
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads  Paxin   PokeBawls   Pokemon Legends   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (3)
Paxin (Apr 14, 2009 - May 11, 2009)
PokeBawls (Jan 18, 2009 - Feb 03, 2009)
Pokemon Legends (Apr 07, 2007 - Apr 14, 2007)
Has been on the same squad (90)
Crystals  25 days Paxin
IcY WyteZ  25 days Paxin
Moshe  25 days Paxin
Yawny  24 days Paxin
M1ke Hunt  22 days Paxin
Trevelyan  22 days Paxin
poetic fury  21 days Paxin
thingamajig  21 days Paxin
Cres  20 days Paxin
JoyRider  20 days Paxin
Sky is the limit  20 days Paxin
phillysevans  19 days Paxin
rattatter  19 days Paxin
Jeniferever  18 days Paxin
Malign Paradigm  18 days Paxin
Die  16 days Paxin
morin  16 days Paxin
mp3 player  16 days Paxin
Heavy  15 days Paxin
blastoise  14 days PokeBawls
Dragonite  14 days PokeBawls
9High9  13 days Paxin
Sodo  13 days Paxin
Melons  12 days Paxin
New Jersey  12 days Paxin
Slowbro  11 days Pokemon Legends, PokeBawls
Forsaken Illusion  10 days Paxin
Menthol  10 days Paxin
Himitsu  9 days Paxin
L3MU3L  9 days Paxin
Milotic  9 days PokeBawls
Sodomizer  9 days Paxin
Umbreon  9 days PokeBawls
crazykillah  8 days Paxin
FZR 600  8 days Paxin
Nidoqueen  8 days PokeBawls, Pokemon Legends
Ohmalee  8 days Paxin
Recover  8 days Paxin
Why try  8 days Paxin
Airship  7 days Paxin
beau  7 days Paxin
CHARMELEON  7 days Pokemon Legends
Dameon Angell  7 days Paxin
demonika  7 days Paxin
Drowzee  7 days Pokemon Legends
jennifer <3  7 days Paxin
Poliwrath  7 days Pokemon Legends
Reaper  7 days Paxin
Sanyo  7 days PokeBawls
SouthernGal  7 days Paxin
Spinarak  7 days Pokemon Legends
top5wb  7 days Paxin
WifebeateR  7 days Paxin
houndour  6 days Pokemon Legends
Jirachi  6 days Pokemon Legends
Kirlia  6 days Pokemon Legends
Moltres  6 days Pokemon Legends
Torchic  6 days Pokemon Legends
Wartortle  6 days Pokemon Legends
Wobbuffet  6 days Pokemon Legends, PokeBawls
Ariana  5 days Paxin
Chrissygirl  5 days Paxin
Ho-Oh  5 days Pokemon Legends
MumboJumbo  5 days Paxin
Petal  5 days Paxin
PIDGEOTTO  5 days Pokemon Legends
shroomish  5 days Pokemon Legends
Abhominal  4 days Paxin
Jumpluff  4 days PokeBawls
Mr.Mime  4 days PokeBawls
Seadra  4 days Pokemon Legends
Typholosion  4 days Pokemon Legends
laureth  3 days Paxin
Magmar  3 days PokeBawls
pawner  3 days Paxin
Dryden  2 days Paxin
Goth  2 days Paxin
Hitmontop  2 days PokeBawls
Lance  2 days Paxin
ProPs  2 days Paxin
Raikou  2 days Pokemon Legends
Tauros  2 days Pokemon Legends
Adderal  1 days Paxin
Arbok  1 days Pokemon Legends
Consummate  1 days Paxin
Evade  1 days Paxin
itchy  1 days Paxin
Jolteon  1 days Pokemon Legends
Roq  1 days Paxin
Vaporeon  1 days Pokemon Legends