
Luke Skywall<er
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads $Flabby$    Gantz   DeApples   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (27)
$Flabby$ (Oct 08, 2005 - Feb 25, 2006)
Gantz (May 16, 2005 - Jun 29, 2005)
DeApples (May 15, 2005 - May 16, 2005)
Exercitus (Apr 24, 2005 - May 10, 2005)
Raversth (Apr 17, 2005 - Apr 24, 2005)
Grandma (Apr 10, 2005 - Apr 14, 2005)
3lilpigs (Apr 08, 2005 - Apr 10, 2005)
Surinam (Apr 02, 2005 - Apr 08, 2005)
Demon Squad (Mar 20, 2005 - Apr 02, 2005)
Chain Gang!!! (Mar 12, 2005 - Mar 20, 2005)
1984 (Mar 11, 2005 - Mar 12, 2005)
CyberLink (Mar 07, 2005 - Mar 11, 2005)
Burn Cruise (Mar 02, 2005 - Mar 07, 2005)
Dark Demons (Mar 01, 2005 - Mar 02, 2005)
Burn Cruise (Feb 24, 2005 - Mar 01, 2005)
Riskful (Feb 21, 2005 - Feb 23, 2005)
SexClub (Feb 19, 2005 - Feb 21, 2005)
Firesprouts (Feb 16, 2005 - Feb 19, 2005)
Ayslum (Feb 12, 2005 - Feb 16, 2005)
Grace Force (Feb 10, 2005 - Feb 12, 2005)
Caverns (Feb 06, 2005 - Feb 10, 2005)
Captured Souls (Jan 30, 2005 - Feb 06, 2005)
Zautica (Jan 24, 2005 - Jan 30, 2005)
Nekode (Jan 19, 2005 - Jan 24, 2005)
Yore (Jan 08, 2005 - Jan 19, 2005)
Larks (Jan 02, 2005 - Jan 08, 2005)
CopyCat ^ (Jan 01, 2005 - Jan 02, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (539)
Staff  196 days 14 squads
Aerokk  140 days Captured Souls, $Flabby$, Exercitus
B>Unit  139 days $Flabby$
dippymister  139 days $Flabby$
DUDE1.2  139 days $Flabby$
FleetWood Mac  139 days $Flabby$
ice.man  139 days $Flabby$
mr_flab  139 days $Flabby$
Negative Space  139 days $Flabby$
Sarah!  139 days $Flabby$
scare-crow  139 days $Flabby$
The Javver  139 days $Flabby$
tragichero  139 days $Flabby$
TweeTy.  139 days $Flabby$
unixkey  139 days $Flabby$
Wild Cat  139 days $Flabby$
Yakusho  139 days $Flabby$
zoy  139 days $Flabby$
Crazy Koala  138 days $Flabby$
Doc Flabby  137 days $Flabby$
7<runch  134 days $Flabby$
H-town sk8r  133 days $Flabby$, Chain Gang!!!
BlackGate  132 days $Flabby$
Siscim23  125 days $Flabby$
L(+)ck And l_oad  122 days $Flabby$
ModaFok  118 days $Flabby$
Silverestel  118 days $Flabby$
e-101(beta)  116 days $Flabby$
Alien-X  103 days $Flabby$
LewoSwartz  103 days $Flabby$
Bohemian Rhapsody  102 days $Flabby$
Sato  102 days $Flabby$
George Lucas  101 days $Flabby$
Raspo  95 days $Flabby$
Virus Cap  95 days $Flabby$
Orange Julia  92 days $Flabby$
mindfk  85 days $Flabby$
Tauren God  85 days $Flabby$
GenJutsu  81 days $Flabby$
schAID  81 days $Flabby$
h0estile  80 days $Flabby$
verado  78 days $Flabby$
Cornelius  77 days $Flabby$
tirako  75 days $Flabby$
Burim-LOL  74 days $Flabby$
Kid-Rice  71 days $Flabby$
PhrozenStar  71 days $Flabby$
his master  65 days $Flabby$
Nazerik  65 days $Flabby$
LT-Snapis  61 days $Flabby$
KillDaWabbit  60 days $Flabby$
TorturedSpirit  59 days $Flabby$
No Man  58 days Exercitus, $Flabby$
ScaryLion  56 days $Flabby$
Elite assasin  52 days Demon Squad, Gantz
Sayso  52 days $Flabby$
you_go_boom  49 days $Flabby$
The Comrade  48 days $Flabby$
ultimate666  47 days $Flabby$
Actuate  44 days Gantz
Alpha Dog  44 days Gantz
Bourbon  44 days Gantz
Expecto Patronum  44 days Gantz
FurioFuhrer  44 days Gantz
Georgebob  44 days Gantz
Guitar Guy  44 days Gantz
Katsuya  44 days Gantz
Kolbi  44 days Gantz, DeApples
Last Rites  44 days Gantz
Loder  44 days Gantz
Madsouljah  44 days Gantz, Surinam
Missa  44 days Gantz
nUcLeAr DiSaStEr  44 days Gantz
PEGASiS  44 days Gantz
Rabid-Wombat  44 days Gantz
RADIOMARU  44 days Gantz
Yang Wenli  44 days Gantz
Freedom Gundam ZGMF  43 days Exercitus, Gantz
Kal-El  43 days $Flabby$
Reborn_Again  43 days $Flabby$
Scooby Snack  43 days $Flabby$
ultima!  43 days $Flabby$
elemental  42 days Gantz
A Fuzz  41 days Ayslum, Gantz
ben_dover  41 days Gantz
coky  39 days Gantz
Demonik  39 days Gantz
Krucial_  39 days $Flabby$
starpax  39 days Gantz
Suffocated  39 days Gantz
Super_Boomer  39 days $Flabby$
Thranduil  38 days $Flabby$
A Fur  37 days Gantz
Toyota.  37 days Gantz
reinhold  36 days Gantz
Orb of Chaos  35 days $Flabby$
Riled  35 days $Flabby$
50 cal  34 days $Flabby$
Statur  34 days $Flabby$
SuNsOaR_SnIpEr  34 days $Flabby$
Belatrix  33 days $Flabby$
Druss  33 days Gantz
Not good  33 days $Flabby$
free vegetables  32 days $Flabby$
rockafella  32 days Gantz
Eclipse_04  31 days Gantz
Gonad Lad  31 days Gantz, $Flabby$
stilt  31 days Gantz
ZombieResistance  31 days $Flabby$
A Flea  30 days Gantz
venal  30 days Gantz
homelesskid0  29 days $Flabby$
KillerGt1  29 days Gantz
Confident  28 days $Flabby$
Flamegrilled  28 days $Flabby$
Jight  28 days $Flabby$
NERD!  28 days $Flabby$
Nothing To Fear  28 days $Flabby$
Ramza  27 days Gantz
Kin mon criss  26 days $Flabby$
Mondo Kin  26 days $Flabby$
Nightmare-  26 days Riskful, Exercitus, $Flabby$
Cuda  25 days Gantz
Nope  25 days $Flabby$
Stifled  25 days Gantz
Waswat  25 days $Flabby$
Xpect  25 days Raversth, Gantz
Exterminator789  24 days DeApples, Gantz
Firth  24 days Gantz
Lu Xun  24 days Gantz
Gods wang  23 days Gantz
sand?_spiker!  23 days Burn Cruise, Exercitus, Demon Squad
Frit0z  22 days Gantz
a nooblet  21 days $Flabby$
alls  21 days $Flabby$
Eroxz  21 days $Flabby$
Flame Girl  21 days $Flabby$
Secret Shadow  21 days Gantz
TehNewbDied  21 days Gantz
Yamh  21 days Gantz
Geillan  20 days Gantz
Lady Venom  20 days Gantz
Overheat  20 days Gantz
The_Magician  20 days Exercitus, Raversth
Commander.  19 days $Flabby$
Discript  19 days Exercitus, Gantz
odp123  19 days Gantz
Steel Blade  19 days $Flabby$
Elmers  18 days Gantz
kingpencam  18 days Nekode, Exercitus
MetallicA ^^  18 days $Flabby$
StreetLight7  18 days Gantz
SuNsOaR  18 days $Flabby$
2_exclusive  17 days $Flabby$
Deja Vu...  17 days Gantz
Nurse  17 days Gantz
Solae  17 days Gantz
xXU|timat3_V3g3t4Xx  17 days Gantz
Battle Puss  16 days Gantz, DeApples
C.O.W.S.  16 days Gantz
crunchie  16 days Gantz
Gnat  16 days Exercitus
gurfunkel  16 days Exercitus
Haruko Haruhara  16 days Chain Gang!!!, Demon Squad
JeepersCreepers  16 days Gantz
Pingu  16 days Exercitus
porch  16 days Gantz
TruKilla  16 days Exercitus
Turles  16 days Gantz
Y-Wing001  16 days Exercitus
b@by girl  15 days Gantz
devil1392  15 days $Flabby$
Jokeri  15 days $Flabby$
Lil Tye  15 days Gantz
Nlie  15 days Gantz
wait what  15 days Chain Gang!!!, $Flabby$, Gantz
Wundergurl  15 days Gantz, DeApples
Loco-Motief  14 days $Flabby$
Upon  14 days Gantz
Xanthene  14 days Gantz
50ruba!!!  13 days $Flabby$, Chain Gang!!!, SexClub
debris  13 days $Flabby$
DeMoNoFdArKnEsS  13 days Gantz
dooby  13 days Gantz
Dream Mist  13 days $Flabby$
locate  13 days Gantz
NightCalibur  13 days Gantz
Plazmas  13 days $Flabby$
PowerMan 5000  13 days $Flabby$
Skyline6  13 days Gantz
Stubby  13 days $Flabby$
Teemed  13 days Exercitus
Ashes&Dust  12 days Demon Squad
Inner Demons  12 days Demon Squad
Jenna_Jameson  12 days DeApples, Gantz
kickassboy  12 days $Flabby$
Lordbeth  12 days Demon Squad
Morphene  12 days Exercitus
Pacra  12 days Demon Squad
PEN15 CRUSHER  12 days Demon Squad
put  12 days $Flabby$
sHaBuBu  12 days $Flabby$
The Red Ace  12 days $Flabby$
V!ru5 T3rr0r T4x!  12 days Grandma, Demon Squad
aZn_WaRbiRd  11 days Gantz, Caverns
bubbles19518  11 days Gantz
cyber ana  11 days $Flabby$
cyrez  11 days Yore
no way out  11 days Nekode, Chain Gang!!!, SexClub
Nomadic  11 days Gantz
papist  11 days Exercitus
Santero  11 days $Flabby$
Skynet!  11 days Gantz
sportszack  11 days Gantz
ZaBuZa  11 days Grandma, Yore
bash#  10 days Demon Squad
Comanded  10 days Exercitus
DiamandBolt  10 days Yore, CopyCat ^
falcK  10 days Exercitus
farb  10 days $Flabby$
gavinvin  10 days Demon Squad
guyPtP  10 days Caverns, $Flabby$
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  10 days Gantz, Demon Squad
Koveres  10 days Gantz
Mickey on Viagra  10 days Gantz
midoent  10 days Exercitus
R3morse  10 days Demon Squad
Relivant  10 days Exercitus
Rza.  10 days Demon Squad
SoulTakerZero  10 days Exercitus
Str8_Owning  10 days Gantz
SYCO PENGUIN  10 days CopyCat ^, Demon Squad
whiped  10 days $Flabby$
whity_skeleton21.23  10 days Nekode, Chain Gang!!!
007-RYAN-  9 days Chain Gang!!!, Nekode
Ao Kuang  9 days Captured Souls, Ayslum
AOL 9.0!  9 days Demon Squad
Baseball Allstar5  9 days Demon Squad, Gantz
Brigand  9 days Grace Force, Burn Cruise, Dark Demons
Captain Scott  9 days Exercitus
ElectricEclipse  9 days Captured Souls, Ayslum
Hydraulic  9 days $Flabby$
Master Of Pain  9 days Demon Squad
Moridin  9 days Exercitus
Nuke the USA!  9 days Demon Squad
OBX  9 days Burn Cruise
resoL  9 days Burn Cruise
Silence..  9 days Gantz
sleek(1)  9 days Demon Squad
slitz  9 days Captured Souls, Ayslum
strike gundam gf-x7  9 days Exercitus
WankStain  9 days $Flabby$
WHHAOO  9 days Demon Squad
3000GT VR4  8 days Gantz
8.5 Tails  8 days Demon Squad, Chain Gang!!!
Beefs  8 days Gantz
DA PUNISHER  8 days Demon Squad
Fuk  8 days $Flabby$
invain  8 days Demon Squad
jkvan87  8 days Demon Squad
LanEvO  8 days Demon Squad
Leverage  8 days Chain Gang!!!, Burn Cruise
N o w h e r e  8 days Gantz, DeApples
Prisma  8 days $Flabby$
spacefighter  8 days Gantz, DeApples
agentBRISTOW  7 days Chain Gang!!!
Carling  7 days Demon Squad
Desolation Era  7 days Chain Gang!!!
DIE!!  7 days 5 squads
Disappearance  7 days Gantz
DiverDown  7 days Chain Gang!!!
Emollient  7 days Gantz
fubster  7 days Demon Squad, Grandma
gwen  7 days Gantz
I Own John  7 days Chain Gang!!!
iDoNeUs  7 days Gantz
Jack Jeckel  7 days Gantz
Jake Jeckel  7 days Gantz
Kisi  7 days Chain Gang!!!
LegendKiller1  7 days Chain Gang!!!
Madcowboydisease  7 days Chain Gang!!!
Miss Megan  7 days Chain Gang!!!
Monkie Bones  7 days Chain Gang!!!
Nickobobanus  7 days Chain Gang!!!
nt_crew  7 days Chain Gang!!!
oizooo  7 days Chain Gang!!!
Owndiginous  7 days Chain Gang!!!
Pusha T  7 days Nekode, Surinam
S u p e r F u c |<  7 days Chain Gang!!!
Sexy_Shiznit  7 days Chain Gang!!!
Shabalabadingdong  7 days Chain Gang!!!
Sophy  7 days Chain Gang!!!
ThE DisCiPLe  7 days Exercitus
The Mage Dalnu  7 days Demon Squad
Think31  7 days Chain Gang!!!
Tiger-c1  7 days Chain Gang!!!
atalanta  6 days Chain Gang!!!
Azune  6 days Raversth
Chicken Run  6 days $Flabby$
Crucializer  6 days Gantz, Riskful
darkspotshallow  6 days Larks
Dark_Hunter  6 days Larks
Dingoruu  6 days Chain Gang!!!
DPT Hunter  6 days Riskful, Zautica
efeatay  6 days $Flabby$
elvenking  6 days Raversth
Fuzon  6 days Exercitus
Hatefulshift  6 days Larks
Hooivork  6 days Larks
InterKnex  6 days Riskful, Gantz
killerbee16  6 days Gantz
Lark~  6 days Larks
lxl_Rusty_lxl  6 days Larks
m.clip  6 days $Flabby$
matt..  6 days Gantz
Mean~Joe~Greene  6 days Raversth
Rat King  6 days Raversth
Restless  6 days Riskful, Caverns
SGA71  6 days Raversth
SKEE BALL!  6 days $Flabby$
TrueLies  6 days Raversth
Worst_Noobie_Ever  6 days Zautica, Riskful
XiX  6 days Captured Souls
Zaraki  6 days Gantz
Alarmed  5 days $Flabby$
Alokas Nakki  5 days $Flabby$
Ballack  5 days Gantz
Big Baby Jesus  5 days Surinam
cryo  5 days Zautica
dany_chi  5 days Zautica
Dgurion  5 days Zautica
DGYstyle  5 days Surinam
district seven  5 days Demon Squad, Riskful
Dr.Weird  5 days Exercitus
fiery dawn  5 days Nekode
Frozen BuG  5 days Zautica
gers  5 days Zautica
Golden Golem  5 days Zautica
GrannyBonesaw  5 days Zautica
Grinzold  5 days Surinam
GS.Tru_warrior  5 days Raversth
I'm Your Candygirl  5 days Chain Gang!!!
idontknowu  5 days Zautica
jaysun  5 days Surinam
Joneleth  5 days Nekode
kiki^*^  5 days Zautica
Latin_King  5 days Zautica
lekai  5 days Zautica
m4g!c  5 days Surinam
mikeward25  5 days Nekode
Negate  5 days Surinam
occupied  5 days Zautica
Pibeo  5 days Nekode
red-devil213  5 days Chain Gang!!!
SaBaGuRu  5 days Surinam
Shipuli  5 days Burn Cruise
Snane  5 days Gantz
Spellbound*  5 days Zautica
xX_SuP3rG0kU182_x  5 days Gantz
Adeon  4 days $Flabby$
assraper  4 days Burn Cruise
Bone Wagon  4 days $Flabby$
Borgir  4 days Gantz
BrOkEn  4 days Caverns
Byzantine  4 days $Flabby$
cbxu  4 days Surinam
Cloaked_Assassin  4 days Chain Gang!!!
Conservative1  4 days Captured Souls
Dark_grim  4 days Burn Cruise, Demon Squad
Daylight  4 days $Flabby$
Death_Killer  4 days Captured Souls
Depictive  4 days Caverns
DevoidedSkill  4 days Burn Cruise, Grandma
Ganja God  4 days Demon Squad
Hindustan  4 days Caverns
Holy Monk  4 days Caverns
JaqMs14  4 days Demon Squad
Jizzmanw00ter  4 days Demon Squad
Kabatay  4 days $Flabby$
Kimnid  4 days Captured Souls
lopist  4 days Riskful, CopyCat ^, Gantz
Miagy  4 days $Flabby$
mitchelll  4 days Exercitus
Mole_man  4 days $Flabby$
Mr.Shortround  4 days Gantz
porkchopper  4 days Demon Squad
rainboy 123  4 days Burn Cruise, Dark Demons
Sam_NL  4 days Demon Squad
sauren  4 days Gantz
SouL doUbT  4 days $Flabby$
Starry <RH>  4 days Caverns
The Hawk  4 days Caverns
Ur()MoM  4 days Demon Squad
War ship  4 days Caverns
Z*E*R*0  4 days Gantz
Zorg .  4 days Caverns
Attitudes  3 days Riskful, Caverns
Blueblaze-  3 days Chain Gang!!!
Crunchy Nut  3 days Gantz
Cursum  3 days Ayslum
debbie sux  3 days $Flabby$
Drugg  3 days $Flabby$
Elevator  3 days Caverns
empion  3 days Gantz
Eoroth  3 days Ayslum
fourtwenty  3 days Gantz
foxes  3 days Gantz
Free.Style  3 days Ayslum
GT Flyer  3 days Nekode
hoddies  3 days Exercitus
Impulse*  3 days Larks
Justin Credibal  3 days Gantz
Kick Ass 101  3 days Demon Squad
Kyra.  3 days Gantz, DeApples
l2aNgE  3 days CopyCat ^, $Flabby$
Lady Jess  3 days CyberLink
Lady Kitten  3 days DeApples, Gantz
leviathax  3 days Burn Cruise
Lily + Ashley  3 days Gantz
lord snipe  3 days Gantz
Lunar Blitz  3 days Burn Cruise, Dark Demons
M@gI^k  3 days Ayslum
Nix0N  3 days $Flabby$
o()o  3 days Nekode
raper-  3 days $Flabby$
Romel  3 days Burn Cruise, SexClub
Safin  3 days Ayslum
scorpion1598  3 days Nekode
Skating Tour  3 days $Flabby$
Squirre|  3 days $Flabby$
t-pac bulit  3 days $Flabby$
Time 2 Die!!!  3 days Gantz, Raversth
tyflyias  3 days $Flabby$
Vamor  3 days Caverns
Vindictive  3 days Gantz
VulGaRitY  3 days Exercitus
Wha Chaaaa Jedi!!!!  3 days Demon Squad
X--X--X  3 days Exercitus
2nDeaTh  2 days Riskful
all.your.base  2 days Riskful
Archers  2 days Riskful
B$E  2 days Ayslum
BaTtLe $cArReD  2 days Caverns
Belgarath  2 days $Flabby$
Ben Hawkins  2 days Firesprouts
bin that bad  2 days $Flabby$
Blackshadow34  2 days Grace Force
Blackwood  2 days Firesprouts
CAPT. FLESHCUM  2 days 3lilpigs
Champ4  2 days Riskful
CruciaLKnight  2 days Riskful
Cyborg.  2 days Gantz
dark_ally  2 days Riskful
deathgod2004  2 days Riskful
DimeDeath  2 days Nekode
DreadPirate  2 days Riskful
enyce.  2 days SexClub
Evil Scotsman  2 days Caverns
H0b0number4  2 days Chain Gang!!!
HaNd1CaP  2 days 3lilpigs
Holy T. Error  2 days Gantz
JabJabJab  2 days Exercitus
jblacq  2 days Grace Force
kasai  2 days Nekode
Kenpachi  2 days Gantz
killer muffin  2 days Gantz
krunch  2 days Caverns
LoLLi_Aloha  2 days Chain Gang!!!
Marcus VLP  2 days Exercitus
Mirach  2 days Firesprouts
mizdorkylicius  2 days Gantz
MrEvilBunny  2 days SexClub
mylo yamis  2 days 3lilpigs
Neurosis2  2 days Riskful
Obliterate  2 days $Flabby$
PmPiN  2 days Nekode
R0GU3 L34D3R!  2 days Gantz
reinhardt  2 days Yore
Sexyfeet  2 days Gantz, Riskful
Solo-  2 days Gantz
Speculate  2 days Captured Souls
spyther  2 days Surinam
t(o.0)y  2 days 3lilpigs
Tank55  2 days Firesprouts, Burn Cruise
tD.  2 days Gantz
Tigress-s1  2 days Grace Force
V-max_800_LJS  2 days Riskful
Warbird 7  2 days Riskful
whiteenuff  2 days SexClub
Xenosis  2 days Gantz
Xersize  2 days Riskful
0VERDOSE  1 days Burn Cruise
A Newb In Denial  1 days Gantz
A Pet Rock  1 days Riskful
Aka spit  1 days Caverns
ARTOIS  1 days Gantz
Ate  1 days Burn Cruise
Baseline  1 days Burn Cruise
Bode Miller  1 days $Flabby$
Crystals  1 days Burn Cruise
Diablo13  1 days Burn Cruise
Dreadlock  1 days $Flabby$
Ezau  1 days $Flabby$
Fat Joe  1 days Chain Gang!!!
Frud  1 days Burn Cruise
Ghost Recon SSCU  1 days Caverns
Great Spirit  1 days Demon Squad
Growlith  1 days Chain Gang!!!
jalapenos  1 days Burn Cruise, Dark Demons
jenak  1 days $Flabby$
jus-kyle  1 days Caverns
Kazhdan  1 days $Flabby$
listed  1 days CyberLink
Little Buddhist  1 days CopyCat ^
lord kroak  1 days 1984
Mombassa  1 days $Flabby$
Monkey Titan  1 days Grandma
muggs  1 days Caverns
Nano tech  1 days $Flabby$
Nemesis-  1 days Demon Squad
newbgogo  1 days Caverns
oops  1 days $Flabby$
Orange Snipe  1 days Gantz
Pandagirl!  1 days Riskful
ped2  1 days Burn Cruise
PinkPiggy  1 days 3lilpigs
PlaZma-  1 days CopyCat ^
P_U_N_X_United  1 days Grandma
Rolo~  1 days Grandma, Riskful
samfire  1 days $Flabby$
SamuraiChamploo  1 days Gantz
Sexyness  1 days Riskful
Shrieker  1 days Riskful
sinkindownkiller  1 days Riskful
Sipha  1 days Exercitus
SquallX09  1 days Burn Cruise
TURBO LAG  1 days Gantz
XrayXrayXray  1 days Riskful
Zxore  1 days $Flabby$