
Mr Sushi X
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads -enyCE-    Gantz   Baleful   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (9)
-enyCE- (Sep 26, 2006 - Mar 02, 2007)
Gantz (Sep 26, 2005 - Nov 12, 2005)
Gantz (May 03, 2005 - May 03, 2005)
Baleful (Apr 15, 2005 - May 03, 2005)
PeePer$ (Apr 05, 2005 - Apr 15, 2005)
AlluSioNz (Mar 25, 2005 - Apr 05, 2005)
Kingsom (Mar 23, 2005 - Mar 25, 2005)
Militaris (Mar 11, 2005 - Mar 23, 2005)
Militaris (Mar 03, 2005 - Mar 10, 2005)
Has been on the same squad (151)
Killer Parakeet  137 days -enyCE-
2kool4skool  62 days -enyCE-
R.L.N  62 days -enyCE-
stab city  62 days -enyCE-
somberchaos  56 days -enyCE-
DeStRuCtO256  49 days -enyCE-
AppleCheek  46 days Gantz
elemental  46 days Gantz
FurioFuhrer  46 days Gantz
Killem  46 days Gantz
Kira_Yamato~  46 days Gantz
Last Rites  46 days Gantz
Lu Xun  46 days Gantz
Mashem  46 days -enyCE-
Mr.Shortround  46 days Gantz
oxidize  46 days Gantz
Rabid-Wombat  46 days Gantz
RADIOMARU  46 days Gantz
Saradomin  46 days Gantz
FAILz  45 days -enyCE-
Fedex!  44 days Gantz
TheBobonicChronic  38 days -enyCE-
Jo|<er  37 days Gantz
Kid-Rice  37 days Gantz
Stops  37 days Gantz
Xenosis  37 days Gantz
Ceryni  35 days Gantz
Zadan  35 days Gantz
coky  34 days Baleful, PeePer$, AlluSioNz
Q_Tips  33 days Gantz
Alpha Dog  32 days Gantz
Bohemian  30 days Gantz
idkmyname  30 days Gantz
sXyChick89  30 days Gantz
The_Jakal  30 days Baleful, AlluSioNz, PeePer$
cykotec  29 days -enyCE-
firepr00f  28 days Gantz
Georgebob  27 days Gantz
eat_monkey  26 days 4 squads
Morphene  25 days AlluSioNz, Baleful, PeePer$
Paveo  25 days Gantz
Celtic.  22 days Gantz
Sir Shoy  22 days Gantz
Master Of Pain  21 days 4 squads
EZmart  19 days Gantz
Im in love with Amy  19 days PeePer$, AlluSioNz
JaqMs14  18 days PeePer$, AlluSioNz
wavebeamer  18 days Gantz
HillTop's Fynest  17 days Baleful
BuckinBronco  16 days Gantz
Lag_Monster  16 days AlluSioNz, PeePer$
Daphne  15 days Baleful
Ganon-Knight  15 days Gantz
Slit your guts  15 days Gantz
wait what  15 days Militaris, Gantz
Guthix.....  14 days Gantz
nUcLeAr DiSaStEr  14 days Gantz
strike gundam gf-x7  14 days AlluSioNz, PeePer$, Militaris
Angerfist-NL  13 days PeePer$, AlluSioNz
expunge  13 days Gantz
sand?_spiker!  13 days PeePer$, AlluSioNz
Demonik  12 days Gantz
Shaheen  12 days PeePer$, AlluSioNz
ZingyZ  12 days Militaris
CDROM  11 days AlluSioNz, PeePer$
Indecision  11 days Militaris
IsoCuda  11 days Militaris
Opulent  11 days Baleful
Staff  11 days AlluSioNz, Kingsom
Cranium 7  10 days AlluSioNz
Didoc  10 days Militaris
Kinesrra  10 days Gantz
mikeward25  10 days AlluSioNz
nOObnames!?!  10 days AlluSioNz
popwarskater  10 days AlluSioNz
Project1.vbp  10 days Militaris
skull wizard  10 days Militaris
Soul{-}arvester  10 days AlluSioNz
Ever stays red  9 days AlluSioNz
Gimbi  9 days AlluSioNz
Hykrin  9 days AlluSioNz
Kostly  9 days Gantz
Kyra.  9 days Gantz
l2aNgE  9 days AlluSioNz
p8ntballfreak46  9 days AlluSioNz
Crystalin  8 days AlluSioNz
devil1392  8 days Gantz
Emphasize  8 days AlluSioNz
Iced Rice  8 days Gantz
l7eznuts  8 days Gantz
skaterboy515  8 days AlluSioNz
soupero  8 days Gantz
SUPER_FO  8 days AlluSioNz
Haruko Haruhara  7 days Gantz
Lil Tye  7 days Gantz
Naborhood Sniper  7 days PeePer$
Nite Mare  7 days PeePer$
JeepersCreepers  6 days Gantz, PeePer$
Lariat  6 days PeePer$
Touch This  6 days Baleful
cbxu  5 days PeePer$
Dark_grim  5 days AlluSioNz, Militaris
King Seuf  5 days AlluSioNz
Line Up  5 days Gantz
Shabalabadingdong  5 days PeePer$
DIE!!  4 days Militaris, Baleful
Iceman_Jag  4 days Baleful
iNVU  4 days Gantz
Shapes  4 days Militaris
Smashing  4 days Gantz
swag  4 days Gantz
X***InDEcliNE***X  4 days AlluSioNz
Abnox  3 days AlluSioNz
Arphaxid  3 days PeePer$
Dast0r  3 days Gantz
Delegate  3 days Gantz
hoddies  3 days Militaris
Jack Jeckel  3 days PeePer$
Jake Jeckel  3 days PeePer$
KY0  3 days Gantz
Mind Virus  3 days Militaris, AlluSioNz
Rida  3 days Militaris
Shaba  3 days AlluSioNz
The Mage Dalnu  3 days Baleful
Tru warrior  3 days AlluSioNz
Wivet  3 days PeePer$
2_exclusive  2 days Gantz
Calvary  2 days Gantz
chmod 755  2 days -enyCE-
Darkner  2 days Militaris
Imp ace  2 days -enyCE-
Mr.Deadman  2 days -enyCE-
Naruto Kun  2 days PeePer$
Regret  2 days PeePer$
Selected  2 days -enyCE-
Time 2 Die!!!  2 days Baleful
Xeneize  2 days Gantz
4RealN00b  1 days Kingsom
A Pet Rock  1 days AlluSioNz
adorn  1 days Gantz
agentBRISTOW  1 days Militaris
Atract  1 days PeePer$
Exodia  1 days Gantz
Girl wida Gun  1 days Militaris
Gonad Lad  1 days Gantz
Growlith  1 days Kingsom
Gun Show  1 days Gantz
H.A.T.E.  1 days AlluSioNz
Panda Bear  1 days -enyCE-
Vodoo4Life  1 days Militaris
X-GaMeZ  1 days PeePer$