
Squad None
Rank Player
Last 3 Squads *lethal penguins*    Gantz   Voyagerz   
Medals None
Donated None

Previous Squads (5)
*lethal penguins* (Aug 18, 2005 - Aug 21, 2005)
Gantz (Jun 19, 2005 - Jul 13, 2005)
Voyagerz (Jun 10, 2005 - Jun 15, 2005)
TeamAutobots (Sep 22, 2004 - Jun 10, 2005)
-GIANTS- (Sep 12, 2004 - Sep 22, 2004)
Has been on the same squad (156)
CreamSiCkle  130 days TeamAutobots
Fall Out Boy  129 days TeamAutobots
shibby sk8er  129 days TeamAutobots
TeamAutobots  116 days TeamAutobots
tousee-yang  41 days TeamAutobots
elemental  24 days Gantz
Geillan  24 days Gantz
Georgebob  24 days Gantz
Loder  24 days Gantz
Lu Xun  24 days Gantz
Rabid-Wombat  24 days Gantz
RADIOMARU  24 days Gantz
Yang Wenli  24 days Gantz
Missa  22 days Gantz
Bourbon  20 days Gantz
Kolbi  20 days Gantz
nUcLeAr DiSaStEr  20 days Gantz
Nurse  20 days Gantz
Actuate  19 days Gantz
Druss  19 days Gantz
Elite assasin  19 days Gantz
FurioFuhrer  19 days Gantz
Guitar Guy  19 days Gantz
Koveres  19 days Gantz
locate  19 days Gantz
odp123  19 days Gantz
Overheat  19 days Gantz
Ramza  19 days Gantz
rockafella  19 days Gantz
sportszack  19 days Gantz
starpax  19 days Gantz
Upon  19 days Gantz
Alpha Dog  18 days Gantz
Freedom Gundam ZGMF  18 days Gantz
PEGASiS  18 days Gantz
Exterminator789  17 days Gantz
Katsuya  17 days Gantz
Mr.Shortround  17 days Gantz
Solae  17 days Gantz
ben_dover  16 days Gantz
Demonik  16 days Gantz
Expecto Patronum  16 days Gantz
Last Rites  15 days Gantz
Lil Tye  15 days Gantz
a virus  14 days TeamAutobots, -GIANTS-
Elmers  14 days Gantz
Nlie  14 days Gantz
Pilgram  14 days -GIANTS-, Voyagerz
yata  14 days TeamAutobots
Beefs  13 days Gantz
Z*E*R*0  13 days Gantz
DeMoNoFdArKnEsS  12 days Voyagerz, Gantz
Jack Jeckel  12 days Gantz
Niala.  12 days TeamAutobots
blow_meeh  11 days *lethal penguins*, -GIANTS-
Discript  11 days Gantz
expunge  11 days Gantz
Jake Jeckel  11 days Gantz
roosterman85  11 days -GIANTS-, TeamAutobots
A Fuzz  10 days Gantz
BoNeR!  10 days -GIANTS-
Luke Skywall<er  10 days Gantz
morin  10 days -GIANTS-
Stifled  10 days Gantz
stilt  10 days Gantz
venal  10 days Gantz
Azuma  9 days -GIANTS-
coalchamber  9 days -GIANTS-
Cuda  9 days Gantz
ind3p3nd3nt  9 days -GIANTS-
markian  9 days -GIANTS-
Shot_Down  9 days -GIANTS-
Surface Tension  9 days -GIANTS-
wt?  9 days -GIANTS-
ChemikalIsGod  8 days -GIANTS-, TeamAutobots
Dark_grim  8 days Gantz
Include  8 days TeamAutobots
Marie  8 days -GIANTS-
aZn_WaRbiRd  7 days Gantz
Kenpachi  7 days Gantz
Lady Venom  7 days Gantz
Spider Web  7 days TeamAutobots
Bardicer  6 days Gantz
coxcomb  6 days Gantz
Kirikou  6 days TeamAutobots
Las Legos  6 days -GIANTS-
coky  5 days Gantz
Extinct  5 days Gantz
Firth  5 days Gantz
JeepersCreepers  5 days Gantz
Knuutikeko  5 days TeamAutobots
l2aNgE  5 days -GIANTS-
Madsouljah  5 days Gantz
Razor199  5 days -GIANTS-
reinhold  5 days Gantz
Suffocated  5 days Gantz
Tye  5 days TeamAutobots
3000GT VR4  4 days Gantz
7 12 6  4 days TeamAutobots
Activist  4 days Voyagerz
Azhar  4 days -GIANTS-
Busch  4 days Voyagerz
Drunk-Dragon  4 days -GIANTS-
HockeyPuck  4 days Voyagerz
Killerbee2  4 days TeamAutobots
Knuck Boi  4 days Voyagerz
Krunked  4 days -GIANTS-
LaGTaCuLaR  4 days Voyagerz
MoonAura  4 days -GIANTS-
OpiumX  4 days Voyagerz
Spacely  4 days Voyagerz
Xpect  4 days Gantz
A Fur  3 days Gantz
AnarioN  3 days Gantz
Ar(V)aGeDDoN  3 days *lethal penguins*
Bill Clinton  3 days *lethal penguins*
Bluedrac_NL  3 days *lethal penguins*
Death123  3 days *lethal penguins*
Dodge2live  3 days *lethal penguins*
fourtwenty  3 days Gantz
Jiggle Billy  3 days *lethal penguins*
Nazerik  3 days TeamAutobots
nemus  3 days *lethal penguins*
porch  3 days Gantz
Shadoclaw  3 days *lethal penguins*
Toxic Fuzz  3 days *lethal penguins*
Toyota.  3 days Gantz
xXU|timat3_V3g3t4Xx  3 days Gantz
Zechs Marquis  3 days Voyagerz
Alexi  2 days *lethal penguins*
Androovski  2 days -GIANTS-
BlackMage  2 days TeamAutobots
TehNewbDied  2 days Gantz
The Penguinater  2 days *lethal penguins*
volable  2 days Voyagerz
Wtf!?  2 days TeamAutobots
Xert  2 days -GIANTS-
021  1 days Voyagerz
Cursum  1 days Gantz
Deadly Agression  1 days Voyagerz
Eclipse_04  1 days Gantz
FattyMcFatterson  1 days Voyagerz
golden duck  1 days -GIANTS-
Hans Wiegel  1 days Gantz
HateMom  1 days Voyagerz
KillerGt1  1 days Gantz
Nomadic  1 days Gantz
nt_crew  1 days Voyagerz
Organic Gangster  1 days *lethal penguins*
phoolio  1 days *lethal penguins*
Poplar  1 days -GIANTS-
slip kn0t  1 days *lethal penguins*
Starflam  1 days -GIANTS-
TURBO LAG  1 days Gantz
xAznxBaybexGrylx  1 days *lethal penguins*
Xenosis  1 days Gantz