
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads RareSurvivors   HolyCult   [A]ngels   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (10)
RareSurvivors (Feb 21, 2005 - Apr 12, 2005)
HolyCult (Oct 31, 2004 - Nov 06, 2004)
[A]ngels (Oct 19, 2004 - Oct 31, 2004)
JiaJou (Oct 13, 2004 - Oct 18, 2004)
Ebourne (Sep 27, 2004 - Oct 13, 2004)
-Target- (Sep 26, 2004 - Sep 27, 2004)
Xerotek (Aug 13, 2004 - Aug 18, 2004)
Lightning Strike (Aug 12, 2004 - Aug 12, 2004)
Xerotek (Aug 11, 2004 - Aug 12, 2004)
Xerotek (Aug 05, 2004 - Aug 09, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (103)
tomcraft13  50 days RareSurvivors
Silent_Questor  33 days RareSurvivors
firestorm_99  31 days RareSurvivors
I HATE REPORTERS!!!  23 days RareSurvivors
WJF  16 days Ebourne, -Target-
Verid Dei'Muran  15 days Ebourne
MAGS!  14 days Xerotek, HolyCult
Bardicer  12 days Xerotek, HolyCult
nakano  12 days [A]ngels
Red Fang  12 days [A]ngels
Daniel8484  11 days [A]ngels
Dierienow  11 days [A]ngels
FateDenied  11 days [A]ngels
Iam  11 days [A]ngels
Flaming Shadow  9 days Ebourne
4Jacks  8 days Xerotek
Alarmed Bread  8 days Xerotek
Apok  8 days Xerotek
Da GOAT  8 days Xerotek
FurioFuhrer  8 days Xerotek
Gomi  8 days Xerotek
hobo075  8 days Xerotek
Joy of Villany  8 days Xerotek
Kento  8 days Xerotek
Lotari  8 days Xerotek
Mihey  8 days Xerotek
Mutha-Tucka  8 days Xerotek
Prime Minister  8 days Xerotek
Reception158  8 days Xerotek
Simple Mistake  8 days Xerotek
spiker!!  8 days Xerotek
Riketsu  7 days Xerotek
AznBabiGurl  6 days Xerotek
Borgir  6 days Xerotek
Grind 7<ing  6 days HolyCult
Neoroth  6 days HolyCult
Prince of Darkness  6 days HolyCult
Ripp  6 days Xerotek
rochemj  6 days HolyCult
I-I/\\I\\II)  5 days HolyCult
Koio  5 days HolyCult
liran2003  5 days JiaJou
NotkeaRotta-  5 days JiaJou
Primax  5 days HolyCult
Vengence_df1  5 days HolyCult
yourdoom  5 days HolyCult
Absurdity  4 days HolyCult
alpa?!  4 days Xerotek
bahbul  4 days Xerotek
DaRk TuRmOiL  4 days Xerotek
Deja Vu...  4 days Xerotek
Dragon of Darkness  4 days HolyCult
eggzeck  4 days RareSurvivors
EnTiCeR  4 days HolyCult
FoCuSeD  4 days HolyCult
Gran Guerrero  4 days Xerotek
king blunt  4 days Xerotek
Palaemon.  4 days Xerotek
Perunalinko  4 days JiaJou, Xerotek
Pokemon 2001  4 days Xerotek
Pot Smoker!!!  4 days Xerotek
Savant  4 days Xerotek
Shawa  4 days Lightning Strike, Xerotek
sleeper.  4 days Xerotek
Slyker  4 days Xerotek
Tr1$t@n  4 days Xerotek
Turd_Ferguson  4 days Xerotek
Viet_Pryde  4 days Xerotek, HolyCult
X_Warrior  4 days Xerotek
champ5  3 days HolyCult
Dead_End  3 days Xerotek
JockMan  3 days JiaJou, Lightning Strike
krane  3 days Xerotek
reinhardt  3 days HolyCult
reizvolle  3 days Ebourne
VnV-Nation  3 days HolyCult
bubbles19518  2 days JiaJou
GothPirateGirl  2 days HolyCult
Hindustan  2 days RareSurvivors
kevstar86  2 days HolyCult
Mescalitos  2 days HolyCult
Poison Gas  2 days Xerotek
Rumpnisse  2 days Xerotek
the Sperminator 2  2 days [A]ngels, Lightning Strike, JiaJou
xXxFiremothxXx  2 days Xerotek
B-Hind  1 days -Target-
BpEcT  1 days Xerotek
cipher_burn  1 days HolyCult
FallenGod0fRock  1 days Ebourne
Hatake Kakashi  1 days HolyCult
J-S_Giguere_35  1 days HolyCult
juha matti  1 days Ebourne
Killa_Paul  1 days -Target-
Moor  1 days -Target-
MTC  1 days Xerotek
Offline  1 days HolyCult
ORiGiNaL-SiN  1 days -Target-
P0W3RS  1 days -Target-
patricks  1 days -Target-, Lightning Strike
Sarutobi  1 days HolyCult
Suicide Girls  1 days HolyCult
Surface Tension  1 days -Target-
Unit 7538  1 days HolyCult