
da real borre
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads The All Stars   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (1)
The All Stars (Jun 14, 2003 - Jul 29, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (15)
Peultje  44 days The All Stars
Shivan Dragon  44 days The All Stars
The_Reaper  44 days The All Stars
VoRaZ  44 days The All Stars
darksparky  33 days The All Stars
yaohui  25 days The All Stars
Sooner..  21 days The All Stars
LF2-FAN  19 days The All Stars
The Shadow Killer  13 days The All Stars
PSV-Fan  12 days The All Stars
tvburger  12 days The All Stars
lief veulen  6 days The All Stars
End Of Line  4 days The All Stars
Gib  3 days The All Stars
Sninald  2 days The All Stars