
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Elenya   Pyralis   Seismic   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (17)
Elenya (Mar 26, 2004 - Apr 05, 2004)
Pyralis (Mar 09, 2004 - Mar 11, 2004)
Seismic (Jan 25, 2004 - Jan 26, 2004)
Myth (Jan 23, 2004 - Jan 25, 2004)
KillerTiger (Nov 30, 2003 - Dec 05, 2003)
Perculate (Nov 15, 2003 - Nov 30, 2003)
Veloce (Sep 30, 2003 - Oct 31, 2003)
Cygnet (Sep 30, 2003 - Sep 30, 2003)
-Roses- (Sep 29, 2003 - Sep 30, 2003)
Elenya (Sep 20, 2003 - Sep 20, 2003)
Cygnet (Sep 15, 2003 - Sep 20, 2003)
Solvency (Sep 03, 2003 - Sep 07, 2003)
Solvency (Sep 01, 2003 - Sep 03, 2003)
>!Reborn!< (Aug 31, 2003 - Sep 01, 2003)
>!Reborn!< (Aug 27, 2003 - Aug 31, 2003)
Perculate (Aug 12, 2003 - Aug 27, 2003)
**DRAGON** (Jul 02, 2003 - Aug 05, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (292)
nable  39 days Elenya, Veloce
Salubrious  39 days Elenya, Veloce
H.R.  36 days Perculate, Veloce
Silva Dragon  31 days **DRAGON**
1andONLYgodSON  30 days Veloce, **DRAGON**
Adeon  30 days Veloce
Amok  30 days Veloce
Ank0  30 days Veloce
archangell <zh>  30 days Veloce
AsnDragn327  30 days Veloce
AWildBeast  30 days Veloce
BlitzSturm  30 days Veloce
Breanna18  30 days Veloce
Catgirl  30 days Veloce, **DRAGON**
Elsie <ZH>  30 days Veloce
Jacklyn  30 days Veloce
Miggy  30 days Veloce
OTT24  30 days Veloce, **DRAGON**
PsY?!  30 days Veloce
Sexuakitten  30 days Veloce
Shonar Mutiny  30 days Veloce
Subaru Sumeragi  30 days Veloce
Tigron-X  30 days Veloce, **DRAGON**
WherzWaldo???  30 days Veloce
Xayber  30 days Veloce
Zartan Fei  30 days **DRAGON**, Veloce
Manjuice Jr.  27 days Veloce
yaohui  27 days Veloce, **DRAGON**
Etom1  26 days Perculate
magic~  26 days Veloce
Eric Jeter  25 days 4 squads
Sinful Bliss  25 days Veloce
Viruz.  25 days Veloce
Ea12 dr0ps  20 days Perculate
Lazyness  18 days Veloce
permit  18 days Veloce, Elenya
Storm^  17 days Veloce
kaotic  15 days Perculate
kontrolz  15 days Perculate
Natural Leaf  15 days Perculate
Poppers  15 days Perculate
Vash Tha Stampede  15 days Perculate, **DRAGON**
WG)SolarBurn  15 days Perculate
BlueAxel  14 days Perculate
crazyENJJPT  14 days Veloce, Perculate, **DRAGON**
Defensive  14 days **DRAGON**
Dfender  14 days Perculate
F4ust  14 days Perculate
MerlinDW  14 days Perculate
monky!!  14 days **DRAGON**, Perculate
munkie  14 days Perculate
Prolifik  14 days Perculate
TerryRemiux  14 days Perculate
Yuji Kaido  14 days Perculate
One Half Dork  13 days Elenya, KillerTiger
Rinsaelones  13 days Perculate
SHADOWmoses  13 days Perculate
Tanuktolan02  13 days Perculate
Angel Girl  12 days Veloce
dozybrit  12 days Perculate
G rush  12 days Perculate
Yojim  12 days Perculate
Ignominy  11 days **DRAGON**, Veloce
skaGiRL  11 days Perculate
Surf Dog  11 days Veloce
coldhatewarmblood  10 days 4 squads
Lost_Shadow  10 days Perculate
AmpuTXGal  9 days Veloce
Dagor  9 days Elenya
Eagleeye  9 days Perculate
Gemfire  9 days Elenya
gerry  9 days Elenya, Cygnet
H-I-M  9 days Elenya
Highliter  9 days Elenya
Icykles  9 days Elenya
Jaime  9 days Elenya
Jaymistic  9 days Elenya
Jessup  9 days Elenya
Jian Xi  9 days Elenya
Johnno  9 days Elenya
Just Took a Dump  9 days Elenya
Kakka  9 days >!Reborn!<, Elenya
lady starlight  9 days Elenya
Lance  9 days Elenya
MisterGreen  9 days Elenya
NerYer  9 days Perculate
num1killa  9 days Elenya
OceanBoyNZ  9 days Elenya
Pondy.  9 days Elenya
s0ul  9 days Elenya
Selanne  9 days Elenya
Surpassed  9 days Elenya
Todes  9 days Elenya
Wild Cobra  9 days Elenya
Wizard-25  9 days Perculate
X Ray  9 days Perculate
BlackHawk01  8 days KillerTiger, >!Reborn!<
Danoumas  8 days >!Reborn!<, Elenya
Diamond~  8 days Perculate
Ex_Con  8 days Perculate
HeyoAznKrackaKrysis  8 days **DRAGON**
JavGurl  8 days Elenya
Kette  8 days Veloce
Maken  8 days Elenya
Mobimus  8 days Elenya
Teuton Knight  8 days Perculate
AvenDragon  7 days Perculate
badly owned  7 days Elenya
Dont Shoot Me  7 days Elenya
hate88  7 days Perculate
HiS MoMmA!  7 days >!Reborn!<, Cygnet
Master BUB  7 days Perculate
Master of Doom 1  7 days Solvency, Cygnet
BrEaNnA  6 days Perculate
quandry  6 days Perculate
Skateboarder  6 days Veloce
Sxychika  6 days Elenya
wishy16  6 days Perculate
murmer  5 days Seismic, Cygnet
scrotnik  5 days Elenya
Setboy  5 days Myth, Cygnet
3MOK/  4 days >!Reborn!<
Achilies  4 days >!Reborn!<
Adrenaline Rush  4 days KillerTiger
ALLEND  4 days Cygnet
americankitty  4 days Cygnet
Apolo11  4 days Cygnet
ArcanusMagus  4 days KillerTiger
Arquazar  4 days >!Reborn!<
Bandmember  4 days >!Reborn!<
BillyBishop  4 days KillerTiger
BlackWidow  4 days Cygnet
BlueTiger  4 days >!Reborn!<
boogie007  4 days >!Reborn!<
cg49me  4 days Cygnet
dark revenger 4  4 days >!Reborn!<
Divine_Nature  4 days KillerTiger
dlau  4 days Cygnet
Doorag  4 days Cygnet
Dorn  4 days Veloce
Dsad  4 days KillerTiger
E*3  4 days >!Reborn!<
Ekko  4 days Myth, Cygnet
Elite assasin  4 days Cygnet
Erotomania  4 days Cygnet
Fate's Hope  4 days >!Reborn!<
Flying Goose  4 days >!Reborn!<
GoatNamedEarl  4 days >!Reborn!<
god111  4 days >!Reborn!<
Gorag  4 days Cygnet
hckydude91  4 days Solvency, Perculate, Cygnet
Heavenly  4 days KillerTiger
high altitude  4 days >!Reborn!<
HydroBuds  4 days KillerTiger
ItalianJob  4 days KillerTiger
Jimmy Jazz  4 days KillerTiger
Joepiemann  4 days Cygnet
Kavu Titan  4 days Solvency
Lamelover  4 days >!Reborn!<
Leperous  4 days KillerTiger
machin shin  4 days KillerTiger
Master_Laggot  4 days Cygnet
Melody!  4 days **DRAGON**, Veloce
minimini  4 days >!Reborn!<
Mucilage  4 days KillerTiger
NoLsKi  4 days KillerTiger
Nyuniar  4 days KillerTiger
Pakister  4 days Cygnet
PeteyMcNasty  4 days KillerTiger
Raindrops  4 days KillerTiger
Roberts957  4 days KillerTiger
RougeLeader  4 days Solvency, Cygnet
Seven_of_Nine  4 days **DRAGON**, Veloce
Sharpshot  4 days >!Reborn!<
ShoFly  4 days Cygnet
Silo  4 days Cygnet
Silva  4 days KillerTiger
slave69  4 days >!Reborn!<
SmaIIz  4 days Cygnet
Soccerdude90  4 days Cygnet
Solarblast Dragon  4 days KillerTiger
spiker!!  4 days KillerTiger
Starry <RH>  4 days KillerTiger
Super LunchBox  4 days Cygnet
terrinthruyaranks  4 days Cygnet
The Lightning Count  4 days >!Reborn!<
Toothbrush100  4 days >!Reborn!<
toyota86  4 days >!Reborn!<
Truedge  4 days KillerTiger
Tw!sTeD  4 days KillerTiger
Vi3t_sNipEr  4 days >!Reborn!<
warbirdmaster#1  4 days >!Reborn!<
Wind2000  4 days >!Reborn!<
Xerion  4 days >!Reborn!<
AEmery2  3 days >!Reborn!<
ant68  3 days Veloce
BlueSniper  3 days >!Reborn!<
CareL3ss  3 days Perculate
Fatal|ty  3 days Perculate
Herik  3 days >!Reborn!<
Jism  3 days Elenya
Jondon29  3 days Perculate
Legions  3 days Cygnet
Lucky_Charms  3 days Elenya
Poetic.Tragedy  3 days Perculate
Some old guy  3 days >!Reborn!<
1+1=2  2 days Elenya
Ali_G  2 days Cygnet, Solvency
Atomic Islamic  2 days Elenya
aZn_sNipEr  2 days Solvency, Seismic
chiggastylez  2 days Cygnet
doombringer420  2 days Cygnet
Egyptian Tiger  2 days KillerTiger
frenchwoman  2 days >!Reborn!<
Go!f V@mp!re  2 days KillerTiger
GoldFishy  2 days KillerTiger
manners man  2 days KillerTiger
mcpgh  2 days Perculate
Mithrandia  2 days KillerTiger
My_IRoN_MuNKy  2 days KillerTiger
N3O  2 days Cygnet, -Roses-
Panoz  2 days >!Reborn!<
Peugeot Fox  2 days Perculate
Rated_destruction  2 days Cygnet
ScruffleS  2 days Elenya
Setboy!  2 days Cygnet
SeXXXX  2 days Perculate
Sipha  2 days KillerTiger
Skilli0  2 days Perculate
T Mac-1  2 days Perculate
Teuton  2 days Cygnet
Twinkie <><  2 days Solvency
v e n o m  2 days Cygnet
Xavier.  2 days >!Reborn!<
a pet bubble  1 days Myth
a Poisonous Walrus  1 days Myth
Artz  1 days Solvency
Assesino  1 days Seismic
Astoria  1 days Seismic
Bazhn  1 days Seismic
bbq monkey  1 days Perculate
Betrayed_Faith  1 days Seismic
Bite The Pain  1 days Seismic
Bounty  1 days Veloce
Brass kNuckles  1 days Elenya
citoruen  1 days Seismic
Confuze  1 days Seismic
Conners  1 days Seismic
CrAzEd JoKeR  1 days Cygnet
Crystalin  1 days Perculate
daciz  1 days Cygnet
Danel69  1 days Solvency
Desinagrate  1 days Cygnet, Seismic
Dingel  1 days Perculate
Endless Rain  1 days Myth
EsCaPisM  1 days Cygnet
foobarz  1 days Elenya
Gaia  1 days Cygnet, Myth
Golden Sun 1  1 days Seismic
Gummie Worm  1 days >!Reborn!<
Horna  1 days Seismic
Kare  1 days Myth
korhayus  1 days Solvency
Las Party!  1 days Cygnet
Logoff  1 days Myth
Mopey  1 days Myth
nave253  1 days Solvency, Cygnet
Nyamo  1 days Myth
Orry  1 days Cygnet
Pagster  1 days Solvency
Papa*Smurf  1 days Seismic, KillerTiger
Qsilver  1 days Solvency
retscap  1 days **DRAGON**
rotte/billie  1 days Seismic
Setoff  1 days Seismic
shake well  1 days Seismic
Shukun  1 days Seismic
Sketchy  1 days Myth
Spriggan  1 days Solvency
Starflam  1 days Seismic
thanG  1 days Myth
tHE_nUt_CaSE!!  1 days >!Reborn!<
Thong Raider  1 days Seismic
Tribal  1 days Myth
UchihaItachi  1 days Seismic
UFO*WAR  1 days >!Reborn!<
Uridium  1 days Seismic
Vatican Assassin  1 days Perculate
waaramaa19  1 days Cygnet
whispus  1 days Myth
Xog  1 days Elenya
Zims  1 days Veloce