
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Noob    Lightning Strike    Laser   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (46)
Noob (Feb 07, 2014 - Feb 08, 2014)
Lightning Strike (Jan 18, 2014 - Feb 07, 2014)
Laser (Oct 29, 2013 - Oct 30, 2013)
Sickmode (Nov 26, 2010 - Dec 02, 2010)
Third Wish (Jun 17, 2008 - Jun 18, 2008)
GiantTiger (Mar 24, 2007 - Apr 14, 2007)
Contenders (Feb 13, 2007 - Feb 18, 2007)
-Vanguard- (Jan 22, 2007 - Feb 02, 2007)
GiantTiger (Jan 18, 2007 - Jan 22, 2007)
A TWD TRAINIE (Oct 23, 2005 - Nov 24, 2005)
Maju (Sep 25, 2005 - Oct 06, 2005)
MasterBall (Sep 25, 2005 - Sep 25, 2005)
Spartanz (Sep 24, 2005 - Sep 25, 2005)
MasterBall (Sep 24, 2005 - Sep 24, 2005)
Arcade (Sep 23, 2005 - Sep 24, 2005)
Theism (Sep 17, 2005 - Sep 23, 2005)
Arcade (Sep 09, 2005 - Sep 17, 2005)
my little ponys (Aug 29, 2005 - Sep 09, 2005)
Demean (Aug 27, 2005 - Aug 29, 2005)
Exposing (Aug 25, 2005 - Aug 26, 2005)
Doctrine (Aug 24, 2005 - Aug 25, 2005)
Wings of Eldruw (Aug 24, 2005 - Aug 24, 2005)
TeKs (Aug 14, 2005 - Aug 24, 2005)
TW_KILLAHS (Aug 10, 2005 - Aug 14, 2005)
Hypoxia (Aug 06, 2005 - Aug 10, 2005)
Vanilla Skies (Aug 05, 2005 - Aug 06, 2005)
.DragonS. (Aug 04, 2005 - Aug 05, 2005)
X-Terror (Jul 27, 2005 - Jul 28, 2005)
We MoB (Jul 10, 2005 - Jul 13, 2005)
We MoB (Jul 08, 2005 - Jul 09, 2005)
Deadly force (Jul 02, 2005 - Jul 06, 2005)
Defect (Jun 17, 2005 - Jun 21, 2005)
Laser (Jun 12, 2005 - Jun 17, 2005)
Cresstor (Aug 26, 2004 - Aug 26, 2004)
-FAT- (Jan 28, 2004 - Aug 26, 2004)
Myth (Jan 24, 2004 - Jan 28, 2004)
~Tempest~ (Dec 31, 2003 - Jan 13, 2004)
Seismic (Jul 08, 2003 - Jul 28, 2003)
BoZ (Jul 03, 2003 - Jul 08, 2003)
Poison (Jul 01, 2003 - Jul 03, 2003)
Poison (Jun 23, 2003 - Jun 30, 2003)
SeniorZ (Jun 22, 2003 - Jun 23, 2003)
Ravin (Jun 19, 2003 - Jun 21, 2003)
Shang (Jun 17, 2003 - Jun 18, 2003)
Offguard (Jun 11, 2003 - Jun 13, 2003)
Ampere (May 31, 2003 - Jun 06, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (801)
Sketchy  213 days Myth, -FAT-
Adept.  84 days -FAT-
vn_vietpryde9  84 days -FAT-
Bloody Wolf  30 days Arcade, GiantTiger
morin  29 days GiantTiger, my little ponys
Displaced  28 days BoZ, Ampere, Seismic
NO <3  28 days Contenders, A TWD TRAINIE
Endless Rain  26 days GiantTiger, Myth
AppleCheek  24 days Deadly force, Arcade, GiantTiger
azurhialine  24 days GiantTiger
craZedkillEr  24 days GiantTiger
Crucializer  24 days -Vanguard-, GiantTiger
danvis  24 days GiantTiger
Edify  24 days GiantTiger
Flame Girl  24 days GiantTiger
gmwave  24 days GiantTiger
id.  24 days GiantTiger
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  24 days 4 squads
J Masta  24 days Seismic, Ampere
Lucar  24 days GiantTiger
MICHU  24 days GiantTiger
Petal  24 days GiantTiger
pop.  24 days GiantTiger
PopATop  24 days GiantTiger
PRINCESS OF PAIN  24 days GiantTiger
Rabid-Wombat  24 days GiantTiger
RookyTR  24 days GiantTiger
spArTus!  24 days Seismic, Ampere
Team Up  24 days GiantTiger
The Catholic  24 days GiantTiger
uNsmart  24 days GiantTiger, Contenders
u_suckas_got_owned  24 days GiantTiger
Zhou Yu  24 days GiantTiger
Calibra  22 days Seismic, Ampere
dako  22 days GiantTiger, -Vanguard-
Mushinroom  22 days Seismic, BoZ
Storm Braker  22 days 4 squads
Vulcan  22 days GiantTiger, Contenders
HairyPencil22  21 days Seismic, BoZ
Red Fang  21 days GiantTiger
ronny  21 days GiantTiger
affliction+  20 days GiantTiger
Caim  20 days GiantTiger
Chef Boyardee  20 days GiantTiger
Committee  20 days GiantTiger
culinary  20 days GiantTiger
D=  20 days GiantTiger
darksider  20 days GiantTiger
Dirty Water  20 days GiantTiger
Electronic  20 days Seismic, Ampere
Exponential  20 days GiantTiger
Footballer#13  20 days GiantTiger
ganja hitman  20 days GiantTiger
InterKnex  20 days GiantTiger
Kruel  20 days GiantTiger
MARINES179  20 days GiantTiger
MegaManNT  20 days GiantTiger
nicodemus2x  20 days GiantTiger
Omega_Factor  20 days GiantTiger
patricksha  20 days GiantTiger
picclownz  20 days GiantTiger
ProPs  20 days GiantTiger
Raffix  20 days GiantTiger
Rapiere  20 days GiantTiger
re6el  20 days GiantTiger
rozi  20 days GiantTiger
Schreek  20 days GiantTiger
Shiu  20 days GiantTiger
Sociopath  20 days GiantTiger
stuntin sir  20 days GiantTiger
Tha King  20 days GiantTiger
The Lone Gunner  20 days GiantTiger
UFO  20 days GiantTiger
Vietnamese  20 days GiantTiger
17.5  19 days Lightning Strike
ablazed  19 days GiantTiger
Assesino  19 days Seismic
Beasty  19 days Lightning Strike
Begz  19 days Lightning Strike
Crackling  19 days Lightning Strike
CrimsonX  19 days Lightning Strike
Darkgriz  19 days Lightning Strike
Jill Shortmilk  19 days Lightning Strike
LMAO  19 days Lightning Strike
Sentinel.Blows  19 days GiantTiger
Sipha  19 days Defect, Seismic
Skatarius  19 days Seismic
Vermillion Flame  19 days Lightning Strike
wicket666  19 days Lightning Strike
JoyRider  18 days GiantTiger
Kakka  18 days Seismic
SpArK_dRaGoN  18 days Seismic
Gnat  17 days Maju, Arcade
Misled  17 days Lightning Strike
spacetime  17 days GiantTiger
spiker!!  17 days Theism, Maju, my little ponys
angel 78.~  16 days GiantTiger
lady starlight  16 days Seismic
Man Down  16 days GiantTiger, Poison
sweet chick  16 days GiantTiger
Syko(man)  16 days GiantTiger
Uridium  16 days Ampere, Seismic
Dawsonator  15 days GiantTiger
Dying To Live  15 days Seismic, BoZ
Rikishay  15 days Maju, Arcade, Hypoxia
Dreams  14 days my little ponys, Contenders
FoCuSeD  14 days Maju, Deadly force, my little ponys
HydroBuds  14 days Seismic
Lord Aubergine  14 days A TWD TRAINIE
rushed  14 days Lightning Strike
Seb  14 days Seismic
SetoNaikai  14 days Maju, Arcade
AzN-pRiDe  13 days 7 squads
iinsanee  13 days GiantTiger
PubOwner123  13 days GiantTiger
Residue  13 days Lightning Strike
Setboy  13 days Myth, Maju
volcom-drake  13 days A TWD TRAINIE
Wage  13 days GiantTiger, Hypoxia
d.killaaa  12 days GiantTiger
Gladeus  12 days GiantTiger
h4xor!!  12 days GiantTiger
Lambino  12 days my little ponys, Arcade
sniggle  12 days GiantTiger
Dantat  11 days GiantTiger
Gilthis  11 days GiantTiger
Litex <EZ>  11 days Seismic
lopist  11 days Arcade, A TWD TRAINIE
NewbOfTW  11 days GiantTiger
PlaZma-  11 days Demean, Maju
SolairE  11 days GiantTiger
stza  11 days Poison, SeniorZ, Ampere
Xog  11 days Poison, Ampere, Seismic
0rb  10 days TeKs
A I <ER>  10 days TeKs
a2z  10 days my little ponys, Wings of Eldruw
Actinide  10 days Seismic
action_pup #3  10 days TeKs
Angel fire  10 days TeKs
Archers  10 days Maju
AznNycGuy  10 days Seismic, Maju
Bannnnana  10 days TeKs
Bing Jiggy  10 days TeKs
Bizmat  10 days my little ponys
Bluewingx  10 days TeKs
bucksolo  10 days Arcade, my little ponys
Cr8zyBasrd  10 days my little ponys
CrUshEd  10 days Seismic
dads revenge  10 days TeKs
Dah_Veed  10 days TeKs
Dark Shadow  10 days Laser, Ampere
Dead.Man  10 days GiantTiger
Deadly Agression  10 days my little ponys
deathgod2004  10 days my little ponys
Deathlist  10 days Seismic
Doc Savage  10 days TeKs
Fredzz  10 days TeKs
Funk E  10 days Maju
Gran Guerrero  10 days TeKs
hidy  10 days my little ponys
Humidity  10 days TeKs
Iluminate  10 days Defect, Maju
Jizzron Phillips  10 days TeKs
Joyce  10 days my little ponys
Luvstruck  10 days my little ponys
M-Train  10 days my little ponys
Machiav3lli  10 days my little ponys
Mad Hops.  10 days my little ponys
Madsouljah  10 days my little ponys
ManuGinobili  10 days my little ponys
Maryjuana  10 days TeKs
Megamix  10 days Maju
Monkey Monster  10 days my little ponys, Arcade
mp3 player  10 days my little ponys
nable  10 days TeKs
Nekromantix  10 days Maju
Oen Izan  10 days TeKs
ProMize  10 days 6 squads
redsaq  10 days TeKs
RiiStar  10 days TeKs
Scappy  10 days my little ponys
Shrieker  10 days my little ponys
slickman  10 days GiantTiger
Soup du Jour  10 days TeKs
Staff  10 days my little ponys
Strixe  10 days Maju
Surface Tension  10 days Maju
Surpassed  10 days TeKs
tD.  10 days TeKs
the big wang  10 days my little ponys
TheWadoRooster  10 days TeKs
toronto  10 days Lightning Strike
Troupe  10 days Maju
urmsghere.  10 days GiantTiger, -Vanguard-
volable  10 days Arcade, Hypoxia
wait what  10 days 4 squads
Zeeky  10 days Arcade, Hypoxia
Alayna  9 days my little ponys
Azn-Gurl  9 days Seismic
Azzkikr  9 days A TWD TRAINIE
Bo0!  9 days Arcade, Demean
ExcaliburX2O  9 days Maju, Exposing
kudamono  9 days Arcade, Demean
Penguin!  9 days GiantTiger
Ravisher  9 days Maju
Sexlord  9 days GiantTiger
Termites  9 days my little ponys
Alaskan Thunder  8 days -Vanguard-
All Eyez On Me  8 days 4 squads
Beltan  8 days GiantTiger
Broadband  8 days Seismic
CecilGuy  8 days -FAT-
Chuckle  8 days Lightning Strike
Dean Ambrose  8 days Lightning Strike
Executed  8 days Lightning Strike
Festival  8 days Third Wish, Maju
Headset  8 days GiantTiger
I*maGirl  8 days -Vanguard-, GiantTiger
Intersect  8 days Arcade, We MoB
jube  8 days Arcade, .DragonS.
Pawn  8 days my little ponys
PERiSH  8 days Poison
Prince of Darkness  8 days TeKs
SEAL  8 days Poison, SeniorZ
Skynet.  8 days Seismic
Spair Keys  8 days Poison, SeniorZ
Stultus <ZH>  8 days TeKs
Syntrax  8 days Seismic
The Executionator!  8 days Arcade, We MoB
twjd  8 days Poison, SeniorZ
Veritas Italiana  8 days GiantTiger
Wanksta  8 days We MoB, Maju
Aerian  7 days Arcade
Azn. Inc.  7 days Arcade
Blush  7 days Arcade
chi-town  7 days Poison, SeniorZ
ConTaineD  7 days my little ponys
Damonen  7 days my little ponys, Doctrine
froboy  7 days Poison
Genis  7 days GiantTiger
kaevur  7 days GiantTiger
KillDaWabbit  7 days GiantTiger
NightCalibur  7 days Arcade
nopcode  7 days Seismic
PlayBoy Terr.  7 days Poison, SeniorZ
shortman148  7 days GiantTiger
ShotDown  7 days Arcade
Sir Chrono  7 days Arcade
SPIKE*  7 days Maju
Tha Avanger  7 days my little ponys
Tonight  7 days Seismic
Trashy  7 days Doctrine, Maju
TrickDaddy-  7 days GiantTiger
Urges  7 days Maju
Usoi  7 days Arcade
xadrol  7 days Seismic
ajaxee  6 days Poison, Ravin
aZn_sNipEr  6 days Poison
BooBiesYAY  6 days GiantTiger
Bware  6 days Arcade
ChefC  6 days my little ponys
CrAzEd JoKeR  6 days Seismic
Dadaking  6 days Maju
El|T3^SH0t__  6 days GiantTiger
EM2  6 days GiantTiger, Third Wish
Gianna  6 days GiantTiger
Haruko Haruhara  6 days 4 squads
I <3 Jav  6 days A TWD TRAINIE
Joystick  6 days Poison
krunky  6 days Arcade
Lance  6 days Maju
Lethargy  6 days my little ponys
Nightmare-  6 days 4 squads
No Time To Be Nice  6 days Theism, Demean
Oi PRETOS  6 days Arcade
Original Butter  6 days GiantTiger
Papaleguas  6 days GiantTiger
s4j3n <ZH>  6 days SeniorZ, Poison
Senoir  6 days Poison, SeniorZ
smokes bowls  6 days Lightning Strike
Solo  6 days Maju
spacefighter  6 days TW_KILLAHS, Deadly force
Spoiled  6 days Maju
Upc  6 days -Vanguard-
Valholy  6 days my little ponys
Viet_sNipEr  6 days -FAT-, ~Tempest~
WG)SolarBurn  6 days Seismic
xBOYLEx  6 days -FAT-
2 Pac  5 days -Vanguard-
anope  5 days We MoB, Deadly force, Hypoxia
Basic  5 days Laser
bmx-er  5 days Ampere
BrokenFist  5 days Poison
Calvary  5 days Deadly force, We MoB
Compulsive  5 days Ampere
cRaZyFuK  5 days Sickmode
Crissy  5 days Lightning Strike
Crusade  5 days Ampere
DadaKing2  5 days 4 squads
Dewpoint  5 days my little ponys
District  5 days Laser
Dre  5 days Laser, Maju
driphter  5 days Seismic
Ektanar  5 days Sickmode
Emery  5 days Sickmode
Flew  5 days Laser, Lightning Strike
garfield  5 days Ampere
General Commender  5 days Ampere
Hardcore  5 days Laser
Heroin Bob  5 days my little ponys
hot pocket  5 days Demean, We MoB
Huxley  5 days Sickmode
Jessup  5 days Seismic
johnc3na  5 days Sickmode
Jolson  5 days Sickmode
jontski  5 days Ampere
K2Grey  5 days Poison
Kirikou  5 days Maju
KocKy  5 days Ampere
KratosBlade  5 days Sickmode
Light Saber  5 days TW_KILLAHS, Exposing, Hypoxia
Logain  5 days A TWD TRAINIE
Lord Envy  5 days Hypoxia, We MoB
M1ke Hunt  5 days Sickmode
Manipulate  5 days Ampere
Mastermind7  5 days Poison
Mr. Pyro  5 days Seismic
Myztic  5 days Ampere
nave253  5 days BoZ, Seismic
New Order  5 days GiantTiger
nOOB mODS  5 days Arcade
Phenostyrix  5 days Ampere
pices  5 days SeniorZ, Poison
playboy350  5 days Demean, Hypoxia
Poly.  5 days Sickmode
ROAR!!  5 days Ampere
RockyIV  5 days Sickmode
santa cruiser  5 days Seismic
Side Effects  5 days Sickmode
snoop  5 days Laser
Spirit  5 days Sickmode
Steve  5 days Laser
Sticki  5 days Maju
sweet cakes  5 days Poison
Trash~  5 days Seismic
TreMack187  5 days Poison, Ravin
Unorthadox  5 days Maju
V.D.  5 days Sickmode
vaped  5 days Sickmode
VoidBlood  5 days Sickmode
Wash Basin  5 days Ampere
Whir  5 days Seismic
Zagstruk  5 days Seismic
Zalor  5 days TW_KILLAHS, .DragonS.
99 Civic Si  4 days Vanilla Skies, TW_KILLAHS
9th Wonder  4 days Contenders
a pet bubble  4 days Myth
a Poisonous Walrus  4 days Myth
Aboe  4 days Contenders
Airship  4 days GiantTiger
anml  4 days GiantTiger
Atomic Mass  4 days Contenders
Atone  4 days Lightning Strike
Attentions  4 days Arcade
Axial  4 days GiantTiger
bahbul  4 days Seismic
BananaPie  4 days GiantTiger
BaroN  4 days Contenders
blackfish  4 days GiantTiger
board  4 days Lightning Strike
bobinson9  4 days GiantTiger
Broken Heart Girl  4 days GiantTiger
Buju Banton  4 days GiantTiger
Buns  4 days GiantTiger
CaLiBuR_  4 days GiantTiger
CarbonI  4 days Contenders
CCM  4 days GiantTiger
Chai Vang  4 days A TWD TRAINIE
chokeberry  4 days GiantTiger
co-D  4 days GiantTiger
CodeK  4 days Contenders
Colossos  4 days Maju, Doctrine
coogs  4 days TeKs
Corea  4 days GiantTiger
CraM iT!!  4 days GiantTiger
Crazy Asha'man  4 days BoZ
Dai Shan  4 days BoZ
Dark-Master  4 days Ampere, Ravin
dfriar  4 days GiantTiger
Diphylla  4 days GiantTiger
DR0P D34D  4 days GiantTiger
Drink  4 days Contenders
drkwolf  4 days GiantTiger
Dsad  4 days BoZ
Earthling  4 days TW_KILLAHS
Elanor  4 days BoZ
Ex0tiC  4 days BoZ
Exalt  4 days Lightning Strike
Exhibitionist  4 days Maju
Exterminator789  4 days GiantTiger
F a l l e n  4 days GiantTiger
Felon  4 days Contenders
Giraph  4 days Seismic
GoateeGuy  4 days GiantTiger
GothPirateGirl  4 days GiantTiger
gottekillya  4 days GiantTiger
Ground___Zero  4 days BoZ
HALU  4 days my little ponys
his master  4 days GiantTiger
hungery  4 days 4 squads
IDK  4 days Myth
Jake Logan  4 days GiantTiger
Jessie__  4 days GiantTiger
JP Balkenende  4 days GiantTiger
Kare  4 days Myth
KiaBoo  4 days ~Tempest~
Kira_Yamato~  4 days Contenders, Doctrine
KoZ  4 days Third Wish, Contenders
Kthx  4 days Defect
Kwick Kill  4 days GiantTiger
l-.^]  4 days Contenders
Laserman  4 days GiantTiger
LILwade  4 days Contenders
LoC_DoG  4 days Contenders
Logoff  4 days Myth
Lucky_Charms  4 days GiantTiger
Lukester  4 days GiantTiger
mandy=]  4 days GiantTiger
Mange  4 days Sickmode
Marlbury  4 days Contenders
Mendigo  4 days GiantTiger
MetallicA ^^  4 days A TWD TRAINIE
Michael Kelso  4 days GiantTiger
mimpula  4 days GiantTiger
MLL  4 days Contenders, Third Wish
Mopey  4 days Myth
Mousy  4 days Seismic
Neck Hair  4 days GiantTiger
Newb_jav  4 days Contenders
Nicobobanus  4 days GiantTiger
NTM101  4 days GiantTiger
Nublet  4 days Contenders
Nyamo  4 days Myth
Obnonxious  4 days Arcade
Orinius  4 days BoZ
Peej0e  4 days Contenders
PerfectCircle  4 days Contenders
Ptolemy  4 days Contenders
Puppet Master  4 days Contenders
Rapids  4 days my little ponys
Rasaq  4 days -Vanguard-
Red Fire  4 days Contenders
RednaZ  4 days BoZ
ReEnforce  4 days GiantTiger
Ribbit!  4 days 4 squads
Riveted  4 days Deadly force, Hypoxia, We MoB
Roman Candle  4 days Maju
sexy wooden spoon  4 days BoZ
SharpieHigh  4 days GiantTiger
Singularity  4 days BoZ
Sistinas  4 days BoZ
SKYFE  4 days Contenders
Slo Mo  4 days Arcade
Smack Daddy..  4 days GiantTiger
soupero  4 days A TWD TRAINIE, MasterBall
spin!!!  4 days Doctrine, my little ponys
Syang  4 days BoZ
syonara  4 days GiantTiger
thanG  4 days Myth
Thrice_  4 days GiantTiger
Time 2 Die!  4 days 4 squads
Tribal  4 days Myth
Vienna  4 days Contenders
Whacky  4 days GiantTiger
whispus  4 days Myth
X Rated  4 days Contenders
xvincentx tha bomb  4 days GiantTiger
zazerick  4 days Contenders
2xMouse!  3 days Hypoxia
A Z N  3 days Hypoxia
Advent Cloud  3 days A TWD TRAINIE
Alabama  3 days -FAT-
Alleykat  3 days Hypoxia
Apollonius  3 days We MoB
aprox  3 days GiantTiger, -Vanguard-
Ascention  3 days Hypoxia
AvO  3 days Maju
Awsome  3 days Myth
B i K E  3 days Poison
Bad-Boy  3 days X-Terror, We MoB
badboy_oj  3 days We MoB
Base Elim  3 days SeniorZ, Poison
baZooca  3 days Ampere
Celtic.  3 days Hypoxia
Chester Cat  3 days Hypoxia
ckpoon  3 days SeniorZ, Poison
cMurder  3 days We MoB
Coltz45  3 days Seismic
Cumin  3 days Deadly force
Darth_Balls412  3 days GiantTiger
Deadbird  3 days Seismic
deadly-savior  3 days We MoB, Deadly force
Decieve  3 days Poison
Delik  3 days GiantTiger
Demizon  3 days Contenders
Die42  3 days Hypoxia
Dolohov  3 days TW_KILLAHS
Doused  3 days We MoB
edinhu  3 days GiantTiger
ElectricEclipse  3 days Hypoxia
ENSV  3 days Hypoxia, Arcade
Exile 187  3 days We MoB
Fadark.exe  3 days Seismic
fayne  3 days Deadly force
For Real  3 days GiantTiger
Formina  3 days Hypoxia
Frozeal  3 days TW_KILLAHS
holydog2  3 days Hypoxia
hyposifa  3 days Ampere
jabbar23  3 days Deadly force
jesska  3 days Contenders
Jimmy Jazz  3 days Hypoxia
Jing!!  3 days Demean, Theism
kliklos  3 days GiantTiger
Kyle G  3 days Defect
Lae Wisserae  3 days TW_KILLAHS
lag_by_nature  3 days Deadly force, We MoB
Laws  3 days GiantTiger
LegalDueL  3 days Hypoxia
Lucy In The Sky  3 days Hypoxia
Melable  3 days -FAT-
Mesmerized  3 days Hypoxia
mikeward25  3 days Hypoxia
MiXeR  3 days GiantTiger
Mr. Warbird  3 days Seismic
MrPopo  3 days GiantTiger
Mu$tard  3 days Hypoxia
MuteApollo  3 days GiantTiger
nah  3 days Lightning Strike
NeonSRT4  3 days Deadly force, .DragonS.
Nitroz  3 days Deadly force
Nordaelis Von Strae  3 days TW_KILLAHS
Oblivian  3 days Arcade, Hypoxia
Oxy  3 days Deadly force
PhizEy  3 days A TWD TRAINIE
Pho3nix  3 days Hypoxia
Pierce  3 days Laser
Plazmas  3 days Hypoxia
Pointed  3 days Hypoxia, Deadly force
Poison Leader  3 days Poison
poopie head  3 days Deadly force
PowerMan 5000  3 days Hypoxia
psychatog  3 days Ampere
raper-  3 days A TWD TRAINIE
Rassly  3 days Third Wish, GiantTiger
Rensie  3 days GiantTiger
Sabotace  3 days Hypoxia
Scamp  3 days Seismic
secca  3 days Maju
ShadowStrider  3 days GiantTiger
shanker  3 days Deadly force
Sharper Shooter  3 days TW_KILLAHS, Demean
Sodom  3 days Poison
Soild killer  3 days We MoB, Deadly force
Spacely  3 days Hypoxia, Demean
spitfire#12  3 days Seismic
Sudden Desire  3 days Hypoxia
Sux!  3 days Deadly force
TeReKBxPelotudo  3 days GiantTiger
The Wild Bean  3 days Hypoxia
Thetawaves  3 days Deadly force
torper  3 days GiantTiger
TRICKE  3 days Maju
tupla i  3 days MasterBall, Hypoxia
Upon  3 days Laser
Valor^  3 days We MoB
Walkurja  3 days Deadly force
Waswat  3 days Contenders
will777  3 days GiantTiger
xboogiex  3 days GiantTiger
Zhou Tai Soldier  3 days Deadly force, We MoB
Accord  2 days -FAT-
AnewBnotC  2 days my little ponys
Ascian  2 days Sickmode
AviramDJ  2 days Demean, Exposing
Azn Luck  2 days Demean
Best_Sniper  2 days Ampere
BlackLava  2 days Arcade
Bliss87  2 days Poison
Boze  2 days Poison
Celestial Silver  2 days Demean
Childhood  2 days Contenders
Cloth  2 days Defect
Comity  2 days We MoB
Convergent  2 days my little ponys
Cross Road  2 days Demean
Cross.  2 days Seismic
cum shot  2 days ~Tempest~
Dark Echelon  2 days Offguard, Ravin
Dew  2 days Hypoxia, Exposing
Done  2 days Defect
DONKEY PUNCHER!  2 days Hypoxia
Eased>  2 days Maju
easEZ  2 days -Vanguard-
Ekko  2 days Myth, Offguard
endorphin  2 days Seismic
Errors  2 days Maju
Extinct  2 days We MoB
Flamebird  2 days TW_KILLAHS
free vegetables  2 days Hypoxia
Gaia  2 days Myth
gers  2 days We MoB, Doctrine
Gooogle  2 days We MoB
gringoloco  2 days Deadly force
Heisman  2 days Sickmode
Hexen  2 days Poison
Hypothermia  2 days Deadly force
I=V/R  2 days Ampere
Ice Storm  2 days Defect
Ice_Weasel  2 days Ravin, Offguard
Injen.  2 days We MoB
int3rvers  2 days Demean
ipwnunoob  2 days Arcade
Jakester209  2 days -FAT-
Jamie  2 days Poison
Kalreborn  2 days Demean
Kolbi  2 days Theism
komb  2 days ~Tempest~
Lagua  2 days Ampere
Limit  2 days Poison
Little Wing  2 days Maju
Locket  2 days Maju, Defect
LT-Snapis  2 days Demean
Luminary  2 days Maju
Mention  2 days SeniorZ, Poison
Modeled  2 days Deadly force, We MoB
Mulciber  2 days Demean
my lil pony  2 days my little ponys
Myraid  2 days Poison
Nazerik  2 days TW_KILLAHS
Nidhogg  2 days Demean
No1Special  2 days Demean
osklen  2 days Maju
P L A Y  2 days Poison
purty  2 days Demean, my little ponys
R0cky Balb0a  2 days Deadly force
Radar  2 days Laser
rainboy 123  2 days GiantTiger
Rapt0r  2 days TW_KILLAHS, .DragonS., We MoB
Renji  2 days Arcade, Maju
Respire  2 days Maju
s o d a p o p  2 days We MoB, Deadly force
Sakhan  2 days Poison
Sefarius  2 days Offguard, -FAT-
Sire  2 days -Vanguard-, Myth
Skyline6  2 days Deadly force, .DragonS.
Skynyrd  2 days Contenders
Smokebudz420  2 days Poison
Snake Skin  2 days Hypoxia, Demean
SnallTrippin  2 days Maju
sonlox  2 days Maju
Starflam  2 days -FAT-
Star_Fox_Squad  2 days GiantTiger
Swift Warrior  2 days Seismic
Thizzle  2 days A TWD TRAINIE
Ties  2 days A TWD TRAINIE
Torch.  2 days Theism
True Arrow  2 days GiantTiger
Tsugaru_Warrior  2 days Demean
Whispus <ZH>  2 days Defect
Worst_Noobie_Ever  2 days A TWD TRAINIE
Y&D  2 days Maju
133mhz  1 days Poison
A Laggot  1 days Ravin
Absynth  1 days ~Tempest~
Aeson  1 days Noob
Another  1 days Seismic
Antitype  1 days TW_KILLAHS, .DragonS.
Apollo Sash  1 days Hypoxia
Asmo.Db  1 days .DragonS.
BeefBurger  1 days Seismic
Bizness  1 days .DragonS.
Black Op  1 days Ampere
Blag4000  1 days .DragonS.
Blue Thunder  1 days Seismic
British Columbian  1 days .DragonS.
Burger666  1 days GiantTiger
C0MA  1 days We MoB
Champ4  1 days TeKs
Cheetor  1 days -Vanguard-
Cosmocowboy  1 days .DragonS.
DakotaKing  1 days .DragonS.
Deadly Killer  1 days X-Terror
Demean  1 days Demean
DeMoNic$  1 days .DragonS.
die hard  1 days 4 squads
district seven  1 days my little ponys, Vanilla Skies
Dita  1 days Contenders
Dominatorious  1 days Seismic
Doubtful  1 days my little ponys
DreadPirate  1 days Wings of Eldruw, We MoB
efeatay  1 days .DragonS.
EvilGun  1 days .DragonS.
Evin  1 days Noob
Ex_Con  1 days Shang
F9  1 days GiantTiger
Fart Kisser  1 days Hypoxia
fate  1 days Noob
For Justice  1 days Seismic, Poison
Forces  1 days Seismic
FrostKnight  1 days -Vanguard-
fudgehatcher  1 days .DragonS.
Gaist  1 days my little ponys
Gamblur  1 days Hypoxia
gerry  1 days Seismic
ghostie2002  1 days .DragonS.
GiRl scoutS  1 days TW_KILLAHS
Girl wida Gun  1 days We MoB
Godzero  1 days Lightning Strike
Goku SSJ4  1 days TW_KILLAHS
Guardians  1 days Contenders
Hardest  1 days We MoB
Harmonizzle  1 days GiantTiger
Hi ^^  1 days Exposing, A TWD TRAINIE
Hyeena  1 days Contenders
idkmyname  1 days .DragonS.
iHigh  1 days Deadly force, .DragonS.
IKM  1 days my little ponys
illiterate  1 days Shang
Ingeniouz  1 days Seismic, BoZ
Insulter  1 days GiantTiger
Jokerd3  1 days Noob
kazama  1 days Noob
Killah.  1 days my little ponys
Killer Soldier  1 days Seismic
kreaper  1 days Defect
lardy-dardy  1 days TW_KILLAHS
Leatherface  1 days .DragonS.
leftovers  1 days Myth
Legowelt  1 days Contenders
LeZz  1 days .DragonS.
lilpenguin Z  1 days We MoB
Lord Xzibit  1 days .DragonS.
Lyst  1 days We MoB
lz  1 days GiantTiger
Malichi  1 days Noob
Margrave Khendon  1 days Hypoxia
masregg  1 days .DragonS.
misionarie  1 days Demean
Monterey  1 days We MoB
MoonAura  1 days Deadly force
Newbonix  1 days Shang
noizy  1 days .DragonS.
Omni-Master  1 days Deadly force
On Target  1 days .DragonS.
Part Failure  1 days Poison
PLATINUM  1 days Maju
Playaboy85  1 days .DragonS.
Proximate  1 days Maju
Pulsage  1 days Maju
puosur  1 days .DragonS.
R.0.D  1 days Arcade, Demean
Reavor  1 days Offguard
Reihyou  1 days -FAT-
rma88  1 days .DragonS.
RockyV  1 days Sickmode
saber  1 days We MoB, Exposing
Safin  1 days .DragonS.
sand?_spiker!  1 days .DragonS., Wings of Eldruw
Savageee  1 days Seismic
Seleen  1 days Poison
Shainva  1 days Maju
SharkLight  1 days .DragonS.
Shep  1 days .DragonS.
Shockers  1 days my little ponys
Shonar Mutiny  1 days Seismic
sleepy-obscure  1 days .DragonS.
slum  1 days Noob
Soliders  1 days Seismic
Soul Reaper  1 days GiantTiger
Soze  1 days BoZ, Seismic
splatz  1 days Shang
Streetcar  1 days Demean
sucubus  1 days GiantTiger
super saiyen gohan  1 days Seismic
Super_Bullet_3754  1 days .DragonS.
Supreme Authority  1 days A TWD TRAINIE
tamed  1 days Demean
TheDude  1 days .DragonS.
Thorkell  1 days Maju
ToFu?  1 days GiantTiger
Torspo  1 days .DragonS.
Unagroper  1 days .DragonS.
Varec  1 days Noob
Venom Spit  1 days Demean
VFX  1 days ~Tempest~
Volkihar  1 days Lightning Strike
Vulk  1 days Seismic
War God  1 days Demean
Waterbird  1 days Demean
Zax  1 days Lightning Strike