinktor  3 days BreeZe
Spirit  3 days relaxin', Pandora
Sweeney Todd  3 days Tenure
Tim  3 days Pandora
TranceTunes  3 days TrAUMA+
Weak  3 days WIN OR DIE
Wet  3 days Tenure
Yawn  3 days Pandora
ben_dover  2 days BreeZe
Cherry Iceglimmer  2 days Tenure
detzaos  2 days Revenge
dsb  2 days Warhable
Khai  2 days BreeZe
krinkle  2 days BreeZe
Phreek  2 days TrAUMA+
Proximo  2 days BreeZe
raydar  2 days BreeZe
Slain  2 days Tenure
Snake_eye  2 days Tenure
Spikey  2 days TRAUMA+
Undercut <ER>  2 days TrAUMA+
yeh  2 days BreeZe
anch  1 days TrAUMA+
beam  1 days WIN OR DIE
Cumming  1 days LEGO
Cyrus  1 days LEGO
Free Style  1 days Revenge
Frozen Throne  1 days TrAUMA+
Gripe  1 days relaxin'
Ice>  1 days TrAUMA+
Jupiter7  1 days Warhable
Kokura  1 days relaxin'
KuleniKs  1 days AstroNots
MR.JELLY  1 days Tenure
Murder  1 days BreeZe
Poison  1 days TRAUMA+
redux  1 days Tenure, Debonair
siaxis  1 days TRAUMA+
Solidify  1 days Anti-Scrub
Toxic  1 days Laser
Xaighra  1 days AstroNots