
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Sorren   Undenied   Incendo   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (8)
Sorren (Aug 22, 2004 - Aug 22, 2004)
Undenied (Sep 08, 2003 - Sep 17, 2003)
Incendo (Aug 16, 2003 - Sep 08, 2003)
-Elegance- (Aug 10, 2003 - Aug 15, 2003)
Flaring (Jul 10, 2003 - Aug 02, 2003)
-Hack- (Jul 01, 2003 - Jul 03, 2003)
-Exile- (Jun 23, 2003 - Jul 01, 2003)
Undenied (Jun 13, 2003 - Jun 23, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (119)
Angel Mei  22 days Incendo
bahaumat  22 days Incendo
Burning Plane  22 days Incendo
byleth  22 days Incendo
Dragon Claws  22 days Incendo
DragonRuler90  22 days Incendo
Fear Executer  22 days Incendo
FleshEater  22 days Incendo
Gerald Terrant  22 days Incendo
Hell_Blade  22 days Incendo
ICEMAN99  22 days Incendo
Korc  22 days Incendo
Kredo  22 days Incendo
Mediate  22 days Incendo
RAMSTEIN666  22 days Incendo
stormin252  22 days Incendo
TheHobbit  22 days Incendo
TiMeToDiE  22 days Incendo
Viha4  22 days Incendo
Wasami  22 days Incendo
xXEvOXx  22 days Incendo
LF2-FAN  21 days Incendo
Monkey Monster  21 days Incendo
ticulsale  21 days Incendo
FF7Cloud  17 days Incendo
Silencer_Man  17 days Incendo
Old Boy  16 days Flaring
Midnight Fantasy  15 days Incendo
Fed_X  13 days Flaring
JB Golden Gun  13 days Flaring
Coltz45  12 days Flaring
Hot-Sauce  12 days Undenied
Danel69  11 days Flaring
Epsalong  9 days Undenied
KiLLeR GirL  9 days Undenied
sp0ngeJob  9 days Flaring
BlitzSturm  8 days -Exile-
crypt friends  8 days Flaring
Dark and Evil784  8 days Undenied
Ea12 dr0ps  8 days -Exile-
freak a zoid  8 days -Exile-
meldene  8 days -Exile-
N3O  8 days Flaring, -Exile-
Sinister.  8 days -Exile-
Syntrax  8 days Flaring
A.E.I.O.U  7 days Undenied
coldhatewarmblood  7 days Undenied
Desist  7 days Undenied
Eikron  7 days -Exile-, Flaring
gang_stud  7 days Undenied
KaAoS VaLlU  7 days Incendo
Paveo  7 days Undenied
Rabbit-  7 days Undenied
Razorfang  7 days Flaring
Terra Flare  7 days Flaring
Weird!  7 days -Exile-
badly owned  6 days -Exile-
Death Click  6 days -Exile-
Death Rose....  6 days Incendo
ijustlostmylife  6 days -Exile-
Lehgnar  6 days Undenied
beliar69  5 days Undenied
NowYouDie  5 days Incendo
Poop Stain  5 days Undenied
Puppy_Kicker  5 days Undenied
Sketchy  5 days -Exile-
WindOracle  5 days Undenied
anip  4 days -Exile-
aZn_oUtKaStZ  4 days Flaring
Codeman!  4 days -Exile-
Darius Winds  4 days -Elegance-
Goddamnit  4 days -Exile-
guenivere  4 days -Elegance-
LiQUiD-Dh  4 days -Elegance-
Nestle  4 days Undenied
num1killa  4 days -Elegance-
provoking  4 days Incendo
Seleen  4 days Flaring
a Poisonous Walrus  3 days Undenied
banchee.  3 days -Exile-
BlacK*Insurrection  3 days -Exile-
FawkU_Up  3 days -Elegance-
Juvy  3 days Undenied
No_Us3  3 days Undenied
parl  3 days -Exile-
Priest Chaplin  3 days Undenied
Slipknot_31  3 days Undenied
SpArK_dRaGoN  3 days Incendo, -Exile-
stza  3 days Undenied
Undenied Leader  3 days Undenied
Accede  2 days Incendo
Blazing  2 days Incendo
drkpenguin Z  2 days Undenied
HT-Desire  2 days Incendo
kaotic  2 days -Exile-
KillDaWabbit  2 days Flaring, -Exile-
Punk'Er  2 days Undenied
S k e t c h y  2 days -Exile-
Sheer Hatred  2 days Undenied
SK8 BRD Element  2 days -Exile-
TriatiV  2 days Undenied
xoxo4ever  2 days Undenied
Absynth  1 days Flaring
Apollo 11  1 days -Hack-
Capt.Bobbob  1 days -Hack-
Cooter  1 days -Hack-
Death Parade  1 days Undenied
GM5  1 days -Hack-
Kick33  1 days -Hack-
Lythius  1 days -Hack-
Mornir  1 days -Exile-
Mucilage  1 days -Hack-
noob-killa99  1 days -Hack-
Peuupmaster  1 days -Hack-
Sailer  1 days -Hack-
SerbSniper  1 days -Hack-
Spicyspice  1 days -Exile-
WiseCherub  1 days -Exile-
wishy16  1 days -Elegance-