
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads 7th Samurai   .V.   Sylum   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (8)
7th Samurai (Jan 30, 2005 - Mar 17, 2005)
.V. (Jan 23, 2005 - Jan 30, 2005)
Sylum (Jan 17, 2005 - Jan 23, 2005)
-Warcry- (Jan 16, 2005 - Jan 17, 2005)
Klimax (Dec 07, 2004 - Jan 16, 2005)
Miniskirt (Dec 07, 2004 - Dec 07, 2004)
NeoCult (Nov 25, 2004 - Nov 25, 2004)
HolyCult (Oct 26, 2004 - Nov 06, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (169)
EnTiCeR  50 days HolyCult, 7th Samurai
CrAzY_69  46 days 7th Samurai
deirdre  46 days 7th Samurai
elofio  46 days 7th Samurai
FreshKill  46 days 7th Samurai
Infested-Wasteland  46 days 7th Samurai
killeman  46 days 7th Samurai
Lambino  46 days 7th Samurai
nebosuke  46 days 7th Samurai
StaticDeath  46 days 7th Samurai
Sunkist863  46 days 7th Samurai
Travis P  46 days 7th Samurai
wArBiRd_dUeLeR  46 days 7th Samurai
LoLLi_Aloha  45 days 4 squads
Stuff99  45 days 7th Samurai
GT Flyer  42 days 7th Samurai
Bourke  41 days 7th Samurai
Popcorn Lover  38 days Klimax
Zouseni  38 days 7th Samurai
C.O.W.S.  37 days 7th Samurai
bobdog  36 days Klimax
Modual  36 days 7th Samurai
Tha Avanger  36 days Sylum, 7th Samurai
DrLix  35 days Klimax
Kisi  35 days 7th Samurai
TheDude  35 days 7th Samurai
121254w  34 days Klimax
Betrayed_Faith  34 days Klimax
Guapo  34 days 7th Samurai
muumipeikko  34 days 7th Samurai
The Unliked One...  34 days Miniskirt, Klimax
silver arrow!!  33 days 7th Samurai
wait what  30 days 7th Samurai
melissa~  29 days 7th Samurai
Prince of Darkness  29 days Klimax, 7th Samurai, HolyCult
Holy Sin  28 days 7th Samurai
wooly708  27 days Miniskirt, Klimax, 7th Samurai
Master Of Pain  25 days 7th Samurai
Jing!!  24 days Klimax
Dingoruu  22 days 7th Samurai
TResa  22 days 7th Samurai
Crazy Koala  21 days 7th Samurai
Crunchy Nut  19 days 7th Samurai
bubblybunny  18 days 7th Samurai
Master__Blaster  18 days Klimax, .V.
Elite assasin  16 days 7th Samurai
Sexyfeet  16 days 7th Samurai
Gods wang  15 days 7th Samurai
Kain of Life  14 days Klimax, .V., Sylum
LiL NeWb  14 days Sylum, 7th Samurai
magic~  14 days Miniskirt, .V., Klimax
Bologna_89  13 days 7th Samurai
Haruko Haruhara  13 days 7th Samurai
Staff  12 days .V., Sylum
JockMan  10 days 7th Samurai
G E N U I N E 1  9 days Klimax
JaaLin  9 days 7th Samurai
RiGhTiOcHaP  9 days .V., -Warcry-, Sylum
LiL_LaDy  8 days .V., Klimax
rochemj  8 days HolyCult
Xenosis  8 days Klimax
1800-die-die-die  7 days Klimax
all.your.base  6 days Sylum
Bko  6 days Sylum
c H I P s  6 days Sylum
Cartridge  6 days Sylum
CruciaLKnight  6 days Sylum
Dead_End  6 days .V.
deathgod2004  6 days Sylum
Fire Link  6 days .V.
Grind 7<ing  6 days HolyCult
Hacker Elite  6 days Sylum
I<iLLeR-  6 days HolyCult
Ketsueki  6 days Sylum
LT-Snapis  6 days Sylum
LuDawg  6 days Sylum
macrosin  6 days Klimax
MAGS!  6 days HolyCult
Mr. Pyro  6 days Sylum
Nightmare-  6 days Sylum
Ozgood  6 days Sylum
Posers  6 days Sylum
R.0.D  6 days Sylum
Rezzail Ironwolf  6 days .V.
saetep  6 days Sylum
SpAzZy*  6 days Sylum
Super_Ana  6 days 7th Samurai
Thunderbird SC  6 days Klimax
Underoath  6 days Sylum
UpiOcHap  6 days Sylum
XiX  6 days .V.
Xonk  6 days Sylum
007-RYAN-  5 days .V.
0bnoxious  5 days 7th Samurai
Absurdity  5 days HolyCult
BAD CRACK  5 days Sylum
C4FF31N3!  5 days Klimax
coalchamber  5 days Klimax, HolyCult
Drakr  5 days Sylum
Dude Uh MAn  5 days Sylum
I-I/\\I\\II)  5 days HolyCult
J-S_Giguere_35  5 days HolyCult, Klimax
Koio  5 days HolyCult
Lady Venom  5 days Sylum
Lolly Pop Girl  5 days HolyCult
Primax  5 days HolyCult
Rebeca  5 days -Warcry-, Sylum
reinhold  5 days Sylum
samri  5 days 7th Samurai
t3Nn1$  5 days Klimax
takkun  5 days 7th Samurai
The Nash  5 days 7th Samurai
Trenchy  5 days -Warcry-, .V.
Vengence_df1  5 days HolyCult
X-GaMeZ  5 days Sylum
yourdoom  5 days HolyCult
A Lev's Best Friend  4 days .V.
Bardicer  4 days HolyCult
Bloody Wolf  4 days Klimax
Champ4  4 days Klimax
Dragon of Darkness  4 days Klimax, HolyCult
FoCuSeD  4 days HolyCult
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  4 days Sylum, .V.
Rossignol  4 days Klimax
Scude  4 days .V.
spitfire6900  4 days Klimax
Styles P  4 days Klimax
Sygnus  4 days Sylum
un$topable  4 days Sylum
champ5  3 days HolyCult
Evil Scotsman  3 days Sylum, .V.
lxl_Rusty_lxl  3 days .V.
no way out  3 days 7th Samurai
PlaZma-  3 days .V.
reinhardt  3 days HolyCult
Tyler  3 days Sylum
VnV-Nation  3 days HolyCult
War Crimes  3 days Sylum
Deconquer  2 days .V.
Dr Chicken  2 days Klimax
DreadPirate  2 days Klimax
Endless_Pain  2 days Klimax
GothPirateGirl  2 days HolyCult
holycult founder  2 days HolyCult
kevstar86  2 days HolyCult
Lost Dust  2 days 7th Samurai
Mescalitos  2 days HolyCult
Owndiginous  2 days 7th Samurai
PenGwen  2 days Klimax
Rolo~  2 days .V.
Setboy  2 days 7th Samurai
spin!!!  2 days Sylum
Trollhammaren  2 days .V.
ZakZ  2 days Sylum
archive  1 days .V.
Artist29  1 days 7th Samurai
cipher_burn  1 days HolyCult
free vegetables  1 days Sylum
gwen  1 days Klimax
Hatake Kakashi  1 days HolyCult
Kati  1 days 7th Samurai
name why?  1 days HolyCult
Offline  1 days HolyCult
PipArchDevil  1 days HolyCult
qazzup-007  1 days Sylum
Sarutobi  1 days HolyCult
Suezo  1 days .V.
Suicide Girls  1 days HolyCult
Unit 7538  1 days HolyCult