
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Asevoimat   -Black Squadron-   Solstice   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (26)
Asevoimat (Apr 30, 2005 - Apr 30, 2005)
-Black Squadron- (Nov 11, 2003 - Dec 13, 2003)
Solstice (Oct 30, 2003 - Nov 02, 2003)
Krilos (Oct 24, 2003 - Oct 26, 2003)
Krilos (Oct 23, 2003 - Oct 24, 2003)
Repelled (Oct 19, 2003 - Oct 23, 2003)
Warpath (Oct 06, 2003 - Oct 19, 2003)
AseVoimat (Oct 04, 2003 - Oct 06, 2003)
Ardour (Oct 02, 2003 - Oct 04, 2003)
Golden Gun (Sep 26, 2003 - Sep 30, 2003)
Ages (Sep 15, 2003 - Sep 26, 2003)
Ages (Sep 07, 2003 - Sep 10, 2003)
AseVoimat (Sep 05, 2003 - Sep 07, 2003)
Ages (Aug 30, 2003 - Sep 05, 2003)
AseVoimat (Aug 29, 2003 - Aug 30, 2003)
Warpath (Aug 21, 2003 - Aug 29, 2003)
Ampere- (Aug 15, 2003 - Aug 17, 2003)
KillerTiger (Aug 13, 2003 - Aug 15, 2003)
Warpath (Jul 11, 2003 - Aug 10, 2003)
AseVoimat (Jun 26, 2003 - Jul 11, 2003)
Warpath (May 24, 2003 - Jun 26, 2003)
AseVoimat (May 19, 2003 - May 24, 2003)
*FIA* (Apr 21, 2003 - May 15, 2003)
Traction (Apr 08, 2003 - Apr 21, 2003)
The Barbershop (Apr 06, 2003 - Apr 08, 2003)
WhitesPower (Apr 06, 2003 - Apr 06, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (354)
FireOut  80 days Warpath
flying duck  80 days Warpath
Hellborn  80 days Warpath
kickspace  80 days Warpath
Maken  80 days Warpath
Milenko><  80 days Warpath
slow&deadly  80 days Warpath
StackOverflow  80 days Warpath
TaiN  80 days Warpath
third-eye  80 days Warpath
Tiberian Twilight  69 days Warpath
Beached Whale  68 days Warpath
Edify  68 days Warpath
Undefied  68 days Warpath
M I R A C L E  67 days Warpath
Elyasis  57 days Warpath
Touflo  57 days Warpath, Ampere-
Zecax  48 days Ages, Warpath
SubRymd  45 days Warpath
Fatal|ty  42 days Warpath
dark student  40 days Warpath
barracuda_51  39 days Warpath
brocky2727  37 days Warpath
Taking Back Sunday+  36 days Warpath
Elken  34 days Warpath
Nizmo  33 days Warpath
VaSt!  32 days Warpath
whispus  32 days Warpath
Ekips  31 days -Black Squadron-
8===D  30 days Warpath
Florish~Dragon  30 days Warpath
You_are_dead  30 days AseVoimat, Ages
Pordeon  29 days Warpath
Holocast  28 days Warpath
Rick Angel of Love  26 days Warpath
LumoColor  25 days Warpath
SolidusSnake  25 days -Black Squadron-
Dur-Nominator  23 days AseVoimat
KaAoSJuMaLa  23 days Asevoimat
Roope  23 days AseVoimat
Tyyppi  23 days AseVoimat
Apollo--13  22 days AseVoimat, Ages
HorrorOfTheEnd  22 days AseVoimat
LeijonanSydan  22 days AseVoimat
Diamond~  21 days Warpath
Erkkuprkl  21 days AseVoimat
Falchion B  21 days AseVoimat
KaAoSAnKkA  21 days AseVoimat
kibta  21 days Ages, Repelled
Singularity  21 days Ages, Repelled
skull wizard  21 days Warpath
timQ  21 days Repelled, Ages
Zpi  21 days Warpath
Du Hast  20 days -Black Squadron-
Molson24nosloM  20 days Warpath
Olion  20 days Warpath
Piong  20 days AseVoimat
ransuprkl  20 days AseVoimat
Rioux  20 days Warpath
3.1415  19 days Warpath
A Sniper  19 days Warpath
Daadaa  19 days AseVoimat
aleksei13  18 days AseVoimat
Dragon of Earth  18 days Warpath
Dzy Labram  18 days Warpath
Fluw  18 days Ages
ReVolution23  18 days Ages
Root Down  18 days Warpath
Sealn op.  18 days AseVoimat
Sni(+)per  18 days Ages
Tripledragon  18 days AseVoimat
zoom-sniper  18 days AseVoimat
AgentOO6  17 days Warpath
Electronic  17 days Ages, Ampere-
Plagues  17 days Ages, Repelled
SeiferDude  17 days Ages
Toxie  17 days Ages
Diggily Jack  16 days AseVoimat
Dr@gonFly  16 days AseVoimat
Elbryan  16 days Ages
hanuro  16 days AseVoimat
hillottaja  16 days AseVoimat
Icealicy  16 days Warpath
Knuutikeko  16 days Ages
Pallero  16 days AseVoimat
Raz0r BlaDe  16 days AseVoimat
surmaajat  16 days AseVoimat
Equality  15 days Warpath
Final-Fighter  15 days AseVoimat
Golsa  15 days AseVoimat
K I R O U S  15 days AseVoimat
KaAoS VaLlU  15 days AseVoimat
puska  15 days AseVoimat
star of sun  15 days Ages
The Chosen One  15 days AseVoimat
Wyndon  15 days AseVoimat
Coltz45  14 days Warpath
ritaatti  14 days AseVoimat
seinte  14 days Ages
Erkki the tiger  13 days AseVoimat
pachacco  13 days Warpath
PAL22v10  13 days Warpath
B4K4^2  12 days Warpath
bAbY ak50. LaDiEs M  12 days Traction
BoBo  12 days Traction
Brabus  12 days Warpath
Da Hui  12 days Traction
Dorian  12 days Traction
Hiroyuki Sato  12 days Traction
ice_1  12 days Traction
JB traction  12 days Traction
JesusHatesYou  12 days Warpath
mindgame  12 days Traction
nemiseph  12 days Warpath
Omega14  12 days Traction
Repped  12 days Ages
Riox  12 days Warpath
Sapphire Opposition  12 days Traction
Silver~Dragon  12 days Traction
sLyM&ReDD  12 days Warpath
Uluwuluzulubulu  12 days Traction
USS Nomad  12 days Traction
Vicodin718  12 days Traction
Vuokko  12 days AseVoimat
Foscar Rommyu  11 days -Black Squadron-, Krilos
Orimattilanjymy  11 days AseVoimat, KillerTiger, *FIA*
Zack Allen  11 days Warpath
asmodai!  10 days Ages
Coztain  10 days Ages
Gangear  10 days AseVoimat
huffy  10 days Ages
Sokrates  10 days Ages
Supreme Authority  10 days -Black Squadron-
Art Traction  9 days Traction
Desist  9 days Warpath
Killerbee2  9 days -Black Squadron-
Lord_MAF  9 days Traction
MaTT'  9 days Warpath
Mausoleum  9 days Traction
The Lengendary Fart  9 days Traction
Crash~  8 days Ages
Dfect  8 days Ages
Flowen  8 days -Black Squadron-
James Bondi  8 days AseVoimat
Jorp  8 days Traction
MeteXXX  8 days *FIA*
Mr.Arrogant 2  8 days Warpath
X-Caliba  8 days Warpath
3lectric  7 days -Black Squadron-
Chivato  7 days Warpath
Kyle G  7 days Warpath, The Barbershop
M.A. Numminen  7 days AseVoimat
Rikunaattori  7 days AseVoimat
Syang  7 days Ages
acidMOUSE  6 days Warpath
Artas  6 days Warpath
Donald-Duck  6 days AseVoimat
lil kil  6 days -Black Squadron-
Rabbit-The-Sucker  6 days AseVoimat
Shiat Hz  6 days Traction
Sninald  6 days Warpath
Spriggan  6 days Ages
Zamurachi  6 days AseVoimat
Dark-Master  5 days Traction, Warpath
Lanickk  5 days Warpath
Zkt  5 days Traction
1+1=3 dummy  4 days AseVoimat, Warpath
2strong4ever  4 days AseVoimat
Divinity of Flames  4 days Ages
Exsalent  4 days AseVoimat
freak_of_nature  4 days Warpath
gr8 Ballz of Fire  4 days Traction
hckydude91  4 days Golden Gun, Solstice
idontcare19  4 days -Black Squadron-
JoHtAjA  4 days AseVoimat
KillerPenguin  4 days -Black Squadron-
Master BUB  4 days Ardour, Golden Gun
Viet_sNipEr  4 days Golden Gun
Xseth  4 days Warpath
BrainI)eaI)  3 days Repelled, Warpath
ByteChaser  3 days AseVoimat
Chronotrigga  3 days Solstice
Commotion  3 days Solstice
Cruis0  3 days AseVoimat
Damnifier  3 days Solstice
dj promo  3 days Solstice
E-J  3 days AseVoimat
Elfquest  3 days Solstice
FireFlash2K  3 days Solstice
Flames of Death  3 days Traction
FSTemplar  3 days Solstice
Heavenly  3 days Solstice
HoldTheOnions  3 days Repelled
Independence  3 days Warpath
Jeesus-Kristus  3 days AseVoimat
Justin Cest  3 days Warpath
Kaaskorst  3 days Repelled
kelopaa  3 days AseVoimat
keppokakka  3 days AseVoimat
Killermech  3 days Solstice
Leads  3 days Solstice
Literally  3 days Solstice
lokkip  3 days AseVoimat
Merty  3 days AseVoimat
Pelle Peloton!  3 days AseVoimat
PeteAce  3 days AseVoimat
Poo-Kapuchin  3 days Solstice
Reno.  3 days Solstice
sauer  3 days AseVoimat
Savageee  3 days Traction
Sirius.  3 days Solstice
Sothis  3 days Solstice
splatz  3 days Solstice
Starbeam  3 days Solstice
str8 thuggin  3 days Golden Gun
sub-marine  3 days Ages
The Sith  3 days AseVoimat
Tigers  3 days Solstice
Trash  3 days Solstice
Tuskakuolema  3 days AseVoimat
wishy16  3 days Golden Gun
zero_GG  3 days Repelled
a r t z i  2 days AseVoimat
Agnium  2 days Ages
Ardour  2 days Ardour
Arruba  2 days Ardour
Averse  2 days Ampere-
BlAcK Kn1GhT  2 days The Barbershop
Burzum  2 days Ampere-
Calibra  2 days Ampere-
Curitiba  2 days Warpath
Daedalus  2 days Repelled
Deceive  2 days Solstice
Displaced  2 days Ampere-
Due  2 days Ardour
EsCaPe~SniPe  2 days -Black Squadron-
Extortionist  2 days AseVoimat
garfield  2 days Ampere-
Goddamnit  2 days Solstice
Grey Hawk  2 days The Barbershop
HydroBuds  2 days Ampere-
IcER  2 days Ampere-
IDTGAA  2 days The Barbershop
immortal seedsman  2 days Ampere-
J Masta  2 days Ampere-
jorma k.  2 days AseVoimat
Kaktus  2 days AseVoimat
Killer Soldier  2 days Ampere-
LADYS MAN  2 days The Barbershop
Legions  2 days Golden Gun
LigerZero.  2 days Warpath
Linc  2 days Ardour
Locket  2 days Solstice
Lollotus maksimus  2 days AseVoimat
Lomoro  2 days Warpath
Mile  2 days Ardour
Mojomanx  2 days Golden Gun
N3O  2 days Golden Gun
Nave.  2 days Ampere-
nave253  2 days Ampere-
pesuankkaX  2 days AseVoimat
Proximo  2 days Warpath
Retrofire  2 days Warpath
Scram  2 days Warpath
Shipuli  2 days AseVoimat
Skinneh  2 days Ardour
SpArK_dRaGoN  2 days Golden Gun, Ardour
spitfire#12  2 days The Barbershop
Stealthpigeons5  2 days The Barbershop
Team Punishment#2  2 days The Barbershop
Terroristi Lintu  2 days AseVoimat
Titus Totan  2 days -Black Squadron-
Toosh  2 days Warpath
varamies  2 days AseVoimat
Vermillion Flame  2 days Golden Gun
vf-142-rex  2 days Warpath
Wash Basin  2 days Ampere-
Woken  2 days Golden Gun
academic_freak  1 days KillerTiger
Activekill  1 days KillerTiger
Adverse  1 days Krilos
ALL CANADIAN BEAVER  1 days KillerTiger
BeefBurger  1 days Krilos
BillyBishop  1 days KillerTiger
Bla1  1 days KillerTiger
bLAck Ice  1 days The Barbershop
btyhunter  1 days KillerTiger
chiggastylez  1 days Ardour
Crossfirez  1 days KillerTiger
Custers Last Stand  1 days KillerTiger
Dacite  1 days Krilos
Dark Mage  1 days KillerTiger
Dark Pulu  1 days AseVoimat
Darkmoor  1 days Krilos
DarkSlasher117  1 days KillerTiger
Dark_Ruler  1 days KillerTiger
DarXGhost  1 days KillerTiger
die foo!  1 days Golden Gun
dooby  1 days KillerTiger
DzaR  1 days KillerTiger
f5 furie  1 days KillerTiger
FableMan  1 days KillerTiger
hollister21  1 days KillerTiger
i'm the undertaker  1 days KillerTiger
Inglish  1 days Krilos
ISRAELI F15-I ACE  1 days KillerTiger
ISRAELI F16-I IDIOT  1 days -Black Squadron-
Johnno  1 days KillerTiger
KaAoSJuMaLaTaR  1 days AseVoimat
Kaddafi  1 days KillerTiger, Golden Gun
Kamakazy  1 days Krilos
KillerGt1  1 days -Black Squadron-
KillerTiger  1 days KillerTiger
killer_savior  1 days -Black Squadron-
Korayl  1 days KillerTiger
Lagg  1 days KillerTiger
legend<---  1 days KillerTiger
Lord_Shiron  1 days KillerTiger
Magis  1 days KillerTiger
MetalKid  1 days Solstice
Mugoi Sensei  1 days Krilos
nava  1 days AseVoimat
Nilberzerg  1 days Warpath
Nindo  1 days Krilos
Nuclear 8 Ball  1 days KillerTiger
OmegaStar  1 days Krilos
One Half Dork  1 days KillerTiger
Peezer  1 days KillerTiger
POOLSHARK  1 days KillerTiger
Pure Karate  1 days Ardour
R0X0R L33T  1 days KillerTiger
Razor199  1 days KillerTiger
RBH  1 days KillerTiger
Renic  1 days KillerTiger
Roberts957  1 days KillerTiger
Roman Candle  1 days KillerTiger
SI>Rottielover  1 days KillerTiger
Spawner  1 days KillerTiger
Spheres  1 days Ampere-
spiker!!  1 days KillerTiger
Spikey  1 days Ampere-
str8 up c.r.i.p  1 days KillerTiger
Sylence  1 days Krilos
taika  1 days AseVoimat
Tecumseh  1 days KillerTiger
The IceStorm  1 days AseVoimat
TriPoLLo  1 days KillerTiger
Truedge  1 days KillerTiger
unohtumaton_piina  1 days AseVoimat
Vatican Assassin  1 days Ampere-
VeggieTalesReturns  1 days KillerTiger
WWW.MEGACHART.TK  1 days KillerTiger
Xog <RH>  1 days Warpath
Zeuss  1 days KillerTiger