
GA boi
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads Taken   CrYstIlIzE   Agressive   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (11)
Taken (Jul 01, 2003 - Aug 02, 2003)
CrYstIlIzE (Jun 26, 2003 - Jul 01, 2003)
Agressive (Jun 12, 2003 - Jun 12, 2003)
Agressive (Jun 12, 2003 - Jun 12, 2003)
Agressive (Jun 11, 2003 - Jun 11, 2003)
Riposte (Jun 04, 2003 - Jun 05, 2003)
PayDay (Jun 04, 2003 - Jun 04, 2003)
Ghetto Fabulous (May 16, 2003 - May 26, 2003)
Solstice (May 10, 2003 - May 15, 2003)
Imperial Alliance (Apr 27, 2003 - May 06, 2003)
Delta-Zero (Apr 24, 2003 - Apr 27, 2003)
Has been on the same squad (116)
Hexeen  32 days Taken, Solstice
Ancient  31 days Taken
Climate  31 days Taken
Danoumas  31 days Taken
Divine Warrior  31 days Taken
Ent|ty  31 days Taken
Fluff  31 days Taken
MerlinDW  31 days Taken
StarOfBethlehem  31 days Taken
suicidal monkey  31 days Taken
Trial  31 days Taken, Riposte
Deadbird  23 days Taken
Dagor  20 days Taken
Watch And Learn  16 days Taken
Eclipse_GTS  14 days CrYstIlIzE, Imperial Alliance
3 KinGs  13 days Taken
Bag O' Bones  13 days Solstice, Taken
Wixi  13 days Taken
Phenostyrix  11 days Taken
Paper Clip  10 days Taken
taker  10 days Taken
Vertigo5  10 days Taken
CFBishop  9 days Imperial Alliance
CrK  9 days Imperial Alliance
DivineDragon  9 days Imperial Alliance
fiery dawn  9 days Imperial Alliance
IA Emperor  9 days Imperial Alliance
Mr.Hankey  9 days Imperial Alliance
Newbie4eva  9 days Imperial Alliance
PiTViPeR  9 days Imperial Alliance
S P A R K Y  9 days Imperial Alliance
Samurai Sniper  9 days Imperial Alliance
Swift Warrior  9 days Taken
teslatuba  9 days Imperial Alliance
the good aderty  9 days Imperial Alliance
The Hostile Apostle  9 days Imperial Alliance
ToFu?  9 days Taken
WG)SolarBurn  9 days Taken
The Avanger  8 days Imperial Alliance
8===D  7 days Ghetto Fabulous
Divinity of Flames  7 days CrYstIlIzE, Taken
fasttx  7 days Taken
kurrelgyre <sm>  7 days Imperial Alliance
KyKe  6 days Taken
RaGe*  6 days Taken
Tonight  6 days Taken
Xonk  6 days Imperial Alliance
AzN_pRiDe  5 days CrYstIlIzE
Calibra  5 days Agressive, Taken
Captain Ludo  5 days CrYstIlIzE
Devill  5 days CrYstIlIzE, Riposte
retscap  5 days CrYstIlIzE
Angel Dragon  4 days Solstice
Carcass  4 days Solstice
Chronotrigga  4 days Solstice
cowgirl  4 days CrYstIlIzE
dj promo  4 days Solstice
Dumani  4 days Solstice
Electronic  4 days Taken, Agressive
Elfquest  4 days Solstice
Ethena  4 days Solstice
FigNutz  4 days Solstice
FireFlash2K  4 days Solstice
FSTemplar  4 days Solstice
Kinetix  4 days Solstice
Literally  4 days Solstice
Mojomanx  4 days CrYstIlIzE
phreeze  4 days Solstice
Prophet  4 days Solstice
R>A>G>E  4 days Solstice
Reavor  4 days Riposte, Solstice
Rocket Soldier  4 days Solstice
Sacrifices  4 days Solstice
Sirius.  4 days Solstice
SlightlyRetardedBob  4 days Solstice
Slotheroo  4 days Solstice
Sweetumz  4 days CrYstIlIzE
Waive  4 days CrYstIlIzE
wEaViL  4 days Solstice
Yup!  4 days Solstice
CoLGaTe  3 days CrYstIlIzE, Riposte
HR Puffinstuff  3 days Solstice
HydroBuds  3 days Taken
Ingeniouz  3 days Ghetto Fabulous
J Masta  3 days Taken
nedra*  3 days CrYstIlIzE
Santas Claws  3 days Ghetto Fabulous
The_One!  3 days Solstice
5dge45dg  2 days Delta-Zero
Bubbaz3d1  2 days Delta-Zero
Clark Kent!  2 days CrYstIlIzE
Coenny  2 days Delta-Zero
dozybrit  2 days Delta-Zero
EliteMamothQueen56  2 days Delta-Zero
Eva_01  2 days Delta-Zero
Gapiro  2 days Delta-Zero
highway_donkey  2 days Delta-Zero
II 2pac II  2 days Riposte, Ghetto Fabulous
Kick33  2 days Delta-Zero
Light <TW>  2 days Taken
Plague-Wind  2 days Delta-Zero
Psychomantis  2 days Delta-Zero
RagnarokOnlineGamer  2 days Delta-Zero
Raidon  2 days Delta-Zero
Stealthpigeons5  2 days Delta-Zero
Tenshanhan  2 days Delta-Zero
TRIGUN VASH  2 days Delta-Zero
Ultiman  2 days Delta-Zero
Anti-$pecialist  1 days CrYstIlIzE, Taken
aussie chick  1 days Taken
Big and Black  1 days CrYstIlIzE
DeMoNoFdArKnEsS  1 days CrYstIlIzE
Digidog  1 days CrYstIlIzE
Dominatorious  1 days Taken
Unimaginable  1 days Taken
Vladstock  1 days CrYstIlIzE